The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Books, Listed by Author
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- BLOCK, PAULA M., ed. (chron.)
- BLUM, JONATHAN (chron.)
- BOAST, PHILIP (James) (1952- ) (chron.)
- * *Sion (Headline 0-7472-2152-9, Feb ’99, £17.99, 469pp, hc, cover by Lee Gibbons) Christian fantasy novel of the marriage and son of Jesus Christ, in times ranging from the early centuries, to the next millennium, and back to 65,000,000 BC.
- * _Sion (Headline 0-7472-5960-7, Aug ’99, £6.99, 597pp, pb, cover by Lee Gibbons) Reprint (Headline 1999) Christian fantasy novel of the marriage and son of Jesus Christ.
- BORCHARDT, ALICE (Allen, née O’Brien) (1939-2007) (chron.)
- * *Night of the Wolf (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-42362-3, Aug ’99, $25.00, 454pp, hc, cover by Heather Kern) [Silver Wolf] Historical dark fantasy novel, prequel to The Silver Wolf.
- * _Night of the Wolf (SFBC #06002, Nov ’99 [Dec ’99], $12.50, 454pp, hc, cover by Heather Kern) [Silver Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1999) historical dark fantasy novel, prequel to The Silver Wolf. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Silver Wolf (SFBC #18871, Jan ’99 [Mar ’99], $12.50, 451pp, hc, cover by Heather Kern) [Silver Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1998) historical dark fantasy werewolf novel. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Silver Wolf (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-42361-5, Jun ’99 [May ’99], $6.99, 460pp, pb) [Silver Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1998) historical dark fantasy werewolf novel. This includes a six-page interview with Borchardt.
- * _The Silver Wolf (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-224715-1, Jun ’99, £9.99, 451pp, tp) [Silver Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1998) historical dark fantasy novel. A beautiful shapeshifter fights to control her own destiny in decadent Rome during the reign of Charlemagne. First in a series. [First U.K. edition]
- BORGES, JORGE LUÍS (1899-1986) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Collected Fictions (Allen Lane/The Penguin Press 0-713-99269-7, Jan ’99, £20.00, 565pp, hc, cover by Hieronymus Bosch) Reprint (Viking 1998) literary collection, newly translated by Andrew Hurley from the three-volume Spanish-language collection Obras Completas (Emecé Editores 1989). Stories are kept in the order they appeared in nine earlier (Spanish-language) collections, complete with 10 forewords and afterwords by Borges. A total of some 101 stories from the most acclaimed literary fantasist of this century. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Collected Fictions (Penguin US 0-14-028680-2, Sep ’99 [Aug ’99], $16.95, 565pp, tp) Reprint (Viking 1998) collection of 101 stories, translated, with notes, by Andrew Hurley.
- * *Everything and Nothing (New Directions 0-8112-1400-1, Apr ’99 [Mar ’99], $7.50, 108pp, tp) A “bibelot” collection of five stories and six prose pieces from Labyrinths (1964) and Seven Nights (1988). Translated by Donald A. Yates, James E. Irby, John M. Fein, and Eliot Weinberger; introduction by Donald A. Yates. (Contents)
- BOUCHER, ANTHONY; pseudonym of William A. P. White, (1911-1968) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Compleat Boucher (NESFA Press 1-886778-02-7, Jan ’99, $25.00, 531pp, hc, cover by Jane Dennis) Collection of 45 stories, one original, and one recipe; contains all of the SF and fantasy written by Boucher. Introduction by editor James A. Mann. Order from NESFA Press, PO Box 809, Framingham MA 01701-0809; e-mail (Contents)
- * _The Compleat Boucher (SFBC #06518, Nov ’99 [Dec ’99], $12.50, 531pp, hc, cover by Jane Dennis) Reprint (NESFA 1999) collection. This is similar to the NESFA edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- BOUCHER, CHRIS (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: Corpse Marker (BBC Books 0-563-55575-0, Nov ’99 [Oct ’99], £5.99, 282pp, pb) [Doctor Who: Missing Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 26 in the BBC “Missing Adventures” series.
- BOVA, BEN(jamin William) (1932- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Return to Mars (Avon Eos 0-380-97640-4, Jun ’99 [May ’99], $25.00, 404pp, hc, cover by Gregory Bridges) [Mars] SF novel, sequel to Mars. Jamie Waterman returns to Mars with a profit-motivated expedition.
- * *Return to Mars (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-70795-X, Jun ’99 [May ’99], £16.99, 548pp, hc, cover by Mark Harrison) [Mars] SF novel, sequel to Mars. Simultaneous with the US (Avon Eos) edition.
- * _Return to Mars (Hodder/NEL 0-340-70796-8, Dec ’99 [Nov ’99], £6.99, 548pp, pb, cover by Mark Harrison) [Mars] Reprint (Avon Eos; Hodder & Stoughton 1999) SF novel, sequel to Mars. Jamie Waterman returns to Mars with a profit-motivated expedition.
- BOWERING, GEORGE (Henry) (1935- ) (chron.)
- * *Diamondback Dog (Roussan Publishers 1-896184-48-0, 1999 [Jul ’99], $12.95, 207pp, tp, cover by Dean Bloomfield) [Parents from Space] Young-adult SF novel, sequel to Parents from Space (not seen). Kids try to help a telepathic dog return to the future. Order from University of Toronto Press; 800-565-9523. For information: Roussan Publishers, 2110 Decarie Blvd, Suite 100, Montreal QC H4A 3J3 Canada, or P.O. Box 156, Schuyler Falls NY 12985, USA.
- BOWES, RICHARD (Dirrane) (1944- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Minions of the Moon (Tor 0-312-86566-X, Feb ’99 [Jan ’99], $23.95, 320pp, hc) Urban dark fantasy novel based on a series of stories. A troubled gay man, haunted since childhood by a doppelgaenger, discovers others with supernatural powers. One section won the 1998 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella.
- * *Frontier Earth (Ace 0-441-00589-6, Nov ’99, $21.95, 322pp, hc, cover by Cliff Miller) [Frontier Earth] SF novel. A man from another planet, come to warn Earth of alien invasion, crashes and loses his memory — in 1881 Tombstone just before the shootout at the OK Corral. A first novel.
- BOYD, DONNA (chron.)
- * _The Passion (Avon 0-380-79094-7, Sep ’99, $6.99, 389pp, pb) [Passion] Reprint (Avon 1998) romantic werewolf novel.
- * *The Promise (Avon 0-380-97450-9, Oct ’99, $23.00, 340pp, hc, cover by Kamil Vojnar) [Passion] Romantic werewolf novel, sequel to The Passion. A woman in Alaska finds an injured wolf and a strange diary.
- BRACKETT, LEIGH (Douglas) [Mrs. Edmond Hamilton] (1915-1978) (stories) (chron.)
- BRADBURY, RAY(mond Douglas) (1920- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Dandelion Wine (Thorndike, ME: G.K. Hall 0-7838-8817-1, 1999, hc) [Dandelion Wine] Reprint (Doubleday 1957) fantasy novel. Large print edition.
- * _Death Is a Lonely Business (Avon 0-380-78965-5, Mar ’99 [Feb ’99], $12.00, 232pp, tp, cover by Tim O’Brien) [Death Is a Lonely Business] Reprint (Knopf 1985) associational mystery novel. This has a new 1999 copyright, but the text appears to be the original.
- * _The Golden Apples of the Sun (Earthlight 0-671-01788-8, Feb ’99 [Mar ’99], £5.99, 169pp, pb, cover by Trevor Scobie) Reprint (Doubleday 1953) collection of 22 stories.
- * _The Halloween Tree (Random House/Knopf 0-375-80301-7, Sep ’99 [Oct ’99], $4.99, 143pp, tp, cover by Leo Dillon & Diane Dillon) Reprint (Knopf 1972) young-adult dark fantasy, with illustrations by Joseph Mugnaini.
- * _The Illustrated Man (Thorndike, ME: G.K. Hall 0-7838-8466-4, 1999, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1951) classic collection of connected stories. Large print edition. UK edition: Chivers Press (0-7540-3682-0).
- * _The Martian Chronicles (Thorndike, ME: G.K. Hall 0-7838-8635-7, 1999, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1950) classic collection of connected stories. Large print edition.
- * _The October Country (Avon 0-380-97387-1, Sep ’99, $16.00, 334pp, hc, cover by Tim O’Brien) Reprint (Ballantine 1955) collection of 19 stories, with a new introduction by Bradbury.
- * _Quicker than the Eye (Severn House 0-7278-2263-2, Jan ’99, £17.99, 261pp, hc) Reprint (Avon 1996) collection of 21 recent stories (9 previously unpublished), and an afterword by Bradbury. First UK hardcover.
- * _Something Wicked This Way Comes (Gauntlet Publications 1-887368-23-X, 1999, $69.00, hc, cover by Joe Mugnaini) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1962) classic fantasy novel. 500 copy numbered edition with a new introduction by Bradbury and afterwords by Joe Lansdale and Peter Crowther.
- * _Something Wicked This Way Comes (Avon 0-380-97727-3, Jun ’99, $15.00, 293pp, hc, cover by Tim O’Brien) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1962) classic fantasy novel, with a new afterword by Bradbury.
- BRADLEY, MARION (Eleanor) ZIMMER (1930-1999) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Heartlight (Tor 0-312-86509-0, Sep ’99 [Aug ’99], $15.95, 416pp, tp) [Light] Reprint (Tor 1998) contemporary dark fantasy novel, a prequel to the “Light” series.
- * _In the Rift (with Holly Lisle) (Baen 0-671-57791-3, Feb ’99 [Jan ’99], $6.99, 276pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Glenraven] Reprint (Baen 1998) fantasy novel, sequel to Glenraven.
- * _Traitor’s Sun (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes) (SFBC #18146, May ’99 [Apr ’99], $12.50, 483pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1999) SF novel in the “Darkover” series, sequel to The Shadow Matrix. Co-author Adrienne Martine-Barnes is credited only on the copyright page. This is similar to the DAW edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- _____, ed.
- * *Sword and Sorceress XVI (DAW 0-88677-843-3, Jun ’99 [May ’99], $6.99, 306pp, pb, cover by Michael Whelan) Original anthology of 26 fantasy stories. Authors include Deborah Wheeler, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and Diana Paxson. (Contents)
- BRADLEY, REBECCA (stories) (chron.)
- * _Lady Pain (Orion/Millennium 1-85798-891-4, Aug ’99, £6.99, 336pp, pb, cover by Steve Crisp) [Gil] Reprint (Gollancz 1998) fantasy novel. Third in the series after Lady in Gil and Scion’s Lady.
- BRADMAN, TONY, ed. (1954- ) (chron.)
- * *Phenomenal Future Stories (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-54623-2, Dec ’99, £4.99, 205pp, tp) Young-adult SF anthology of 10 original stories, by authors including Jan Mark, Lisa Tuttle, and Lesley Howarth. Illustrated by Peter Dennis. (Contents)
- BRADSHAW, PAUL (stories) (chron.)
- * *Alternate Lives (Enigmatic Press no ISBN, Oct ’99 [Nov ’99], £4.00, 59pp, ph, cover by Gerald Gaubert) Chapbook original collection of two supernatural mystery stories, illustrated by Gerald Gaubert. Order from Pumpkin Books, MeG Publishing, PO Box 297, Nottingham NG2 4GW, England. Available in the US for $10.00 from Firebird Distributing, 2030 First Street, Unit 5, Eureka CA 95501; 800-353-3575. (Contents)
- BRADY, JULIE (chron.)
- BRANDNER, GARY (Phil) (1933- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Rot (CD Publications 1-881475-66-2, Jul ’99 [Nov ’99], $40.00, 183pp, hc, cover by Vince Natale) Horror novel. A California surfer in trouble in a small Wisconsin town gets help from a mysterious gypsy. This is a signed, limited edition of 1000. Order from Cemetery Dance Publications, PO Box 943, Abingdon MD 21009; 419-569-5683.
- * _The Fated Sky (Candlewick Press 0-7636-0775-4, Oct ’99 [Dec ’99], $16.99, 156pp, hc, cover by Cynthia von Buhler) Reprint (Hodder Children’s Books 1996) young-adult Viking adventure with mystic elements. An unloved daughter must learn to fend for herself at 16 after accusations of witchcraft.
- BRENNERT, ALAN (Michael) (1954- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Kindred Spirits (Tor/Forge 0-312-87262-3, Nov ’99 [Oct ’99], $13.95, 256pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1984) fantasy ghost romance.
- BRIGGS, STEPHEN (1951- ) (chron.)
- BRIN, (Glen) DAVID (1950- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Earth (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-85723-223-2, Jun ’99, £7.99, 751pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) Reissue (Bantam Spectra; Macdonald 1990) SF novel. Sixth printing.
- * *Foundation’s Triumph (HarperPrism 0-06-105241-8, May ’99 [Apr ’99], $25.00, 317pp, hc, cover by Jean Targete) [Second Foundation] SF novel, third in the “Second Foundation” trilogy after Foundation’s Fear by Gregory Benford and Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear. Copyrighted by Brin and the Asimov estate.
- * _Foundation’s Triumph (SFBC #00683, Jul ’99, $12.50, 328pp, hc, cover by Jean Targete) [Second Foundation] Reprint (HarperPrism 1999) SF novel, third in the “Second Foundation” trilogy after Foundation’s Fear by Gregory Benford and Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear. This is similar to the HarperPrism edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Foundation’s Triumph (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-85723-753-6, Jul ’99, £16.99, 328pp, hc, cover by Fred Gambino) [Second Foundation] Reprint (HarperPrism 1999) SF novel based on Asimov’s “Foundation” series. Last in the “Second Foundation Trilogy” after Foundation’s Fear by Gregory Benford, and Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear. Includes a “Timeline for the Robots and Foundation Universe” by Attila Torkos. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Heaven’s Reach (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57473-6, May ’99 [Apr ’99], $6.99, 557pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Uplift] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1998) SF novel, third in the new “Uplift” trilogy.
- * _Heaven’s Reach (Little, Brown/Orbit 1-85723-739-0, May ’99 [Apr ’99], £6.99, 571pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) [Uplift] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1998) SF novel, final book in the “Second Uplift Trilogy”. The starship Streaker races to save the planet Jijo from the Jophur.
- BRINDLE, JANE; pseudonym of Josephine Cox, (1938- ) (chron.)
- * _The Hiding Game (Hodder Headline 0-7472-5571-7, Oct ’99 [Nov ’99], £5.99, 312pp, pb) Reprint (Headline 1998) horror novel. This is a pseudonym of Josephine Cox.
- BRITE, POPPY Z. (1967- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Crow: The Lazarus Heart (Gauntlet Press 1-887368-19-1, Mar ’99 [Apr ’99], $50.00, 216pp, hc, cover by J. K. Potter) [Crow] Reprint (HarperPrism 1998) novelization based on the movie based on the comic. New introduction by Brite, and afterword by John Shirley; illustrations by J.K. Potter. This is a signed, limited edition of 1,000. Copyrighted by Brite and Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation. Order from Gauntlet Publications, 309 Powell Road, Springfield PA 19064; 610-328-5476.
- * _The Crow: The Lazarus Heart (HarperEntertainment 0-06-102009-5, Jun ’99 [May ’99], $6.99, 318pp, pb, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Crow] Reprint (HarperPrism 1998) novelization based on the movie based on a comic. Copyrighted by Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation.
- * *The Seed of Lost Souls (Subterranean Press 1-892284-25-1, 1999, 46pp, ph, cover by Dame Darcy) Chapbook documenting the steps to Lost Souls containing an exclusive introduction, the previously unpublished novella that eventually became Poppy’s first novel, an unpublished book review/essay on vampires, and an interview dating from the time of Lost Souls’ publication. Ilustrated by Dame Darcy. Limited to 500 numbered copies, signed by Brite. Also available in a limited edition of 52 signed hardcovers. (Contents)
- * _Self-Made Man (Orion 0-75282-487-2, Jul ’99, £16.99, 180pp, hc) Reprint (Gauntlet 1998 as Are You Loathsome Tonight?) collection of 12 horror stories, two original. Introduction by Peter Straub; afterword by Caitlin R. Kiernan. This edition lacks the illustrations by J.K. Potter. A trade paperback (-488-0, £9.99) was announced but not seen. [First U.K. edition]
- BRODERICK, DAMIEN (Francis), ed. (1944- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Centaurus: The Best of Australian Science Fiction (with David G. Hartwell) See entry under David G. Hartwell
- * *Not the Only Planet: Science Fiction Travel Stories (Lonely Planet Australia 0-86442-582-1, 1998 [Jan ’99], $12.95, 250pp, tp) Anthology of 10 SF and fantasy travel stories. Introduction and notes by Broderick. Authors include Lisa Goldstein, Greg Egan, Brian Aldiss, and Gene Wolfe. This is dated 1998, but not seen until now. (Contents)
- BRODEUR, GREG (chron.)
- BRODY, DYLAN (chron.)
- * *The Warm Hello (Royal Fireworks/Silk Label 1-928767-05-2, Jun ’99, $7.99, 190pp, tp, cover by Heather Bruton) SF novel. An alien greeting is mistaken for a vicious psychic attack by the people of Earth. Order from Royal Fireworks Publishing, First Avenue, Unionville, NY 10988; 914-726-4444; add $4.00 shipping.
- BROOKS, MARTHA (chron.)
- * _Bone Dance (Dell Laurel-Leaf 0-440-22791-7, Jul ’99 [May ’99], $4.50, 181pp, pb, cover by Wayne McLoughlin) Reprint (Orchard US 1997) young-adult fantasy novel. Dreams and Native American spirits draw two teens.
- BROOKS, TERRY; [i.e., Terrence Dean Brooks] (1944- ) (chron.)
- * *Angel Fire East (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-37964-0, Oct ’99 [Sep ’99], $25.95, 336pp, hc, cover by Gerald Brom) [John Ross, Knight] Fantasy novel, third and final in the trilogy featuring “John Ross, Knight of the Word”. Ross seeks the gypsy morph, a creature of wild magics.
- * _Angel Fire East (SFBC #05053, Oct ’99 [Nov ’99], $12.98, 336pp, hc, cover by Gerald Brom) [John Ross, Knight] Reprint (Del Rey 1999) fantasy novel, third in the series featuring “John Ross, Knight of the Word”. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
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