Best Books of 2000
The following selections and comments are by Locus reviewer Jonathan Strahan.
A composite Recommended Reading list, comprising recommendations from various Locus reviewers and other contributors, is in work; a preliminary version is posted here; the final list will appear in the February 2001 issue of Locus Magazine.
It was another good year, with a surprising number of excellent books from British writers, a bunch of great collections, and was particularly notable for the quality of big, fat novels by George R.R. Martin, China Miéville, Mary Gentle and others. As always, I didn't come close to reading all of the books that I would have liked to (Mary Gentle's Ash, Philip Pullman's The Amber Spyglass, and George R.R. Martin's A Storm of Swords are ones I particularly hope to get to), but of those books I did read these were all essential additions to the bookshelf:
- Baxter, Stephen - Space: Manifold 2(HarperCollins Voyager)
- De Lint, Charles - Forests of the Heart (Tor)
- Dowling, Terry - Blackwater Days (Eidolon [Australia])
- Duncan, Andy - Beluthahatchie and Other Stories (Golden Gryphon)
- Haldeman, Joe - The Coming (Ace)
- McKillip, Patricia A. - The Tower at Stony Wood (Ace)
- Miéville, China - Perdido Street Station (Macmillan)
- Powers, Tim - Declare (Subterranean; Morrow 2001)
- Pratchett, Terry - The Truth (Transworld)
- Reynolds, Alastair - Revelation Space (Gollancz)
- Stableford, Brian - The Fountains of Youth (Tor)
- Sterling, Bruce - Zeitgeist (Bantam)
- Stewart, Sean - Galveston (Ace)
- Tan, Shaun - The Lost Thing (Lothian [Australia])
- Yolen, Jane - Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories (Tor)
If I were pushed to recommend a shorter list, I'd say don't miss the Miéville, Powers, Stewart or Sterling titles. If only one book - don't miss Zeitgeist.
Jonathan Strahan
