news, magazines, webzines
April 1999
German Phantastic Awards
Winners of the German Phantastic Award, or award@phantastik.de 99, were announced April 18th, live on the Internet at the German SF-chat www.pre.de. Winners include the German translation of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather as Best International Novel and as Best Translation; Babylon 5 as Best TV Show and for Best F/X, and Star Trek: Insurrection as Best Feature Film. German winners were Andreas Eschbach's Jesus Video for novel, Joachim Koerber's ''Der Untergang des Abendlandes'' for short story, and Peter Terrid, Author of the Year. The complete list of winners and runners-up is here.
(Thu 22 April 1999)
Ditmar Nominations
The Australian National Science Fiction Association has released the final ballot for the 1999 Australian Science Fiction Achievement Awards (Ditmars) for works by Australians in calendar year 1998. Voting is restricted to members of Spawncon 2, the 1999 Australian National Science Fiction Convention, and to Australian members of Aussiecon 3, the 1999 World Science Fiction Convention. The 1999 Awards will be presented at the Other Awards Ceremony at Aussiecon Three.
The convention received 109 nominating ballots. The Best Australian Fan Writer and Best Australian Audio-Visual Presentation categories were eliminated due to the small number of nominations received.
- Australian long fiction
- The Centurion's Empire, Sean McMullen (Tor)
- Feral, Kerry Greenwood (Hodder Headline Australia)
- Pilgrim, Sara Douglass (HarperCollins Australia)
- The Resurrected Man, Sean Williams (HarperCollins Australia)
- The Tilecutter's Penny, Caiseal Mór (Random House Australia)
- Australian short fiction
- "Dream Until God Burns", Andrew Enstice (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- "The Evil Within", Sara Douglass (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- "The Marsh Runners", Paul Brandon (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- "Queen of Soulmates", Sean McMullen (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- "To Avalon", Jane Routley (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- "The Truth About Weena", David J. Lake (Dreaming Down-Under HarperCollins Australia)
- Australian magazine or anthology
- Altair, Robert N. Stephenson, ed. (Altair Publishing)
- Aurealis: The Australian Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Dirk Strasser & Stephen Higgins, eds. (Chimera Publications)
- Dream Down-Under, Jack Dann & Janeen Webb, eds. (HarperCollins Australia)
- Eidolon, Jonathan Strahan & Jeremy G. Byrne, eds. (Eidolon Publications)
- Fantastic Worlds, Paul Collins, ed. (HarperCollins Australia)
- The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paul Collins, ed. (Melbourne University Press)
- Australian fanzine
- The Captain's Log, Rose Mitchell
- Ethel the Aardvark, Ian Gunn
- Interstellar Ramjet Scoop, Bill Wright
- The Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie
- Out of the Kaje, Karen Johnson
- Thyme, Alan Stewart
- Australian fan artist
- Kerri Valkova
- Ian Gunn
- Robert Jan
- Dick Jenssen
- Marco Nero
- Australian professional artwork
- AussieCon 3 Progress Reports, Marilyn Pride
- Cover of Fantastic Worlds (HarperCollins Australia), Marc McBride
- Covers of Cannibals of the Fine Light and A View Before Dying (both Ticonderoga), Emma Barber
- Covers of The Man Who Melted and Dreaming Down-Under (both HarperCollins Australia), Nick Stathopoulos
- The Rabbits (Lothian), Shaun Tan
- William Atheling Jr. Award for Criticism or Review
- Aliens & Savages, Janeen Webb & Andrew Enstice (HarperCollins Australia)
- Contributions to The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy, Steve Paulsen (Melbourne University Press)
- The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paul Collins (Melbourne University Press)
- "No Axis No Boundary", Sean Williams & Simon Brown (Altair 1)
- Reviews in Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field, Jonathan Strahan
- Reviews in The New York Review of Science Fiction, Damien Broderick
(Thu 22 April 1999)
Previous April news, Page 2:
Jim Turner, 1945 - 1999
Previous April news, Page 1:
SFWA to honor J. Michael Straczynski
British SF Association Awards
Geoff Ryman Wins Philip K. Dick Award
HOMer nominations
Bram Stoker nominations
Sturgeon Award semi-finalists