Profiles of April 1998 Issues
Interzone April 1998
Ideological wars: Gary Westfahl takes issue with Brian Stableford's account of Hugo Gernsback, and John Clute's Great People approach to SF history, accusing both of slighting American dominance of science fiction. (He doesn't like Masterpiece Theater either.)
In a letter, Greg Egan takes issue with Gary Westfahl's 'SF monomyth' piece two issues ago.
John Brosnan tells a Hollywood horror story: Roger Corman films Brosnan's novel Carnosaur.
Stephen Baxter does Titanic in an alternate history story about the Beatles' 12th album.
New writer Nicholas Waller has interesting ideas for dissuading Americans from spending their vacation money abroad.
In reviews, Paul J. McAuley looks back at Heinlein while admiring Joe Haldeman's latest novel, and David Pringle considers the sub-genre of 'California sf' with works by Stewart, London, Le Guin, and now Jean Hegland -- a novel also examined by Elizabeth Hand in the April F&SF.
(posted 26 Apr 98)
New York Review of Science Fiction April 1998
More ideological wars: Barton Paul Levenson considers definitions and examines the evidence to conclude that, yes, Heinlein was a fascist after all.
William Sanders, personal friend of Roger Zelazny and partner Jane Lindskold, reviews the posthumous collaboration Donnerjack.
Damien Broderick does a take on international threads of SF, reflecting on what SF reached him in Australia, by way of reviewing The Best of Interzone.
The latest in Michael Swanwick's alphabetic series of vignettes: ''A tiny hatch in the side of the barrel began to open.'' And Swanwick's introduction to the forthcoming publication of a new work by Avram Davidson.
Nancy Lambert is exasperated that James Halperin's books have gotten such great reviews despite being so bad.
(posted 26 Apr 98)
F&SF April 1998
Excellent fiction by Michael Blumlein and Michael Swanwick, including a reprint of the latter's ''Mother Grasshopper'', one of 1997's top ten. Another reprint: Gregory Benford's science column recycles a 1996 story ''Zoomers''. Plus a new Kevin Grierson story by Richard Bowes. Elizabeth Hand reviews understated yet striking books by Howard McCord and Jean Hegland. Film reviewer Kathi Maio is troubled by Robert Heinlein, Paul Verhoeven, and their Hollywood child Starship Troopers.
(posted 4 Apr 98)
Asimov's April 1998
The Disneyfication of the world is the subject of a rare, and funny, story by Norman Spinrad. Robert Silverberg's column describes a visit to Berlin and Dresden, cities where the hideous legacy of the Nazi regime still overshadows everything. In other fiction, Nancy Kress extrapolates the dizzying pace of technological innovation; L. Timmel Duchamp portrays a human girl sold into alien slavery; Gregory Feeley explores the history of spiritus; and Eliot Fintushel fights historical revisionists who have a machine for rectifying history.
(posted 15 Mar 98)
Analog April 1998
Part One of a new serial by Joan Slonczewski, ''The Children Star''. H. G. Stratmann and G. David Nordley discuss problems of living in space, with helpful lists of the medical tests astronauts must endure, injuries and illnesses that space travelers have reported, and the pharmacopeia available on a typical space mission. John G. Cramer's column describes a new device, LIGO, that should finally produce evidence of gravity waves in the year 2000. Editor Schmidt compares the dangers of antibiotic overuse to military secret weapons that must be used sparingly to keep them secret.
(posted 15 Mar 98)