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Standing links: For listings of media and gaming conventions, try the SF-Lovers conventions listing or the listings on SF Site. |
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JANUARY 1999 ARISIA '99 (Jan 8-10 '99) Westin Copley Place, Boston MA. GoH: Roger MacBride Allen. AGoH: Gary A. Lippincott. FGoHs: Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden. Memb: $40. Info: ARISIA Inc., 1 Kendall Square, Suite 322, Cambridge MA 02139; e-mail: info@arisia.org; website: www.arisia.org GAFILK 1 (Jan 8-10 '99) Ramada Inn Atlanta Airport South, Atlanta GA; rms $69 + tax. GoH: Juanita Coulson. TM: Lee Billings. Memb: $40; $10 supp. Website: www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/1192/gafilk.htm CHATTACON XXIV (Jan 15-17 '99) Clarion River Plaza, Chattanooga TN. GoHs: John Barnes, Barbara Hambly. AGoHs: Bob Eggleton, Diana Sharples. Special Guest: Bruce Sterling. TM: Wendy Webb. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Chattacon XXIV, Box 23908, Chattanooga TN 37422-3908; (770) 578-8461; e-mail: chattacon_info@mindspring.com J. LLOYD EATON CONFERENCE XX (Jan 15-17 '99) UC Riverside, Riverside CA. Theme: SF at the Crossroads of Two Cultures. Info: Eaton Conference, Univ. of Calif. – Riverside, Riverside CA 92521; (909) 787-3721 (Gary Westfahl). RUSTYCON 16 (Jan 15-17 '99) Holiday Inn, Everett WA; rms $65. GoH: John Cramer. AGoH: Monika Livingstone. FGoH: Michael Citrak. Memb: $40 at door. Info: RustyCon 16, Box 84291, Seattle WA 98124; e-mail: rustycon@mail.rdwarf.com; www.rustycon.com/html/index.htm POTLATCH 8 (Jan 22-24 '99) Doubletree Inn, Eugene OR; rms $79. Literary SF con. Special Guest: Jo Clayton. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Potlatch 8, 355 Howard St., Eugene OR 97404; e-mail: potlatch@efn.org; website: www.efn.org/~potlatch VINTAGE CONFUSION (Jan 22-24 '99) Van Dyke Park Suite, Warren MI. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. AGoH: Doug Chaffee. Sci. GoH: Carl Djerassi. FGoH: Nancy Tucker Shaw. TM: Howard DeVore. Memb: $30 at door; supp. $5. Info: Con-Fusion, Box 8284, Ann Arbor MI 48107; e-mail: confusion@stilyagi.org; website: www.stilyagi.org/cons/confusion.html FEBRUARY 1999 CAPRICON XIX (Feb 11-14 '99) Arlington Park Hilton, Chicago IL; rms $70. GoH: David Weber. AGoH: Todd Cameron Hamilton. FGoH: Phoenix. Memb: $30 to 1/15/99, $40 at door. Info: Capricon, Box 60085, Chicago IL 60660; e-mail: info@capricon.org; website: www.capricon.org/index.html BOSKONE 36 (Feb 12-14 '99) Sheraton Tara Hotel, Framingham MA; rms $97sgl/dbl, $107 tpl/quad. GoH: Connie Willis. AGoH: Stephen Youll. Special Guests: Teddy Harvia, Diana Thayer. Memb: $35 to 1/15/99, then more. Info: Boskone 36, Box 809, Framingham MA 01701; (617) 625-2311; e-mail: boskone@nesfa.org; website: www.nesfa.org/boskone CONDOR (Feb 12-14 '99) Town & Country Hotel, San Diego CA. GoH: Tim Powers. Special Guest: Lara Parker. Memb: $25 to 1/31/99, $30 at door. Info: ConDor, Box 15771, San Diego CA 92175; (619) 653-0350; e-mail: dkeais@home.com; website: http://members.home.net/dkeais/condor COSTUME-CON XVII (Feb 12-15 '99) Cherry Hill Hilton, Philadelphia PA. Memb: $65 to 1/15/99, then more; $25 supp. Info: CostumeCon XVII, Box 34739, Philadelphia PA 19101; website: www.libertynet.org/dvcg/ccinfo.html. Info: Concave, Box 3221, Kingsport TN 37664; (423) 239-3106; e-mail: grrobe@preferred.com CONCAVE 20/UPPERSOUTHCLAVE XXIV (Feb 26-28 '99) Park Mammoth Resort, Park City KY; rms $47 + tax. Relaxacon. GoH: Tom Feller. Memb: $20 to 2/13/99, $30 at door. Dealer info: Steve Francis, 5503 Matterhorn Dr., Louisville KY 40216; (502) 448-6582. MARSCON 99 (Feb 26-28 '99) Radison South, Bloomington MN; rms $89. GoHs: Margaret Weis, Jeff Grub, Kate Novak. Memb: $45 at door; $15 supp. Info: MarsCon 99, Box 11414, St. Paul MN 55111; (651) 776-1545; e-mail: marscon99@hotmail.com; website: www.marscon.com SHEVACON VII (Feb 26-28 '99) Ingleside Red Carpet Inn, Staunton VA; rms $60 sgl/dbl, $70 tpl, $80 quad. GoH: Steve White. AGoH: R. Wayt Smith. FGoHs: Antoine & Jeanne Evans. TM: Rikk Jacobs. Memb: $18 to 2/25/99, $20 at door. Info: SheVaCon, Box 416, Verona VA 24482; (540) 886-2154; e-mail: sheva@adelphia.net; website: home.rica.net/drgnshrd/shevacon/index.html SLIPSTREAM 2: SCIENCE FICTION AND BEYOND (Feb 27 '99) LaGrange College, LaGrange GA. Guests include Bruce Sterling, Mary Doria Russell, Paul Di Filippo; also attending, Michael Bishop (Writer-in-Residence at LaGrange College), John Kessel, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Dale Bailey, Jeff Van der Meer, Ann Kennedy, and Andy Duncan. Moderator: F. Brett Cox. Reg: $10. Info: Jack Slay, Dept of English, LaGrange College, 601 Broad St., LaGrange GA 30240-2999; phone (701) 884-4579; email jslay@lgc.com; website http://www.lgc.edu/ACADEMIC/ENGLISH/sci_fict.htm. MARCH 1999 WORLD HORROR CON 1999 (Mar 4-7 '99) Marriott N. Central, Atlanta GA; $95 sngl/dbl, $115 tpl/quad. GoHs: Michael Bishop, John Shirley, Lisa Snellings, more. TM: Neil Gaiman. Memb: $100 at door; $25 supp. Info: World Horror Con '99, Box 148, Clarkston GA 30021-0148; e-mail: horrorcon@aol.com; website: www.worldhorror.org CONTACT 1999 (Mar 5-7 '99) The Biltmore Hotel, Santa Clara CA; rms $79-$99. Interdisciplinary conference of scientists, SF writers, and artists. Keynote speaker: Greg Bear. Other writer/artist guests: Poul & Karen Anderson, Greg Benford, Joel Hagen, Gerald Nordley, more. Memb: $75 at door. Info: Contact, c/o G.D. Nordley, 1238 Prescott Ave., Sunnyvale CA 94089; (408) 541-0358; e-mail: contact@awit.com; website: www.cabrillo.cc.ca.us/divisions/socsci/anthro/jfunaro/contact LUNACON '99 (Mar 5-7 '99) Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook NY. GoH: Vernor Vinge. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. FGoH: Anthony R. Lewis. Memb: $45 at door. Info: Lunacon '99, Box 3566, New York NY 10008; e-mail: lunacon@lunacon.org ; website: www.lunacon.org/lunacon LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, & EVERYTHING XVII (Mar 11-13 '99) Brigham Young Univ., Provo UT. GoHs: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta, Dave Wolverton. Memb: Free. Info: LTU&E, 3163 JKHB, Provo UT 84602; e-mail: mdh25@email.byu.edu; website: www.//humanities.byu.edu/ltue/ltue.htm MECON 2 (Mar 13-14 '99) Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland. GoH: Michael Marshal Smith. Guests: Diane Duane, Stephan Grundy, Graham Joyce, Ian McDonald, Peter Morwood, James White, David Wingrove. Memb: £10/£IR12; supp. £5/£IR6; cheques to Queen's University Science Fiction Society. Info: Mecon 2 c/o Stephen Rushe, Flat 2, 12 Ashley Ave., Belfast BT9 7BT, N. Ireland; e-mail: steve@blackstar.co.uk; web: http://quis.qub.ac.uk/fantasy 20TH INT'L CONFERENCE ON THE FANTASTIC (Mar 17-21 '99) Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hilton; rms $93 sgl-tpl. GoH: Brian Aldiss. Guest: Kim Stanley Robinson. Guest Scholar: John Clute. Special 20th anniversary convention with many past guests invited. Memb: $50. Info: IAFA, College of the Humanities, 500 NW 20th HU-50 B-9, Florida Atlantic U., Boca Raton FL 33431; (954) 475-6747; website: http://ebbs.english.vt.edu/iafa MILLENNICON -2 (Mar 19-21 '99) Blue Ash Hotel & Conf. Ctr., Blue Ash OH; rms $69. GoH: Ben Bova. First Fandom '99 Reunion. Memb: $30 at door. Info: Millennicon, 143 Schloss Lane, Dayton OH 45418; (fax) (513) 932-1957; e-mail: millennicon@mvfl.org; website: www.mvfl.org STELLARCON 23 (Mar 19-21 '99) Holiday Inn Market Square, High Point NC; rms $63. GoHs: Jack L. Chalker, Jody Lynn Nye, Aaron Allston. Memb: $30 at door. Info: StellarCon 23, Box 4, Elliot University Center, UNCG, Greensboro NC 27412; (336) 334-3159; e-mail: stellarcon@aol.com; website: www.uncg.edu/student.groups/sf3/stellarcon.htm TECHNICON 16 (Mar 19-21 '99) Best Western Red Lion Inn, Blacksburg VA. FGoH: Frank Ney. Memb: $29 at door (discounts for students). Info: Technicon 16, Box 256, Blacksburg VA 24063; e-mail: info@technicon.org AGGIECON XXX (Mar 25-28 '99) Memorial Student Center, College Station TX. Guests: Bruce Sterling, Aaron Allston, Joe R. Lansdale, P.N. Elrod, more. FGoH: Meri Hazlewood. Memb: $20 before 3/15/99, $22 at door. Info: AggieCon 30, TAMU, MSC Box J-1, College Station TX 77844; e-mail: aggiecon@msc.tamu.edu; website: http://cepheid.tamu.edu/aggiecon MIDSOUTHCON 17 (Mar 26-28 '99) Sheraton Four Points, Memphis TN; rms $69. GoH: James P. Hogan. AGoH: Joy Marie Ledet. TM: Cullen Johnson. Dealer table: $40 (+ memb). Memb: $30 at door. Info: MidSouthCon 17, Box 11446, Memphis TN 38111; (901) 358-9325 or 274-7355; e-mail: sjcox@netten.net; website: www.watervalley.net/midsouthcon WILLYCON: A SCIENCE/FANTASY FAIRE (Mar 26-28 '99) Wayne State College, Wayne NE. GoH: Jack McDevitt. Memb: $35. Info: Willycon, Wayne State College SF & Fantasy Club, c/o Conn Library, Wayne NE 68787; e-mail: scifict@wscgate.wsc.edu APRIL 1999 NORWESCON 22 (Apr 1-4 '99) SeaTac Doubletree, Seattle Airport WA; rms $92. GoH: Harry Turtledove. AGoH: Richard Hescox. Sci. GoH: Jack Horner. FGoHs: Jack L. Chalker, Eva Whitney. Memb: $55 at door. Info: Norwescon 22, Box 68547, Seattle WA 98168; (206) 270-7850; e-mail: nwc@eskimo.com; website: www.webwitch.com/norwescon ICON [AUST.] 24 (Apr 1-5 '99) Metro Inn, South Perth, Australia. 24th Annual Western Australia Con. GoHs: Jack Dann, Sean Williams, Janny Wurts. Special Guests: Don Maitz, Janeen Webb. FGoH: Dave Luckett. Memb: A$70 to 10/11/98. Info: Icon, 11 GPO Box G429, Perth WA 6841, Australia; e-mail: ackerman@multiline.com.au BALTICON 33 (Apr 2-4 '99) Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore MD; rms $109 + tax. GoH: David Weber. AGoH: Jennifer E. Weyland. Memb: $40 to 3/15/99, $45 at door. Info: Balticon 33, Box 686, Baltimore MD 21203; (410) 563-2737; e-mail: bsfs@balticon.org; website: www.balticon.org MINICON 34 (April 2-4 '99) Hilton Towers & Hotel, Minneapolis MN; rms $72. GoH: Octavia E. Butler. FGoH: Mark & Priscilla Olson. Bookseller GoH: Dave Nee. Memb: $70 at door; $15 supp. Info: Minicon 34, Box 8297, Lake Street Station, Minneapolis MN 55408; e-mail: council@minicon34.mnstf.org; website: www.mnstf.org/minicon34 RECONVENE (EASTERCON 1999) (Apr 2-5 '99) Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool UK; rms £38 sngl, £32/person dbl/twin. GoHs: Peter S. Beagle, Jeff Noon, Tom Holt, John Clute; AGoH: Ron Tiner. Memb: £80 at door. Info: Reconvene, 3 West Shrubbery, Redland, Bristol BS6 6SZ, UK; e-mail: mychelle@firedrake.demon.co.uk; website: www.firedrake.demon.co.uk/reconvene CONTRAPTION (Apr 9-11 '99) Southfield Ramada, Southfield MI. GoH: Nick Pollotta. AGoH: Nene Thomas. FGoHs: David & Diana Stein. Memb: $30 to 3/15/99, $35 at door. Info: Contraption, Box 214055, Auburn Hills MI 48321; e-mail: contraption@hamjudo.com; web: www.contraption.org 5CON (Apr 9-11 '99) Seelye Hall, Smith College, Northampton MA. GoHs: Margaret Weis, Elizabeth Moon. Memb: $25 at door. Info: (e-mail) alshaw@sophia.smith.edu; website: www.smith.edu/ssffs/5con I-CON 18 (Apr 9-11 '99) Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma (nr Stony Brook) NY; rms $99. Special Guest: Harlan Ellison. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. Guests: James P. Hogan, Michael A. Stackpole, Tim Powers, Barry Malzberg, Carol Emshwiller. Memb: $26 to 3/15/99, $32 at door. Info: I-CON, Box 550, Stony Brook NY 11790-0550; voice mail: (516) 632-6045; fax: (516) 632-6355; e-mail: info@iconsf.org; website: www.iconsf.org EERIECON I (Apr 16-18 '99) Fallsview Resort, Niagara Falls NY; rms $59 sngl, $64 dbl, $69 tpl/quad. GoHs: Brian Lumley, Josepha Sherman. Memb: $35 at door. Info: EerieCon I, Box 412, Buffalo NY 14226. GALACTICON 1999 (Apr 16-18 '99) Ramada Inn South, Chattanooga TN. GoHs: Elizabeth Moon, David Weber. Memb: $30. Info: Galacticon 1999, c/o Melvin Baumgardner, 6636 Shallowford Rd., Chattanooga TN 37421; (423) 344-9465; e-mail: galactic01@aol.com; website: http://homepage.usr.com/g/galacticon TO BE CONTINUED... (Apr 16-18 '99) Ramada Inn, South Bend IN; rms $58. GoH: Mickey Zucker Reichert. AGoH: Robin Wood. FGoH: Tracy Lunquist. Filk GoH: Stephen McDonald. TMs: Boudreaux & Thiobedeaux. Memb: $30 at door; $10 supp. Info: To Be CONtinued, c/o MSFFA, Box 11231, South Bend IN 46634; (219) 272-7499; e-mail: msffa.1@nd.edu; website: www.nd.edu/~msffa NAME THAT CON 12: CONZILLA (Apr 23-25 '99) Holiday Inn Airport West, St. Louis MO; rms $74. GoH: Mickey Zucker Reichert. AGoH: Lawrence Allen Williams. Special Guest: Wilson ''Bob'' Tucker. FGoH: Rusty Hevelin. TM: Mark McNary. Memb: $20 to 3/14/99, then $25. Info: NTC 12: ConZilla, Box 575, St. Charles MO 63302. SFERAKON 1999 (Apr 23-25 '99) Zagreb, Croatia. GoH: Robert Silverberg. Info: e-mail: sferacon@sfera.hr; website: www.sferakon.hr ITALCON XXV/ FANTASIA 1999 (Apr 29-May 2 '99) Republic of San Marino, San Marino City. GoH: Ann Marston. AGoHs: Maurizio Manzieri, Maura Boldi, Dalmazio Frau. Memb: Lit. 30,000. Info: Comitato Organizzatore Italcon XXV, c/o Il Cerchio, Via Gambalunga 91, 47900 Rimini (FO), Italy; fax +39 0541/ 708190; e-mail: fantasia@iper.net; website: www.fantascienza.com/italcon ARRACON (Apr 30-May 3 '99) Elblag, Poland. Info: SF Klub Fremen, Marcin Grygiel, skr. Poczt 20, 82-312 Elblag 13, Poland; e-mail: pipok@friko.onet.pl or marcin_grygiel@zt.elblag.pl; website: www.fremen.rpg.vr.pl CORFLU SUNSPLASH (Apr 30-May 2 '99) Sandpiper/Beacon Motel, Panama City Beach FL; rms $72.50 courtyard, $93.50 gulfside. Theme: fanzines. Memb: $45; $15 supp. Info: Corflu Sunspalsh, c/o Shelby Vick, 627 Barton Ave., Springfield FL 32404; (850) 763-0255; e-mail: shelvy@beaches.net DEMICON X (Apr 30-May 2 '99) The Inn at University, Des Moines IA; rms $65 sngl-quad. GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson, Rusty Hevelin, more. Memb: $30 to 4/1/99, $38 at door. Info: DemiCn X, Box 7572, Des Moines IA 50322; (515) 224-7654; e-mail: info@dmsfs.des-moines.ia.us 1999 NEBULA WEEKEND (April 30-May 2 '99) Marriott City Center, Pittsburgh PA; $85 sngl/dbl. Guest Speaker: David Hartwell. TM: Stanley Schmidt. Memb/Banquet: $65. Parties only (incl Awards Ceremony): $25. Send checks (payable to SFWA) to Michael A. Burstein, Box 1713, Brookline MA 02446. Website: www.sfwa.org/awards/99wknd.html MAY 1999 MARCON 34 (May 7-9 '99) Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH; rms $99. GoH: David Drake. AGoH: Erin McKee. Ed. GoH: Steve Saffel. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Marcon 34, Box 141414, Columbus OH 43214; (614) 470-5448; e-mail: info@marcon.org; website: www.marcon.org X-CON 17 (May 7-9 '99) Olympia Resort & Spa, Oconomowoc WI; rms $81. GoH: Kevin D. Randle. AGoH: Jim Groat. FGoH: Maria Pavlac. Memb: $40 at door. Info: X-Con Ltd., Box 334, S. Milwaukee WI 53172-0334; e-mail: xconlimitd@aol.com LEPRECON 25 (May 14-16 '99) Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, Scottsdale AZ; rms $70, stes $150 (+ tax). GoH: Larry Niven. AGoH: Michael Whelan. Local AGoH: Robert Peacock. Memb: $35 at door. Dealer table: $50 (limit 2). Info: LepreCon 25, Box 26665, Tempe AZ 85285; (602) 945-6890; e-mail: leprecon@finger-rock.com; web: www.casfs.org/LepreCon OASIS 12 (May 14-16 '99) Radisson Hotel, Orlando FL; rms $79. GoH: Jerry Pournelle. AGoH: Vincent Di Fate. Memb: $26 at door. Info: Oasis, Box 940992, Maitland FL 32794-0992; (407) 263-5822; e-mail: unca-llyod@sff.net; website: www.oasfis.org CONDUIT 9 (May 21-23 '99) Airport Hilton, Salt Lake City UT; rms $69 sngl/dbl, $169 ste. GoH: Terry Brooks. AGoH: Michael Godwin. FGoH: Bjo Trimble. Memb: $32 at door. Info: CONduit 9, Box 11745, Salt Lake City UT 84147; (801) 294-9297; e-mail: conduit@conduit.hum.utah.edu; website: www.business.utah.edu/~dofjhw/conduit KEYCON 16 (May 21-23 '99) Place Louis Riel, Winnipeg MB, Canada; rms C$65-C$150. GoH: David Drake. AGoH: Denis Beauvais. FGoH: Al Jastrom. Memb: $50 at door. Dealer info: Keycon 16, Attn: Dealers Room, Box 3178, Winnipeg MB R3C 4E6, Canada. Art info: Alex Stornel, c/o con. Info: (website) www.icenter.net/~stornel/keycon/keycon.htm TRINITY/EUROCON 1999 (May 21-24 '99) Astron Suite Hotel & Harenburg City Center, Dortmund, Germany; rms DM138 sngl, DM176 dbl, DM210 tpl.Combined Eurocon, German national con, and Balticon. GoHs: Harry Harrison, Terry Pratchett, Roger MacBride Allen, Ian Watson, Eric Stillwell. Memb: DM129/£43 to 5/20/99, then more. Info.: Beluga Post, Frankfurter Weg 18, D-59439 Holzwickede, Germany; fax: 49-2301-5743; e-mail: TRINITY@cbg.de; website: www.epilog.de/SFTageNRW VCON 24/ LIFE IN SPACE? (May 21-23 '99) Days Hotel City Centre, Surrey BC, Canada. GoH: A.C. Crispin. AGoH: Betty Bigelow. TM: David Bigelow. Memb: C$45/US$30 at door. Info: VCon 24, 1410 Regan Ave., Coquitlam BC V3J 3B5, Canada; (604) 931-1241; e-mail: dmcgover@direct.ca; website: www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/7214/vcon24 BAYCON '99 (May 28-31 '99) Doubletree Inn, San Jose CA. GoHs: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta. AGoH: Nene Tina Thomas. TM: Kent Brewster. Memb: $60 at door. Info: BayCon '99, Box 610427, San Jose CA 95161; (408) 450-1788; e-mail: info@baycon.org CONQUEST 30 (May 28-30 '99) Park Place Hotel, Kansas City MO. GoH: David Drake. AGoH: J.R. Daniels. FGoH: Samantha Star Straf. Special Guest: Wilson Tucker. TM: Esther Friesner. Memb: $30 at door. Info: ConQuest, Box 36212, Kansas City MO 64171; (913) 768-0779; e-mail: sfreader@unicom.net; website: http://www.kcsciencefiction.org/conquest.htm LIBERTYCON 13 (May 28-30 '99) Ramada Inn, Chattanooga TN. GoH: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. AGoH: David Mattingly. Special Guest: Cheryl Mandus. TM: James P. Hogan. Memb: $25 to 5/8/99, then $35; more at door. Info: (website) www.cdc.net/~libcon SECCON (May 28-30 '99) Hertfordpark Hotel, Stevenage UK. GoH: Stephen Baxter. Memb: £23 to 5/1/99, then more. Info: Seccon, c/o 92 Lichfield Road, Cambridge CB1 3TR, UK (Simon & Bridget Bradshaw); e-mail: seccon@sjbradshaw.cix.co.uk; website: www.cix.co.uk/~sjbradshaw/seccon.html TACHYCON 10 (May 28-31 '99) Renaissance Airport Hotel, Orlando FL. Guests: Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, media guests. Memb: $65 at door; 1-day: $20at door. Info: TachyCon '99, Box 3382, Winter Park FL 32790; (407) 678-7778; e-mail: tachycon@ao.net; website: www.scifispace.com/tachycon WISCON 23 (May 28-31 '99) Concourse Hotel, Madison WI; rms $85. GoHs: Mary Doria Russell, Terri Windling. Memb: $50 at door; Fri. $15, Sat. $25. Info: WisCon, c/o SF3, Box 1624, Madison WI 53701; (608) 233-8850; e-mail: wiscon.concom@lists.best.com; website: www.sf3.org/wiscon JUNE 1999 SFRA 1999 (Jun 2-6 '99) Radisson Admiral Semmes, Mobile AL; dbl $79. GoH: Gregory Benford. AGoH: Lisa Snellings. Writer Guests: Kathleen Goonan, Jack McDevitt, Andy Duncan. Special Guest Speaker: I.F. Clarke. Memb: $95 to 5/15/99, $105 at door (incl awards banquet). Banquet only: $25. Info/checks: SFRA 1999 Mobile, Tom Brennan, Dept. of English, Univ. of S. Alabama, Mobile AL 36688. CONCUSSION IV (Jun 4-6 '99) Holiday Inn Central, Omaha NE. GoH: Connie Willis. AGoH: April Lee. Memb: $25 at door. Info: ConCussion IV, Box 85762, Lincoln NE 68501; (402) 488-8441; e-mail: comics@inetnebr.com; website: http://straylight.unl.edu/concussion '99 STOKER AWARDS WEEKEND (Jun 4-6 '99) Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood CA; $139 sngl, $149 dbl, $159 poolside sngl/dbl. Memb: $65 (HWA members), $80 (non-member). Info: HWA, Box 50577, Palo Alto CA 94303; phone Ed Kramer (770) 623-6377; e-mail: edkramer@aol.com 1999 DUM DUM (Jun 10-12 '99) Warner Center Marriott, Woodland Hills CA; $85 sngl/dbl. 38th anniversary gathering of the Burroughs Bibliophiles. Memb: $65 advance, $70 at door; cks to Scott Tracy Griffin, 1453 14th St. #236, Santa Monica CA 90401. Info: (760) 365-5836; website: http://home.att.net/~erblist/dd99.html GRAIL QUEST '99 (Jun 10-14 '99) Sydney University/Uni Lodge Hotel, Sydney, Australia; rms A$100 dbl/twin, A$160 tpl. Theme: Arthuriana. Special Guest: Caiseal Mor. GoHs: Paul Collins, Jack Dann & Janeen Webb, Garth Nix, more. Info: Grail Quest, Cathy Simpson Convenor, 1/30 Ozone St., Cronulla NSW 2230, Australia; phone 61 2 9544 4014; e-mail: grailq@healey.com.au; website: www.tpg.com.au/users/grail AGAMEMCON III (Jun 11-13 '99) Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center, Burbank CA; $89 sngl/dbl, $119 ste. Media/SF con. GoH: J. Gregory Keyes. Media guests (Babylon 5). Memb: $45; one-day $25 (at door). Info: AgamemCon III, 92 Corporate Park, Ste. C-330, Irvine CA 92606; (949) 643-8352; e-mail: orrock@ix.netcom.com; website: www.agamemcon.org DUCKON VIII (Jun 11-13 '99) Ramada Plaza Hotel, Rosemont IL; rms $79 sngl-quad. GoH: Frederik Pohl. AGoH: Ellisa Mitchell. Memb: $40 at door; $10 supp. Info: DucKon VIII, Box 4843, Wheaton IL 60189; e-mail: duckon@wwa.com FOOLSCAP (Jun 11-13 '99) Southcenter Best Western Hotel, Tukwila WA (near Seattle). GoHs: Octavia Butler, Paul Chadwick. Memb: $35. Info: Little Cat Z, Box 2461, Seattle WA 98111; e-mail: foolscap@alexicom.net; website: www.alexicom.net/foolscap AD ASTRA 19 (Jun 11-13 '99) Toronto ON, Canada.--CANCELLED INCENSE & INSENSIBILITY: SF, PSYCHEDELIA & THE 1960S-'70S (Jun 12 '99) Univ. of Liverpool, Liverpool UK. Interdisciplinary conference. Info: Incense & Insensibility Conference, Dept. of English, Language & Literature, Univ. of Liverpool, Modern Languages Bldg., Liverpool L69 3BX, UK; (fax) +44 (0) 151 794 2730. JUNICON/BALTCON '99 (Jun 18-20 '99) Stockholm, Sweden. Guests: Bertil Martensson, Hans Arnold, Martin Easterbrook. Memb: 250 SEK advance, 300 SEK at door. Info: e-mail: tomas.cronholm@mbb.ki.se; website: www.sigmatic.a.se/junicon MIDWESTCON 50 (Jun 24-27 '99) Blue Ash Hotel & Conf. Ctr., Cincinnati OH; rms $85. Relaxacon. Memb: $20 to 6/1/99, $30 at door. Sat. Brunch: $15. Dealer info: Rusty Hevelin, Box 1332, Dayton OH 45401; (937) 223-2144. Info: Pat Sims, 34 Creekwood Square, Glendale OH 45246 CONESTOGA '99 (Jun 25-27 '99) Sheraton, Tulsa OK; rms $72 sngl-quad. GoH: Harry Turtledove. AGoH: David Lee Anderson. FGoH: Keith Stokes. Mystery GoH: Barbara Hambly. Special Guest: George Alec Effinger. TM: Gardner Dozois. Memb: $25 at door. Dealer table: $50. Info: Conestoga '99, Box 54037, Tulsa OK 74155; (918) 836-5463; e-mail: wentwortkd@centum.utulsa.edu; website: http://home.unicom.net/~sfreader/conestoga.htm CONJURATION 1999 (Jun 25-27 '99) Ramada Inn, Columbia MO. GoH: Richard Knaack. AGoH: Ellisa Mitchell. FGoH: Nancy Nutt. TM: Keith Berdak. Memb: $20 advance; $30 at door; Sat. only: $20. Info: Conjuration, Box 874, Columbia MO 65205; (573) 875-0401; e-mail: conjure@gte.net; website: http://home1.gte.net/conjure DARKCON 1999 (Jun 25-27 '99) San Marcos Hotel, Chandler AZ; $55 sngl/dbl, $65 tpl, $75 quad. GoHs: George Clayton Johnson, William F. Nolan. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Darkcon, Box 5833, Glendale AZ 85312; (602) 978-9314; e-mail: darkcon@darkones.org; website: www.darkones.org |
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