1991 |
- January (#360) interviews with Jane Yolen, Cecelia Holland; obituaries: Roald Dahl, Donald A. Wollheim; international reports by James Gunn, Brian Aldiss, more, reviews: Pacific Edge, Kim Stanley Robinson; The Illusionists, Faren Miller; 1990 World Fantasy Convention report (29 left);
- February (#361) - 1990 in Review; interviews with Samuel R. Delany, Alis A. Rasmussen, reviews: Carve the Sky, Alexander Jablokov; The Singers of Time, Pohl & Williamson (45 left);
- March (#362) - 1991 Nebula Awards nominations; interviews with Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, reviews: The Little Country, Charles de Lint; Achilles' Choice, Niven & Barnes (33 left);
- April (#363) - interviews with Ben Bova, Gordon R. Dickson; 1990 British Book Summary; international SF reports; reviews: Xenocide, Orson Scott Card; Sexual Chemistry, Brian Stableford (48 left);
- May (#364) - reports on 1991 Conference on the Fantastic, World Horror Convention; interviews with Dan Simmons, William Gibson & Bruce Sterling; reviews: Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett; Synners, Pat Cadigan (49 left);
- June (#365) - 1990 Nebula Awards winners, 1991 Hugo Awards nominations; interviews with Gene Wolfe, Andre Norton; obituary of Chester Anderson; reviews: Beauty, Sheri S. Tepper; Heavy Time, C.J. Cherryh (44 left);
- July (#366) - 1991 Locus Awards; World SF Meeting in China; interview with Terry Bisson; obituary of Sharon Baker; reviews: Sherwood, Parke Godwin; Needful Things, Stephen King (65 left);
- August (#367) - ABA 1991; international SF coverage; interviews: Sheri S. Tepper, Brian Stableford; reviews: Heaven Chronicles, Joan D. Vinge; The Garden of Rama, Clarke & Lee (43 left);
- September (#368) - 1991 Locus Survey results; Campbell, Sturgeon Awards winners; interviews: Alan Dean Foster, Elisabeth Vonarburg; reviews: The Summer Queen, Joan D. Vinge; Barrayar, Lois McMaster Bujold (53 left);
- October (#369) - 1990 Hugo winners; reviews: The Face of the Waters, Robert Silverberg; Boy's Life, Robert J. McCammon (46 left);
- November (#370) - Worldcon reports (Chicon V), interview: S.P. Somtow; reviews: The Time Patrol, Poul Anderson; All the Weyrs of Pern, Anne McCaffrey (57 left);
- December (#371) - 1991 World Fantasy Awards, interview with Lisa Goldstein, Arkady Strugatsy & Gene Roddenberry obits; reviews: The Waste Lands, Stephen King; Jack the Bodiless, Julian May (47 left).
1990 |
- January (#348) Farewells to Voyager by Bear, Benford, Williamson; interviews: Ursula K. Le Guin, Charles Sheffield; reviews: Mystery, Peter Straub; Rama II, Clarke & Lee (32 left);
- February (#349) - 1989 in review; article by Arthur C. Clarke; interview with Pat Cadigan, reviews: The Fall of Hyperion, Dan Simmons; Tehanu, Ursula K. Le Guin (16 left);
- March (#350) interview with Dan Simmons; reviews: Arachne, Lisa Mason; Mine, Robert R. McCammon (17 left);
- April (#351) - interview with Peter Straub; reviews of various reading guides to SF, Fantasy, Horror (47 left);
- May (#352) - 1990 Hugo nominations; interviews with Suzy McKee Charnas, Walter Jon Williams; reviews: Voyage to the Red Planet, Terry Bisson; Wolf and Iron, Gordon R. Dickson (49 left);
- July (#354) - 1990 ABA Report; reviews: Good Omens, Pratchett & Gaiman; Queen of Angels, Greg Bear (53 left);
- August (#355) - 1990 Locus Awards; article by Gregory Benford; interviews with Robert Silverberg, Mike Resnick; reviews: Use of Weapons, Iain M. Banks; The Rowan, Anne McCaffrey (32 left);
- September (#356) - Brian Aldiss surprise party; 1990 Locus Survey results; interviews: Megan Lindholm, Kristine Kathryn Rusch; Ed Emshwiller obituary; reviews: The Difference Engine, Gibson & Sterling; Summertide, Charles Sheffield (34 left);
- October (#357) - ConFiction/Worldcon report; 1990 Hugo winners; interview with David Wingrove; reviews: The Witching Hour, Anne Rice; Four Past Midnight, Stephen King (50 left);
- November (#358) - ConFiction report, part 2; 1990 World Fantasy Awards nominations; interview with Wolfgang Jeschke; reviews: Summer of Night, Dan Simmons; Outnumbering the Dead, Frederik Pohl (78 left);
- December (#359) - 1990 World Fantasy Awards Winners; ConDiego/NASFic report; interview with Guy Gavriel Kay; reviews: Synners, Pat Cadigan; Houses Without Doors, Peter Straub (10 left).
1989 |
- January (#336) Interview with Peter Dickinson; 1988 World Fantasy Con reviews: The Empire of Fear, Brian Stableford; Eva, Peter (25 left);
- March (#338) interviews with Jonathan Carroll, Terry Pratchett; reviews: Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons; The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie [short take]; international SF (14 left);
- April (#339) interviews with Diana Wynne Jones, Mary Gentle; international SF; reviews: Rimrunners, C.J. Cherryh; Imago, Octavia Butler (42 left);
- May (#340) 1988 Nebula Awards; interview with Joe Haldeman; 1989 International Conference on the Fantastic; reviews: Out on Blue Six, Ian McDonald; Novelty, John Crowley (58 left);
- June (#341) interviews with George Alec Effinger, Brian Aldiss; reviews: A Child Across the Sky, Jonathan Carroll; Geek Love, Katherine Dunn (96 left);
- July (#342) Interview with Greg Bear; SF at the ABA; Bram Stoker Awards; reviews: The Stress of Her Regard, Tim Powers; The Book of the Dead, Skipp & Spector (95 left);
- August (#343) 1989 Locus Awards; interviews with Lois McMaster Bujold, Connie Willis; reviews: Good News From Outer Space, John Kessel; A Fire in the Sun, George Alec Effinger (29 left);
- October (#345) - 1989 Hugo Awards, C.J. Cherryh interview; reviews: Escape From Kathmandu, Kim Stanley Robinson; Knight of Shadows, Roger Zelazny (24 left);
- December (#347) World Fantasy Awards; interview: David Brin; photos of Ellen Datlow, Harlan Ellison, John M. Ford; reviews: Only Begotten Daughter, James Morrow; Moon Dance, S.P. Somtow (44 left).
1988 |
- January (#324) World Fantasy Con 1987; international SF; reviews: The Tommyknockers, Stephen King; Red Prophet, Orson Scott Card (29 left);
- February (#325) 1987 in review; Randall Garrett, Mark Saxton, Frank Arnold obituaries; reviews: Falling Free, Lois McMaster Bujold; At Winter's End, Robert Silverberg (22 left);
- March (#326) C.L. Moore, Lin Carter obits; Andre Norton at 76; reviews: Cyteen, C.J. Cherryh; Neverness, David Zindell (32 left);
- April (#327) 20th Anniversary Issue; interview with Clive Barker; reviews: Adulthood Rites, Octavia E. Butler; Wetware, Rudy Rucker (62 left) May (#328) Jack Williamson, Catherine Crook de Camp, & L. Sprague de Camp at 80; interviews with Bruce Sterling, Lewis Shiner; reviews: Islands in the Net, Bruce Sterling; Prelude to Foundation, Isaac Asimov (23 left);
- June (#329) Robert A. Heinlein, Clifford Simak obits/appreciations; reviews: Chronosequence, Hilbert Schenk; Bio of an Ogre, Piers Anthony (41 left);
- July (#330) 1987 Nebula Awards; Robert A. Heinlein: In Memoriam; interview with Kim Stanley Robinson; reviews: The Toynbee Convertor, Ray Bradbury; The Gate to Women's Country, Sheri S. Tepper (163 left);
- August (#331) 1988 Bram Stoker Awards; SF at the ABA; Writers of the Future; reviews: Eternity, Greg Bear; Mona Lisa Overdrive, William Gibson (26 left);
- September (#332) 1988 Locus Awards; interview with J.G. Ballard; reviews: Alternities, Michael P. Kube-McDowell; Dragonsdawn, Anne McCaffrey (19 left);
- October (#333) 1988 Hugo Awards; 1988 Worldcon; interviews with Octavia Butler, Pat Murphy; reviews: Lavondyss, Robert Holdstock; There Are Doors, Gene Wolfe (54 left);
- November (#334) 1988 Worldcon; interview with Ursula K. Le Guin; reviews: Those Who Haunt the Night, Barbara Hambly; Brothers in Arms, Lois McMaster Bujold (61 left);
- December (#335) interviews: Michael Bishop, Norman Spinrad; 1988 World Fantasy Awards; reviews: Venus of Shadows, Pamela Sargent; Koko, Peter Straub (19 left)
1987 |
- January (#312) 1986 World Fantasy Convention; reviews: Rumors of Spring, Richard Grant; When Gravity Fails, George Alec Effinger (28 left);
- March (#314) - interview with Boris Strugatsky; reviews: The Voice of the Whirlwind, Walter Jon Williams; Dawn, Octavia Butler (38 left);
- April (#315) interview with C.J. Cherryh; reviews: Empery, Michael P. Kube-McDowell; The Uplift War, David Brin; (12 left);
- May (#316) Terry Carr, Richard Wilson, Beah Mahffey obituaries; James Blaylock wins Philip K. Dick Award; interview with James Blaylock; reviews: Seventh Son, Orson Scott Card; Still River, Hal Clement (10 left);
- June (#317) 1987 Nebula Awards; interviews with Orson Scott Card, Colin Wilson; international SF; reviews: Memoirs of an Invisible Man, H.F. Saint; The Jaguar Hunter, Lucius Shepard (16 left);
- September (#320) interview with Gregory Benford; reviews: On Stranger Tides, Tim Powers; Great Sky River, Gregory Benford (22 left);
- October (#321) '87 Hugo Awards; 1987 Worldcon; interview: Arkady Strugatsky; reviews: An Alien Light, Nancy Kress; And the Gods Laughed, Fredric Brown (28 left);
- November (#322) Alfred Bester obit/appreciations , Worldcon (Conspiracy) report; reviews: Desolation Road and Empire Dreams, Ian McDonald; The Firebrand, Marion Zimmer Bradley (74 left);
- December (#323) World Fantasy Awards, Patrick Tilley interview; reviews: Araminta Station, Jack Vance; Orphan of Creation, Roger MacBride Allen (71 left).
1986 |
- January (#300) 1985 World Fantasy Convention; interview: J.K. Potter; Robert Graves, Walter Gibson obituaries; reviews: Count Zero, William Gibson; Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card (62 left);
- February (#301): 1985 in review; reviews: Dorothea Dreams, Suzy McKee Charnas; Song of Kali, Dan Simmons; Heart of the Comet, Gregory Benford (31 left);
- March (#302) Frank Herbert, L. Ron Hubbard obituaries; international SF; interviews: David Brin, Katherine Kurtz; reviews: Burning Chrome, William Gibson; Hardwired, Walter Jon Williams (53 left);
- April (#303) Judy-Lynn del Rey obituary; Frank Herbert: In Memoriam; interview: Beth Meacham; Ian Ballantine's 70th birthday party; reviews: The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood; The Songs of Distant Earth, Arthur C. Clarke (76 left);
- May (#304) Manly Wade Wellman obituary; ''Concerning the Question of the Sumatran Rhinoceros'' by Kir Bulychev; reviews: The Wave and the Flame, M. Bradley Kellogg; Cascade Point, Timothy Zahn (53 left);
- June (#305) 1986 Locus Awards; 1985 Nebula Awards; ''The State of the Art'' by Tappan King; interviews with Barbara Hambly, Tim Powers; reviews: Enigma, Michael P. Kube-McDowell; "Year's Bests", various editors (34 left);
- July (#306) Chesley Bonestell obituary; international SF, interview with Brian Aldiss; reviews: The City in the Autumn Stars, Michael Moorcock; The Unconquered Country, Geoff Ryman (63 left);
- August (#307) 1986 ABA in New Orleans; World SF meeting in Canada; reviews: It, Stephen King; Blood of Amber, Roger Zelazny (66 left);
- September (#308) David Brin wins Campbell Award; interview with Keith Roberts; reviews: Soldier of Mist, Gene Wolfe; The Mirror of Her Dreams, Stephen R. Donaldson (55 left);
- October (#309) 1986 Worldcon; Russell Griffin, Jerry Jacks obits; reviews: The Warrior's Apprentice, Lois McMaster Bujold; The Ragged Astronauts, Bob Shaw (46 left);
- November (#310) 1986 Worldcon; reviews of The Trillion Year Spree , plus The Folk of the Air, Peter S. Beagle; Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, Bruce Sterling, ed. (50 left);
- December (#311) World Fantasy Awards; interview: with Malcolm Edwards; reviews: Roma Mater, Poul & Karen Anderson; French and French-Canadian writing, reviewed by Pascal J. Thomas (64 left)
1985 |
- January (#288) International SF; 1984 World Fantasy Conv; reviews: Brightness Falls From the Air, James Tiptree, Jr.; The Glamour, Christopher Priest (54 left);
- February (#289) 1984 in review; interview: Robert Silverberg; ''In the Once Upon A Time City'' by Samuel R. Delany; reviews: Blood Music, Greg Bear; Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card (54 left);
- March (#290) interview with Dan Reeder; ''Conjuring Helliconia'' by Brian W. Aldiss; reviews: Helliconia Winter, Brian W. Aldiss; CV, Damon Knight (59 left);
- April (#291) interview: Somtow Sucharitkul; Boskone 1984; reviews: Artifact, Gregory Benford; Skeleton Crew, Stephen King (73 left);
- May (#292) interview: Tim Powers; William Gibson wins Philip K. Dick Award; reviews: Schizmatrix, Bruce Sterling; Emprise, Michael P. Kube-McDowell (60 left);
- June (#293) Theodore Sturgeon obituary; 1984 Nebula Awards; 1985 Locus Awards; reviews: The Kif Strike Back, C.J. Cherryh; Footfall, Niven & Pournelle (18 left);
- July (#294) Theodore Sturgeon: In Memoriam; SF at the ABA; reviews: Tom O'Bedlam, Robert Silverberg; The Summer Tree, Guy Gavriel Kay (46 left);
- August (#295) World SF meeting in Italy; photos from ABA; reviews: The Memory of Whiteness, Kim Stanley Robinson; Eon, Greg Bear (66 left);
- September (#296) Jack Gaughan obituary; reviews: The Vampire Lestat, Anne Rice; Always Coming Home, Ursula K. Le Guin [68 left);
- October (#297) 1985 Hugo Awards; 1985 Worldcon; interview: Lee Harding; SF in France; reviews: Not Wanted on the Voyage, Timothy Findley; Wizard of the Pigeons, Megan Lindholm (84 left);
- November (#298) Austin NASFiC; 1985 Worldcon; interview: Chad Oliver; reviews: Special: Australian books reviewed by Faren Miller; Radio Free Albemuth, Philip K. Dick (75 left);
- December (#299) interviews: Robert Holdstock, Barry Hughart; reviews: Venus of Dreams, Pamela Sargent; Contact, Carl Sagan (67 left)
1984 |
- January (#276) interviews with Gene Wolfe, Stephen R. Donaldson; 1983 World Fantasy Convention; reviews: Clay's Ark, Octavia Butler; Cycle of the Werewolf, Stephen King (59 left);
- February (#277) 1983 in Review; interviews: Anne McCaffrey, D.G. Compton; reviews: World's End, Joan D. Vinge; The Wild Shore, Kim Stanley Robinson (6 left);
- March (#278) interview: R.A. MacAvoy; ''Predicting the Present'' by Gregory Benford; photos of the 1959 World Science Fiction Convention; ''Soviet Science Fiction: The Golden Age'', part I, by Vladimir Gakov; reviews: Green Eyes, Lucius Shepard; Dr. Adder, K.W. Jeter (61 left);
- April (#279) Interviews with Alicia Austin, Janet Morris; ''Soviet Science Fiction: The Golden Age'', part II, by Vladimir Gakov; reviews: Bridge of Birds, Barry Hughart; Heechee Rendezvous, Frederik Pohl (50 left);
- May (#280) interview with Brian Aldiss; Tim Powers wins Philip K. Dick Award; reviews: Neuromancer, William Gibson; Frontera, Lewis Shiner (41 left);
- June (#281) 1983 Nebula Awards; interviews with Christopher Priest, James White; reviews: Divine Endurance, Gwyneth Jones; Years of the City, Frederik Pohl (52 left);
- July (#282) 1984 Locus Awards; interview with Jim Burns; World SF Meeting; reviews: The Businessman, Thomas M. Disch; Empire of the Sun, J.G. Ballard (46 left);
- August (#283) interviews with Harlan Ellison, Arthur C. Clarke; reviews: The Peace War, Vernor Vinge; Moon-Flash, Patricia A. McKillip (50 left);
- September (#284) Interviews: Ursula K. Le Guin, Kit Williams; reviews: Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, Samuel R. Delany; The Final Encyclopedia, Gordon R. Dickson (55 left);
- October (#285) 1984 Worldcon; interview with C.J. Cherryh; reviews: The Talisman, King & Straub; Mythago Wood, Robert Holdstock (17 left);
- November (#286) World Fantasy Awards; 1984 Worldcon; interview: Clayton Bailey; reviews: Dinner at Deviant's Palace, Tim Powers; Icehenge, Kim Stanley Robinson (36 left);
- December (#287) Photos from 1984 Worldcon; reviews: Gilgamesh the King, Robert Silverberg; Things Invisible to See, Nancy Willard (37 left)