The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Stories, Listed by Author
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- ELKO, BRONWYN (chron.)
- ELLENDER, SARAH (chron.)
- ELLER, STEVE (chron.)
- * Ashes to Ashes, (ss) Cemetery Sonata, ed. June Hubbard, Chameleon Publishing 1999
- * Before I Sleep, (ss) Cemetery Sonata, ed. June Hubbard, Chameleon Publishing 1999
- * Bodily Fluids, (ss) Not One of Us Mar 1999
- * False Signs, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror #11 1999
- * More Kin Than Kind, (ss) Prisoners of the Night #11 1999
- * The Only, (ss) Dreams of Decadence Spr 1999
- * Walking in Memphis, (ss) More Monsters from Memphis, ed. Beecher Smith, Zapizdat Publications 1998
- ELLIOT, KANDIS (chron.)
- ELLIS, DANIELLE (chron.)
- ELLIS, PETER BERRESFORD (1943- ); see pseudonym Peter Tremayne (chron.)
- ELLIS, PHILLIP A. (chron.)
- ELLIS, SCOTT (chron.)
- ELLISON, HARLAN (Jay) (1934- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Along the Scenic Route [Dogfight on 101], (ss) Adam Aug 1969
- * And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, a Man Who Needs No Introduction, (in)
- * Dogfight on 101, (ss) Adam Aug 1969; also as Along the Scenic Route.
- * The Function of Dream Sleep, (nv) Midnight Graffiti Jun 1988
- * Objects of Desire in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 1999
- * The Outpost Undiscovered By Tourists, (ss) F&SF Jan 1982
- * Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes, (nv) Knight May 1967
- * Sensible City, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 1994
- * Van Is Here, But Van Is Gone, (in)
- ELVIN, LAURA (chron.)
- EMERY, CLAYTON (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Tilting the Tournament [Robin Hood], (ss) EQMM Jul 1999
- EMERY, LORIN (chron.)
- EMERY, PHILIP (chron.)
- EMPRINGHAM, DOUGLAS R(oome) (1933- ) (chron.)
- EMSHWILLER, CAROL (Fries) (1921- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Acceptance Speech, (ss) The Start of the End of it All and Other Stories, The Womens Press 1990
- EMSWILER, TIM (chron.)
- ENG, STEVE; [i.e., Stephen Richard Eng] (1940- ) (chron.)
- * Sea-Reverie, (pm) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #4, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1990
- ENGLAND, GEORGE ALLAN (1877-1936) (chron.)
- * The Thing From"Outside", (ss) Science and Invention Apr 1923
- EON (chron.)
- * High Touch Computing, (pm) AntipodeanSF 1998
- * The Waterborne, (pm) AntipodeanSF 1998
- EPSTEIN, BENITA (chron.)
- ERIKSON, STEVEN; [born Steve Rune Lundin] (1959- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- ERMAN, ROBERT (chron.)
- * Through a Teardrop Lens, (pm) Moongate de Homo Sentiens v4 #9 1998
- ERNST, PAUL (Frederick) (1899-1985) (chron.)
- * Doctor Satan [Dr. Satan], (nv) Weird Tales Aug 1935
- ERWINE, J. ALAN (chron.)
- ESAIAS, TIMONS (chron.)
- * Correcting the Record, (pm) Asimovs Dec 1999
- * Eisenberg Haiku, (pm) Asimovs May 1999
- * Lilith, Searching, (ss) The Age of Reason, ed. Kurt Roth, SFF Net 1999
- * Lost Wax, (pm) Sci-Fright Jun/Jul 1999
- * The New, Improved, Gene-Spliced, Purple Cow (Patent Pending), (pm) Star*Line v22 #1 1999
- * Ocean, (pm) Star*Line v22 #5 1999
- * And Salome Danced [Mars], (ss) Little Deaths, ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium 1994
- ESSEX, JEREMY (chron.)
- ESTABROOK, TODD (chron.)
- ETCHEMENDY, NANCY (Elise Howell) (1952- ) (chron.)
- ETCHISON, DENNIS (William) (1943- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw)
- * Inside the Cackle Factory, (nv) Dark Terrors 4: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, London: Gollancz 1998
- * Plastic-Wood Paradise [from Paradise within the Reach of All Men], (ex) 1842
- EVANS, A. C. (1949- ) (chron.)
- EVANS, AMBROSE (chron.)
- * Paradise Found [from The Adventures and Surprising Deliverances of James Dubourdieu], (ex) 1719
- EVANS, B. A. J. (chron.)
- EVANS, GRAHAM (chron.)
- EVANS, KENDALL (chron.)
- * Dreams of Ecstasy, (pm) Dark Regions & Horror #13 1999
- * Hair of God, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #54 1999
- * Houdinis Ghost, (pm) Flesh & Blood v2 #5 1999
- * Mortal Remains, (pm) Mindmares Spr 1999
- * New Equinox, (pm) Dark Regions & Horror #11 1999
- * Orion, Rising, (pm) Star*Line v22 #1 1999
- * Pretend Vampire, (pm) Weird Tales Sum 1999
- * These Are the Days of Blood and Roses, (pm) Star*Line v22 #4 1999
- * untitled (I want to wear my poems...), (pm) Star*Line v22 #2 1999
- * Winter Masque, (pm) Songs of Innocence #2 1999
- EVANS, MARY ANN (1819-1880); see pseudonym George Eliot (books) (chron.)
- EVANS, R. G. (chron.)
- EVERSON, JOHN (1966- ) (chron.)
- EVERY, GARY (chron.)
- EWING, GEORGIA (chron.)
- EZZY, JOHN (chron.)
- FAIG, KENNETH W., Jr. (1948- ) (chron.)
- FAIRMAN, PAUL W(arren) (1909-1977) (chron.)
- * The Cosmic Frame, (ss) Amazing May 1955; filmed as Invasion of the Saucermen.
- * Deadly City [as by Ivar Jorgensen], (nv) If Mar 1953
- FANTINA, MICHAEL J. (1946- ) (chron.)
- FARBER, SHARON N.; see pseudonym S. N. Dyer (chron.)
- FARR, RUSSELL B. (chron.)
- FARRANT, M. A. C. (chron.)
- * Altered Statements:
___ #1. Addendum from The Department of Depth, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #2. Disasters, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #3. Urgent Missive Concerning the Boring White Woman Lobby, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #4. SCAPE, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #5. Secrets An important notice to all enforcement officers, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #6. Experiments, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #7. Paper, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
___ #8. The Department of Hope, (vi) Tesseracts 7, ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Edmonton: Tesseract Books 1998
- FARRELL, H. W. (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- * FP 1 Does Not Reply, by Curt Siodmak, (n.) Boston: Little Brown 1933; filmed as Floating Platform Number One.
- FARRER, MATTHEW (chron.)
- FARRIS, JOSEPH (chron.)
- FAST, HOWARD (Melvin) (1914-2003) (chron.)
- * Not with a Bang, (ss) A Touch of Infinity, Morrow 1973
- FATINA, MICHAEL (chron.)
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