An Original Anthology of Canadian Speculative Fiction
Tesseract Books announces that Tesseracts9, the 2004 volume in an award winning series of original anthologies of Canadian Speculative Fiction, is now open for submissions. With a different editorial team for each volume, the series is representative of the best Canadian SF. Editors for Tesseracts9 will be
Geoff Ryman and Nalo Hopkinson.
The Tesseracts anthology series is open to submissions in either English or French from Canadians, landed immigrants, long time residents, and expatriates. French stories will be translated into English for publication if accepted. Tesseracts is open to both short fiction and poetry. While the series has included stories as long as 10,000 words, preferred length is 7,500 words or less. Speculative fiction includes the genres of magic realism, science fiction, fantasy (this term incorporates dark fantasy and supernatural fiction), horror, and la fantastique. In all these areas, the editors prefer not to be presented with genre clichés reworked, but with original, well-written, well-crafted works of art. Send us your best!
The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2003. Reporting time is about 15-20 weeks following the deadline. Payment is $20 for poetry, $50 for stories under 1,500 words, rising to a maximum of $100 for stories of over 5,000 words. (Significantly longer stories, where chosen, are paid a slightly higher fee, but in order to exceed the word length limit of 7,500 words, the editors must judge a story to be of surpassing excellence.) Tesseract Books buys non-exclusive world rights; that is, Tesseract Books is free to market the Tesseracts9 anthology as a whole anywhere in any language, but contributors retain the right to market their individual entries outside the anthology.
Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced, 12-point type (preferably Times New Roman or Courier font) on quarto (8 1/2 x 11) OR A4 (8 1/4 x 11 3/4) paper, minimum weight 16 lbs; near-letter-quality dot matrix printing is acceptable, provided the ribbon is sufficiently dark and computer printouts are separated and paper-clipped. No fancy fonts or coloured inks or papers, except good off-white recycled paper is OK. Please include your name, address, telephone number and, where applicable, your fax number and e-mail address on the first page of the manuscript; each page should also have a number and a brief identifier in header or footer. Electronic submissions will be accepted, but ONLY if sent to and followed by hard copy and SASE for editors’ replies. No faxes! All manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you wish your manuscript to be returned, the return envelope and postage must be sufficient for this purpose, or the manuscript will be considered disposable, and destroyed. To be returned, manuscripts from outside Canada must be provided with sufficient Canadian stamps or International Reply Coupons. Do NOT send originals. Tesseract Books cannot be responsible for submissions lost in transit. If you require acknowledgement of receipt of your manuscript, include a self-addressed stamped postcard.
Mailing address for anthology submissions only:
Tesseracts9, c/o Tesseract Books,
#330, 10113 104 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T5J 1A1.
Sample copies of the previous volumes in this series are available by e-mail order from Tesseracts is $5.95; Tesseracts3 is $7.95; Tesseracts4, TesseractsQ, Tesseracts5, Tesseracts6 are $8.95, and Tesseracts7 and Tesseracts8 are $9.95. Add $3 postage and handling for first book ordered, $2 for each additional book, plus 7% GST (US orders no GST, pay in US$). Get a free order-friendly list of all Tesseract Books titles by sending an SASE to P.O. Box 1714, Station M, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2L7.