SFFH on Bestseller Lists 31 January 2000
Brian Jacques's The Legend of Luke (Philomel) enters hardcover fiction bestseller lists at NY Times and SF Chronicle.
Dean Koontz's False Memory (Bantam) holds steady, maintaining its #1 slot at LA Times, and returning to the BookSense list.
BookSense has ranked all four current Harry Potter editions (three hardcovers and one paperback) in a tie for #1 on its children's bestsellers list, allowing a few other books onto a list which only goes to 5th place.
One of LaHaye and Jenkins's ''Left Behind'' books, Apollyon, has left Amazon.com's hardcover list for its paperback list.
Neither the Amazon.com nor the Amazon.co.uk SF genre bestseller list has been updated this week. Those columns are unchanged from last week's page.
The table compiles SFFH books placing 15th or higher on general bestseller lists (30th or higher on the combined USA Today list), and 10th or higher on SF genre lists (last three columns).
The current rank of each book and the change since last week are shown, where:
= same as last week
+ or - with number: difference since last week
+ back on list
++ new on list
x no longer on list (number of x's: weeks off list)
Columns show ranks on lists from, respectively, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, London Times, Publishers Weekly, Amazon.com (general lists), and BookSense; then SF lists from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Barnesandnoble.com.
All the general lists rank hardcovers and paperbacks separately, except for (*) the USA Today list, which is a single list combining fiction and nonfiction in all formats. Some books are on separate children's lists (ch), trade paperback lists (tpb), or mass market paperback lists (mm), as indicated.
The SF genre lists (last three columns) rank hardcovers and paperbacks together. These lists are undated, but were compiled on the dates indicated.
Title |
NYT 30 Jan |
LAT 30 Jan |
SFC 30 Jan |
26 Jan |
30 Jan |
28 Jan |
London Times 30 Jan |
31 Jan |
(26 Jan) |
Book Sense
31 Jan |
SF [30 Jan] |
Amz UK
SF [30 Jan] |
SF [30 Jan] |
Items compiled/total on list |
15/30 |
15/15 |
15/15 |
30/100 |
10/10 |
10/10 |
10/10 |
15/15 |
15/25 |
15/15 |
10/25 |
10/10 |
10/10 |
Fiction hardcovers |
Card, Ender's Shadow |
7 = |
5 +1 |
Crichton, Timeline |
8 -3 |
13 -1 |
10 + |
xxx |
5 -2 |
7 +2 |
xx |
5 +1 |
2 +1 |
4 = |
xxx |
x |
xxx |
Gibson, All Tomorrow's Parties |
xx |
10 = |
Hamilton, Laurell, Obsidian Butterfly |
x |
3 = |
Hamilton, Peter, The Naked God |
5 = |
3 +1 |
Harris, Hannibal |
xxx |
10 -1 |
xxx |
Herbert/Anderson, Dune: House Atreides |
xxxx |
9 = |
4 -1 |
Jacques, The Legend of Luke |
14 ++ |
12 ++ |
2 ch +3 |
Koontz, False Memory |
5 -1 |
1 = |
29 -3 |
6 -1 |
6 +1 |
4 -1 |
4 +3 |
14 + |
x |
LaHaye/Jenkins, Assassins |
12 + |
Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant |
7 -2 |
4 -2 |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Azkaban |
2 = |
8 -2 |
2 = |
8 -1 |
2 = |
2 = |
3 ch -1 |
1 ch +2 |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets |
1 = |
2 +1 |
1 = |
5 +1 |
1 = |
1 = |
2 ch +1 |
1 ch +1 |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
4 -1 |
10 -3 |
5 +1 |
4 +2 |
5 -1 |
4 ch= |
1 ch +3 |
Rucka, Batman: No Man's Land |
7 ++ |
Salvatore, Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime |
x |
Stephenson, Cryptonomicon |
x |
xxxx |
1 = |
x |
Tolkien, LOTR boxed set (trilogy) |
1 +4 |
Wurts, Grand Conspiracy |
6 ++ |
NYT 30 Jan |
LAT 30 Jan |
SFC 30 Jan |
26 Jan |
30 Jan |
28 Jan |
London Times 30 Jan |
31 Jan |
(26 Jan) |
Book Sense
31 Jan |
SF [30 Jan] |
Amz UK
SF [30 Jan] |
SF [30 Jan] |
Fiction paperbacks |
Herbert, Dune Messiah |
8 ++ |
Holt, Only Human |
8 ++ |
Jones, JV, A Cavern of Black Ice |
7 ++ |
Jordan, A Crown of Swords |
x |
Jordan, The Eye of the World |
x |
Jordan, The Great Hunt |
9 + |
Jordan, Lord of Chaos |
10 = |
Jordan, The Path of Daggers |
xxx |
4 = |
2 -1 |
King, Bag of Bones |
x |
King, The Green Mile |
2 +1 |
xxx |
10 -1 |
9 = |
3 mm -1 |
6 -1 |
3 = |
3 +1 |
King, Misery Special Ed. |
10 ++ |
King, Pet Sematary |
2 ++ |
Koontz, Seize the Night |
13 -4 |
25 +3 |
13 mm +1 |
LeHaye/Jenkins, Apollyon |
11 ++ |
LeHaye/Jenkins, Left Behind |
xxx |
13 tpb = |
15 -4 |
LeHaye/Jenkins, Tribulation Force |
x |
Maguire, Wicked |
6 = |
Peake, The Gormanghast Trilogy |
6 ++ |
Pinto, The Chosen |
5 ++ |
Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum |
xx |
1 = |
Pratchett, The Colour of Magic |
x |
Pratchett, The Last Continent |
x |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
4 -2 |
1 +1 |
3 -1 |
2 = |
1 ch= |
1 ch= |
Stephenson, Snow Crash |
xxx |
2 = |
Tolkien, The Hobbit |
9 = |
White, Stuart Little |
5 ch + |
Zelazny, The Great Book of Amber |
xxx |
8 = |
NYT 30 Jan |
LAT 30 Jan |
SFC 30 Jan |
26 Jan |
30 Jan |
28 Jan |
London Times 30 Jan |
31 Jan |
(26 Jan) |
Book Sense
31 Jan |
SF [30 Jan] |
Amz UK
SF [30 Jan] |
SF [30 Jan] |