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SF Webzines and websites

Websites of print magazines





Non-sf sites


Webzines and websites publishing fiction

  • 253
    Geoff Ryman's online novel about the London Underground.
  • Amazing Webtales -- the place for online serials. Initially offering Stephen Fine's Molly Dear: the autobiography of an android.
  • C & C Clocktower Fiction
    Exciting fiction on the Web, since 1996.
  • Infinite Edge
    "A professional magazine of science fiction, fantasy and horror," edited by Mike Totty, with stories, articles, reviews, etc. Additional material available to paid subscribers.
  • Infinity Plus
    "The SF & Fantasy Archive", reprinting stories, novel excerpts, and articles by mostly UK writers such as Stephen Baxter, Keith Brooke, Ian R. MacLeod. Debuted 30 August 1997.
  • Omni
    The former print magazine now on the web, with fiction edited by Ellen Datlow. Typically one complete short story each month, plus ongoing 'round-robin' stories by groups of authors. And lots of other stuff--articles, debates, art, etc. Just redesigned (as of June '97), this remains one of the sharpest SF sites on the web. (Omni Webmaster: Robert K. J. Killheffer.)
  • tomorrowsf
    The former print magazine Tomorrow, now on the web, edited by Algis Budrys. Handsome site adds two new stories every week; also has editorial, artwork, etc.
  • Wonderbook
    "The Magazine for Curious Readers", an online magazine primarily composed of Victorian and turn-of-the-century fiction, poetry, jokes & riddles, nonsense, and non-fiction. Edited by Kathryn Cramer.

International webzines

  • Delos Science Fiction
    On-line science fiction magazine, published since 1994. The leading sf magazine in Italy, monthly, featuring news, reviews, interviews, articles and short stories. Editors Silvio Sosio and Luigi Pachi'. With a small English edition.

SF Art

Webzines and websites about SF

  • Ansible
    David Langford's inimitable, Hugo-winning sf/fan newsletter, available online or by email. The site has back issues since 1979.
  • Fantasy Finder
    A collection of reviews, all-time best lists, and links related to fantasy series and novels.
  • Hardwired
    An "Online Magazine of Opinion, Science Fiction, and More Opinion", published by Walter Jon Williams and edited by Gene Bostwick. Reviews and essays.
  • Head Space
    Part of the Hotwired website empire, this is a weekly science fiction chat, hosted by Martha Soukup, with guests such as Michael Swanwick and Kathleen Ann Goonan. Includes transcripts of past sessions.
  • Science Fiction Weekly
    Each biweekly "issue" includes news, reviews, and articles about the whole "sci-fi" spectrum--books, movies, tv, anime, games, and the web. Books are covered in two or three reviews per issue, plus a monthly column, "Excessive Candour", by John Clute. Edited and published by Craig E. Engler.
  • Short Fiction Roundup
    A sort of interactive compilation, maintained by Jim Bailey, of readers' comments about short fiction in current magazines and anthologies. Ambitious, but actual content is still very spotty.
  • Sphere Fantasy
    "The Premier Site of Fantasy on the Internet" with reviews, authors' pages, chats, advertising.
    Sphere Galaxy
    "The online magazine of science fiction and fandom."
    Sphere Gothic
    "The Dark Side of Sphere Fantasy." These are three impressive professional sites.