The 20th annual L. Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards were presented August 20th in Hollywood at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Winners were William T. Katz in the story contest, and Laura Deihl in the illustrator contest. Each received a $4000 cash prize.
In addition, Anne McCaffrey was awarded the L. Ron Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Arts. A long-time judge of the writers award, she was accompanied by other attending judges Kevin J. Anderson, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Eric Kotani, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers and Writers Contest Coordinating Judge K.D. Wentworth.
Illustrator of the Future judges participating in the event included Vincent Di Fate, Frank Kelly and Laura Brodian Freas, Illustrator Contest Coordinating Judge Ron Lindahn and his wife and Illustrator colleague Val Lakey Lindahn, Judith Holman, and 1991 Illustrator Grand Prize winner, Sergey Poyarkov.
The event also included the release of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XX, an anthology from Galaxy Press publishing stories and art from the quarterly winners and runners-up from the past year, including this year's Grand Prize winners.
Upper photo:
Astronaut Story Musgrave (left) and actress Sofia Milos (CSI: Miami) honor William Katz, Grand Prize winner of the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest.
Lower photo: Anne McCaffrey receives the L. Ron Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts.
(Photos by Stefano Paltera/AUTHOR SERVICES, INC.)
Writers of the Future
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Writers/Illustrators of the Future Awards
Past winners by Year
Past finalists and winners