T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s |
April 2005 Issue 531 Vol. 54 No. 4
38th Year of Publication 26-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Color Interviews Design by Arnie Fenner
The Three Susanna Clarkes / 6
Williamson Lectureship Lunch Speech
by Walter Jon Williams / 35
Laurel Winter: A Dip in the Gene Pool / 66
Beth Meacham: The Kid on the Bicycle / 68
M A I N S T O R I E S / 5 & 10
Andre Norton (1912-2005) Haldeman and Sinisalo Win 2004 Tiptree Award 2004 Stoker Awards Preliminary Ballot 2005 Williamson Lectureship
P E O P L E & P U B L I S H I N G / 8
Notes on marriages, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Anne McCaffrey, Samuel R. Delany, Joe Haldeman, A.E. van Vogt, Ursula K. Le Guin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Octavia E. Butler, and many others
T H E D A T A F I L E / 11
2004 World Fantasy Awards Judges Campbell Eligibility Expanded New Andre Norton Award SF in Best American Short Stories Wildside Joins Diamond Anansi Auction 2005 Clarion Saved Trekkies Unite Peter Pan Flies Again Fiction Felony Miramax Books Absorbed Announcements Close Encounters in Florida Awards Worldcons News Publishing News Contest News Online News Financial News
Magazines Received: February / 40
Books Received: February / 41
British Books Received: January / 52
Bestsellers / 54
L O C U S L E T T E R S / 59
Ellen Datlow
O B I T U A R I E S / 63
Andre Norton Appreciations by James Frenkel, Mercedes Lackey, and Lyn McConchie F.M. Busby Appreciations by Robert Lichtman and Brian Herbert Zdzislaw Beksinski Appreciation by James Cowan Sonya Dorman Raylyn Moore Geoffrey Palmer James Avati Karen Wynn Fonstad Stephen Gregg G.M. Carr
Short Fiction Reviews by Nick Gevers / 12
Interzone 1-2/05; Sci Fiction 3/05; F&SF 5/05; The Mammoth Book of New Jules Verne Adventures, Mike Ashley & Eric Brown, eds.; Realms of Fantasy 2/05.
Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 13
Analog 4/05; Asimov’s 3/05; F&SF 4/05; Amazing 3/05; Sci Fiction 3/05; Strange Horizons 2/05; Infinite Matrix 2/05; Neo-Opsis #5; Cosmic Tales: Adventures in Far Futures, T.K.F. Weisskopf, ed.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 15
The Carpet Makers, Andreas Eschbach; No Present Like Time, Steph Swainston; Sunstorm, Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter; Shadow of the Giant, Orson Scott Card; The Bradbury Chronicles, Sam Weller.
Reviews by Faren Miller / 19
Metallic Love, Tanith Lee; Fatal Women, Tanith Lee (as Esther Garber) & Juliette Shapiro (as Yolande Sorores); 34, Tanith Lee (as Esther Garber); Fossil Circus, John Kaiine; With Her Body, Nicola Griffith.
Reviews by Russell Letson / 21
The Well of Stars, Robert Reed; Old Man’s War, John Scalzi.
Reviews by Nick Gevers / 23
Spin, Robert Charles Wilson; Mists of Everness, John C. Wright; Harp, Pipe and Symphony, Paul Di Filippo; Why Should I Cut Your Throat? Excursions into the Worlds of Science, Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, Jeff VanderMeer.
Reviews by Damien Broderick / 27
The Hidden Family, Charles Stross; Live! From Planet Earth, George Alec Effinger.
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 29
Whales on Stilts!, M.T. Anderson; Aunt Dimity and the Next of Kin, Nancy Atherton; Dead Beat, Jim Butcher; Dead as a Doornail, Charlaine Harris; Shadows of Myth, Rachel Lee; Crystal Soldier, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller; Child of a Rainless Year, Jane Lindskold; The Keys to the Kingdom: Drowned Wednesday, Garth Nix; Survivor in Death, J.D. Robb.
Reviews by Divers Hands: Rich Horton, Tim Pratt / 31
The Fair Folk, Marvin Kaye, ed.; The Overnight, Ramsey Campbell; Mad Dog Summer and Other Stories, Joe R. Lansdale; Night Visions 11, Bill Sheehan, ed.
Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 13, 17, 20, 33
Quoted Without Comment / 40, 42, 56, 59