Analog Science Fiction and Fact
• Vol. 125 No. 8, July/August 2005, $5.99/C$7.99, 240pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton
• Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This double issue has a novella by Bud Sparhawk, novelettes by Rajnar Vajra, Brian Plante, Robert R. Chase, and Michael A. Burstein, and short stories by Joe Schembrie, Scott William Carter, Carl Frederick, Gregory Benford, and Stephen Baxter.
• Several stories are sequels or parts of series, including Burstein's "TelePresence", a sequel to his debut story "TeleAbsence" that appeared exactly 10 years ago, and Baxter's "Climbing the Blue", set a few centuries after 2004's "PeriAndry's Quest". There's also a "Probability Zero" vignette by Peter L. Manly.
• The science fact article is "Mission to Utah" by Wil McCarthy, subtitled "a science fiction writer's adventures at the Mars Society Desert Research Station".
• Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial, about cliches; John G. Cramer's "The Alternate View" column, concerning a research problem Cramer was involved with; book reviews by Tom Easton, covering Andreas Eschbach, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Jerry Oltion, and others; "Brass Tacks" letters; and "Upcoming Events" from Anthony Lewis. There's also (page 8) results of the Analytical Laboratory for last year, whose winners were announced in May at the Nebula Awards banquet.
• Rich Horton reviews this issue in the upcoming July issue of Locus Magazine, commenting on the stories by Brian Plante and Stephen Baxter.
Asimov's Science Fiction
• Vol. 29 No. 7 (whole #354), July 2005, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by Jacob de Heusch
• Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
• Website:
• Message Board:
• The cover story is Michael Swanwick's "Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play", his latest about scoundrels Darger and Surplus, with an illustration from a painting at the Rafael Valls Gallery in London. There's also a novelette by Daniel Grotta, and short stories by Stephen Baxter, Richard Mueller, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Samantha Ling, Peter Friend, and Edd Vick. Poetry in this issue is by Sandra Lindow, Mario Milosevic, Steven Utley, and Roger Dutcher.
• Departments include Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, recalling the first time he attended a Worldcon in the British Isles, in 1957; James Patrick Kelly's "On the Net" column, about digital Hugos, which already appeared a while back on the Asimov's website; a "Thought Experiments" essay by Walter Jon Williams, about the Science Fiction Village; Paul Di Filippo's "On Books" column, covering James H. Schmitz, John Varley, John C. Wright, and others; and Erwin S. Strauss' "SF Conventional Calendar".
• Also, full results of the 2005 Readers' Awards, whose winners were announced in May at the Nebula Awards banquet. Posted online is the complete table of contents.
• Nick Gevers reviews the issue in the upcoming July issue of Locus Magazine, especially recommending the stories by Baxter, Grotta, and Swanwick.
Book of Dark Wisdom
• Issue 6, Summer 2005, $6.00/C$8.00, 96pp, cover art by Dave Carson
• Tri-annual publication of Dark Fiction and Lovecraftian horror, edited by William Jones
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by A.A. Attanasio, Sherry Decker, Gene O'Neill, Simon Owens, Wesley Lambert, Lavie Tidhar, John Shire, Michael Kelly, and James S. Dorr, plus poetry by C.J. Henderson, Lee Clark Zumpe, Justin Kloer, Bruce Boston, Zohar A. Goodman, and Samuel Minier.
• Departments include an editorial, letters, Richard A. Lupoff's "Writer at Large" column, this time about radio broadcasting and changing styles of humor over the decades, a "Strange Happenings" column by Michael Lohr, about the "Sumerian Shadow Queen", an interview with Ramsey Campbell, film commentaries, and reviews.
• The table of contents, with teasers from the stories, is online here.
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
• Issue 165, Vol. 38 No. 4, Spring 2005, $4.95, 48pp, cover art by Frank Wu
• Website:
• Feature in this issue are an essay by John Dalmas, "Reviews, Reviewing, and Writing"; an article by Ron Vitale about starting your own blog; a short piece by W.F. Hall on "Myths of Alien Contact: No Magic Translator"; a tribute to Andre Norton by A.C. Crispin; and Bud Webster's "Anthopology 101" column, this time about Annette Pelz McComas' The Eureka Years.
• This special Nebula Awards issue has brief bios of this year's nominees with comments about their nominated works.
• Regular columns include Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg's "Dialogues" installment XXV, about "Myths"; Robert Metzger's "State of the Art", on "Science Fantasy"; Steve Carper's "Writers' Bloc"; and Cynthia Ward's "Market Report".
• Departments include a President's Message from Catherine Asaro about this year's Grand Master and Service to SFWA awards; an Editor's Message by Mark Kreighbaum; and various items about new SFWA members, officers, and webstaff.
• Issue 198, May/June 2005, £3.50/$6.00, 66pp, cover art by Kenn Brown
• Monthly SF magazine, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Chris Beckett, Matthew Hughes, Christopher East, John Aegard, and Dominic Green.
• Features include an editorial by David Mathew, David Langford's "Ansible Link", a commentary by Mike O'Driscoll about the purpose of reviews (responding to the controversy over The Alien Online's decision to cease reviewing), book reviews by Peter Loftus, Stephanie Burgis, Iain Emsley, and others -- plus a return to Interzone of book reviewer John Clute, with a "Scores" column covering Gregory Feeley, Rana Dasgupta, and Holly Phillips -- and an interview by Rick Kleffel of Kazuo Ishiguro about the science fiction in Never Let Me Go; and finally, film reviews by Nick Lowe.
• The website's current issue page has the table of contents, with extracts from the stories.
• Rich Horton reviews this issue in the upcoming July issue of Locus Magazine, commenting on the stories by Chris Beckett and by Dominic Green -- who is "perhaps Interzone's best-kept secret -- an always clever and mordantly funny writer who never seems to appear anywhere else".
• Issue 6, 2005, C$6.95/$7.95, 80pp, cover art by Stephanie Ann Johanson
• Quarterly SF magazine published from Vancouver, Canada, debuting 2003; edited by Karl Johanson
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Frank C. Gunderloy Jr., C.L. Russo, Vaughan Stanger, Scott Mackay, Thomas Canfield, and Yvonne Pronovost.
• Nonfiction includes brief items about 'car books', film reviews, and science news, plus an editorial and two other items by editor Karl Johanson, "A Walk Through the Periodic Chart" about Rhodium, and "The Last Three Pages" with text and diagrams about the proposed Orion spacecraft.
• The magazine's website includes subscription info, submission guidelines, and a description of this issue.