US Books Published this week:
David Gemmell Ravenheart (Ballantine Del Rey)
J. Gregory Keyes The Shadow of God (Ballantine Del Rey)
[Complete list of notable books scheduled for July]
SFFH Films opening 4 July in US:
Scary Movie 2 [ IMDb ]
Cats & Dogs [ website | IMDb ]
New on Region 1 DVD, 3 July:
Dracula 2000
V: The Original TV Miniseries [1983]
Logan's Run [1976]
Outland [1981]
Westworld [1973]
Conventions (5 - 8 July)
WESTERCON 54 (Portland OR)
CONVERGENCE 2001 (Minneapolis-St. Paul MN)
PARCON (Czech Republic)
Author Appearances
Mon 2 Jul 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Barnes & Noble, 2100 N. Snelling Ave., Rosedale MN, US, 7 p.m.
Tue 3 Jul 2001
Nalo Hopkinson reads and signs at Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 South Main St, Seattle WA, US, 7:30 p.m. (2001 Clarion West Writers Workshop Reading)
Fri 6 Jul 2001
Greg Keyes (The Shadows of God) signs at Waldenbooks, 1476-B Solano Mall, Fairfield CA, US, 7 p.m.
Sat 7 Jul 2001
Jeanne Cavelos (Babylon 5: Casting Shadows) signs at Barnes & Noble, Manchester NH, US, 2 p.m.
Greg Keyes (The Shadows of God) signs at Dark Carnival Books, 3086 Claremont Ave, Berkeley CA, US, 2 p.m.
L.E. Modesitt Jr (The Shadow Sorceress) reads and signs at Flights of Fantasy Books & Games, 221 Central Ave, Albany NY, US, time tba
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Forbidden Planet, New Oxford Street, London, UK, 1 p.m.
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