Corpus Christi, Texas; Omni Bayfront Hotel
The hotel from nearby pier; foreground right, Landry's, a popular seafood restaurant
Closer view of the hotel, and adjacent office towers
Pier and clouds
From the hotel: piers; Landry's; Corpus Christi Bay
In the hotel: Topsider Lounge, social hub of the con
Another view
Beautiful downtown Corpus Christi
Mass Autograph Party, Friday evening (a World Fantasy Con tradition)
The room
Laurel Winter, Andy Duncan
David G. Hartwell, and son Peter
Al Sarrantonio, Joe R. Lansdale
Charles de Lint, Charles Vess
Sharon Shinn, Louise Marley
J. Gregory Keyes, Gene Wolfe, Rosemary Wolfe
David Lunde, Patricia A. McKillip
Patricia A. McKillip; Patrick O'Leary with new book
Brian Lumley
F. Paul Wilson
Ed Bryant; Charles N. Brown
Stephen Dedman, F. Brett Cox
John Crowley
John O'Neill (SF Site; Black Gate); Ted Chiang
Tim Powers
Connie Willis
Room Parties
Fedogan & Bremer
John O'Neill, F. Brett Cox, David Truesdale
Ellen Datlow; Chris Lotts
K.W. Jeter
Eileen Gunn (The Infinite Matrix)
Scott Edelman, Jack Dann
Paul Witcover, Patrick LoBrutto
Author Signings
Michael Moorcock
John Crowley
Around and About
Charles N. Brown, Connie Willis
K.W. Jeter, Louise Marley
The Awards Banquet
Jeffrey Ford, Stephen R. Donaldson
The room; Sean Russell, Ellen Datlow in f.g.
The World Fantasy Awards, waiting to be awarded
David G. Hartwell and John Douglas, administrators of the awards