20th Century Short Fiction - reference list
For reference-- category lengths for novella, novelette, and short story:
Short story: up to 7500 words; that's up to 20 pages in a book with largish type, as few as 14 pages in a ‘zine like Asimov’s with small type and lots of words per page;
Novelette: 7500-17500 words; in a book, 20-50 pages, fewer in a magazine
Novella: 17500-40000 words; in a book, 50-100 pages or so. More than that is a novel.
Locus has been relaxing upward the limit for novellas, since everything has gotten longer in recent years; some ‘novellas’ published in book form are nearly 200 pages long. (Since too many novels are 900 pages long.) But for these polls we'll stick with the traditional definitions.
Go with what seems appropriate, and as votes are compiled, I’ll check out lengths of stories voted across categories and then aggregate them in whatever the correct category is.
ab Hugh, Dafydd : The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk (nvt, 1990)
Aickman, Robert : Pages from a Young Girl's Journal (nvt, 1973)
Aickman, Robert : The Stains (nva, 1980)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Heresies of the Huge God (ss, 1966)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Hothouse (nvt, 1961)
Aldiss, Brian W. : A Kind of Artistry (nvt, 1962)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Man in His Time (nvt, 1965)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Old Hundredth (ss, 1960)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Outside (ss, 1955)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Poor Little Warrior! (ss, 1958)
Aldiss, Brian W. : The Saliva Tree (nva, 1965)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Total Environment (nvt, 1968)
Aldiss, Brian W. : Who Can Replace a Man? (ss, 1958)
Aldridge, Ray : The Beauty Addict (nva, 1993)
Anderson, Poul : Call Me Joe (nvt, 1957)
Anderson, Poul : Delenda Est (nvt, 1955)
Anderson, Poul : The Fatal Fulfillment (nva, 1970)
Anderson, Poul : Goat Song (nvt, 1972)
Anderson, Poul : Hunter's Moon (nvt, 1978)
Anderson, Poul : Journeys End (ss, 1957)
Anderson, Poul : Kyrie (ss, 1968)
Anderson, Poul : The Longest Voyage (nvt, 1960)
Anderson, Poul : The Man Who Came Early (nvt, 1956)
Anderson, Poul : No Truce with Kings (nva, 1963)
Anderson, Poul : The Queen of Air and Darkness (nva, 1971)
Anderson, Poul : Sam Hall (nvt, 1953)
Anderson, Poul : The Saturn Game (nva, 1981)
Anderson, Poul : The Sharing of Flesh (nvt, 1968)
Anderson, Poul (& F. N. Waldrop) : Tomorrow's Children (nvt, 1947)
Anderson, Poul : The Ways of Love (nvt, 1979)
Arnason, Eleanor : Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance (nva, 1999)
Arnason, Eleanor : The Dog's Story (nvt, 1996)
Arnason, Eleanor : Stellar Harvest (nvt, 1999)
Asaro, Catherine : Aurora in Four Voices (nva, 1998)
Asaro, Catherine : A Roll of the Dice (nva, 2000)
Asimov, Isaac : That Thou Art Mindful of Him! (nvt, 1974)
Asimov, Isaac : All the Troubles of the World (ss, 1958)
Asimov, Isaac : The Bicentennial Man (nvt, 1976)
Asimov, Isaac : The Billiard Ball (nvt, 1967)
Asimov, Isaac : Blind Alley (ss, 1945)
Asimov, Isaac : Breeds There a Man...? (nvt, 1951)
Asimov, Isaac : Catch That Rabbit (ss, 1944)
Asimov, Isaac : The C-Chute (nvt, 1951)
Asimov, Isaac : The Dead Past (nvt, 1956)
Asimov, Isaac : Dreaming Is a Private Thing (ss, 1955)
Asimov, Isaac : Evidence (ss, 1946)
Asimov, Isaac : Eyes Do More Than See (ss, 1965)
Asimov, Isaac : The Feeling of Power (ss, 1958)
Asimov, Isaac : Feminine Intuition (nvt, 1969)
Asimov, Isaac : Found! (ss, 1978)
Asimov, Isaac : Foundation (nvt, 1942)
Asimov, Isaac : Franchise (ss, 1955)
Asimov, Isaac : The Fun They Had (ss, 1951)
Asimov, Isaac : Galley Slave (nvt, 1957)
Asimov, Isaac : Gold (nvt, 1991)
Asimov, Isaac : Green Patches (ss, 1950)
Asimov, Isaac : The Immortal Bard (ss, 1954)
Asimov, Isaac : It's Such a Beautiful Day (nvt, 1954)
Asimov, Isaac : Jokester (ss, 1956)
Asimov, Isaac : The Key (nvt, 1966)
Asimov, Isaac : The Last Question (ss, 1956)
Asimov, Isaac (& Frederik Pohl) : Legal Rites (nvt, 1950)
Asimov, Isaac : Lenny (ss, 1958)
Asimov, Isaac : Liar! (ss, 1941)
Asimov, Isaac : Light Verse (ss, 1973)
Asimov, Isaac : Little Lost Robot (nvt, 1947)
Asimov, Isaac : Living Space (ss, 1956)
Asimov, Isaac : The Machine That Won the War (ss, 1961)
Asimov, Isaac : The Martian Way (nva, 1952)
Asimov, Isaac : Mirror Image (ss, 1972)
Asimov, Isaac : Misbegotten Missionary (ss, 1950)
Asimov, Isaac : My Son, the Physicist! (ss, 1962)
Asimov, Isaac : Nightfall (nvt, 1941)
Asimov, Isaac : Not Final! (ss, 1941)
Asimov, Isaac : Profession (ss, 1957)
Asimov, Isaac : Reason (ss, 1941)
Asimov, Isaac : The Red Queen's Race (nvt, 1949)
Asimov, Isaac : Robbie (ss, 1940)
Asimov, Isaac : Robot AL-76 Goes Astray (ss, 1942)
Asimov, Isaac : Robot Dreams (ss, 1986)
Asimov, Isaac : Runaround (nvt, 1942)
Asimov, Isaac : Sally (ss, 1953)
Asimov, Isaac : Satisfaction Guaranteed (ss, 1951)
Asimov, Isaac : Segregationist (ss, 1967)
Asimov, Isaac : Someday (ss, 1956)
Asimov, Isaac : Strikebreaker (ss, 1957)
Asimov, Isaac : Trends (ss, 1939)
Asimov, Isaac : The Ugly Little Boy (nvt, 1958)
Asimov, Isaac : Unto the Fourth Generation (ss, 1959)
Asimov, Isaac : Victory Unintentional (ss, 1942)
Asimov, Isaac : What If (ss, 1952)
Asimov, Isaac : What Is This Thing Called Love? (ss, 1961)
Baker, Kage : Son Observe the Time (nva, 1999)
Baker, Scott : Still Life with Scorpion (ss, 1984)
Ballard, J. G. : The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race (ss, 1966)
Ballard, J. G. : Billenium (ss, 1961)
Ballard, J. G. : The Cage of Sand (ss, 1962)
Ballard, J. G. : Chronopolis (nvt, 1960)
Ballard, J. G. : The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral D (ss, 1967)
Ballard, J. G. : The Drowned Giant (ss, 1964)
Ballard, J. G. : The Garden of Time (ss, 1962)
Ballard, J. G. : The Insane Ones (ss, 1962)
Ballard, J. G. : Myths of the Near Future (nvt, 1982)
Ballard, J. G. : Notes Toward a Mental Breakdown (ss, 1967)
Ballard, J. G. : The Overloaded Man (ss, 1961)
Ballard, J. G. : Plan for the Assassination of Jacqueline Kennedy (ss, 1966)
Ballard, J. G. : Prima Belladonna (ss, 1956)
Ballard, J. G. : The Sound-Sweep (nvt, 1960)
Ballard, J. G. : The Subliminal Man (ss, 1963)
Ballard, J. G. : The Terminal Beach (ss, 1964)
Ballard, J. G. : Thirteen to Centaurus (nvt, 1962)
Ballard, J. G. : The Voices of Time (nvt, 1960)
Ballard, J. G. : Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan (ss, 1968)
Ballard, J. G. : You: Coma: Marilyn Monroe (ss, 1966)
Barker, Clive : The Forbidden (nvt, 1985)
Barker, Clive : In the Hills, the Cities (nvt, 1984)
Barrett, Neal, Jr. : Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus (ss, 1988)
Barrett, Neal, Jr. : Stairs (ss, 1988)
Barton, William : Age of Aquarius (nvt, 1996)
Barton, William : Heart of Glass (nva, 2000)
Bates, Harry : Farewell to the Master (nvt, 1940)
Baxter, Stephen : The Ant-Men of Tibet (nvt, 1995)
Baxter, Stephen : Huddle (nvt, 1999)
Baxter, Stephen : Moon Six (nvt, 1997)
Baxter, Stephen : On the Orion Line (nvt, 2000)
Baxter, Stephen : Sheena 5 (ss, 2000)
Baxter, Stephen : War Birds (ss, 1997)
Bayley, Barrington J. : A Crab Must Try (ss, 1996)
Bear, Greg : Blood Music (nvt, 1983)
Bear, Greg : Hardfought (nva, 1983)
Bear, Greg : Petra (nvt, 1982)
Bear, Greg : Sisters (nvt, 1989)
Bear, Greg : Tangents (ss, 1986)
Bear, Greg : The White Horse Child (ss, 1979)
Beaumont, Charles : The Crooked Man (ss, 1955)
Beaumont, Charles : Free Dirt (ss, 1955)
Beaumont, Charles : The New People (ss, 1958)
Beaumont, Charles : The Vanishing American (ss, 1955)
Beerbohm, Max : Enoch Soames (nvt, 1916)
Bell, M. Shayne : Mrs. Lincoln's China (ss, 1994)
Benet, Stephen Vincent : By the Waters of Babylon (ss, 1937)
Benford, Gregory : Deeper Than the Darkness (nvt, 1969)
Benford, Gregory : Doing Lennon (ss, 1975)
Benford, Gregory : Immersion (nva, 1996)
Benford, Gregory : Matter's End (nvt, 1989)
Benford, Gregory : Newton Sleep (nva, 1986)
Benford, Gregory : A Snark in the Night (nva, 1977)
Benford, Gregory : Soon Comes Night (nva, 1994)
Benford, Gregory : Swarmer, Skimmer (nva, 1981)
Benson, E. F. : Caterpillars (ss, 1912)
Benson, E. F. : Mrs. Amworth (ss, 1922)
Benson, E. F. : The Room in the Tower (ss, 1912)
Bester, Alfred : Adam and No Eve (ss, 1941)
Bester, Alfred : Disappearing Act (ss, 1953)
Bester, Alfred : Fondly Fahrenheit (nvt, 1954)
Bester, Alfred : The Four-Hour Fugue (ss, 1974)
Bester, Alfred : Hobson's Choice (ss, 1952)
Bester, Alfred : The Men Who Murdered Mohammed (ss, 1958)
Bester, Alfred : Oddy and Id (ss, 1950)
Bester, Alfred : Of Time and Third Avenue (ss, 1951)
Bester, Alfred : The Pi Man (ss, 1959)
Bester, Alfred : They Don't Make Life Like They Used To (nvt, 1963)
Bester, Alfred : Time Is the Traitor (nvt, 1953)
Bierce, Ambrose : The Moonlit Road (ss, 1907)
Bierce, Ambrose : The Stranger (ss, 1909)
Bishop, Michael : Blooded on Arachne (nvt, 1975)
Bishop, Michael : Cathadonian Odyssey (nvt, 1974)
Bishop, Michael : Cri de Coeur (nva, 1994)
Bishop, Michael : Death and Designation Among the Asadi (nva, 1973)
Bishop, Michael : A Gift from the GrayLanders (nvt, 1985)
Bishop, Michael : The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis (nva, 1983)
Bishop, Michael : Her Habiline Husband (nva, 1983)
Bishop, Michael : I, Iscariot (nvt, 1995)
Bishop, Michael : Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats (nvt, 1991)
Bishop, Michael : On the Street of the Serpents (nvt, 1974)
Bishop, Michael : The Quickening (nvt, 1981)
Bishop, Michael : Rogue Tomato (ss, 1975)
Bishop, Michael : The Samurai and the Willows (nva, 1976)
Bishop, Michael : Vernalfest Morning (ss, 1978)
Bishop, Michael : The White Otters of Childhood (nva, 1973)
Bissette, Stephen : Aliens: Tribes (nvt, 1992)
Bisson, Terry : Bears Discover Fire (ss, 1990)
Bisson, Terry : Dead Man's Curve (ss, 1994)
Bisson, Terry : England Underway (nvt, 1993)
Bisson, Terry : Get Me to the Church on Time (nva, 1998)
Bisson, Terry : macs (ss, 1999)
Bisson, Terry : Press Ann (ss, 1991)
Bisson, Terry : The Shadow Knows (nvt, 1993)
Bixby, Jerome : It's a Good Life (ss, 1953)
Blackwood, Algernon : The Willows (nva, 1907)
Blaylock, James P. : Paper Dragons (nvt, 1985)
Blaylock, James P. : Thirteen Phantasms (ss, 1996)
Blish, James : Beep (nvt, 1954)
Blish, James : The Box (ss, 1949)
Blish, James : Common Time (ss, 1953)
Blish, James : How Beautiful with Banners (ss, 1966)
Blish, James : Surface Tension (nvt, 1952)
Blish, James : Testament of Andros (nvt, 1953)
Blish, James : There Shall Be No Darkness (nvt, 1950)
Blish, James : A Work of Art (nvt, 1956)
Bloch, Robert : The Cloak (ss, 1939)
Bloch, Robert : Enoch (ss, 1946)
Bloch, Robert : The Eyes of the Mummy (ss, 1938)
Bloch, Robert : The Man Who Collected Poe (ss, 1951)
Bloch, Robert : The Mannikin (ss, 1937)
Bloch, Robert : Mother of Serpents (ss, 1936)
Bloch, Robert : The Scent of Vinegar (nvt, 1994)
Bloch, Robert : The Secret of Sebek (ss, 1937)
Bloch, Robert : The Shambler from the Stars (ss, 1935)
Bloch, Robert : Sweets to the Sweet (ss, 1947)
Bloch, Robert : That Hell-Bound Train (ss, 1958)
Bloch, Robert : The Unspeakable Betrothal (ss, 1949)
Bloch, Robert : Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper (ss, 1943)
Bond, Nelson S. : Conquerors' Isle (ss, 1946)
Boucher, Anthony : The Compleat Werewolf (nva, 1942)
Boucher, Anthony : Mr. Lupescu (ss, 1945)
Boucher, Anthony : The Quest for Saint Aquin (ss, 1951)
Boucher, Anthony : Snulbug (ss, 1941)
Boucher, Anthony : They Bite (ss, 1943)
Bova, Ben (& Harlan Ellison) : Brillo (nvt, 1970)
Bova, Ben : Fifteen Miles (ss, 1967)
Bova, Ben : Inspiration (ss, 1994)
Bowes, Richard : Streetcar Dreams (nvt, 1997)
Bradbury, Ray : All Summer in a Day (ss, 1954)
Bradbury, Ray : ...And the Moon Be Still as Bright (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The April Witch (ss, 1952)
Bradbury, Ray : The Crowd (ss, 1943)
Bradbury, Ray : Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : The Dead Man (ss, 1945)
Bradbury, Ray : The Dragon (ss, 1955)
Bradbury, Ray : The Earth Men (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Emissary (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : The End of the Beginning (ss, 1956)
Bradbury, Ray : The Exiles (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : Fever Dream (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Fire Balloons (ss, 1951)
Bradbury, Ray : The Flying Machine (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Fog Horn (ss, 1951)
Bradbury, Ray : The Fox and the Forest (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Garbage Collector (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Gift (ss, 1952)
Bradbury, Ray : The Golden Apples of the Sun (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : Hail and Farewell (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Handler (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : The Homecoming (ss, 1946)
Bradbury, Ray : I See You Never (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : Icarus Montgolfier Wright (ss, 1956)
Bradbury, Ray : Interim (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : Invisible Boy (ss, 1945)
Bradbury, Ray : Kaleidoscope (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : The Lake (ss, 1944)
Bradbury, Ray : "Let's Play ""Poison""" (ss, 1946)
Bradbury, Ray : The Long Rain (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Long Years (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Man (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : The Man Upstairs (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : Mars Is Heaven! (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Meadow (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Million Year Picnic (ss, 1946)
Bradbury, Ray : The Murderer (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Naming of Names (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : The Off Season (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Other Foot (ss, 1951)
Bradbury, Ray : The Pedestrian (ss, 1951)
Bradbury, Ray : Pillar of Fire (nvt, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : The Playground (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Rocket (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : A Scent of Sarsaparilla (ss, 1953)
Bradbury, Ray : The Silent Towns (ss, 1949)
Bradbury, Ray : Skeleton (ss, 1945)
Bradbury, Ray : The Small Assassin (ss, 1946)
Bradbury, Ray : The Smile (ss, 1952)
Bradbury, Ray : A Sound of Thunder (ss, 1952)
Bradbury, Ray : The Strawberry Window (ss, 1954)
Bradbury, Ray : There Will Come Soft Rains (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Third Expedition (ss, 1948)
Bradbury, Ray : Uncle Einar (ss, 1947)
Bradbury, Ray : Usher II (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Veldt (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Watchers (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : Way in the Middle of the Air (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Whole Town's Sleeping (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : The Wilderness (ss, 1952)
Bradbury, Ray : The Wind (ss, 1943)
Bradbury, Ray : Ylla (ss, 1950)
Bradbury, Ray : Zero Hour (ss, 1947)
Brennert, Alan : Echoes (nvt, 1997)
Brennert, Alan : Ma Qui (ss, 1991)
Brin, David : The Crystal Spheres (nvt, 1984)
Brin, David : Cyclops (nva, 1984)
Brin, David : The Giving Plague (ss, 1988)
Brin, David : The Postman (nva, 1982)
Brin, David : Thor Meets Captain America (nvt, 1986)
Brown, Eric : Hunting the Slarque (nvt, 1999)
Brown, Fredric : Answer (ss, 1954)
Brown, Fredric : """Arena""" (nvt, 1944)
Brown, Fredric : Armageddon (ss, 1941)
Brown, Fredric : Come and Go Mad (nvt, 1949)
Brown, Fredric (& Mack Reynolds) : Dark Interlude (ss, 1951)
Brown, Fredric : Knock (ss, 1948)
Brown, Fredric : Letter to a Phoenix (ss, 1949)
Brown, Fredric : Mouse (ss, 1949)
Brown, Fredric : Nasty (ss, 1959)
Brown, Fredric : Placet Is a Crazy Place (ss, 1946)
Brown, Fredric : Puppet Show (ss, 1962)
Brown, Fredric : The Star-Mouse (ss, 1942)
Brown, Fredric : The Waveries (ss, 1945)
Brown, Fredric : The Weapon (ss, 1951)
Brown, Molly : Bad Timing (ss, 1991)
Brunner, John : Dread Empire (nvt, 1971)
Brunner, John : The Last Lonely Man (ss, 1964)
Brunner, John : The Totally Rich (nvt, 1963)
Bryant, Edward : The Fire That Scours (ss, 1994)
Bryant, Edward : giANTS (ss, 1979)
Bryant, Edward : Particle Theory (ss, 1977)
Bryant, Edward : Stone (ss, 1978)
Bryant, Edward : Strata (nvt, 1980)
Bryant, Edward : The Thermals of August (nvt, 1981)
Budrys, Algis : For Love (nvt, 1962)
Budrys, Algis : Nobody Bothers Gus (ss, 1955)
Budrys, Algis : The Silent Eyes of Time (nva, 1975)
Budrys, Algis : Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night (nvt, 1961)
Bujold, Lois McMaster : The Mountains of Mourning (nva, 1989)
Bujold, Lois McMaster : Weatherman (nva, 1990)
Burrage, A. M. : Smee (ss, 1929)
Burstein, Michael A. : Kaddish for the Last Survivor (ss, 2000)
Burstein, Michael A. : Reality Check (nva, 1999)
Butler, Octavia E. : Bloodchild (nvt, 1984)
Butler, Octavia E. : The Evening and the Morning and the Night (nvt, 1987)
Butler, Octavia E. : Speech Sounds (ss, 1983)
Byatt, Antonia S. : The July Ghost (ss, 1982)
Cacek, P. D. : Dust Motes (ss, 1997)
Cacek, P. D. : Metalica (nvt, 1996)
Cadigan, Pat : Angel (ss, 1987)
Cadigan, Pat : Dispatches from the Revolution (nvt, 1991)
Cadigan, Pat : Fool to Believe (nva, 1990)
Cadigan, Pat : Paris In June (ss, 1994)
Cadigan, Pat : The Power and the Passion (ss, 1989)
Cadigan, Pat : Pretty Boy Crossover (ss, 1986)
Cadigan, Pat : True Faces (nvt, 1992)
Cady, Jack : The Night We Buried Road Dog (nva, 1993)
Campbell, John W. : Night (nvt, 1935)
Campbell, John W. : Twilight (ss, 1934)
Campbell, John W. : """Who Goes There?""" (nva, 1938)
Campbell, Ramsey : Call First (ss, 1975)
Campbell, Ramsey : The Chimney (ss, 1977)
Campbell, Ramsey : In the Bag (ss, 1977)
Campbell, Ramsey : Mackintosh Willy (ss, 1979)
Card, Orson Scott : Dogwalker (nvt, 1989)
Card, Orson Scott : Ender's Game (nvt, 1977)
Card, Orson Scott : Eumenides in the Fourth Floor Lavatory (nvt, 1979)
Card, Orson Scott : Eye for Eye (nva, 1987)
Card, Orson Scott : The Fringe (nvt, 1985)
Card, Orson Scott : Hatrack River (nvt, 1986)
Card, Orson Scott : Lost Boys (ss, 1989)
Card, Orson Scott : Mikal's Songbird (nvt, 1978)
Card, Orson Scott : Songhouse (nva, 1979)
Card, Orson Scott : Unaccompanied Sonata (ss, 1979)
Carr, Carol : Look, You Think You've Got Troubles (ss, 1969)
Carr, Terry : The Dance of the Changer and the Three (ss, 1968)
Carr, Terry : Hop-Friend (ss, 1962)
Carroll, Jonathan : Friend's Best Man (ss, 1987)
Carroll, Jonathan : Uh-Oh City (nva, 1992)
Carter, Raphael : Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation by K.N. Sirsi and Sandra Botkin (ss, 1998)
Castro, Adam-Troy (& Jerry Oltion) : The Astronaut from Wyoming (nva, 1999)
Castro, Adam-Troy : The Funeral March of the Marionettes (nva, 1997)
Chandler, A. Bertram : The Cage (ss, 1957)
Chandler, A. Bertram : Giant Killer (nvt, 1945)
Chappell, Fred : The Somewhere Doors (nvt, 1991)
Charnas, Suzy McKee : Beauty and the Opéra or The Phantom Beast (nvt, 1996)
Charnas, Suzy McKee : Boobs (ss, 1990)
Charnas, Suzy McKee : Unicorn Tapestry (nva, 1980)
Cherryh, C. J. : Cassandra (ss, 1978)
Cherryh, C. J. : The Scapegoat (nva, 1985)
Chiang, Ted : Seventy-two Letters (nva, 2000)
Chiang, Ted : Story of Your Life (nva, 1998)
Chiang, Ted : Tower of Babylon (nvt, 1990)
Chiang, Ted : Understand (nvt, 1991)
Chwedyk, Richard : The Measure of All Things (nvt, 1999)
Clark, Walter van Tilburg : The Portable Phonograph (ss, 1941)
Clarke, Arthur C. : All the Time in the World (ss, 1952)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Awakening (ss, 1942)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Before Eden (ss, 1961)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Breaking Strain (nvt, 1949)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Call of the Stars (ss, 1957)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Curse (ss, 1946)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Death and the Senator (nvt, 1961)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Deep Range (ss, 1954)
Clarke, Arthur C. : "Dial ""F"" for Frankenstein" (ss, 1965)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Feathered Friend (ss, 1957)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Fires Within (ss, 1947)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Forgotten Enemy (ss, 1948)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Green Fingers (ss, 1956)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Hide and Seek (ss, 1949)
Clarke, Arthur C. : History Lesson (ss, 1949)
Clarke, Arthur C. : I Remember Babylon (ss, 1960)
Clarke, Arthur C. : """If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth...""" (ss, 1951)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Loophole (ss, 1946)
Clarke, Arthur C. : A Meeting with Medusa (nvt, 1971)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Nine Billion Names of God (ss, 1953)
Clarke, Arthur C. : No Morning After (ss, 1954)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Rescue Party (nvt, 1946)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Robin Hood, F.R.S. (ss, 1956)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Sentinel (ss, 1951)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Star (ss, 1955)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Summertime on Icarus (ss, 1960)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Sunjammer (nvt, 1964)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Superiority (ss, 1951)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Take a Deep Breath (ss, 1957)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Transit of Earth (ss, 1971)
Clarke, Arthur C. : A Walk in the Dark (ss, 1950)
Clarke, Arthur C. : Who's There? (ss, 1958)
Clarke, Arthur C. : The Wind from the Sun (nvt, 1964)
Clement, Hal : Proof (ss, 1942)
Clifton, Mark : What Have I Done? (ss, 1952)
Clingerman, Mildred : Minister Without Portfolio (ss, 1952)
Cogswell, Theodore R. : The Specter General (nva, 1952)
Cogswell, Theodore R. : The Wall Around the World (nvt, 1953)
Collier, John : Evening Primrose (ss, 1940)
Conner, Mike : Guide Dog (nvt, 1991)
Cook, Rick (& Peter L. Manly) : Symphony for Skyfall (nva, 1994)
Cowper, Richard : The Custodians (nvt, 1975)
Cowper, Richard : Piper at the Gates of Dawn (nva, 1976)
Cowper, Richard : The Web of the Magi (nva, 1980)
Crawford, F. Marion : For the Blood Is the Life (ss, 1905)
Crowley, John : Gone (ss, 1996)
Crowley, John : Great Work of Time (nva, 1989)
Crowley, John : Snow (ss, 1985)
Dahl, Roald : Man from the South (ss, 1948)
Dahl, Roald : The Sound Machine (ss, 1949)
Dahl, Roald : The Wish (ss, 1948)
Daniel, Tony : Life on the Moon (ss, 1995)
Daniel, Tony : Radio Praha (ss, 1998)
Dann, Jack : Amnesia (nvt, 1981)
Dann, Jack : Bad Medicine (nvt, 1984)
Dann, Jack : Blind Shemmy (nvt, 1983)
Dann, Jack : Camps (nvt, 1979)
Dann, Jack : Da Vinci Rising (nva, 1995)
Dann, Jack (& Gardner R. Dozois) : Down Among the Dead Men (nvt, 1982)
Dann, Jack : Going Under (nvt, 1981)
Dann, Jack : Junction (nva, 1973)
Dann, Jack : A Quiet Revolution for Death (ss, 1978)
Davidson, Avram : Eszterhazy and the Autogóndola-Invention (nva, 1983)
Davidson, Avram : The Golem (ss, 1955)
Davidson, Avram : Naples (ss, 1978)
Davidson, Avram : Now Let Us Sleep (ss, 1957)
Davidson, Avram : Or All the Seas with Oysters (ss, 1958)
Davidson, Avram : Or the Grasses Grow (ss, 1958)
Davidson, Avram : Polly Charms, the Sleeping Woman (nvt, 1975)
Davidson, Avram : The Sources of the Nile (nvt, 1961)
Davidson, Avram : There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me (nva, 1980)
Davidson, Avram : Young Doctor Eszterhazy (nva, 1984)
de Camp, L. Sprague : Aristotle and the Gun (nvt, 1958)
de Camp, L. Sprague : The Gnarly Man (nvt, 1939)
de Camp, L. Sprague : A Gun for Dinosaur (nvt, 1956)
de Camp, L. Sprague : Nothing in the Rules (nvt, 1939)
de la Mare, Walter : Seaton's Aunt (nvt, 1922)
del Rey, Lester : The Day Is Done (ss, 1939)
del Rey, Lester : Helen O'Loy (ss, 1938)
del Rey, Lester : Instinct (ss, 1952)
del Rey, Lester : Nerves (nva, 1942)
del Rey, Lester : The Wings of Night (ss, 1942)
Delaney, Joseph H. : Brainchild (nva, 1982)
Delaney, Joseph H. : In the Face of My Enemy (nvt, 1983)
Delany, Samuel R. : Aye, and Gomorrah… (ss, 1967)
Delany, Samuel R. : Corona (ss, 1967)
Delany, Samuel R. : Driftglass (ss, 1967)
Delany, Samuel R. : Lines of Power (nva, 1968)
Delany, Samuel R. : Prismatica (nvt, 1977)
Delany, Samuel R. : The Star Pit (nva, 1967)
Delany, Samuel R. : The Tale of Gorgik (nva, 1979)
Delany, Samuel R. : Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones (nvt, 1968)
Denton, Bradley : The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians (nva, 1988)
Denton, Bradley : The Territory (nva, 1992)
Derleth, August : The Drifting Snow (ss, 1939)
Deutsch, A. J. : A Subway Named Mobius (ss, 1950)
Di Filippo, Paul : The Double Felix (nvt, 1994)
DiChario, Nicholas A. : The Winterberry (ss, 1992)
Dick, Philip K. : Autofac (nvt, 1955)
Dick, Philip K. : Beyond Lies the Wub (ss, 1952)
Dick, Philip K. : Breakfast at Twilight (ss, 1954)
Dick, Philip K. : The Days of Perky Pat (nvt, 1963)
Dick, Philip K. : The Electric Ant (ss, 1969)
Dick, Philip K. : Expendable (ss, 1953)
Dick, Philip K. : Faith of Our Fathers (nvt, 1967)
Dick, Philip K. : The Father-Thing (ss, 1954)
Dick, Philip K. : Impostor (ss, 1953)
Dick, Philip K. : A Little Something for Us Tempunauts (nvt, 1974)
Dick, Philip K. : Oh, to Be a Blobel! (ss, 1964)
Dick, Philip K. : Rautavaara's Case (ss, 1980)
Dick, Philip K. : Roog (ss, 1953)
Dick, Philip K. : Second Variety (nvt, 1953)
Dick, Philip K. : The Turning Wheel (nvt, 1954)
Dick, Philip K. : Upon the Dull Earth (nvt, 1954)
Dick, Philip K. : We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (nvt, 1966)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Black Charlie (ss, 1954)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Call Him Lord (ss, 1966)
Dickson, Gordon R. : The Cloak and the Staff (nvt, 1980)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Computers Don't Argue (ss, 1965)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Lost Dorsai (nva, 1980)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Soldier, Ask Not (nva, 1964)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Steel Brother (nvt, 1952)
Dickson, Gordon R. : Warrior (nvt, 1965)
Disch, Thomas M. : Angouleme (ss, 1971)
Disch, Thomas M. : The Asian Shore (nvt, 1970)
Disch, Thomas M. : The Brave Little Toaster (nvt, 1980)
Disch, Thomas M. : Descending (ss, 1964)
Disch, Thomas M. : The Man Who Had No Idea (nvt, 1978)
Disch, Thomas M. : The Roaches (ss, 1965)
Disch, Thomas M. : Understanding Human Behavior (nvt, 1982)
Disch, Thomas M. : Voices of the Kill (ss, 1988)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : The Disintegration Machine (ss, 1929)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : The Horror of the Heights (ss, 1913)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : How It Happened (ss, 1913)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : The Leather Funnel (ss, 1902)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : The Silver Mirror (ss, 1908)
Doyle, Arthur Conan : The Terror of Blue John Gap (ss, 1910)
Dozois, Gardner : Chains of the Sea (nva, 1973)
Dozois, Gardner : Disciples (ss, 1981)
Dozois, Gardner (& Jack M. Dann) : Down Among the Dead Men (nvt, 1982)
Dozois, Gardner (& Jack M. Dann) : The Gods of Mars (nvt, 1985)
Dozois, Gardner : A Kingdom by the Sea (nvt, 1972)
Dozois, Gardner : A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (nvt, 1999)
Dozois, Gardner : Morning Child (ss, 1984)
Dozois, Gardner : The Peacemaker (ss, 1983)
Dozois, Gardner : A Special Kind of Morning (nvt, 1971)
Dozois, Gardner : Strangers (nva, 1974)
du Maruier, Daphne : The Birds (nvt, 1952)
Duncan, Andy : The Executioners' Guild (nva, 1999)
Duncan, Andy : The Pottawatomie Giant (ss, 2000)
Eddy, C. M., Jr. (& H. P. Lovecraft) : The Loved Dead (ss, 1924)
Edwards Malcolm : After Images (ss, 1983)
Effinger, Geo. Alec : All the Last Wars at Once (ss, 1971)
Effinger, George Alec : The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything (ss, 1984)
Effinger, George Alec : Everything but Honor (nvt, 1989)
Effinger, George Alec : Marîd Changes His Mind (nva, 1989)
Effinger, George Alec : Schrödinger's Kitten (nvt, 1988)
Egan, Greg : Axiomatic (ss, 1990)
Egan, Greg : Border Guards (nvt, 1999)
Egan, Greg : Cocoon (nvt, 1994)
Egan, Greg : Learning to Be Me (ss, 1990)
Egan, Greg : Luminous (nvt, 1995)
Egan, Greg : Oceanic (nva, 1998)
Egan, Greg : Oracle (nva, 2000)
Egan, Greg : The Planck Dive (nvt, 1998)
Egan, Greg : Tap (nvt, 1995)
Eisenstein, Phyllis : In the Western Tradition (nva, 1981)
Eisenstein, Phyllis : Nightlife (nvt, 1982)
Eklund, Gordon : Dear Aunt Annie (nvt, 1970)
Eklund, Gordon (& Gregory Benford) : If the Stars Are Gods (nvt, 1974)
Ellison, Harlan : "Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13"" W" (nvt, 1974)
Ellison, Harlan : All the Lies That Are My Life (nva, 1980)
Ellison, Harlan : All the Sounds of Fear (ss, 1962)
Ellison, Harlan : Along the Scenic Route (ss, 1969)
Ellison, Harlan : Basilisk (ss, 1972)
Ellison, Harlan : The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (nvt, 1968)
Ellison, Harlan : A Boy and His Dog (nvt, 1969)
Ellison, Harlan : Chatting with Anubis (ss, 1995)
Ellison, Harlan : Count the Clock That Tells the Time (ss, 1978)
Ellison, Harlan : Croatoan (ss, 1975)
Ellison, Harlan : The Deathbird (nvt, 1973)
Ellison, Harlan : Djinn, No Chaser (nvt, 1982)
Ellison, Harlan : Eidolons (ss, 1988)
Ellison, Harlan : The Function of Dream Sleep (nvt, 1988)
Ellison, Harlan : I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (ss, 1967)
Ellison, Harlan : Jeffty Is Five (ss, 1977)
Ellison, Harlan : Lonelyache (ss, 1964)
Ellison, Harlan : On the Downhill Side (ss, 1972)
Ellison, Harlan : Paladin of the Lost Hour (nvt, 1985)
Ellison, Harlan : Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes (nvt, 1967)
Ellison, Harlan : The Region Between (nva, 1970)
Ellison, Harlan : 'Repent, Harlequin!' said the Ticktockman (ss, 1965)
Ellison, Harlan : Shatterday (ss, 1975)
Ellison, Harlan : Shattered Like a Glass Goblin (ss, 1968)
Ellison, Harlan : The Whimper of Whipped Dogs (ss, 1973)
Ellison, Harlan : With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole (ss, 1985)
Etchemendy, Nancy : Bigger than Death (ss, 2000)
Etchison, Dennis : The Dark Country (ss, 1981)
Etchison, Dennis : The Dead Line (ss, 1979)
Etchison, Dennis : The Dog Park (ss, 1993)
Etchison, Dennis : The Olympic Runner (nvt, 1986)
Farmer, Philip José : The Alley Man (nva, 1959)
Farmer, Philip José : The King of the Beasts (ss, 1964)
Farmer, Philip José : Mother (nvt, 1953)
Farmer, Philip José : Riders of the Purple Wage (nva, 1967)
Farmer, Philip José : Sail On! Sail On! (ss, 1952)
Farmer, Philip José : The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World (ss, 1971)
Fast, Howard : The Large Ant (ss, 1960)
Faulkner, William : A Rose for Emily (ss, 1930)
Finch, Sheila : Reading the Bones (nva, 1998)
Finney, Jack : I'm Scared (ss, 1951)
Finney, Jack : The Third Level (ss, 1950)
Fintushel, Eliot : Izzy and the Father of Terror (nva, 1997)
Fisk, Nicholas : Find the Lady (ss, 1975)
Florance-Guthridge, George : The Quiet (ss, 1981)
Flynn, Michael F. : Eifelheim (nva, 1986)
Flynn, Michael F. : The Forest of Time (nva, 1987)
Flynn, Michael F. : House of Dreams (nvt, 1997)
Flynn, Michael F. : Melodies of the Heart (nva, 1994)
Ford, Jeffrey : The Fantasy Writer's Assistant (ss, 2000)
Ford, John M. : Erase/Record/Play (nva, 1996)
Ford, John M. : Fugue State (nva, 1987)
Ford, John M. : Winter Solstice, Camelot Station (pm, 1988)
Forster, E. M. : The Machine Stops (nvt, 1909)
Fowler, Christopher : Wageslaves (ss, 1997)
Fowler, Karen Joy : Black Glass (nvt, 1991)
Fowler, Karen Joy : The Dark (ss, 1991)
Fowler, Karen Joy : The Elizabeth Complex (ss, 1996)
Fowler, Karen Joy : The Faithful Companion at Forty (ss, 1987)
Fowler, Karen Joy : Lieserl (ss, 1990)
Fowler, Karen Joy : Standing Room Only (ss, 1997)
Freeman, Mary E. : Luella Miller (ss, 1902)
Friesner, Esther M. : All Vows (ss, 1992)
Friesner, Esther M. : A Birthday (ss, 1995)
Friesner, Esther M. : Death and the Librarian (ss, 1994)
Friesner, Esther M. : How to Make Unicorn Pie (nvt, 1999)
Fyfe, H. B. : Protected Species (ss, 1951)
Gaiman, Neil : A Midsummer Night's Dream (ss, 1990)
Gaiman, Neil : Troll Bridge (ss, 1993)
Gallun, Raymond Z. : Old Faithful (nvt, 1934)
Gallun, Raymond Z. : Seeds of the Dusk (nvt, 1938)
Garcia y Robertson, R. : A Princess of Helium (nva, 1998)
Gardner, James Alan : Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream (nvt, 1997)
Gerrold, David : Jumping Off the Planet (nvt, 1998)
Gerrold, David : The Martian Child (nvt, 1994)
Gibson, William : Burning Chrome (nvt, 1982)
Gibson, William : Johnny Mnemonic (ss, 1981)
Gibson, William : The Winter Market (nvt, 1985)
Glasgow, Ellen : The Shadowy Third (nvt, 1916)
Godwin, Parke : The Fire When It Comes (nvt, 1981)
Godwin, Tom : The Cold Equations (nvt, 1954)
Gold, H. L. : The Man with English (ss, 1953)
Gold, H. L. : Trouble with Water (ss, 1939)
Goldstein, Lisa : Alfred (ss, 1992)
Goldstein, Lisa : Cassandra's Photographs (ss, 1987)
Goldstein, Lisa : The Narcissus Plague (ss, 1994)
Gotlieb, Phyllis : Son of the Morning (nva, 1972)
Gould, Steven : Peaches for Mad Molly (nvt, 1988)
Grant, Charles L. : Confess the Seasons (nvt, 1982)
Grant, Charles L. : A Crowd of Shadows (ss, 1976)
Grant, Charles L. : A Glow of Candles, A Unicorn's Eye (nvt, 1977)
Grant, Charles L. : Secrets of the Heart (ss, 1980)
Green, Robert M., Jr. : Apology to Inky (nvt, 1966)
Gunn, Eileen : Computer Friendly (ss, 1989)
Gunn, Eileen : Stable Strategies for Middle Management (ss, 1988)
Haldeman, Jack C. II : High Steel (ss, 1982)
Haldeman, Joe : Graves (ss, 1992)
Haldeman, Joe : The Hemingway Hoax (nva, 1990)
Haldeman, Joe : Hero (nva, 1972)
Haldeman, Joe : None So Blind (ss, 1994)
Haldeman, Joe : Tricentennial (ss, 1976)
Hamilton, Edmond : What's It Like Out There? (nvt, 1952)
Hamilton, Peter F. : The Suspect Genome (nva, 2000)
Hand, Elizabeth : Last Summer at Mars Hill (nva, 1994)
Harness, Charles L. : The Alchemist (nva, 1966)
Harness, Charles L. : The New Reality (nvt, 1950)
Harness, Charles L. : An Ornament to His Profession (nvt, 1966)
Harness, Charles L. : The Rose (nva, 1953)
Harness, Charles L. : Summer Solstice (nvt, 1984)
Harrison, Harry : I Always Do What Teddy Says (ss, 1965)
Harrison, Harry : Rescue Operation (ss, 1964)
Harrison, Harry : Roommates (nvt, 1971)
Harrison, Harry : The Streets of Ashkelon (ss, 1962)
Harrison, M. John : Suicide Coast (ss, 1999)
Harvey, William F. : August Heat (ss, 1910)
Heinlein, Robert A. : """And He Built a Crooked House""" (nvt, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : """All You Zombies""" (ss, 1959)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Black Pits of Luna (ss, 1948)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Blowups Happen (nva, 1940)
Heinlein, Robert A. : By His Bootstraps (nva, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Columbus Was a Dope (ss, 1947)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Coventry (nva, 1940)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Delilah and the Space-Rigger (ss, 1949)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Gentlemen, Be Seated! (ss, 1948)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Goldfish Bowl (nvt, 1942)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Green Hills of Earth (ss, 1947)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Gulf (nva, 1949)
Heinlein, Robert A. : It's Great to Be Back! (ss, 1947)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Let There Be Light (ss, 1940)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Life-Line (ss, 1939)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Logic of Empire (nva, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Long Watch (ss, 1949)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Man Who Sold the Moon (nva, 1950)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Menace from Earth (nvt, 1957)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Misfit (nvt, 1939)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Ordeal in Space (ss, 1948)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Our Fair City (ss, 1949)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Requiem (ss, 1940)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Roads Must Roll (nvt, 1940)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Searchlight (ss, 1962)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Solution Unsatisfactory (nvt, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Space Jockey (ss, 1947)
Heinlein, Robert A. : They (ss, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : Universe (nva, 1941)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (nva, 1942)
Heinlein, Robert A. : The Year of the Jackpot (nvt, 1952)
Henderson, Zenna : Anything Box (ss, 1956)
Henderson, Zenna : Ararat (nvt, 1952)
Henry, O. : The Furnished Room (ss, 1906)
Herbert, Frank : Committee of the Whole (nvt, 1965)
Hodgson, William Hope : The Derelict (nvt, 1912)
Hodgson, William Hope : The Voice in the Night (ss, 1907)
Hodgson, William Hope : The Whistling Room (ss, 1910)
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki : Haunted Humans (nva, 1994)
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki : Home for Christmas (nvt, 1995)
Holder, Nancy : Cafe Endless: Spring Rain (ss, 1994)
Holder, Nancy : I Hear the Mermaids Singing (ss, 1993)
Holder, Nancy : Lady Madonna (ss, 1991)
Holdstock, Robert : Mythago Wood (nvt, 1981)
Holdstock, Robert (& Garry D. Kilworth) : The Ragthorn (nvt, 1991)
Hopkins, Brian A. : Five Days in April (nvt, 1999)
Howard, Hayden : The Eskimo Invasion (nvt, 1966)
Howard, Robert E. : Beyond the Black River (nva, 1935)
Howard, Robert E. : The Black Stone (ss, 1931)
Howard, Robert E. : The Devil in Iron (nvt, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : The Fire of Asshurbanipal (ss, 1972)
Howard, Robert E. : The Hills of the Dead (ss, 1930)
Howard, Robert E. : The Horror from the Mound (ss, 1932)
Howard, Robert E. : Jewels of Gwahlur (nvt, 1935)
Howard, Robert E. : The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune (ss, 1929)
Howard, Robert E. : The People of the Black Circle (nva, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : Queen of the Black Coast (ss, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : Rattle of Bones (ss, 1929)
Howard, Robert E. : Red Nails (nva, 1936)
Howard, Robert E. : Red Shadows (nvt, 1928)
Howard, Robert E. : Rogues in the House (nvt, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : The Shadow Kingdom (nvt, 1929)
Howard, Robert E. : Shadows in the Moonlight (nvt, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : Shadows in Zamboula (nvt, 1935)
Howard, Robert E. : Skulls in the Stars (ss, 1929)
Howard, Robert E. : The Tower of the Elephant (nvt, 1933)
Howard, Robert E. : The Valley of the Worm (nvt, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : A Witch Shall Be Born (nva, 1934)
Howard, Robert E. : Worms of the Earth (nvt, 1932)
Ing, Dean : Devil You Don't Know (nvt, 1978)
Jackson, Shirley : The Daemon Lover (ss, 1949)
Jackson, Shirley : The Lottery (ss, 1948)
Jackson, Shirley : One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts (ss, 1955)
Jacobs, W. W. : The Monkey's Paw (ss, 1902)
James, Henry : The Jolly Corner (nvt, 1908)
James, M. R. : The Ash-Tree (ss, 1904)
James, M. R. : Casting the Runes (nvt, 1904)
James, M. R. : Count Magnus (ss, 1904)
James, M. R. : An Episode of Cathedral History (ss, 1914)
James, M. R. : The Mezzotint (ss, 1904)
James, M. R. : """Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad""" (nvt, 1904)
James, M. R. : A Warning to the Curious (ss, 1925)
Jenkins, Will F. : Doomsday Deferred (ss, 1949)
Jensen, Jan Lars : The Secret History of the Ornithopter (nvt, 1999)
Johnson, Bill : We Will Drink a Fish Together... (nvt, 1997)
Johnson, Kij : Fox Magic (nvt, 1993)
Jones, Gwyneth : La Cenerentola (ss, 1998)
Jones, Gwyneth : The Grass Princess (ss, 1995)
Kagan, Janet : The Nutcracker Coup (nvt, 1992)
Kearns, Richard : Grave Angels (nvt, 1986)
Keller, David H., M.D. : The Thing in the Cellar (ss, 1932)
Kelly, James Patrick : 1016 to 1 (nvt, 1999)
Kelly, James Patrick : Faith (nvt, 1989)
Kelly, James Patrick : Heroics (ss, 1987)
Kelly, James Patrick : Itsy Bitsy Spider (ss, 1997)
Kelly, James Patrick : Lovestory (nvt, 1998)
Kelly, James Patrick : Mr. Boy (nva, 1990)
Kelly, James Patrick : Rat (ss, 1986)
Kelly, James Patrick : Standing in Line with Mister Jimmy (nvt, 1991)
Kelly, James Patrick : Think Like a Dinosaur (nvt, 1995)
Kennedy, Leigh : Her Furry Face (ss, 1983)
Kersh, Gerald : Men Without Bones (ss, 1954)
Kessel, John : Another Orphan (nva, 1982)
Kessel, John : Buffalo (ss, 1991)
Kessel, John : The Franchise (nvt, 1993)
Kessel, John : The Juniper Tree (nvt, 2000)
Kessel, John : Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner (ss, 1988)
Kessel, John : The Pure Product (nvt, 1986)
Ketchum, Jack : The Box (ss, 1994)
Ketchum, Jack : Gone (ss, 2000)
Keyes, Daniel : Flowers for Algernon (nvt, 1959)
King, Stephen : The Breathing Method (nva, 1982)
King, Stephen : Do the Dead Sing? (ss, 1981)
King, Stephen : Lunch at the Gotham Café (nvt, 1995)
King, Stephen : The Man in the Black Suit (ss, 1994)
King, Stephen : The Monkey (nvt, 1980)
King, Stephen : One for the Road (ss, 1977)
King, Stephen : The Way Station (nvt, 1980)
Kingsbury, Donald : The Moon Goddess and the Son (nva, 1979)
Kipling, Rudyard : As Easy as A.B.C. (nvt, 1912)
Kipling, Rudyard : """They""" (nvt, 1904)
Kirk, Russell : There's a Long, Long Trail A-Winding (nvt, 1976)
Klages, Ellen : Time Gypsy (nvt, 1998)
Klein, T. E. D. : The Events at Poroth Farm (nvt, 1990)
Klein, T. E. D. : Nadelman's God (nva, 1985)
Knight, Damon : Catch That Martian (ss, 1952)
Knight, Damon : The Country of the Kind (ss, 1956)
Knight, Damon : Four in One (nvt, 1953)
Knight, Damon : The Handler (ss, 1960)
Knight, Damon : I See You (ss, 1976)
Knight, Damon : Masks (ss, 1968)
Knight, Damon : Not with a Bang (ss, 1950)
Knight, Damon : Stranger Station (nvt, 1956)
Knight, Damon : To Serve Man (ss, 1950)
Koontz, Dean R. : Beastchild (nva, 1970)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Altar at Midnight (ss, 1952)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Little Black Bag (nvt, 1950)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Luckiest Man in Denv (ss, 1952)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Marching Morons (nvt, 1951)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Mindworm (ss, 1950)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Only Thing We Learn (ss, 1949)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Rocket of 1955 (ss, 1939)
Kornbluth, C. M. : Shark Ship (nvt, 1958)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Silly Season (ss, 1950)
Kornbluth, C. M. : That Share of Glory (nvt, 1952)
Kornbluth, C. M. : Two Dooms (nva, 1958)
Kornbluth, C. M. : With These Hands (nvt, 1951)
Kornbluth, C. M. : The Words of Guru (ss, 1941)
Kress, Nancy : And Wild for to Hold (nva, 1991)
Kress, Nancy : Beggars in Spain (nva, 1991)
Kress, Nancy : Dancing on Air (nva, 1993)
Kress, Nancy : Fault Lines (nva, 1995)
Kress, Nancy : The Flowers of Aulit Prison (nvt, 1996)
Kress, Nancy : The Mountain to Mohammed (ss, 1992)
Kress, Nancy : My Mother, Dancing (ss, 2000)
Kress, Nancy : Out of All Them Bright Stars (ss, 1985)
Kress, Nancy : The Price of Oranges (nvt, 1989)
Kress, Nancy : Savior (nva, 2000)
Kress, Nancy : Steamship Soldier on the Information Front (nvt, 1997)
Kress, Nancy : Trinity (nva, 1984)
Kuttner, Henry : Absalom (nvt, 1946)
Kuttner, Henry : Don't Look Now (ss, 1948)
Kuttner, Henry : The Graveyard Rats (ss, 1936)
Kuttner, Henry (& C. L. Moore) : Or Else (ss, 1953)
Kuttner, Henry (& C. L. Moore) : Private Eye (nvt, 1949)
Lafferty, R. A. : Continued on Next Rock (nvt, 1970)
Lafferty, R. A. : Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (ss, 1970)
Lafferty, R. A. : Eurema's Dam (ss, 1972)
Lafferty, R. A. : Narrow Valley (ss, 1966)
Lafferty, R. A. : Slow Tuesday Night (ss, 1965)
Lamsley, Terry : Under the Crust (nvt, 1993)
Landis, Geoffrey A. : Ecopoiesis (ss, 1997)
Landis, Geoffrey A. : Ripples in the Dirac Sea (ss, 1988)
Landis, Geoffrey A. : The Singular Habits of Wasps (nvt, 1994)
Landis, Geoffrey A. : A Walk in the Sun (ss, 1991)
Landis, Geoffrey A. : Winter Fire (ss, 1997)
Landon, Perceval : Thurnley Abbey (ss, 1908)
Langelaan, George : The Fly (nvt, 1957)
Langford, David : Cube Root (ss, 1985)
Langford, David : Different Kinds of Darkness (ss, 2000)
Lansdale, Joe R. : The Big Blow (nva, 1997)
Lansdale, Joe R. : The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance (nvt, 1992)
Lansdale, Joe R. : Mad Dog Summer (nva, 1999)
Lansdale, Joe R. : Night They Missed the Horror Show (ss, 1988)
Lansdale, Joe R. : Not from Detroit (ss, 1988)
Lansdale, Joe R. : On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Folks (nva, 1989)
Laumer, Keith : In the Queue (ss, 1970)
Laumer, Keith : The Last Command (ss, 1967)
Laumer, Keith : The Wonderful Secret (nva, 1977)
Lawrence, D. H. : The Rocking-Horse Winner (ss, 1926)
Laws, Stephen : The Song My Sister Sang (ss, 1998)
Le Fanu, J. Sheridan : Schalken the Painter (nvt, 1939)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea (nvt, 1994)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : April in Paris (ss, 1962)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Birthday of the World (nvt, 2000)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight (nvt, 1987)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Day Before the Revolution (ss, 1974)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Diary of the Rose (nvt, 1976)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Forgiveness Day (nva, 1994)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : A Man of the People (nva, 1995)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Matter of Seggri (nvt, 1994)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Mountain Ways (nvt, 1996)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The New Atlantis (nvt, 1975)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Nine Lives (nvt, 1969)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (ss, 1973)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Pathways of Desire (nvt, 1979)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Rule of Names (ss, 1964)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Shobies' Story (nvt, 1990)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Solitude (nvt, 1994)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Sur (ss, 1982)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : Vaster Than Empires and More Slow (nvt, 1971)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Wife's Story (ss, 1982)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : A Woman's Liberation (nva, 1995)
Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Word for World Is Forest (nva, 1972)
Lebbon, Tim : Reconstructing Amy (ss, 2000)
Lee, Tanith : Elle Est Trois, (La Mort) (ss, 1983)
Lee, Tanith : The Gorgon (nvt, 1982)
Lee, Tanith : Red as Blood (ss, 1979)
Lee, William M. : A Message from Charity (ss, 1967)
Leiber, Fritz : The Automatic Pistol (ss, 1940)
Leiber, Fritz : A Bad Day for Sales (ss, 1953)
Leiber, Fritz : The Bait (ss, 1973)
Leiber, Fritz : Bazaar of the Bizarre (nvt, 1963)
Leiber, Fritz : Belsen Express (ss, 1975)
Leiber, Fritz : The Bleak Shore (ss, 1940)
Leiber, Fritz : The Button Molder (nvt, 1979)
Leiber, Fritz : Catch That Zeppelin! (nvt, 1975)
Leiber, Fritz : Coming Attraction (ss, 1950)
Leiber, Fritz : Four Ghosts in Hamlet (nvt, 1965)
Leiber, Fritz : The Girl with the Hungry Eyes (ss, 1949)
Leiber, Fritz : Gonna Roll the Bones (nvt, 1967)
Leiber, Fritz : Horrible Imaginings (nva, 1982)
Leiber, Fritz : The Hound (ss, 1942)
Leiber, Fritz : The Howling Tower (ss, 1941)
Leiber, Fritz : Ill Met in Lankhmar (nva, 1970)
Leiber, Fritz : Mariana (ss, 1960)
Leiber, Fritz : Midnight by the Morphy Watch (ss, 1974)
Leiber, Fritz : A Pail of Air (ss, 1951)
Leiber, Fritz : A Rite of Spring (nvt, 1977)
Leiber, Fritz : Sanity (ss, 1944)
Leiber, Fritz : Ship of Shadows (nva, 1969)
Leiber, Fritz : Smoke Ghost (ss, 1941)
Leiber, Fritz : The Snow Women (nva, 1970)
Leiber, Fritz : Space-Time for Springers (ss, 1958)
Leiber, Fritz : The Sunken Land (ss, 1942)
Leiber, Fritz : Try and Change the Past (ss, 1958)
Leiber, Fritz : X Marks the Pedwalk (ss, 1963)
Leinster, Murray : Exploration Team (nvt, 1956)
Leinster, Murray : First Contact (nvt, 1945)
Leinster, Murray : Keyhole (ss, 1951)
Leinster, Murray : A Logic Named Joe (ss, 1946)
Leinster, Murray : The Power (ss, 1945)
Leinster, Murray : Sidewise in Time (nva, 1934)
Leinster, Murray : The Strange Case of John Kingman (ss, 1948)
Leman, Bob : Window (ss, 1980)
L'Engle, Madeleine : Poor Little Saturday (nvt, 1956)
Lethem, Jonathan : The Happy Man (nvt, 1991)
Levinson, Paul : The Chronology Protection Case (nvt, 1995)
Levinson, Paul : Loose Ends (nva, 1997)
Ligotti, Thomas : The Last Feast of Harlequin (nvt, 1990)
Ligotti, Thomas : The Red Tower (ss, 1996)
Linaweaver, Brad : Moon of Ice (nva, 1982)
Lindholm, Megan : Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man (nvt, 1989)
Lindholm, Megan : A Touch of Lavender (nva, 1989)
Link, Kelly : The Specialist's Hat (ss, 1998)
Lively, Penelope : Uninvited Ghosts (ss, 1981)
London, Jack : The Scarlet Plague (nvt, 1912)
London, Jack : The Shadow and the Flash (ss, 1903)
Long, Frank Belknap : The Hounds of Tindalos (ss, 1929)
Longyear, Barry B. : Enemy Mine (nva, 1979)
Longyear, Barry B. : Savage Planet (nvt, 1980)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Arthur Jermyn (ss, 1921)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Beyond the Wall of Sleep (ss, 1919)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Call of Cthulhu (nvt, 1928)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (nva, 1941)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Cats of Ulthar (ss, 1920)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Celephais (ss, 1922)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Colour Out of Space (nvt, 1927)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Cool Air (ss, 1928)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Dagon (ss, 1919)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Doom That Came to Sarnath (ss, 1920)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath (nva, 1943)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Dreams in the Witch-House (nvt, 1933)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Dunwich Horror (nvt, 1929)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Evil Clergyman (ss, 1939)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Festival (ss, 1925)
Lovecraft, H. P. : From Beyond (ss, 1934)
Lovecraft, H. P. : From the Dark (ss, 1942)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Haunter of the Dark (nvt, 1936)
Lovecraft, H. P. : He (ss, 1926)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Horror at Red Hook (nvt, 1927)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Horror from the Shadows (ss, 1943)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Hound (ss, 1924)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Hypnos (ss, 1923)
Lovecraft, H. P. : In the Vault (ss, 1925)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Lurking Fear (nvt, 1923)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Moon-Bog (ss, 1926)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Music of Erich Zann (ss, 1922)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Nameless City (ss, 1921)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Other Gods (ss, 1933)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Outsider (ss, 1926)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Pickman's Model (ss, 1927)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Picture in the House (ss, 1919)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Plague Demon (ss, 1942)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Polaris (ss, 1920)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Quest of Iranon (ss, 1935)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Rats in the Walls (ss, 1924)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Scream of the Dead (ss, 1942)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Shadow Out of Time (nva, 1936)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Shadow Over Innsmouth (nva, 1942)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Shunned House (nvt, 1937)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Silver Key (ss, 1929)
Lovecraft, H. P. : Six Shots by Moonlight (ss, 1942)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Statement of Randolph Carter (ss, 1920)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Strange High House in the Mist (ss, 1931)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Temple (ss, 1925)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Terrible Old Man (ss, 1920)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Thing on the Door-step (nvt, 1937)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Tomb (ss, 1922)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Tomb-Legions (ss, 1943)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Unnamable (ss, 1925)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The Whisperer in Darkness (nvt, 1931)
Lovecraft, H. P. : The White Ship (ss, 1919)
Lumley, Brian : Fruiting Bodies (nvt, 1988)
Lumley, Brian : Necros (ss, 1986)
Lupoff, Richard : After the Dreamtime (nvt, 1974)
Lupoff, Richard : Sail the Tide of Mourning (ss, 1975)
Lupoff, Richard A. : With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama (nva, 1972)
Lynn, Elizabeth A. : The Woman Who Loved the Moon (nvt, 1979)
MacDonald, John D. : Spectator Sport (ss, 1950)
MacLean, Katherine : The Missing Man (nva, 1971)
MacLean, Katherine : Pictures Don't Lie (ss, 1951)
MacLean, Katherine : The Snowball Effect (ss, 1952)
MacLeod, Ian R. : The Chop Girl (nvt, 1999)
MacLeod, Ian R. : The Summer Isles (nva, 1998)
Malzberg, Barry N. : Corridors (ss, 1982)
Malzberg, Barry N. : A Galaxy Called Rome (nvt, 1975)
Malzberg, Barry N. : In the Stone House (nvt, 1992)
Malzberg, Barry N. : Understanding Entropy (ss, 1994)
Martin, George R. R. : And Seven Times Never Kill Man (nvt, 1975)
Martin, George R. R. : Blood of the Dragon (nva, 1996)
Martin, George R. R. : Guardians (nva, 1981)
Martin, George R. R. : The Monkey Treatment (nvt, 1983)
Martin, George R. R. : Nightflyers (nva, 1981)
Martin, George R. R. : The Pear-Shaped Man (nvt, 1987)
Martin, George R. R. : Portraits of His Children (nvt, 1985)
Martin, George R. R. : Remembering Melody (ss, 1981)
Martin, George R. R. : Sandkings (nvt, 1979)
Martin, George R. R. : The Skin Trade (nva, 1988)
Martin, George R. R. : A Song for Lya (nva, 1974)
Martin, George R. R. : The Stone City (nvt, 1977)
Martin, George R. R. : Unsound Variations (nvt, 1982)
Martin, George R. R. : The Way of Cross and Dragon (nvt, 1979)
Martin, George R. R. : With Morning Comes Mistfall (ss, 1973)
Marusek, David : We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy (nva, 1995)
Marusek, David : The Wedding Album (nva, 1999)
Massie, Elizabeth : Stephen (nvt, 1990)
Matheson, Richard : Born of Man and Woman (ss, 1950)
Matheson, Richard : The Children of Noah (ss, 1957)
Matheson, Richard : Dance of the Dead (ss, 1954)
Matheson, Richard : The Distributor (ss, 1958)
Matheson, Richard : Dress of White Silk (ss, 1951)
Matheson, Richard : Duel (nvt, 1971)
Matheson, Richard : Prey (ss, 1969)
Matheson, Richard : Shipshape Home (ss, 1952)
Matheson, Richard : The Test (ss, 1954)
Matheson, Richard : Third from the Sun (ss, 1950)
Matheson, Richard : Witch War (ss, 1951)
May, Julian : Dune Roller (nvt, 1951)
McAllister, Bruce : Dream Baby (nvt, 1987)
McAuley, Paul J. : Recording Angel (nvt, 1995)
McAuley, Paul J. : Reef (nvt, 2000)
McAuley, Paul J. : The Temptation of Dr. Stein (ss, 1994)
McCaffrey, Anne : Dragonrider (nva, 1967)
McCaffrey, Anne : Dramatic Mission (nva, 1969)
McCaffrey, Anne : The Ship Who Sang (nvt, 1961)
McCaffrey, Anne : The Smallest Dragonboy (ss, 1973)
McCaffrey, Anne : Weyr Search (nva, 1967)
McCammon, Robert R. : The Deep End (ss, 1987)
McCammon, Robert R. : Eat Me (ss, 1989)
McCarthy, Wil : Once Upon a Matter Crushed (nvt, 1999)
McDaid, John G. : Jigoku no Mokushiroku (The Symbolic Revelation of the Apocalypse) (ss, 1995)
McDevitt, Jack : The Fort Moxie Branch (ss, 1988)
McDevitt, Jack : Time Travelers Never Die (nva, 1996)
McDonald, Ian : Innocents (nvt, 1992)
McDonald, Ian : Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh (nvt, 1988)
McGarry, Mark J. : The Mercy Gate (nvt, 1998)
McHugh, Maureen F. : The Cost to Be Wise (nva, 1996)
McHugh, Maureen F. : The Lincoln Train (ss, 1995)
McHugh, Maureen F. : Nekropolis (nvt, 1994)
McHugh, Maureen F. : Protection (nva, 1992)
McHugh, Maureen F. : Virtual Love (ss, 1994)
McIntyre, Vonda N. : Aztecs (nva, 1977)
McIntyre, Vonda N. : Fireflood (nvt, 1979)
McIntyre, Vonda N. : Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand (nvt, 1973)
McIntyre, Vonda N. : Wings (ss, 1973)
McKenna, Bridget : The Good Pup (ss, 1993)
McKenna, Richard : Casey Agonistes (ss, 1958)
McKenna, Richard : The Secret Place (ss, 1966)
McLaughlin, Dean : Hawk Among the Sparrows (nva, 1968)
Merril, Judith : That Only a Mother (ss, 1948)
Middleton, Richard : The Ghost Ship (ss, 1912)
Miller, Walter M., Jr. : A Canticle for Leibowitz (nvt, 1955)
Miller, Walter M., Jr. : Crucifixus Etiam (nvt, 1953)
Miller, Walter M., Jr. : The Darfsteller (nvt, 1955)
Miller, Walter M., Jr. : Dark Benediction (nva, 1951)
Miller, Walter M., Jr. : Dumb Waiter (nvt, 1952)
Millhauser, Steven : The Illusionist (ss, 1989)
Moffett, Judith : The Hob (nvt, 1988)
Moffett, Judith : Surviving (nvt, 1986)
Moffett, Judith : Tiny Tango (nva, 1989)
Monteleone, Thomas F. : Camera Obscura (ss, 1977)
Moorcock, Michael : Behold the Man (nva, 1966)
Moorcock, Michael : The Dreaming City (nvt, 1961)
Moorcock, Michael (& James Cawthorn) : Kings in Darkness (nvt, 1962)
Moorcock, Michael : Pale Roses (nvt, 1974)
Moorcock, Michael : The Tank Trapeze (ss, 1969)
Moorcock, Michael : While the Gods Laugh (nvt, 1961)
Moore, C. L. : Black God's Kiss (nvt, 1934)
Moore, C. L. : Black Thirst (nvt, 1934)
Moore, C. L. : Jirel Meets Magic (nvt, 1935)
Moore, C. L. : No Woman Born (nvt, 1944)
Moore, C. L. : Scarlet Dream (nvt, 1934)
Moore, C. L. : Shambleau (nvt, 1933)
Moore, C. L. (& Henry Kuttner) : Vintage Season (nva, 1946)
Moore, Ward : Lot (nvt, 1953)
Morrell, David : The Beautiful Uncut Hair of Graves (nvt, 1991)
Morrell, David : Orange Is For Anguish, Blue Is for Insanity (nvt, 1988)
Morrow, James : Auspicious Eggs (nvt, 2000)
Morrow, James : Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge (ss, 1988)
Murphy, Pat : An American Childhood (nva, 1993)
Murphy, Pat : Bones (nva, 1990)
Murphy, Pat : Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates (ss, 1990)
Murphy, Pat : Rachel in Love (nvt, 1987)
Nagata, Linda : Goddesses (nva, 2000)
Nelson, Ray Faraday : Eight O'Clock in the Morning (ss, 1963)
Newman, Kim : The Original Dr. Shade (nvt, 1990)
Niven, Larry : ARM (nva, 1975)
Niven, Larry : Becalmed in Hell (ss, 1965)
Niven, Larry : The Borderland of Sol (nvt, 1975)
Niven, Larry : Cloak of Anarchy (ss, 1972)
Niven, Larry : The Hole Man (ss, 1974)
Niven, Larry : Inconstant Moon (nvt, 1971)
Niven, Larry (& Steven Barnes) : The Locusts (nvt, 1979)
Niven, Larry : The Missing Mass (ss, 2000)
Niven, Larry : Neutron Star (nvt, 1966)
Niven, Larry : Not Long Before the End (ss, 1969)
Nolan, William F. : He Kilt It with a Stick (ss, 1968)
Nolan, William F. : The Party (ss, 1967)
Nolan, William F. : The Underdweller (ss, 1957)
Nordley, G. David : Into the Miranda Rift (nva, 1993)
Norton, Andre : All Cats Are Gray (ss, 1953)
Oates, Joyce Carol : Night-Side (nvt, 1977)
Oltion, Jerry : Abandon in Place (nva, 1996)
Onions, Oliver : The Beckoning Fair One (nva, 1911)
Padgett, Lewis : Mimsy Were the Borogoves (nvt, 1943)
Padgett, Lewis : The Twonky (nvt, 1942)
Palmer, David R. : Emergence (nvt, 1981)
Palmer, David R. : Seeking (nvt, 1983)
Pangborn, Edgar : Angel's Egg (nvt, 1951)
Pangborn, Edgar : Longtooth (nvt, 1970)
Pangborn, Edgar : Mount Charity (nvt, 1971)
Park, Paul : Get a Grip (ss, 1997)
Park, Severna : The Cure for Everything (ss, 2000)
Petrey, Susan C. : Spidersong (ss, 1980)
Phillips, Peter : Dreams Are Sacred (nvt, 1948)
Phillips, Peter : Lost Memory (ss, 1952)
Phillips, Rog : The Yellow Pill (ss, 1958)
Pierce, John R. : Invariant (ss, 1944)
Piper, H. Beam : He Walked Around the Horses (nvt, 1948)
Piper, H. Beam : Omnilingual (nvt, 1957)
Plauger, P. J. : Child of All Ages (ss, 1975)
Pohl, Frederik : Day Million (ss, 1966)
Pohl, Frederik : Fermi and Frost (ss, 1985)
Pohl, Frederik : The Fiend (ss, 1964)
Pohl, Frederik : The Gold at the Starbow's End (nva, 1972)
Pohl, Frederik : The Greening of Bed-Stuy (nva, 1984)
Pohl, Frederik : The Man Who Ate the World (nvt, 1956)
Pohl, Frederik : Mars Masked (nva, 1979)
Pohl, Frederik (& C. M. Kornbluth) : The Meeting (ss, 1972)
Pohl, Frederik : The Midas Plague (nva, 1954)
Pohl, Frederik : Servant of the People (ss, 1983)
Pohl, Frederik : The Tunnel Under the World (nvt, 1955)
Pollock, Frank Lillie : Finis (ss, 1906)
Popkes, Steven : The Color Winter (ss, 1988)
Porges, Arthur : The Fly (ss, 1952)
Porges, Arthur : The Ruum (ss, 1953)
Pournelle, Jerry : The Mercenary (nva, 1972)
Priest, Christopher : Palely Loitering (nvt, 1979)
Priest, Christopher : The Watched (nva, 1978)
Pronzini, Bill (& Barry N. Malzberg) : Prose Bowl (nvt, 1979)
Purdom, Tom : Fossil Games (nvt, 1999)
Quinn, Seabury : The Phantom Farmhouse (nvt, 1923)
Randall, Marta : Dangerous Games (nva, 1980)
Reamy, Tom : San Diego Lightfoot Sue (nvt, 1975)
Reed, Kit : The Vine (ss, 1967)
Reed, Robert : Chrysalis (nva, 1996)
Reed, Robert : Decency (ss, 1996)
Reed, Robert : Marrow (ss, 1997)
Reed, Robert : The Utility Man (ss, 1990)
Reed, Robert : Whiptail (ss, 1998)
Resnick, Mike : The 43 Antarean Dynasties (ss, 1997)
Resnick, Mike : Barnaby in Exile (ss, 1994)
Resnick, Mike (& Susan M. Shwartz) : Bibi (nva, 1995)
Resnick, Mike : The Elephants on Neptune (ss, 2000)
Resnick, Mike : For I Have Touched the Sky (nvt, 1989)
Resnick, Mike : Hunting the Snark (nva, 1999)
Resnick, Mike : Kirinyaga (nvt, 1988)
Resnick, Mike : The Land of Nod (nvt, 1996)
Resnick, Mike : A Little Knowledge (nvt, 1994)
Resnick, Mike : The Lotus and the Spear (nvt, 1992)
Resnick, Mike : The Manamouki (nvt, 1990)
Resnick, Mike : Mwalimu in the Squared Circle (ss, 1993)
Resnick, Mike : One Perfect Morning, with Jackals (ss, 1991)
Resnick, Mike : Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge (nva, 1994)
Resnick, Mike : When the Old Gods Die (nvt, 1995)
Resnick, Mike : Winter Solstice (ss, 1991)
Reynolds, Mack : The Business, as Usual (ss, 1952)
Reynolds, Mack (& Fredric Brown) : Dark Interlude (ss, 1951)
Reynolds, Ted : Can These Bones Live? (ss, 1979)
Reynolds, Ted : Ker-Plop (nva, 1979)
Rice, Anne : The Master of Rampling Gate (nvt, 1991)
Rice, Jane : The Idol of the Flies (nvt, 1942)
Roberts, Keith : Kaeti and the Hangman (nvt, 1986)
Roberts, Keith : Kitemaster (ss, 1982)
Roberts, Keith : Kitemistress (nvt, 1985)
Roberts, Keith : The Lordly Ones (nvt, 1980)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Black Air (nvt, 1983)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : The Blind Geometer (nva, 1986)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Escape from Kathmandu (nva, 1986)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Green Mars (nva, 1985)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : The Lucky Strike (nvt, 1984)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Mother Goddess of the World (nva, 1987)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Ridge Running (ss, 1984)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : To Leave a Mark (nva, 1982)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Venice Drowned (nvt, 1981)
Robinson, Kim Stanley : Vinland the Dream (ss, 1991)
Robinson, Spider : By Any Other Name (nva, 1976)
Robinson, Spider : Dog Day Evening (ss, 1977)
Robinson, Spider : Melancholy Elephants (ss, 1982)
Robinson, Spider (& Jeanne Robinson) : Stardance (nva, 1977)
Rodgers, Alan : The Boy Who Came Back from the Dead (nvt, 1987)
Rogers, Bruce Holland : The Dead Boy at Your Window (ss, 1998)
Rogers, Bruce Holland : Lifeboat on a Burning Sea (nvt, 1995)
Rogers, Bruce Holland : Thirteen Ways to Water (ss, 1998)
Rosenblum, Mary : Gas Fish (nva, 1996)
Rotsler, William : Patron of the Arts (nvt, 1972)
Royle, Nicholas : Night Shift Sister (ss, 1992)
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn : Echea (nvt, 1998)
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn : Fast Cars (nvt, 1989)
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn : Millennium Babies (nvt, 2000)
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn : The Retrieval Artist (nva, 2000)
Russ, Joanna : The Extraordinary Voyages of Amélie Bertrand (ss, 1979)
Russ, Joanna : My Dear Emily (nvt, 1962)
Russ, Joanna : Nobody's Home (ss, 1972)
Russ, Joanna : The Second Inquisition (nvt, 1970)
Russ, Joanna : Souls (nva, 1982)
Russ, Joanna : When It Changed (ss, 1972)
Russell, Eric Frank : Allamagoosa (ss, 1955)
Russell, Eric Frank : ...And Then There Were None (nva, 1951)
Russell, Eric Frank : Dear Devil (nvt, 1950)
Russell, Eric Frank : Displaced Person (ss, 1948)
Russell, Eric Frank : Hobbyist (nvt, 1947)
Russell, Eric Frank : Late Night Final (nvt, 1948)
Russell, Ray : The Cage (ss, 1959)
Russell, Ray : Sardonicus (nvt, 1961)
Ryan, Alan : The Bones Wizard (ss, 1984)
Ryman, Geoff : Everywhere (ss, 1999)
Ryman, Geoff : Fan (nva, 1994)
Ryman, Geoff : Love Sickness (nva, 1987)
Ryman, Geoff : O Happy Day! (nvt, 1985)
Ryman, Geoff : The Unconquered Country (nvt, 1984)
Saberhagen, Fred : Wings Out of Shadow (nvt, 1974)
Saki : Gabriel-Ernest (ss, 1909)
Saki : The Open Window (ss, 1911)
Saki : Sredni Vashtar (ss, 1910)
Sambrot, William : Creature of the Snows (ss, 1960)
Sanders, William : Jennifer, Just Before Midnight (ss, 1999)
Sanders, William : The Undiscovered (nvt, 1997)
Sargent, Pamela : Danny Goes to Mars (nvt, 1992)
Sawyer, Robert J. : The Hand You're Dealt (ss, 1997)
Schenck, Hilbert : The Battle of the Abaco Reefs (nva, 1979)
Schenck, Hilbert : The Geometry of Narrative (ss, 1983)
Schenck, Hilbert : Hurricane Claude (nva, 1983)
Schenck, Hilbert : Silicon Muse (nvt, 1984)
Schmidt, Stanley : Generation Gap (nvt, 2000)
Schmitz, James H. : Balanced Ecology (ss, 1965)
Schmitz, James H. : Grandpa (nvt, 1955)
Schmitz, James H. : The Witches of Karres (nvt, 1949)
Scholz, Carter : The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs (nvt, 1977)
Schow, David J. : Red Light (nvt, 1986)
Seabright, Idris : The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles (ss, 1951)
Shaw, Bob : Dark Night in Toyland (ss, 1988)
Shaw, Bob : Light of Other Days (ss, 1966)
Shea, Michael : The Angel of Death (nvt, 1979)
Shea, Michael : The Autopsy (nvt, 1980)
Sheckley, Robert : Can You Feel Anything When I Do This? (ss, 1969)
Sheckley, Robert : The Monsters (ss, 1953)
Sheckley, Robert : Pilgrimage to Earth (ss, 1956)
Sheckley, Robert : The Prize of Peril (ss, 1958)
Sheckley, Robert : Seventh Victim (ss, 1953)
Sheckley, Robert : Shape (nvt, 1953)
Sheckley, Robert : Specialist (ss, 1953)
Sheckley, Robert : The Store of the Worlds (ss, 1959)
Sheckley, Robert : Warm (ss, 1953)
Sheffield, Charles : A Braver Thing (nvt, 1990)
Sheffield, Charles : Georgia on My Mind (nvt, 1993)
Sheffield, Charles : Godspeed (ss, 1990)
Shepard, Lucius (& Robert Frazier) : The All-Consuming (nvt, 1990)
Shepard, Lucius : Aymara (nvt, 1986)
Shepard, Lucius : Barnacle Bill the Spacer (nva, 1992)
Shepard, Lucius : Crocodile Rock (nva, 1999)
Shepard, Lucius : Human History (nva, 1995)
Shepard, Lucius : The Jaguar Hunter (nvt, 1985)
Shepard, Lucius : The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule (nvt, 1984)
Shepard, Lucius : R&R (nva, 1986)
Shepard, Lucius : Radiant Green Star (nva, 2000)
Shepard, Lucius : Salvador (ss, 1984)
Shepard, Lucius : A Traveler's Tale (nva, 1984)
Sherred, T. L. : E for Effort (nvt, 1947)
Shiras, Wilmar H. : In Hiding (nvt, 1948)
Shwartz, Susan : Suppose They Gave a Peace... (nvt, 1992)
Silva, David B. : The Calling (ss, 1990)
Silva, David B. : Slipping (nvt, 1991)
Silverberg, Robert : After the Myths Went Home (ss, 1969)
Silverberg, Robert : Amanda and the Alien (ss, 1983)
Silverberg, Robert : Born with the Dead (nva, 1974)
Silverberg, Robert : Capricorn Games (ss, 1974)
Silverberg, Robert : Collecting Team (ss, 1956)
Silverberg, Robert : Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another (nva, 1989)
Silverberg, Robert : Gilgamesh in the Outback (nva, 1986)
Silverberg, Robert : Going Down Smooth (ss, 1968)
Silverberg, Robert : Good News from the Vatican (ss, 1971)
Silverberg, Robert : A Happy Day in 2381 (ss, 1970)
Silverberg, Robert : Hawksbill Station (nva, 1967)
Silverberg, Robert : Homefaring (nva, 1983)
Silverberg, Robert : The Iron Chancellor (nvt, 1958)
Silverberg, Robert : Nightwings (nva, 1968)
Silverberg, Robert : Our Lady of the Sauropods (ss, 1980)
Silverberg, Robert : The Pain Peddlers (ss, 1963)
Silverberg, Robert : Passengers (ss, 1968)
Silverberg, Robert : The Pope of the Chimps (nvt, 1982)
Silverberg, Robert : The Reality Trip (ss, 1970)
Silverberg, Robert : Sailing to Byzantium (nva, 1985)
Silverberg, Robert : Schwartz Between the Galaxies (ss, 1974)
Silverberg, Robert : The Secret Sharer (nva, 1987)
Silverberg, Robert : Sundance (ss, 1969)
Silverberg, Robert : Sunrise on Mercury (ss, 1957)
Silverberg, Robert : To Jorslem (nva, 1969)
Silverberg, Robert : To See the Invisible Man (ss, 1963)
Silverberg, Robert : Warm Man (ss, 1957)
Silverberg, Robert : When We Went to See the End of the World (ss, 1972)
Silverberg, Robert : The Wind and the Rain (ss, 1973)
Simak, Clifford D. : The Autumn Land (nvt, 1971)
Simak, Clifford D. : Beachhead (ss, 1951)
Simak, Clifford D. : The Big Front Yard (nva, 1958)
Simak, Clifford D. : A Death in the House (ss, 1959)
Simak, Clifford D. : Desertion (ss, 1944)
Simak, Clifford D. : Eternity Lost (nvt, 1949)
Simak, Clifford D. : Good Night, Mr. James (ss, 1951)
Simak, Clifford D. : Grotto of the Dancing Deer (ss, 1980)
Simak, Clifford D. : Huddling Place (ss, 1944)
Simak, Clifford D. : Neighbor (nvt, 1954)
Simak, Clifford D. : Skirmish (ss, 1950)
Simak, Clifford D. : The Thing in the Stone (nvt, 1970)
Simmons, Dan : All Dracula's Children (nvt, 1991)
Simmons, Dan : Death in Bangkok (nvt, 1993)
Simmons, Dan : Orphans of the Helix (ss, 1999)
Simmons, Dan : This Year's Class Picture (nvt, 1992)
Simpson, Martin : Dancing About Architecture (ss, 1996)
Slesar, Henry : The Candidate (ss, 1961)
Slesar, Henry : Examination Day (ss, 1958)
Smith, Clark Ashton : The City of the Singing Flame (ss, 1931)
Smith, Clark Ashton : The Coming of the White Worm (ss, 1933)
Smith, Clark Ashton : The Double Shadow (ss, 1933)
Smith, Clark Ashton : The Return of the Sorcerer (ss, 1931)
Smith, Cordwainer : Alpha Ralpha Boulevard (nvt, 1961)
Smith, Cordwainer : The Ballad of Lost C'Mell (nvt, 1962)
Smith, Cordwainer : The Burning of the Brain (ss, 1958)
Smith, Cordwainer : The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal (ss, 1964)
Smith, Cordwainer : Drunkboat (nvt, 1963)
Smith, Cordwainer : The Game of Rat and Dragon (ss, 1955)
Smith, Cordwainer : Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons (nvt, 1961)
Smith, Cordwainer : No, No, Not Rogov! (ss, 1959)
Smith, Cordwainer : A Planet Named Shayol (nvt, 1961)
Smith, Cordwainer : Scanners Live in Vain (nvt, 1950)
Smith, Michael Marshall : The Dark Land (ss, 1991)
Smith, Michael Marshall : The Man Who Drew Cats (ss, 1990)
Smith, Michael Marshall : More Tomorrow (nvt, 1995)
Soukup, Martha : The Arbitrary Placement of Walls (ss, 1992)
Soukup, Martha : A Defense of the Social Contracts (ss, 1993)
Soukup, Martha : Dog's Life (ss, 1991)
Soukup, Martha : Over the Long Haul (ss, 1990)
Soukup, Martha : The Story So Far (ss, 1993)
Sparhawk, Bud : Primrose and Thorn (nva, 1996)
Spinrad, Norman : The Big Flash (nvt, 1969)
Spinrad, Norman : Journals of the Plague Years (nva, 1988)
Spinrad, Norman : The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (ss, 1969)
Spinrad, Norman : No Direction Home (ss, 1971)
Spinrad, Norman : Riding the Torch (nva, 1974)
Springer, Nancy : The Boy Who Plaited Manes (ss, 1986)
Stableford, Brian : The Age of Innocence (ss, 1995)
Stableford, Brian : Les Fleurs du Mal (nva, 1994)
Stableford, Brian : The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires (nva, 1995)
Stableford, Brian : Mortimer Gray's History of Death (nva, 1995)
Steele, Allen : …Where Angels Fear to Tread (nva, 1997)
Steele, Allen : The Death of Captain Future (nva, 1995)
Steele, Allen : The Good Rat (nvt, 1995)
Steele, Allen : Zwarte Piet's Tale (nvt, 1998)
Sterling, Bruce : Bicycle Repairman (nvt, 1996)
Sterling, Bruce : Cicada Queen (nvt, 1983)
Sterling, Bruce : Deep Eddy (nvt, 1993)
Sterling, Bruce : Dinner in Audoghast (ss, 1985)
Sterling, Bruce : Dori Bangs (ss, 1989)
Sterling, Bruce : Flowers of Edo (nvt, 1987)
Sterling, Bruce : Green Days in Brunei (nva, 1985)
Sterling, Bruce : Maneki Neko (ss, 1998)
Sterling, Bruce : Our Neural Chernobyl (ss, 1988)
Sterling, Bruce : Spider Rose (ss, 1982)
Sterling, Bruce : Sunken Gardens (ss, 1984)
Sterling, Bruce : Swarm (nvt, 1982)
Sterling, Bruce : Taklamakan (nvt, 1998)
Stoker, Bram : Dracula's Guest (ss, 1914)
Straub, Peter : The Ghost Village (nvt, 1992)
Straub, Peter : Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff (nva, 1998)
Strete, Craig : A Sunday Visit with Great-Grandfather (ss, 1974)
Sturgeon, Theodore : And Now the News... (ss, 1956)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Baby Is Three (nva, 1952)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Bianca's Hands (ss, 1947)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Case and the Dreamer (nvt, 1973)
Sturgeon, Theodore : The Golden Helix (nva, 1954)
Sturgeon, Theodore : The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast (ss, 1949)
Sturgeon, Theodore : It (nvt, 1940)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Killdozer! (nva, 1944)
Sturgeon, Theodore : The Man Who Lost the Sea (ss, 1959)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Memorial (ss, 1946)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Mewhu's Jet (nvt, 1946)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Microcosmic God (nvt, 1941)
Sturgeon, Theodore : The Other Celia (ss, 1957)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Saucer of Loneliness (ss, 1953)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Shottle Bop (nvt, 1941)
Sturgeon, Theodore : The Silken-Swift (nvt, 1953)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Slow Sculpture (nvt, 1970)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Thunder and Roses (ss, 1947)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Tiny and the Monster (nvt, 1947)
Sturgeon, Theodore : Yesterday Was Monday (ss, 1941)
Sucharitkul, Somtow : Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile (ss, 1981)
Sucharitkul, Somtow : Aquila (nvt, 1982)
Swanwick, Michael : Ancient Engines (ss, 1999)
Swanwick, Michael : The Dead (ss, 1996)
Swanwick, Michael (& William Gibson) : Dogfight (nvt, 1985)
Swanwick, Michael : The Edge of the World (ss, 1989)
Swanwick, Michael : The Feast of Saint Janis (nvt, 1980)
Swanwick, Michael : Ginungagap (nvt, 1980)
Swanwick, Michael : Marrow Death (nva, 1984)
Swanwick, Michael : A Midwinter's Tale (ss, 1988)
Swanwick, Michael : Moon Dogs (ss, 2000)
Swanwick, Michael : Mummer Kiss (nvt, 1981)
Swanwick, Michael : Radiant Doors (ss, 1998)
Swanwick, Michael : Radio Waves (nvt, 1995)
Swanwick, Michael : Scherzo with Tyrannosaur (ss, 1999)
Swanwick, Michael : Trojan Horse (nvt, 1984)
Swanwick, Michael : The Very Pulse of the Machine (ss, 1998)
Swanwick, Michael : Walking Out (ss, 1995)
Swanwick, Michael : Wild Minds (ss, 1998)
Sykes, S. C. : Rockabye Baby (nvt, 1985)
Tall, Stephen : The Bear with the Knot on His Tail (nvt, 1971)
Tem, Steve Rasnic : Leaks (ss, 1987)
Tenn, William : Bernie the Faust (nvt, 1963)
Tenn, William : Betelgeuse Bridge (ss, 1951)
Tenn, William : Brooklyn Project (ss, 1948)
Tenn, William : Child's Play (nvt, 1947)
Tenn, William : Down Among the Dead Men (nvt, 1954)
Tenn, William : Eastward Ho! (ss, 1958)
Tenn, William : Firewater (nva, 1952)
Tenn, William : The Liberation of Earth (ss, 1953)
Tenn, William : Null-P (ss, 1951)
Thompson, W. R. : VRM-547 (ss, 1990)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side (ss, 1972)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : Beyond the Dead Reef (nvt, 1983)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever (ss, 1982)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Girl Who Was Plugged In (nvt, 1973)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : Houston, Houston, Do You Read? (nva, 1976)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Last Flight of Dr. Ain (ss, 1969)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo (nvt, 1981)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death (ss, 1973)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Man Who Walked Home (ss, 1972)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : A Momentary Taste of Being (nva, 1975)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Only Neat Thing to Do (nva, 1985)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : Painwise (nvt, 1972)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Screwfly Solution (ss, 1977)
Tiptree, James, Jr. : The Women Men Don't See (nvt, 1973)
Tolkien, J. R. R. : Farmer Giles of Ham (nva, 1949)
Turtledove, Harry : Down in the Bottomlands (nva, 1993)
Turtledove, Harry : Forty, Counting Down (nva, 1999)
Turtledove, Harry : The Last Article (nvt, 1988)
Turtledove, Harry : Must and Shall (nvt, 1995)
Turzillo, Mary A. : Mars Is No Place for Children (ss, 1999)
Tuttle, Lisa : The Bone Flute (ss, 1981)
Tuttle, Lisa : In Translation (nvt, 1989)
Tuttle, Lisa : One-Wing (nva, 1980)
Tuttle, Lisa : Stone Circle (ss, 1976)
Tuttle, Lisa (& George R. R. Martin) : The Storms of Windhaven (nva, 1975)
Utley, Steven (& Howard Waldrop) : Custer's Last Jump (nvt, 1976)
van Belkom, Edo (& David Nickle) : Rat Food (ss, 1997)
van Vogt, A. E. : Asylum (nvt, 1942)
van Vogt, A. E. : Black Destroyer (nvt, 1939)
van Vogt, A. E. : Co-Operateor Else! (nvt, 1942)
van Vogt, A. E. : Dear Pen Pal (ss, 1949)
van Vogt, A. E. : Dormant (ss, 1948)
van Vogt, A. E. : Enchanted Village (ss, 1950)
van Vogt, A. E. : Far Centaurus (ss, 1944)
van Vogt, A. E. : The Monster (ss, 1948)
van Vogt, A. E. : Process (ss, 1950)
van Vogt, A. E. : Resurrection (ss, 1948)
van Vogt, A. E. : The Rull (nvt, 1948)
van Vogt, A. E. : The Storm (nvt, 1943)
van Vogt, A. E. : Vault of the Beast (nvt, 1940)
van Vogt, A. E. : The Weapon Shop (nvt, 1942)
Vance, Jack : Assault on a City (nvt, 1974)
Vance, Jack : The Dragon Masters (nva, 1962)
Vance, Jack : The Gift of Gab (nvt, 1955)
Vance, Jack : Green Magic (ss, 1963)
Vance, Jack : The Last Castle (nva, 1966)
Vance, Jack : Liane the Wayfarer (ss, 1950)
Vance, Jack : Mazirian the Magician (ss, 1950)
Vance, Jack : The Men Return (ss, 1957)
Vance, Jack : The Miracle-Workers (nva, 1958)
Vance, Jack : The Moon Moth (nva, 1961)
Vance, Jack : The Seventeen Virgins (nvt, 1974)
VanderMeer, Jeff : The Transformation of Martin Lake (nva, 1999)
Varley, John : Air Raid (ss, 1977)
Varley, John : The Barbie Murders (nvt, 1978)
Varley, John : Beatnik Bayou (nvt, 1980)
Varley, John : Blue Champagne (nva, 1981)
Varley, John : Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance (nvt, 1976)
Varley, John : In the Bowl (nvt, 1975)
Varley, John : In the Hall of the Martian Kings (nva, 1977)
Varley, John : Options (nvt, 1979)
Varley, John : The Persistence of Vision (nva, 1978)
Varley, John : The Phantom of Kansas (nvt, 1976)
Varley, John : PRESS ENTER[] (nva, 1984)
Varley, John : The Pusher (ss, 1981)
Varley, John : Retrograde Summer (nvt, 1975)
Vinge, Joan D. : Eyes of Amber (nvt, 1977)
Vinge, Joan D. : Fireship (nva, 1978)
Vinge, Joan D. : View from a Height (ss, 1978)
Vinge, Vernor : The Barbarian Princess (nvt, 1986)
Vinge, Vernor : True Names (nva, 1981)
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. : Harrison Bergeron (ss, 1961)
Wagner, Karl Edward : Beyond Any Measure (nvt, 1982)
Wagner, Karl Edward : Neither Brute Nor Human (nvt, 1983)
Wagner, Karl Edward : Sticks (nvt, 1974)
Wagner, Karl Edward : Two Suns Setting (nvt, 1976)
Waldrop, Howard : Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance? (nvt, 1988)
Waldrop, Howard : Fin de Cyclé (nvt, 1990)
Waldrop, Howard : Flying Saucer Rock & Roll (ss, 1985)
Waldrop, Howard : God's Hooks! (ss, 1982)
Waldrop, Howard : Heirs of the Perisphere (ss, 1985)
Waldrop, Howard : Ike at the Mike (ss, 1982)
Waldrop, Howard : The Lions Are Asleep This Night (nvt, 1986)
Waldrop, Howard : Mary Margaret Road-Grader (ss, 1976)
Waldrop, Howard : Night of the Cooters (nvt, 1987)
Waldrop, Howard : The Ugly Chickens (nvt, 1980)
Walling, William : Nix Olympica (nvt, 1974)
Watson, Ian : Slow Birds (nvt, 1983)
Watson, Ian : The Very Slow Time Machine (nvt, 1978)
Watson, Ian : The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080 (ss, 1980)
Watt-Evans, Lawrence : Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers (ss, 1987)
Waugh, Evelyn : The Man Who Liked Dickens (ss, 1933)
Weinbaum, Stanley G. : The Lotus Eaters (nvt, 1935)
Weinbaum, Stanley G. : The Mad Moon (nvt, 1935)
Weinbaum, Stanley G. : A Martian Odyssey (nvt, 1934)
Weinbaum, Stanley G. : Parasite Planet (nvt, 1935)
Wellman, Manly Wade : The Desrick on Yandro (ss, 1952)
Wellman, Manly Wade : O Ugly Bird! (ss, 1951)
Wellman, Manly Wade : School for the Unspeakable (ss, 1937)
Wellman, Manly Wade : The Valley Was Still (ss, 1939)
Wellman, Manly Wade : Vandy, Vandy (ss, 1953)
Wellman, Manly Wade : When It Was Moonlight (ss, 1940)
Wells, H. G. : The Country of the Blind (ss, 1904)
Wells, H. G. : The Door in the Wall (ss, 1906)
Wells, H. G. : A Dream of Armageddon (nvt, 1901)
Wells, H. G. : The Empire of the Ants (ss, 1905)
Wells, H. G. : The Inexperienced Ghost (ss, 1902)
Wells, H. G. : The Land Ironclads (nvt, 1903)
Wells, H. G. : The Magic Shop (ss, 1903)
Wells, H. G. : Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland (ss, 1903)
Wells, H. G. : The New Accelerator (ss, 1901)
Wells, H. G. : The Truth About Pyecraft (ss, 1903)
Wells, H. G. : The Valley of Spiders (ss, 1903)
Westlake, Donald E. : The Winner (ss, 1970)
Wharton, Edith : Afterward (nvt, 1910)
Wharton, Edith : The Lady's Maids Bell (nvt, 1902)
What, Leslie : The Cost of Doing Business (ss, 1999)
White, Edward Lucas : The House of the Nightmare (ss, 1906)
White, Edward Lucas : Lukundoo (ss, 1925)
White, James : Custom Fitting (nvt, 1976)
White, James : Un-Birthday Boy (nvt, 1996)
White, T. H. : The Troll (ss, 1935)
Wilhelm, Kate : A Brother to Dragons, a Companion of Owls (nvt, 1974)
Wilhelm, Kate : Forever Yours, Anna (ss, 1987)
Wilhelm, Kate : The Funeral (nvt, 1972)
Wilhelm, Kate : The Girl Who Fell into the Sky (nvt, 1986)
Wilhelm, Kate : The Gorgon Field (nva, 1985)
Wilhelm, Kate : I Know What You're Thinking (ss, 1994)
Wilhelm, Kate : The Planners (ss, 1968)
Wilhelm, Kate : The Winter Beach (nva, 1981)
Wilhelm, Kate : With Thimbles, with Forks and Hope (nva, 1981)
Williams, Tennesse : The Vengeance of Nitocris (ss, 1928)
Williams, Walter Jon : Argonautica (nva, 1999)
Williams, Walter Jon : Daddy's World (nvt, 1999)
Williams, Walter Jon : Dinosaurs (nvt, 1987)
Williams, Walter Jon : Lethe (nvt, 1997)
Williams, Walter Jon : Surfacing (nva, 1988)
Williamson, Jack : Hindsight (ss, 1940)
Williamson, Jack : Jamboree (ss, 1969)
Williamson, Jack : The Metal Man (ss, 1928)
Williamson, Jack : The Ultimate Earth (nva, 2000)
Williamson, Jack : With Folded Hands... (nvt, 1947)
Willis, Connie : At the Rialto (nvt, 1989)
Willis, Connie : Blued Moon (nvt, 1984)
Willis, Connie : Cibola (ss, 1990)
Willis, Connie : Close Encounter (ss, 1993)
Willis, Connie : Daisy, in the Sun (nvt, 1979)
Willis, Connie : Death on the Nile (nvt, 1993)
Willis, Connie : Even the Queen (ss, 1992)
Willis, Connie : Fire Watch (nvt, 1982)
Willis, Connie : In the Late Cretaceous (ss, 1991)
Willis, Connie : Jack (nva, 1991)
Willis, Connie : The Last of the Winnebagos (nva, 1988)
Willis, Connie : A Letter from the Clearys (ss, 1982)
Willis, Connie : Miracle (nvt, 1991)
Willis, Connie : Newsletter (nvt, 1997)
Willis, Connie : Schwarzschild Radius (ss, 1987)
Willis, Connie : The Sidon in the Mirror (nvt, 1983)
Willis, Connie : The Soul Selects Her Own Society: Invasion and Repulsion: A Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective (ss, 1996)
Willis, Connie : Spice Pogrom (nva, 1986)
Willis, Connie : Time-Out (nva, 1989)
Willis, Connie : The Winds of Marble Arch (nva, 1999)
Wilson, F. Paul : Aftershock (nvt, 1999)
Wilson, F. Paul : Dydeetown Girl (nva, 1986)
Wilson, F. Paul : Midnight Mass (nva, 1990)
Wilson, Richard : Mother to the World (nvt, 1968)
Wilson, Richard : The Story Writer (nva, 1979)
Wilson, Robert Charles : Divided by Infinity (nvt, 1998)
Wilson, Robert Charles : The Perseids (nvt, 1995)
Winter, Laurel : Sky Eyes (nvt, 1999)
Wolfe, Gene : A Cabin on the Coast (ss, 1984)
Wolfe, Gene : The Death of Doctor Island (nva, 1973)
Wolfe, Gene : The Death of Dr. Island (nva, 1973)
Wolfe, Gene : The Eyeflash Miracles (nva, 1976)
Wolfe, Gene : The Fifth Head of Cerberus (nva, 1972)
Wolfe, Gene : The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (ss, 1970)
Wolfe, Gene : No Planets Strike (ss, 1997)
Wolfe, Gene : Seven American Nights (nva, 1978)
Wolfe, Gene : War Beneath the Tree (ss, 1979)
Wolfe, Gene : The Woman the Unicorn Loved (nvt, 1981)
Wollheim, Donald A. : Mimic (ss, 1942)
Wolverton, Dave : After a Lean Winter (nvt, 1996)
Wu, William F. : Hong's Bluff (ss, 1985)
Wu, William F. : Wong's Lost and Found Emporium (ss, 1983)
Wyndham, John : Consider Her Ways (nva, 1956)
Wyndham, John : Survival (nvt, 1952)
Yolen, Jane : Lost Girls (ss, 1997)
Yolen, Jane : Sister Emily's Lightship (ss, 1996)
Zahn, Timothy : Cascade Point (nva, 1983)
Zahn, Timothy : Pawn's Gambit (nvt, 1982)
Zebrowski, George : The Eichmann Variations (ss, 1984)
Zelazny, Roger : 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai (nva, 1985)
Zelazny, Roger : Auto-da-Fé (ss, 1967)
Zelazny, Roger : Comes Now the Power (ss, 1966)
Zelazny, Roger : Divine Madness (ss, 1966)
Zelazny, Roger : The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth (nvt, 1965)
Zelazny, Roger : The Engine at Heartspring's Center (ss, 1974)
Zelazny, Roger : For a Breath I Tarry (nvt, 1966)
Zelazny, Roger : Halfjack (ss, 1979)
Zelazny, Roger : He Who Shapes (nva, 1965)
Zelazny, Roger : Home Is the Hangman (nva, 1975)
Zelazny, Roger : The Keys to December (nvt, 1966)
Zelazny, Roger : The Last Defender of Camelot (nvt, 1979)
Zelazny, Roger : Permafrost (nvt, 1986)
Zelazny, Roger : A Rose for Ecclesiastes (nvt, 1963)
Zelazny, Roger : This Moment of the Storm (nvt, 1966)
Zelazny, Roger : Unicorn Variation (nvt, 1981)
Zoline, Pamela A. : The Heat Death of the Universe (ss, 1967)