T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s |
May 2003 Issue 508 Vol. 50 No. 5
36th Year of Publication 24-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Interviews Design by Arnie Fenner
William Gibson: Crossing Borders / 6
Karl Schroeder: Crocodiles / 76
P E O P L E & P U B L I S H I N G / 8
Notes on births, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Ursula K. Le Guin, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, William Gibson, Harlan Ellison, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Neil Gaiman, and many others
M A I N S T O R I E S / 11
2002 Nebula Awards Winners 2003 Hugo Awards Nominations Allen Funds SF Museum Emshwiller Wins 2003 Philip K. Dick Award Big Engine Flameout 2003 Asimov Undergraduate Awards 2002 Stoker Ballot 2002 PW Bestsellers
T H E D A T A F I L E / 13
Wildside Expands AOLTWBG Bidding Cools Communities Read SF UK Library Rates Rise UK Most Borrowed Books VAT for E-tailers RH Anthrax Threat Worldcons Updates Announcements Potter Rules Legal News Awards News Book News Online News
I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E P O R T S / 38
Greece Bulgaria Brazil Israel
Conventions / 44
Magazines Received: March / 46
Books Received: March / 47
British Books Received: February / 59
Bestsellers / 60
2 0 0 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E O N T H E F A N T A S T I C I N T H E A R T S / 68
Report by Gary K. Wolfe and Jennifer A. Hall
E D I T O R I A L M A T T E R S / 73
ICFA Hugo Nomination Locus Poll
O B I T U A R I E S / 74
Harry Warner, Jr. Jacques Chambon Paul Zindel John Foyster Willis E. McNelly "George" Solonevich
Short Fiction Reviews by Nick Gevers / 14
F&SF 4/03; Asimov’s 5/03; Sci Fiction 4/03; Realms of Fantasy 4/03; Black Gate Spring ’03.
Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 15
Weird Tales Spring ’03; Sci Fiction 4/03; F&SF 5/03; Interzone 1/03; Black Gate Spring ’03; Analog 5/03; Asimov’s 5/03; Strange Horizons 3/10/03; Strange Horizons 3/17/03.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 17
Memory, Linda Nagata; McSweeney’s Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, Michael Chabon, ed.; Transfinite: The Essential A.E. van Vogt, A.E. van Vogt; A New Dawn: The Complete Don A. Stuart Stories, John W. Campbell, Jr.
Reviews by Faren Miller / 21
Mojo: Conjure Stories, Nalo Hopkinson, ed.; A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli; Louisiana Breakdown, Lucius Shepard; Letters from Hades, Jeffrey Thomas; Snowball’s Chance, John Reed; SHORT TAKES: Wasteland of Flint, Thomas Harlan; Blood and Souls, John Davey.
Reviews by Edward Bryant / 25
Righteous Blood, Cliff Burns; Islands, Sara Stamey; SHORT TAKES: The House Inside, Norman Partridge.
Reviews by Nick Gevers / 27
The Phoenix Exultant, John C. Wright; The Silver Gryphon, Gary Turner & Marty Halpern, eds.; Witpunk, Claude Lalumière & Marty Halpern, eds.; Tomorrow Happens, David Brin.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 31
Song of the Beast, Carol Berg; The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 1: The Field Guide, Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black; The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 2: The Seeing Stone, Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black; Magic’s Silken Snare, ElizaBeth Gilligan; Something from the Nightside, Simon R. Green; Snow, Tracy Lynn; Messiah Node, Lyda Morehouse; Midnight for Charlie Bone, Jenny Nimmo; Wizard at Work, Vivian Vande Velde; The Wizard Hunters, Martha Wells.
Divers Hands: Reviews by Alyx Dellamonica and Tim Pratt / 33
Untied Kingdom, James Lovegrove; Mojo: Conjure Stories, Nalo Hopkinson, ed.; Beyond This Dark House, Guy Gavriel Kay.
Locus Looks at Art Books: Reviews by Karen Haber / 35
Progressions, Jon Foster; Isolation and Illusion, Collected Short Stories 1977-1997, P. Craig Russell; Mad Art: A Visual Celebration of the Art of Mad Magazines and the Idiots Who Create It, Mark Evanier; SHORT TAKE: The Wind in the Willows: Vol. 4: Panic at Toad Hall, Kenneth Grahame, adapted and illustrated by Michel Plessix.