Realms of Fantasy
Vol. 11 No. 4, April 2005, $3.99/C$5.99, 90pp, cover art by Kinuko Craft
Bimonthly fantasy magazine, published since 1994; edited by Shawna McCarthy
Fiction in this issue is by Gene Wolfe, Graham Edwards, Richard Parks, Christopher Barzak, Liz Williams, Jay Lake, and Margaret Ronald.
Departuments include Resa Nelson's column on TV, about Lost (with a sidebar about other Fantasy TV), a "Folkroots" column by Kristen McDermott about superstition in Western theater, book reviews by Gahan Wilson and Paul Witcover, a "Gallery" feature by Karen Haber about artist Gary Gianni, and games reviews by Eric T. Baker.
Collectors note this is volume 11 number 4, not number 3 as indicated on the table of contents page.
(Wed 16 Feb 2005)