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July - December 1998 July 1998 CONCEPT/WESTERCON 51 (Jul 2-5 '98) Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego CA; rms $98 sngl/dbl/tpl, $108 quad. GoHs: Katherine Kurtz, Scott MacMillan. AGoH: Sue Dawe. FGoH: David Clark. Memb: $60 at door; $20 supp. Info: Concept, Box 15471, San Diego CA 92175; e-mail: concept@westercon.org; website: www.westercon.org/51/index.htm ALBANY ANTHROCON '98 (Jul 3-5 '98) Omni Albany, Albany NY; rms $75/95. GoH: Jeffrey Carver. AGoH: Jim Groat. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Albany AnthroCon, Box 324, Watervliet NY 12189; phone (Roger Wilber) (518) 271-9984; e-mail: aac@wizvax.net; website: www.wizvax.net/aac/index.html GAYLAXICON 8 (Jul 3-5 '98) Troy Marriott, Troy MI; rms $75. GoH: Anne Harris. AGoHs: Kurt Erichsen, Frank Gembeck, Jr. Memb: $35 (no one under 18 w/o parent or guardian). Info: Gaylaxicon 8, Box 700392, Plymouth MI 48170; e-mail: gaylaxicon8@aol.com; website: www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/2355/glgcon8b.htm INCONJUNCTION XVIII (Jul 3-5 '98) Indianapolis Marriott, Indianapolis. GoH: Mike Resnick; Ed. GoHs: Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith; AGoH: Vincent DiFate; TM: Arlan Andrews; Memb: $30 at door. Info: InConJunction, Circle of Janus P.O. Box 19776 Indianapolis, IN 46219; website: www.sff.net/people/ljdunn/Incon.html; e-mail: ldunn@iquest.net INTERCONTACT '98 (Jul 3-5 '98) Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. GoHs: Pat Cadigan, Gwyneth Jones, Johannes H. Berg. Memb: $30/£20. Info: InterContact '98, Box 121 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway; Hans Persson (Swedish agent), Domaregatan 8, S-586 Linköping, Sweden; Martin Hoare (UK agent), 45 Tilehurst Road, Reading RG1 7TT, UK; Larry van der Putte (Netherlands agent), Kotter 5, 1186 WH Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Info: e-mail: c.w.pulido@sosiologi.uio.no; website: www.uio.no/~cwpulido/index.html FANTASY LITERATURE DAY (Jul 4 '98) Ipswich, England. GoHs: Jonathan Wylie, Maggie Furey. Memb: £4 for one talk, £6 for both. Info: 115 Anglesea Rd., Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3PJ, UK; e-mail: the_mces@compuserve.com EX-KHAN (KA-NINE) (Jul 10 '98) Ramada Inn, Colo. Springs CO; $79 sngl, $89 dbl-quad. GoH: Cynthia Felice. SF/Gaming con. Memb: $20. Banquet: $15. Info: Ex-Khan, c/o Penny Tegen, 2926 Valarie Cir., Colorado Springs CO 80917-3832; (719) 597-5259. CONCUSSION 3 (Jul 10-12 '98) Holiday Inn Central Convention Center [NEW SITE], Omaha NE. GoHs: Timothy Zahn, Margaret Weis, S.M. Stirling, Laurell K. Hamilton, Don Perrin, Jeff Easley. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Concussion 3, Box 85762, Lincoln NE 68501-5762; (402) 477 8430; e-mail: conc@binary.net; website: www.binary.net/conc INFINITY (Jul 10-12 '98) Angel Hotel, Cardiff, Wales; £50 sngl, £40 dbl. GoHs: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, Lionel Fan-thorpe, media guests. AGoH: Danny Flynn. Sci. GoH: Jack Cohen. Emph: fandom, Dr. Who. Memb: £45 at door; £10 supp. Dealer table: £50 (pro), £25 (amateur). Info: Infinity SF Con, 12 Stuart St., Treherbert, Treorchy, CF42 5PR, Wales; e-mail: infinityscificon@hotmail.com; website: www.cf.ac.uk/ccin/main/ents/sffc/infinity.html READERCON 10 (Jul 10-12 '98) Boston Marriott - Westborough, Westborough MA; rms $70 sngl/dbl (+ tax). GoHs: Lisa Goldstein, Bruce Sterling. Memb: $40 to 6/30/98, $50 at door. Info: Readercon, Box 381246, Cambridge MA 02238; e-mail: zeno@mit.edu; website: www.mit.edu/~zeno/readercon.html CONJURATION '98 (July 10-12 '98) Days Inn, Columbia, MO. GoH: Lawrence Watt-Evans; Artist GoH: Nene Thomas; Fan GoH: Bear Reed. Memb: $25 at door. Info: Box 874, Columbia MO 65205-0874, (573) 446-8919; website: http://home1.gte.net/conjure; e-mail: conjure@gte.net PHANCON '98 (Jul 11-12 '98) Gazebo Hotel, Parramatta, NSW. GoHs: Terry Pratchett, David Gemmell, Sara Douglass. Memb: $A75. Info: 02 47223600, fax 02 47316 729, e-mail: kemil@oze-mail.com.au C.S. LEWIS CENTENARY CELEBRATION/MYTHCON XXIX (Jul 15-20 '98) Wheaton College, Wheaton IL; $290 sngl, $240 per person dbl (prices are for entire convention and include board) until 6/10/98. Guests: Paul F. Ford, Verlyn Flieger. Memb: $110; checks to Mythcon XXIX. Info: Lewis Centenary Celebration (Mythcon XXIX), c/o Lynn Maudlin, Box 394, Altadena CA 91003; e-mail: maudlinlynn@earthlink.net; website: home.earthlink.net/~emfarrell/mythsoc/mythcon29.html CON-VERSION 15 (Jul 17-19 '98) Coast Plaza Hotel, Calgary AB, Canada. Guests: J. Michael Straczynski, Joe Haldeman, Dave Duncan, more. Memb: C$45 at door. Info: Con-Version 15, 4, 203 Lynnview Rd. SE, Calgary AB T2C 2C6, Canada; (403) 247-0968; e-mail: toblanbr@cadvision.com; website: http://nucleus.com/~garyf/conver.html HUNGAROCON 98 (Jul 23-26 '98) Salgotarjan, Hungary; rms 650 HUF per person. Memb: 7/23, 100 HUF; 7/24, 300 HUF; 7/25, 400 HUF; 7/26, 300 HUF; application deadline: 7/15/98. Info: Avan Egyesulet, Salgotarjan, Fo ter 5, 3100, Hungary; phone: 36-1-363-7674; e-mail: avana@scifi.hu; website: www.scifi.hu/hungarocon DIVERSICON 6 (Jul 24-26 '98) Radisson South, Bloomington MN. GoHs: Karen Joy Fowler, Pat Murphy. Posthumous GoHs: James Tiptree, Jr., Dr. Seuss. Memb: $25 to 7/14/98, $35 at door. Info: Diversicon 6, Box 8036, Lake Street Stn., Minneapolis MN 55408; (612) 825-9353. NECON 18 (Jul 30-Aug 2 '98) Roger Williams Univ., Bristol RI. GoHs: Neil Gaiman, Jack Ketchum. AGoH: Courtney Skinner. TM: Christopher Golden. Info: Necon18, 67 Birchland Ave., Pawtucket RI 02860; (401) 722-4738; e-mail: bbooth@providence.edu; website: www.para-net.com/~necon REBELCON '98 (Jul 31-Aug 2 '98) Holiday Inn, Taunton MA; rms $84/94. Guests: J. Michael Straczynski, more. Memb: $43 to 7/10/98, $50 at door. Info: World's End Productions, 10 Rankin St., Worcester MA 01605; (800) 99-REBEL; e-mail: info@rebelcon.com; website: www.rebelcon.com/info98.htm RIVERCON XXIII (Jul 31-Aug 2 '98) Executive West Hotel, Louisville KY; rms $60. GoH: Harry Turtledove. AGoH: Kevin Ward. FGoHs: Julee Johnson-Tate, Chris Tate. TM: Hal Clement. Memb: $25 to 7/15/98, then $35. Info: RiverCon, Box 58009, Louisville KY 40268; e-mail: RiverConSF@aol.com; website: http://members.aol.com/raroehm/rivercon.html August 1998 NAVIGATOR 1998 (Aug 1-2 '98) Sweden. In English, w/ focus on UK fandom. Memb: £10. Info: Wolf von Witting, Algatan 7, S-133 44 Saltsjobaden; e-mail: wolf@it.kth.se BUCCONEER/1998 WORLDCON (Aug 5-9 '98) Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore MD. Guests: C.J. Cherryh, Michael Whelan, Stanley Schmidt, Milton A. Rothman. Special Guest: J. Michael Straczynski. TM: Charles Sheffield. Memb: $165 at door; $30/£22 supp. Dealer table: $50 (prelim. deposit). Info: Bucconeer, Box 314, Annapolis Junction MD 20701; (410) 534-8136; e-mail: bucconeer@bucconeer.worldcon.org; website: www.bucconeer.worldcon.org THE WRAP PARTY (Aug 24-28 '98) Radisson Edwardian, Heathrow, London UK; rms £47 sngl, £42 per person dbl/twin, £40 per person tpl. Guests: Harlan Ellison, James White, J. Michael Straczynski, more. End of Babylon 5 wrap party/con. Memb: £75 to 8/1/98, then £80. Info: The Wrap Party, Box 505, Reading, Berks. RG1 7QZ, UK; e-mail: B5committee@steamradio.com; website: www.steamradio.com/TheWrapParty/welcome.html ARMADILLOCON 20 (Aug 28-30 '98) Omni Southpark, Austin TX; rms $79. GoH: Bradley Denton. Special Guest: Peter F. Hamilton. AGoH: Mitchell Bentley. Ed. GoH: David Hartwell. FGoH: Peggy Ranson. TM: Steven Gould. Memb: $30. Info: ArmadilloCon 20, Box 9612, Austin TX 78766; (512) 833-5269; e-mail: llw@io.com; website: www.io.com/~llw/dillo BACHANALIA (Aug 28-30 '98) Zielona Gora, Poland. SF & wine(!) festival. Info: Bachanalia, c/o Piotr Cholewa, U. Szapirowa 1/24, 40-762 Katowice, Poland; e-mail: pcholewa@usctoux1.cto.us.edu.pl BUBONICON 30 (Aug 28-30 '98) Howard Johnson East, Albuquerque NM; $53 sngl/dbl. GoHs: Robert J. Sawyer, Jane Lindskold. AGoH: David Martin. Auctioneer: Robert Vardeman. TM: John Stith. Memb: $22 to 8/14/98, $25 at door. Dealer table: $42 (w/ 1 memb), $58 (2 membs). Info: NMSF Conference, Box 37257, Albuquerque NM 87176; (505) 266-9030 (Marian/Greg) or 266-8905 (Craig); e-mail: mps@ncgr.org; website: http://members.aol.com/bubonicon SEPTEMBER 1998 DRAGON*CON 1998 (Sep 3-6 '98) Hyatt Regency, Atlanta GA; $119 sngl/dbl, $129 tpl, $139 quad. Guests: Nancy A. Collins, C.J. Cherryh, Harlan Ellison, James P. Hogan, Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Storm Constantine, Lynn Abbey, Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis, more. TM: Anthony Daniels. Memb: $60 at door. Info: Dragon*Con 1998, Box 47696, Atlanta GA 30362-0696; (770) 623-6321; e-mail: dragoncon@dragoncon.org website: www.dragoncon.org CONFLUENCE '98 (Sep 4-6 '98) Sher-aton Inn, Mars PA; rms $87. GoH: Nancy Kress. Guests: Michael Swanwick, James Morrow, Charles Sheffield, Hal Clement, William Tenn, Sarah Zettel, more. Memb: $35. Info: ConFluence '98, Box 3681, Pittsburgh PA 15230-3681; (412) 344-0456; e-mail: parsec-home@netcom.com; website: www.andrew.cmu.edu/~roboman/confluence.html. COPPERCON 18 (Sep 4-7 '98) Embassy Suites North, Phoenix AZ; rms $89. GoH: Stephen R. Donaldson. AGoH: Mitchell Davidson Bentley. Media Guest: Mojo. Memb: $35 at door. Info: CopperCon 18, Box 62613, Phoenix AZ 85082; (602) 752-8526; e-mail: cucon18@casfs.org; website: www.casfs.org/cucon FANTASY WORLDS FESTIVAL (Sep 4-6 '98) Radisson Hotel – Berkeley Marina, Berkeley CA. GoH: Barbara Hambly. AGoH: Alicia Austin. FGoH: Judy Gerjuoy. Memb: $50 (limit 300). Info: Fantasy Worlds Festival, Box 249, Berkeley CA 94701; website: www.mzbfm.com/fwf.html POLCON 1998 (Sep 10-13 '98) Bialystok, Poland. Polish National Con. GoH: Terry Pratchett. Info: Polcon '98, Podlaskie Towartzystwo Milosnikow Fantastyki, ul. Piastowska 11a, 15-207, Bialystok, Poland; e-mail: polcon@rsi.com.pl; website: www.polcon.rsi.com.pl FANTASYCON 22 (Sep 11-13 '98) Albany Hotel, Birmingham UK; £38/person per night. GoHs: Freda Warrington, Jane Yolen. TM: Ramsey Campbell. Memb: £55 (£10 discount to BFS members); £30/day; £25 supp. Info: Fantasycon, 46 Oxford Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham B27 6DT, UK; e-mail: Jan@alchemypress.demon.co.uk; website: www.geocities.com/soho/6859/fcon/htm FIRST CONTACT V (Sep 11-13 '98) Midway Hotel – Airport, Milwaukee WI; $65 sngl/dbl. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. AGoHs: Lisa Mason, Georgie Schnobrich. FGoHs: Dick Smith & Leah Zeldes Smith. Memb: $30 at door. Info: MSFCI, Box 92726, Milwaukee WI 53202; (414) 967-7762 (Theresa); e-mail: welch@msoe.edu; website: www.stritch.edu/~zoinks MOSCON 20 (Sep 18-20 '98) University Inn, Best Western, Moscow ID; $69.50 sngl/dbl, $74.50 tpl/quad. GoH: Kevin J. Anderson. SciGoH: Doug Beason. FGoHs: Deborah & Daron Fredericks. Memb: $25. Info: MosCon 20, Box 9622, Moscow ID 83843; (509) 332-3848 (LouAnn Lomax); e-mail: meyersj@wsunix.wsu.edu; website: www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/9963 NOTJUSTANOTHERCON 14 (Sep 18-20 '98) Murray D. Lincoln Memorial Campus Center, University of Amherst, MA. GoH: Terry Bisson. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. Memb: $18 at door. Info: RSO 16, Umass-Amherst, MA 01003; e-mail: scum@stuaf.umass.edu; website: www.umass.edu/rso/scum DISCWORLDCON II (Sep 18-21 '98) Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool UK; £37 sngl, £31 per person dbl/twin, £25 per person tpl. GoH: Terry Pratchett. Guests: Dave Langford, Josh Kirby, more. Memb: £40; £20 supp. Info: The Discworld Convention, Suite 35, 29 High Street, Romford, Essex RM1 1JL, UK; e-mail: queries@dwcon.lspace.org; website: www.us.lspace.org/fandom/cons/dwcon98 3RD ENCOUNTERS OF SCIENCE, SF, & THE FANTASTIC (Sep 19-27 '98) Cascais, Portugal. Guests: Stephen Baxter, Norman Spinrad, Gwyneth Jones, Brian Stableford, Charles N. Brown. Info: Associação Portuguesa de Ficção Científica e Fantástico, Bloco UV - 2º Piso - Porta 11, Outeiro da Vela, 2750 Cascais, Portugal; (305) 1-484-17-82; e-mail: simetria@esoterica.pt ARCANA 28 (Sep 25-27 '98) Holiday Inn Express, St. Paul MN. GoH: Joe Lansdale. Memb: $20 to 9/4/98, $30 at door. Info: Arcana 28, Box 8036, Lake Street Station, Minneapolis MN 55408-8036; (612) 825-9353. CONTACT 16 (Sep 25-27 '98) Holiday Inn Airport, Evansville IN. GoH: Frederik Pohl. Artist GoH: Laura Reynolds. Memb: $20 to 9/10/98, then $25. Info: Contact SF Convention, Box 3894, Evansville IN 47737; e-mail: contactsf@aol.com; website: http://members.aol.com/contactsf/home.html INCONSEQUENTIAL (Sep 25-27 '98) Lord Beaverbrook Hotel, Fredericton NB, Canada; rms C$79 sngl, C$89 dbl. GoH: David Feintuch. TM: Christian J. Ready. Memb: C$35 at door. Info: Inconsequential, 403-527 Beaverbrook Court, Fredericton NB, E3B 1X6, Canada; (506) 452-7479; e-mail: breeze@nbnet.nb.ca; website: http://gateway.surfcity.nb.ca/breeze/incon/index.htm MAD MEDIA 5 (Sep 25-27 '98) Ramada Inn Capital Conference Center, Madison WI. GoH: Harlan Ellison. Media GoH: Stephen Furst. Guests: Neil Gaiman, Timothy Zahn, Joan D. Vinge, more. Memb: $45 at door; 1-day $20 (Fri. or Sun.), $25 (Sat.). Info: Mad Media Productions, Box 5126, Madison WI 53705; e-mail: info@madmedia.org; website: www.madmedia.org VALLEYCON 23 (Sep 25-27 '98) Doublewood Inn, Fargo ND; $72 sngl/dbl. GoH: Michael Stackpole. AGoH: Liz Danforth. Memb: $20 at door. Info: Valleycon 23, Box 7202, Fargo ND 58109. ALBACON [UK] '98 (Sep 25-28 '98) Central Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. Guests: Ray Harryhausen, Diana Wynne Jones, Kim Newman. AGoH: RodneyMatthews. Memb: £35 at door; £15 supp. Info: Albacon '98, Flat 1/2 10 Atlas Rd., Glasgow G21 4TE, Scotland; (0141) 558-2862; e-mail: albacon@dial.pipex.com; website: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/bizarre.imagery/albacon 10TH ANNUAL NYC COLLECTABLE PB & PULP FICTION EXPO (Sep 27 '98) Holiday Inn, New York NY. Guests: Ron Goulart, Richard Lupoff, Barry Malzberg, F. Paul Wilson, more. Memb: 8-9 a.m.: $10; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: $5; after 3 p.m.: free. Info: c/o Gary Lovisi, Gryphon Publications, Box 209, Brooklyn NY 11228; (718) 646-6126 (after 6 p.m. EDT). OCTOBER 1998 DEATH EQUINOX '98 (Oct 1-4 '98) Sheraton Denver West, Lakewood CO; rms $79 sngl/dbl, $89 tpl, $99 quad. GoH: K.W. Jeter. HGoH: Misha. TM: Lee Ballentine. Veteran Guests: Don Webb, Brian Hodge, Edward Bryant. Memb: $50 to 9/30/98, $55 at door; $10 supp. Info: Death Equinox, Box 581, Denver CO 80201; e-mail: jsailing@netonecom.net; website: http://cyberpsychos.netonecom.net/death-equinox ARCHON 22 (Oct 2-4 '98) Gateway Center/Holiday Inn, Collinsville IL; rms $82. GoH: James P. Hogan; AGoH: John Sies. FGoHs: John Novak, Shannon Ware. TM: Glen Cook. Memb: $30. Info: Archon 22, Box 8387, St. Louis, MO 63132-8387; (314) 326-3026; e-mail: zellich@i1.net; website: www.stlf.org/archon/22 CON*CEPT/BORÉAL (Oct 2-4 '98) Days Inn Downtown, Montréal PQ, Canada; rms C$85 sngl/dbl, C$95 tpl/quad. Canvention 1998, Aurora Awards. GoHs: Robert J. Sawyer, Yves Meynard, Forrest J Ackerman. AGoH: Mario Giguère. TM: Larry Stewart. Memb: C$30 at door. Info: Con *Cept, Box 405, Station H, Montréal PQ H3G 2L1, Canada; e-mail: jp.normand@sympatico.ca; website: http://afm.infinit.net/concept CONTEXT XI (Oct 2-4 '98) Harley Hotel, Columbus OH; rms $72. GoH: Larry Niven. Ed. GoH: Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Writer Guest: Dean Wesley Smith. Memb: $40 at door (checks to FANACO). Info: Context XI, Box 163391, Columbus OH 43216; (614) 878-6824; e-mail: mevans@freenet.columbus.oh.us; website: www.contextcon.com ZONCON '98 (Oct 2-4 '98) Best Western Hotel and Conference Center, Baltimore MD. Guests, banquet, dealers, etc. Memb: $30 at door. Info: phone (410) 442-2179; e-mail: zoncon@usa.net; website: http://members.tripod.com/~ZonCon/ VIABLE PARADISE II (Oct 2-4 '98) The Pequot Hotel, Martha's Vineyard MA; rms $65-85. GoH: Lawrence Watt-Evans. AGoH: Jael. Ed. GoHs: Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden. Memb: $40. Info: Viable Paradise, General Delivery, Oak Bluffs MA 02557; e-mail: paradise@rmontor.tiac.net; website: www.tiac.net/users/rmontor/paradise ALBACON '98 (Oct 9-11 '98) Ramada Inn, Schenectady NY; $69 sngl, $74 dbl-quad. GoH: Esther M. Friesner. AGoH: Jael. FGoH: Joe Mayhew. Memb: $28 to 9/21/98, $40 at door. Info: Albacon '98, Box 2085, Albany NY 12220-0085; e-mail: wombat@sff.net; website: www.albacon.org CON*STELLATION XVII: HYDRA (Oct 9-11 '98) Airport Sheraton, Huntsville AL; rms $59. GoH: Mike Resnick. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. FGoH: David O. Miller. TM: Tim Powers. Memb: $30 to 9/11/98, $35 at door. Info: Con*Stellation XVII, Box 4857, Huntsville AL 35815; phone: (258) 880-8210 (Marie); e-mail: constell@traveller.com; website: www.hsv.tis.net/~constell/constell HISPACON XVI (Oct 9-12 '98) Burjassot, Valencia, Spain. Spanish National Convention. Info: Casa Municipal de Cultura, c/ Mariana Pineda, 93-95, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain; phone: (96) 364-2206; fax: (96) 390-1359; e-mail: gandiva@apdo.com or burjassot@ctv.es; website: www.burjassot.com/hispacon.htm NECRONOMICON '98 (Oct 9-11 '98) Radisson Inn-Sabal Park, Tampa FL. GoH: C.J. Cherryh. Special Guests: Jane Fancher, Barbara Delaplace, Jack Haldeman. Memb: $18 to 9/15/98, then $25. Info: Necronomicon, Box 2076, Riverview FL 33568; (813) 677-6347; e-mail: RaggedyAnn@compuserve.com; website: www.milieux.com or www.stonehill.org OCTOCON 9/ IRISH NATIONAL CON (Oct 10 '98) Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland. GoH: James White. Memb: IR£10 to10/9/98, IR£12 at door. Info: Octocon Lite, c/o 43 Eglinton Road, Dublin 4, Ireland; phone: (353) 1-260-5204; e-mail: dstewart@iol.ie; UK agent: Dave Lally, 64 Richborne Tce., London SW8 1AX, UK; phone: (44) 171 735 3819. CONCLAVE 23 (Oct 16-18 '98) Holiday Inn South, Lansing MI; rms $69. GoH: Esther Friesner. FGoHs: Garth Barbour, Michelle Smith-Moore. Memb: $25 to 9/7/98, then $30. Info: ConClave, Inc., Box 2915, Ann Arbor MI 48106; e-mail: conclave@hamjudo.com; website: http://conclave.hamjudo.com EN BATTRE KONFEKT '98 (Oct 16-18 '98) Uppsala, Sweden. GoH: Jorgen Peterzen. Info: (e-mail) johan.anglemark@bahnhof.se ICON 23 (Oct 16-18 '98) Hampton/Clarion Inn and Convention Center, Coralville, IA; rms $64.96 (incl tax). GoH: Charles de Lint. AGoH: Ed Heil. FGoH: Forest J Ackerman. TM: Rusty Hevelin. Memb: $25 to 9/7/98, then $35; $15 supp. Info: ICON 23, Box 525, Iowa City IA 52244-0525; (319) 466-5390; e-mail: icon23@sflis.org; website: www.sflis.org/icon SCIENCE FICTION FESTIVAL (Oct 17-18 '98) Burton Barr Central Library, Phoenix AZ. Guests: Alan Dean Foster, Jane Lindskold, Dennis McKiernan, Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson, Fred Saberhagen, Michael A. Stackpole, Harry Turtledove, Timothy Zahn, more. Free admission. Info: Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave., Phoenix AZ; (602) 534-0603. Website: http://copwww.ci.phoenix.az.us/CALENDAR/scifest.html MILEHICON 30 (Oct 23-25 '98) Sheraton Hotel, Lakewood CO; rms $69 sngl/dbl, $79 tpl/quad to 10/1/98. GoHs: Lawrence Watt-Evans, Kevin Anderson. AGoH: Ellisa Mitchell. Sci. GoH: Lawrence M. Krauss. FGoH: Camille Cazdessus. TM: L.E. Modesitt, Jr. Memb: $24 to 10/1/98, $26 to 10/15/98, $28 at door. Dealer table: $50 (incl 1 memb). Info: MileHiCon 30, Box 101322, Denver CO 80250-1322; (303) 657-5912; website: www.eco-net.com/milehicon 1998 WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION (Oct 29-Nov 1 '98) Doubletree Hotel, Monterey CA; $125 sngl/dbl, $135 tpl/quad. GoH: Gahan Wilson. Special Guests: Frank M. Robinson, Cecelia Holland, Richard Laymon. TM: Richard A. Lupoff. Dealer table: $135/£85 (6' table). Memb: $125/£80. Banquet: $35. Info: WFC, 555 Bryant St., Palo Alto CA 94301; (360) 943-9483 (Bryan Barrett), (650) 328-2741 (Linda McAllister); e-mail: wfc98-com@pensfa.org; website: www.pensfa.org/wfc98/ HANSECON 14 (Oct 29-Nov 2 '98) Luback, Germany. Info: Eckhard D. Marwitz, Postfach 1524, 22905 Ahrensburg, Germany; (172) 987-6703; e-mail: edm@lynet.de; website: www.lynet.de/~emarwitz NOVEMBER 1998 DITTO 11 (Nov 6-8 '98) Harbor Hotel, Newport RI; rms $79 sngl/dbl. Fanzine con. GoH: Ed Meskys. Memb: $30; $10 supp. Info: Ditto 11, Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701; e-mail: ditto@mcfi.com; website: http://world.std.com/~sbarsky/ditto.html SCI-CON 20 (Nov 6-8 '98) Holiday Inn Exec. Center, Virginia Beach VA; rms $66. Special Guest: Emma Bull. GoH: Will Shetterly. AGoH: Colleen Doran. FGoH: Margaret Cubberly. Memb: $35 at door. Dealer table: $125 (incl 1 memb). Info: Sci-Con 20, Box 9434, Hampton VA 23670; e-mail: info@scicon.org; website: www.scicon.org TUS-CON 25 (Nov 6-8 '98) Best Western Executive Inn, Tucson AZ; rms $40/44/65. GoH: Fred Saberhagen. AGoH: Ellisa Mitchell. FGoH: Julie Hamann. TM: Ed Bryant. Memb: $35. Info: TusCon 25, Box 26822, Tucson AZ 85726; (520) 881-3709 (Cristi); e-mail: basfa@azstarnet.com; website: www.azstarnet.com/~basfa NOVACON 28 (Nov 13-15 '98) The Britannia Hotel, Birmingham UK. GoH: Paul J. McAuley. Memb: £35 at door; supp. £15. Info: Carol Morton, 14 Park St., Lye, Stourbridge, W. Midlands DY9 8SS, UK; website: www.cooky.demon.co.uk/n28/n28.html ORYCON 20 (Nov 13-15 '98) Doubletree Portland-Columbia River, Portland OR. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. Returning GoHs: David Langford, Howard Waldrop. AGoH: Alan Clark. Ed. GoH: Ellen Asher. Special Guest: Kathe Koja. Memb: $45 at door. Info: OryCon 20, Box 5703, Portland OR 97228; (503) 283-0802; e-mail: jlorentz@spiritone.com; website: www.teleport.com/~osfci/orycon (Note: special guest Robert Lionel Fanthorpe has cancelled.) PHILCON '98 (Nov 13-15 '98) Adams Mark Hotel, Philadelphia PA; rms $99 sngl/dbl, $112 tpl/quad. GoH: Bruce Sterling. AGoH: Bruce Jenson. Special Guests: Tom Savini, Walter Jon Williams. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Philcon '98, Box 8303, Philadelphia PA 19101; (215) 975-4004; e-mail: mail@philcon.org; website: www.philcon.org SOONERCON 14 (Nov 13-15 '98) CANCELLED. TROPICON XVII (Nov 13-15 '98) Sheraton Guest Suites, Ft. Lauderdale FL; $84 sngl/dbl, $94 tpl/quad. GoH: Neil Gaiman. AGoH: Charles Vess. Memb: $28; checks to SFSFS. Info: Tropicon XVII, c/o The Rawliks, 539 37th St., West Palm Beach FL 33407-4307; phone: (561) 844-6336; e-mail: tropicon@scifi.squawk.com; website: http://scifi.squawk.com/tropic/tropic17.html WINDYCON XXV (Nov 13-15 '98) Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Schaumburg IL; $79 sngl/dbl, $92 tpl/quad. GoH: Allen Steele. Spec. GoH: Frederik Pohl. AGoH: Phil Foglio. Ed. GoH: Marty Greenberg. FGoHs: Barry & Marcy Lyn-Waitsman. TM: Christian Ready. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Windycon XXV, Box 184, Palatine IL 60078-0184; e-mail: windycon@windycon.org; website: www.windycon.org ARMADACON X (Nov 20-22 '98) Cawthorne Hotel, Plymouth, UK. Memb: £25. Info: Box 38, Plymouth, UK; e-mail: armadacon@eurobell.co.uk BOZ-CON/BENELUXCON 23 (Nov 20-22 '98) Golden Tulip Hotel, Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands. Guests: Tad Williams, Eddy C. Bertin, Peter Schaap. Memb: NLG 65 (c. £22/$35). Info: Boz-Con, c/o Annemarie van Ewyck, Obrechtstraat 4, 2517 VT, Den Haag, Netherlands; (fax) +070-356-1215; e-mail: vantent@few.eur.nl; website: www.simplex.nl/~wdputte/ncsf EXOTICON ONE(Nov 20-22 '98) Airport Radisson, New Orleans LA.GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson. AGoH: Marrus. FGoH: Alfred Richard. Memb: $35 at door. Info: ExotiCon, Box 9431, Bridge City LA 70096; phone: (504) 436-3378; fax: (504) 437-0451; e-mail: rfontenot@earthlink.net; website: home.earthlink.net/~rfontenot/exoticon.html CHAMBANACON 28 (Nov 27-29 '98) Chancellor Hotel, Champaign IL; rms: $56 sgl, $64 dbl. GoH: Andrew J. Offutt. FGoH: Elaine Oldham. TM: Wilson Tucker. Memb: $25 to 11/15/98, $30 at door. Info: ChamBanaCon 28, Box 2908, Springfield IL 62708; (217) 753-8934; e-mail: chambanacn@aol.com or mongose1@aol.com; website: http://members.aol.com/chambanacn CONCAT 10 (Nov 27-29 '98) Radisson Summitt Hill, Knoxville TN; rms $58. GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson. AGoH: Darryl Elliot. SGoH: Rick Shelly. Memb: $25 to 11/10/98, $35 at door (limit 500). Info: ConCat 10, 316 East South Ave., Knoxville TN 37917; (423) 637-6564 or 523-6986; e-mail: chloiea@mailexcite.com; website: www.vic.com/~chloiea/ConCat.html LOSCON 25 (Nov 27-29 '98) Burbank Airport Hilton, Burbank CA; rms $81.50. GoH: David Brin. AGoH: Sue Dawe. FGoH: Marjii Ellers. Sci. GoH: J. Michael Straczynski. Memb: $40. Info: LosCon 25, c/o LASFS, 11513 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood CA 91601; e-mail: loscon25@lasfs.org; website: www.lasfs.org/loscon25 SILICON '98 (Nov 27-29 '98) Westin Hotel/Santa Clara Conv. Ctr.; rms $72. GoHs: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller. AGoH: Brian MacIntee. Sci. GoH: Dr. Maxwell Hunter. Memb: $35 to 11/20/98, $40 at door. Info: SiliCon, c/o A Wrinkle in Time, 1012 Morse Ave. #15, Sunnyvale CA 94089; (408) 541-0358; e-mail: silicon@awit.com; website: www.awit.com/silicon/index.htm December 1998 NORDCON 1998 (Dec 3-6 '98) Gdansk, Poland. Info: Gdanski Klub Fantastyki, Box 76, 80-325 Gdansk 37, Poland; phone (48) 58-531073. DRACON 14 (Dec 4-6 '98) Hotel Santon, Brno, Czech Republic. GoH: TBA. Memb: TBA. Info: Dracon, Box 130, 615 00 Brno, Czech Republic; e-mail: dragon@post.cz or dracon@sci-fi.cz; website: www.fi.muni.cz/~zrustek/dracon SMOFCON 16 (Dec 4-6 '98) Radison Inn North, Colorado Springs CO; rms $65 sgl/dbl, $75 tpl, $85 quad. Convention runners' con. Memb: $50 to 11/15/98, then $60; checks to First Friday Fandom. Info: SMOFcon 16, c/o Kent Bloom, 1245 Allegheny Dr., Colorado Springs CO 80919; e-mail: Kent.Bloom@internetMCI.com; website: home.rmi.net/~macgurus/smofcon.html ESTELCON '98 (Dec 5-8 '98) Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain. Spanish Tolkien Society Conference. Info: Estela Gutierrez, C/San Cugat, 68-70, No. 3-2a, 08201, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: benadhim@iname.com CUBAFICCION '98 (Dec 17-22 '98) Capitolio Nacional, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. Yearly Cuban SF convention. Info: TBA. |
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