December 2005 issue of Locus Magazine features--
- Interviews with writers Robin Hobb and Paul McAuley
- Listings of Forthcoming Books in the US and UK through September 2006
- News stories about the the World Fantasy Awards winners and banquet, the folding of Sci Fiction, and Baen's new online magazine
- People & Publishing items about Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, L. Ron Hubbard, Salman Rushdie, Gene Wolfe, Lois McMaster Bujold, Walter Mosley, Brian Aldiss, and many others
- Bibliographic listings of the month's New Books and Magazines published in the US and UK
- Obituaries of Michael G. Coney, John Fowles, Keith Parkinson, and others
- Lots of reviews, including
- Gary K. Wolfe on Stephen Baxter and Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu;
- Faren Miller on George R.R. Martin and Richard Paul Russo;
- Damien Broderick on Gary Gibson;
- Carolyn Cushman on N.M. Bowne and Maria V. Snyder;
- Karen Haber on art books by Cathy & Arnie Fenner and Max Bertolini;
- Diverse Hands reviews by Nick Gevers, Graham Sleight, Rich Horton, Tim Pratt, and new contributor Jack Zipes
...among many others
Cover Design: Arnie Fenner