Interview Index | The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field |
Based on an index originally compiled by Cary Thomas. For issue prices, check the Back Issues page.
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(* Issue sold out; photocopied interviews available for $1.00) | |
Interview subject | Issue number(s) |
Aldiss, Brian | 322,341,378,416 |
Anderson, Kevin J. | 419 |
Anderson, Poul | 435 |
Anthony, Patricia | 399 |
Baen, Jim | 307 |
Ballard, J.G. | 332 |
Barker, Clive | 327,411 |
Barnes, John | 427 |
Barrett, Neal, Jr. | 392 |
Baxter, Stephen | 423 |
Beagle, Peter S. | 390 |
Bear, Greg | 342,404 |
Benford, Gregory | 320,394 |
Bishop, Michael | 335,426 |
Bisson, Terry | 366 |
Blaylock, James | 316 |
Bova, Ben | 363 |
Bradbury, Ray | 427 |
Brin, David | 302,347, 434 |
Brite, Poppy Z. | 388 |
Brooks, Terry | 397 |
Brust, Steven | 398 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster | 343, 415 |
Bull, Emma | 375 |
Bunch, Chris/Cole, Allan | 409 |
Butler, Octavia E. | 333 |
Cadigan, Pat | 349,382,414 |
Card, Orson Scott | 317,372 |
Carroll, Jonathan | 338 |
Charnas, Suzy McKee | 352,380 |
Cherryh, C.J. | 315,345,384, 420 |
Clute, John | 414 |
Cole, Allan/Bunch, Chris | 409 |
Collins, Nancy | 407 |
Crowley, John | 398 |
de Camp, L. Sprague & Catherine Crook/Williamson, Jack | 328 |
de Lint, Charles | 362 |
Delany, Samuel R. | 361,418 |
Denton, Bradley | 432 |
Di Fate, Vincent | 385 |
Dickinson, Peter | 336 |
Dickson, Gordon R. | 363 |
Donaldson, Stephen R. | *(353) |
Dowling, Terry | 401 |
Duncan, Dave | 387 |
Edwards, Malcolm | 311 |
Effinger, George Alec | 341 |
Eggleton, Bob | 388 |
Elliott, Kate/Rawn, Melanie/ Roberson,Jennifer | 422 |
Farmer, Philip Jose | *(353) |
Feist, Raymond E. | *(318) |
Foster, Alan Dean | 368 |
Fowler, Karen Joy | 392 |
Gaiman, Neil/Pratchett, Terry | 362 |
Gentle, Mary | 339 |
Gerrold, David | 390 |
Gibson, William/Sterling, Bruce | 364 |
Goldstein, Lisa | 371 |
Goonan, Kathleen Ann | 416 |
Goulart, Ron | 385 |
Gould, Steven (& Laura J. Mixon) | 439 |
Griffith, Nicola | 428 |
Haldeman, Joe | 340,382,400,438 |
Hambly, Barbara | 305 |
Hand, Elizabeth | 417 |
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki | 405 |
Hogan, James P. | *(337) |
Holdstock, Robert | 423 |
Holland, Cecelia | 360 |
Jablokov, Alexander | 374, 421 |
Jacques, Brian | 418 |
Jeschke, Wolfgang | 358 |
Jeter, K.W. | 425 |
Jones, Diana Wynne | 339 |
Jones, Gwyneth | 419 |
Kandel, Michael | 434 |
Kay, Guy Gavriel | 359 |
Kessel, John | 391, 437 |
Keyes, Daniel | 437 |
Kirshbaum, Larry/Neiman,Nansey | 312 |
Koja, Kathe | 372 |
Koontz, Dean | 406 |
Kress, Nancy | 383 |
Kurtz, Katherine | 302 |
Kushner, Ellen | 375 |
Le Guin, Ursula K. | 334,348,388 |
Lindholm, Megan | 356 |
Lock, Owen | 310 |
Maddox, Tom | 369 |
Martin, George R.R. | 412 |
Mason, Lisa | 400 |
McAuley, Paul J. | 373, 420 |
McCaffrey, Anne | 386 |
McDevitt, Jack | 409 |
McHugh, Maureen F. | 395 |
McKillip, Patricia A. | 379, 426 |
McQuinn, Donald E. | 412 |
Mixon, Laura J. (& Steven Gould) | 439 |
Moorcock, Michael | 393 |
Murphy, Pat | 333 |
Nagata, Linda | 433 |
Neiman, Nansey/ Larry Kirshbaum | 312 |
Niven, Larry | 433 |
Nix, Garth | 435 |
Norton, Andre | 365 |
Nylund, Eric S. | 438 |
Park, Paul | 377 |
Pohl, Frederik | 429 |
Potter, J.K. | 300 |
Powers, Tim | 305,396 |
Pratchett, Terry | 338 |
Pratchett, Terry/Gaiman, Neil | 362 |
Preuss, Paul | 431 |
Rasmussen, Alis A. (Elliott, Kate) | 361 |
Rawn, Melanie/Roberson, Jennifer/Elliott, Kate | 422 |
Resnick, Mike | 355 |
Roberts, Keith | 308 |
Roberson, Jennifer/Elliott, Kate/Rawn, Melanie | 422 |
Robinson, Kim Stanley | 330, 379, 422, 440 |
Roessner, Michaela | 390 |
Rosenblum, Mary | 399 |
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn | 356 |
Russell, Sean | 436 |
Shaw, Bob | 321 |
Sheffield, Charles | 348,403 |
Shepard, Lucius | *(344),383 |
Sherman, Delia | 405 |
Shiner, Lewis | 327,407 |
Shinn, Sharon | 424 |
Shippey, Tom | 402 |
Silverberg, Robert | 355,430 |
Simmons, Dan | 350,364,401,436 |
Somtow, S.P. | 370 |
Spinrad, Norman | 335 |
Springer, Nancy | 413 |
Stableford, Brian | 367,424 |
Steele, Allen | 373 |
Sterling, Bruce | 327,424 |
Sterling, Bruce/Gibson, William | 364 |
Straub, Peter | 351,396 |
Strugatsky, Boris | 314 |
Swanwick, Michael | 380 |
Tenn, William | 425 |
Tepper, Sheri S. | 367,402 |
Tilley, Patrick | 323 |
Turtledove, Harry | 387 |
Vinge, Joan D. | 374,431 |
Vonarburg, Elisabeth | 368 |
Waldrop, Howard | 331 |
Whelan, Michael | 384 |
White, James | 386 |
Williams, Walter Jon | 352, 428 |
Williams, Tad | 408 |
Williamson, Jack | 395,429 |
Williamson, Jack/de Camp, L. Sprague & Catherine Crook | 328 |
Willis, Connie | 343,378,432 |
Wingrove, David | 357 |
Wolfe, Gene | 365 |
Womack, Jack | 413 |
Yolen, Jane | 360, 439 |
Zelazny, Roger | 369 |
Zindell, David | 391 |