Table of Contents, November 1987

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1987-11

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Carolyn F. Cushman
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Karen Haber
Fritz Leiber
Frank M. Robinson
Amy Thomson
Tom Whitmore
Shelly R. Clift
Trevin J. Matlock
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Table of Contents
The Nature of Conspiracy p.1
Alfred Bester Dies 1
Editorial Matters 3
Brian Aldiss: From Billions to Trillions 4
Publishing Notes 4
TIME: A Review, Brian Thomsen 4
David Eddings Makes Record British Sale 5
Weird Tales Revived, Last Wave Expires 5
The Data File 5
People & Publishing 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis 9
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber 11
Locus Looks at Books, Faren Miller 13
Locus Looks at More Books, 17
Carolyn Cushman
Locus Looks at More Books, Dan Chow 19
Locus Looks at More Books, Tom Whitmore 21
Small Wonders, Amy Thomson 23
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson 24
Locus Bulletin Board 25
ISSUE #322 • VOL. 20, NO. 11 • NOVEMBER 1987 Mailing date: October 28,1987
Index to Ads
Ace 49,51,67
Ackerman Collection 22
Arbor House 12
Avon 6
Baen 2,55
Bantam 16
Bridge 47
Classified Ads 54
Lloyd Currey 52
DAW 18
Del Rey 8,53
Franklin Watts 26,27
Heinlein Collection 43
Locus 66
Locus Press 57
NAL Signet 10
Popular Library Questar 61
Quality Time Audio 59
Tor insert,68
Warner 14,20
Editorial Matters
We managed to get our complete coverage of
Conspiracy into this issue, but had to leave out a lot
of other material, including our convention listings,
a British Along Publishers Row, a special Locus
letter section, a report on British publishing, several
overseas conventions, tons of foreign coverage, two
short interviews, and our report on CactusCon. We
have lots of NASFiC photos, but no room to run
them. Some of these items will appear next issue,
some the issue after that, but some, alas, will never
appear – including material we accepted and will
have to pay for.
Contrary to popular belief, the size of Locus
doesn’t have much to do with the amount of
material on hand. The amount of advertising reserved
in advance determines the number of pages.
The percentage of advertising is kept constant –
somewhere between 42% and 50%, depending on
the nearest 8 page signature. The more ads, the
more room for material. Sometimes we have to
accomodate late ads, those that arrive after the size
of the issue is determined. They replace secondary
material. All the stories and lists between the last
page of review columns and the first page of Books
Received is considered secondary material. This
includes convention lists, convention reports, and all
foreign reports. They’re dropped or held over if we
run short of room. We have a lot of foreign items
which may never see the light of day, because we’ve
been short of room for the past six months. We’ll
give it our best shot for the January issue, which is
traditionally a slow time of year and our mostly
foreign issue.
We’ve been so rushed lately, I forgot to thank
everybody for voting for us for the Hugo. As usual,
I’d like to point out that Locus is a team effort, even
though my name appears on the award. Special
thanks to the staff, freelance writers and
photographers, collators, subscribers, other buyers,
and even those who read other people’s copies. It
was our 12th win in 20 years, but it’s still very important.
We get very little in the way of positive
feedback; most letters are complaints or corrections,
which is the way it should be. The Hugo is a positive
response that lets us know we’re still doing a good
job, and even improving. Locus changes nearly
every issue, but it’s done slowly. If you look at issues
a year apart, you’ll see the differences. Last year, we
still hadn’t switched to proportional spacing and a
laser printer. Now we’ve mastered that system, and
it’s time to move on to the next step – desktop
publishing. The review columns and the worldcon
report are run directly out of the machine – no
paste-up. The type is 8 point, slightly smaller than
the rest of the issue (8.4 point), but much bigger than
it was a year ago (7.2 point). We need to see how
clear it is once printed, and will probably experiment
with other typefaces in the next few issues. It has
(Continued on page 64)
A: Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.
B: Doris Lessing.
C: Do you know the way…?
D: Masquerade winners.
E: Worldcon international.
F: The “wedding cake.”
G: Malcolm Edwards and
Brian Aldiss close
the convention…
H: …with a brass band.
LOCUS November 1987 / 3
The Nature of Conspiracy:
Conspiracy ’87 by Karen Haber 28
Worldcon Programme by Pascal Thomas 28
The Art Show by Karen Haber 30
Worldcon ’87 by Amy Thomson 32
ConFiction Statement by Kees Van Toom 32
Business Meeting by Donald Eastlake III 33
Masquerade Winners 33
Worldcon Report by Mike Glyer 37
Worldcon Report by Jane Jewell 42
Magazines Received-September 43
Books Received-September 44
British Books-August 48
Classified Ads 54
Bestseller Lists 60
Alfred Bester Dies 62
Appreciations by Robert Sheckley,
Judith McQuown, Faren Miller, Dan Chow
Other Obituaries: Roger Lancelyn Green,
Walter Baumhoffer, Richard Marquand 63