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June 2002 Issue 497 Vol. 48 No. 6
35th Year of Publication 23-Time Hugo Winner
Cover, Interviews, and Interior Color Design: Arnie Fenner
Main Stories
Hershey Joins Putnam/12 Jones Wins 2002 Clarke Award/12
2001 Asimov’s/Analog Awards/12 Heinlein Award Announced/12
2001 Chesley Awards Nominations/12 2001 PW Bestsellers/13
The Data File
SFWA Election Results/13 Andromeda Lives/13 Ellison Saves (Money)/13
New Booker Sponsor/13 NASA Forages for Parts/13 SF Tax to Fund NASA?/13
Dracula Sells After Auction/89 Dracula Kingdom/89 Star Wars at 25/89
Attack of the Tie-Ins/90 Amazon Discontinues Special Orders/90 HH Buys John Murray/90 Worldcons Updates/90 Big Brother RFID/90 King Update/90 Legal News/90 Awards/90 Publishing News/91 Bestseller Notes/91 Audio News/91 Magazine News/91 POD News/91 Williamson Birthday/91 Online News/91
Financial News/91
International Rights/92 Other Rights/92
Paul McAuley: Pinball Zeitgeist/6 Nina Kiriki Hoffman: One Step Away/10
2002 World Horror Convention/42 2002 Nebula Awards Weekend/46
George Alec Effinger/82 Appreciations by Barbara Hambly, Gardner Dozois, Pamela Sargent/82
Richard Cowper/84
Joan Harrison/85 Appreciations by Brian Aldiss, Sam J. Lundwall/85
Mary Scott/85 Betsy Curtis/85 Denis McLoughlin/85
Bruce Pelz/85 Tom Sutton/86 Bill Peet/86 Robert Kanigher/86
R.A. Lafferty Appreciation by Michael Swanwick/86
Damon Knight Appreciations by Kitte Knight, Gardner Dozois, Joe Haldeman/87
Forthcoming Books/51 British Forthcoming Books/58
Magazines Received: April/62 Books Received: April/63 British Books: March/77
Bestsellers/80 Photo Listing/93 Index to Ads/93
Columns & Departments
People & Publishing/14 Editorial Matters/88
Locus Looks at Books
Short Fiction Reviews by Nick Gevers / 16
Asimov’s 5/02; Realms of Fantasy 4/02; The Silver Web 1/02; ...is this a cat? ; Sci Fiction 5/02; F&SF 6/02; The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction, Mike Ashley, ed.
Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 17
Interzone 2/02; Interzone 3/02; The Infinite Matrix 4/3/02; Analog 6/02; Asimov’s 6/02; The Birthday of the World and Other Stories, Ursula K. Le Guin; Future Orbits 4-5/02; Sci Fiction 5/02; F&SF 6/02.
Locus Looks at Books
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 19
Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang; A Scattering of Jades, Alexander C. Irvine; Coraline, Neil Gaiman; Effendi: The Second Arabesk, Jon Courtenay Grimwood; The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction, Justine Larbalestier.
Reviews by Faren Miller / 23
Spaceland, Rudy Rucker; Evening’s Empire, David Herter; The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque, Jeffrey Ford; The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds.; Piper in the Night, Dave Smeds; SHORT TAKE:
The Martian Child, David Gerrold.
Reviews by Russell Letson/ 27
The Golden Age, John C. Wright; Light Music, Kathleen Ann Goonan.
Reviews by Edward Bryant / 29
The Mermaid That Came Between Them, Carol Anne Sima; A Walking Tour of the Shambles, Gene Wolfe & Neil Gaiman; SHORT TAKES: A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Henry Hardy Heins; True Tales of the Scarlet Sponge, Wayne Allen Sallee; Swedish Lutheran Vampires of Brainerd, Anne Waltz.
Reviews by Nick Gevers / 31
Permanence, Karl Schroeder; Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide to David Brin’s Uplift Universe, David Brin & Kevin Lenagh; Mars Probes, Peter Crowther, ed.; SHORT TAKE: The Emperor of Dreams, Clark Ashton Smith.
Reviews by Bill Sheehan/ 33
Clive Barker: The Dark Fantastic, Douglas E. Winter; Hunted Past Reason, Richard Matheson; Chindi, Jack McDevitt.
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 35
The Eye of Night, Pauline J. Alama; Hunted, N.M. Brown; To Trade the Stars, Julie E. Czerneda; The Curse of Arkady, Emily Drake; Sabrina Fludde (In the US as The Secret of Sabrina Fludde), Pauline Fisk; Outlaw Sword, J. Ardian Lee; Top 10: Book 2, Alan Moore; The Circle Opens: Cold Fire, Tamora Pierce; The Isle of Battle, Sean Russell.
Divers Hands: Reviews by Alyx Dellamonica and Tim Pratt / 37
American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold, Harry Turtledove; Argonaut, Stanley Schmidt; Hannibal’s Children, John Maddox Roberts; Slain in the Spirit, Melanie Tem; Caliban and Other Tales, Robert Devereaux.
Locus Looks at Art Books: Reviews by Karen Haber / 39
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, Lewis Carroll, illustrated by Mervyn Peake; The Science Fiction Art of Vincent Di Fate, Vincent Di Fate; Perceptualistics, art by Jael, text by John Grant; Masters of Animation, John Grant; SHORT TAKES: The Adventures of Pinocchio: The Story of a Puppet, Carlo Collodi, illustrated by Iassen Ghiuselev; What Pete Ate from A-Z (Really!), Maira Kalman; The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, Barbara Kerley, illustrated by Brian Selznick; Frida, Jonah Winter, illustrated by Ana Juan.
