Mark Nadolny considers genre definitions
Dear Locus,
It has come to my notice that Stanislaw Lem has, since the
termination of my representation of his literary properties
effective with the end of 1995, asked publishers to make
accountings and payments for contracts arranged by me only
to him. This unjustified and damaging request is both a
violation of the existing licensing agreements as well as
Lem's contract of representation with me which expressly
provides that I will continue to handle his old contracts.
Mr. Lem has in no single case since 1995 made any accounting
to me or paid a commission due.
Harcourt Brace, to whom I have sold some 20 Lem books,
stopped making accountings to me in October 1998 without
informing me of their decision, and apparently it is their
corporate policy to answer only the letters of lawyers or
officials, for Ms. Baldinger, Harcourt's royalty manager,
reacted only to a query from the Austrian Trade Delegate in
the U.S.A., and this only insofar as to refer him to Ms.
Lavelle, legal counsel to Harcourt Brace, who claims that
"as per contract" Harcourt is forbidden to make any payments
to me and will give out information about the royalties
received by Mr. Lem only if they get a court order to do so.
This seems to be case of aiding and abetting a writer who
refuses to honor his contracts, probably because he trusts
that the Polish legal system is so cumbersome as to make the
filing of a suit for minuscule commissions inadvisable. In
this manner Mr. Lem may hope to recover in only several
hundred years what his lost Austrian lawsuit against me cost
Frank Rottensteiner
9 Jun 1999
(posted Wed 9 Jun 1999)
(As noted in the April 1999 Locus Magazine, Lem's lawsuit against Rottensteiner was dismissed after four years by a court in Vienna, which ordered Lem to pay legal costs of about $9,000.)
Dear Locus,
I was reading the review in the [May] issue of [Neal Stephenson's] Cryptonomicon. The
reviewer [Gary K. Wolfe] suggested that this book is a SF-like novel, but not an SF
novel. The reviewer ended, I believe, with the query of how would we
define this book? It was a great book as far as I was concerned and it
deserves the applause and reviews it's been getting, but as to the fact
of what genre it belongs in, I think that is still up in the proverbial
What I do know is that there are other writers out there who are
writing stories in the same vein as Stephenson. These writers might not
intentionally be doing this, rather they are trying to tell the story they
want to tell, regardless of where or when it's set, or what it
involves. These writers, and others like them, would perhaps belong in
this new genre, if it is ever separated from SF or fiction, or perhaps
becomes a sub-genre.
Jonathan Lethem is the perfect example of the "genre" that may be
emerging. Out of his four novels, one of them has a SF background and
mannerisms, and two are more noir in their telling, with the fourth
being more of a parable. So how would you classify him? His publisher
puts him as fiction. I would put him as Science Fiction. But what is
this animal that's being created? Other authors to be possibly included
are: Jeff Noon, Paul DiFilippo, Howard Waldrop (when he publishes), and
Michael Swanwick (recently). Those are just the ones that push towards
the SF side of the mark. Is it post-modernism? Perhaps we should call
it "unfiction" because it's un-classifiable fiction? Whatever we call
it or wherever it belongs, this new "genre" is here now and all
indictions point to it hopefully developing into something as
interesting, insightful, and fun as cyberpunk was in the early 80's.
Mark Nadolny
2 Jun 1999
(posted Mon 7 Jun 1999)