The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BISHOP, MICHAEL (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Larger Sky, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Jan 1995
- * Lucy in the Mud with Footprints, (br) The Washington Post Book World Mar 15 1981
- * Mysteries of the Rift Valley, (br) The Washington Post Book World Nov 11 1984
- * Myths of the Near Future by J. G. Ballard, (br) Foundation #30 1984
- * Nightfishing in Great Sky River: Poems of Inner and Outer Space by David Lunde, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Sep 2000
- * Primates in Love, (br) The Washington Post Book World Jun 30 1987
- * Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card, (br) Thrust Spr 1987
- * Timescape by Gregory Benford, (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Dec 28 1980
- * Touring the Republic of Pain, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Feb 1999
- * The Toynbee Convector by Ray Bradbury, (br) Thrust Fll 1988; revised from Atlanta Journal-Constitution 7-Aug-1988.
- * Two by Philip K. Dick, (br) Thrust Win 1985
- * The Untethered Spacewalk by NASA, (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Feb 12 1984
- * Watching the Elephant Vanish, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Jan 1994
- * Wild Seed by Octavia Butler, (br) Foundation #21 1981
- * The Wooden Sea by Jonathan Carroll, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Sep 2001; revised from Atlanta Journal-Constitution 1-Jul-2001.
- BISSETTE, STEPHEN R. (1955- ) (chron.)
- BISSON, TERRY (Ballantine) (1942- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Afterword, (aw)
- * Almost Home, (nv) F&SF Oct/Nov 2003
- * Bears Discover Fire, (ss) IASFM Aug 1990
- * Billy and the Ants [Billy], (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 2005
- * Come Dance with Me, (ss) Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian, ed. Janis Ian and Mike Resnick, DAW 2003
- * Dear Abbey, (na) PS Publishing 2003
- * Deaths Door, (ss) Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy, ed. Al Sarrantonio, Penguin/Roc 2004
- * The Edge of the Universe [Wilson Wu], (nv) Asimovs Aug 1996
- * Get Me to the Church on Time [Wilson Wu], (na) Asimovs May 1998
- * Greetings, (na) Sci Fiction website Sep 3 2003
- * The Hole in the Hole [Wilson Wu], (nv) Asimovs Feb 1994
- * I Saw the Light, (ss) Sci Fiction website Oct 2 2002
- * The Old Rugged Cross, (nv) Starlight 3, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 2001
- * Openclose, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 2002
- * Scouts Honor, (ss) Sci Fiction website Jan 28 2004
- * Super 8, (ss) Sci Fiction website Nov 24 2004
- BISWAS, BRIAN (chron.)
- BLACK, CHARLES; pseudonym (chron.)
- BLACK, HOLLY (née Riggenbach) (1971- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- BLACK, TERRY (chron.)
- BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON (Henry) (1869-1951) (books) (chron.)
- * A Case of Eavesdropping, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine Dec 1900
- * A Case of Eavesdropping [Jim Shorthouse], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine Dec 1900
- * The Empty House [Jim Shorthouse], (ss) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- * A Haunted Island, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine Apr 1899
- * Keeping His Promise, (ss) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- * Skeleton Lake: An Episode in Camp [Jim Shorthouse], (ss)
- * Smith: An Episode in a Lodging House, (ss) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- * The Strange Adventures of a Private Secretary in New York, (nv) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- * A Suspicious Gift, (ss)
- * A Victim of Higher Space [John Silence], (nv) The Occult Review Dec 1914
- * The Willows, (na) The Listener and Other Stories, London: Eveleigh Nash 1907
- * With Intent to Steal [Jim Shorthouse], (ss) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- * The Wood of the Dead, (ss) The Empty House, Eveleigh Nash 1906
- BLAID, MICHAEL (chron.)
- BLAIKIE, NEAL (chron.)
- BLAIR, ERIC (Arthur) (1903-1950); see pseudonym George Orwell (books) (chron.)
- BLASCHKE, JAYME LYNN (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- BLAYLOCK, JAMES P(aul) (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Better Boy (with Tim Powers), (nv) IASFM Feb 1991
- * Fifty Cents (with Tim Powers), (nv) The Devils in the Details, Subterranean Press 2003
- * We Traverse Afar (with Tim Powers), (ss) Christmas Forever, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1993
- BLAZER, MELANI (chron.)
- BLOCH, ROBERT (Albert) (1917-1994) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Alternate Universe, (ss) Super Science Fiction Aug 1957
- * The Beautiful People [Skin Deep], (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine Jul 1960
- * Beep No More, My Lady, (ss) Fantastic Universe Mar 1960
- * The Black Brain [as by Tarleton Fiske], (ss) Fantastic Adventures Mar 1943
- * The End of Science-Fiction, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories Oct 1951
- * The Fear Planet, (ss) Super Science Stories Feb 1943
- * Grandma Goes to Mars, (ss) Amazing Nov 1954
- * Have TuxWill Travel, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction Nov 1955
- * House of the Hatchet, (ss) Weird Tales Jan 1941
- * How Bug-Eyed Was My Monster, (ss) Caper May 1957
- * Last Laugh, (ss) Startling Stories Nov 1941
- * A Lesson for the Teacher, (ss) Fantastic Oct 1958
- * Lets Do It for Love, (ss) Fantastic Nov/Dec 1953
- * The Machine that Changed History, (ss) Science Fiction Stories Jul 1943
- * The Man Who Walked Through Mirrors, (ss) Amazing Aug 1939
- * Murder from the Moon, (ss) Amazing Nov 1942
- * The Old Switcheroo, (ss) Worlds of If Mar/Apr 1972
- * Phantom from the Film [as by Tarleton Fiske], (ss) Amazing Feb 1943
- * Queen of the Metal Men, (ss) Fantastic Adventures Apr 1940
- * Red Moon Rising, (ss) Amazing Jun 1958
- * Secret of the Observatory, (nv) Amazing Aug 1938
- * Skin Deep, (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine Jul 1960; also as The Beautiful People.
- * The Tempter, (ss) Satellite Oct 1957
- * The Tin You Love to Touch, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories Jun 1951
- BLOCK, LAWRENCE (1938- ) (chron.)
- BLOUNT, L. J. (chron.)
- BLUE, ELIZABETH (chron.)
- BOBET, LEAH (chron.)
- * Clothbound, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #70 2005
- * Displaced Persons, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Aug 2 2004
- * Dog Days, (ss) TEL: Stories, ed. Jay Lake, Wheatland Press 2005
- * Glass Slippers, (pm) Aoifes Kiss #12 2005
- * Happily Ever After, (pm) Aoifes Kiss #15 2005
- * Her Hero, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Mar 22 2004
- * Metis, (ss) On Spec Win 2005
- * They Fight Crime!, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Oct 10 2005
- BOHMER, LOUISE (chron.)
- BOHNHOFF, MAYA KAATHRYN (1954- ) (chron.)
- BOLIN, STEVE (chron.)
- BOLTON, J(ames) T(homas); see pseudonym John Grey (chron.)
- BONANSINGA, JAY R. (1959- ) (chron.)
- BOND, GWENDA (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- BOND, NELSON S(lade) (1908-2006) (chron.)
- * Sea Song, (pm)
- * Shall Stay These Couriers..., (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Nov 1940
- BONIA, ANDREW (chron.)
- BOOHER, B. A. (chron.)
- BOOTH, ANDREW O. D. (chron.)
- BOOTH, CHRISTOPHER B(elvard) (1889-1950) (chron.)
- * Mr. Clackworthys Pot of Gold, (ss) Detective Story Magazine Oct 7 1922
- BORELL, MARCIA A. (chron.)
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