Locus Online


Poll Results Survey Results Comments
(This was the Poll and Survey form -- now disabled)


What's the best new SF novel you've read in the last year?

What's the best new fantasy novel you've read in the last year?

What's the best new horror/dark fantasy novel you've read in the last year?

What's the best new non-SF/F/H novel you've read in the last year?

What's the best new nonfiction book you've read in the last year?

Who's your favorite all-time Science Fiction writer?

Who's your favorite all-time Fantasy writer?

Who's your favorite currently-active SF or Fantasy writer?


Age Sex

Do you read Locus magazine?
Yes (subscribe) Yes (don't subscribe) No

How often do you visit Locus Online?
Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely

Which of the following 1998 movies have you seen?
The Truman Show Armageddon Star Trek Insurrection
Saving Private Ryan Shakespeare In Love Central Station

Do you watch-- regularly occasionally not at all
Babylon 5
The X-Files
Star Trek Voyager
Ally McBeal
The Simpsons
South Park

Have you read or purchased the following 1998 books? read it bought but haven't read (yet) neither
Robert Jordan's The Path of Daggers
Bruce Sterling's Distraction
George R.R. Martin's A Clash of Kings
Robert Silverberg's The Alien Years
Sean Stewart's Mockingbird
Paul J. McAuley's Child of the River
Stephen King's A Bag of Bones
Thomas M. Disch's The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of
David Brin's The Transparent Society
Tom Wolfe's A Man In Full
Neal Gabler's Life the Movie
Edward O. Wilson's Consilience

Which of the following magazines do you read?
Asimov's Analog Starlog Wired Time Publishers Weekly

Have you ever attended a:
science fiction convention? Worldcon? neither
Did you attend the '98 Worldcon? yes no
Do you nominate vote for the Hugos?

How many 1998 SF/F/H novels (books first published in that year) have you read?
0 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 40 more than 40

How many books do you read each month?
SF/F/H books   Other books

How many movies do you see each month?
Theater movies   TV/Video movies

Have you purchased online..? books CDs other

Comments? (e.g. What else would you like to see on Locus Online?)

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