The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BOSTON, BRUCE (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Veracity of Imagination, (pm) Conditions of Sentient Life, Gothic Press 1996
- * View from the Abscissa, (pm) Velocities #1 1982
- * Visionary Madness in the Mutant Rain Forest, (pm) Night Songs
- * The Walnut Dark Sea Is Blooming Swiftly, (pm) Grimoire #5 1983
- * Want Ad, (pm) Star*Line 1981
- * The Wave We Ride, (pm)
- * We Build a Better Pet, (vi)
- * We Find Our Selves on Mars (with t. Winter-Damon), (pm) Amazing Jul 1990
- * A Web for Demons, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #1 1980
- * What Trees Dream About in Their Prodigious Silence, (pm) IASFM Aug 1992
- * When Silver Plums Fall, (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing, ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books 1989
- * When Sugar Plums Fall, (pm) Cities in Space, ed. Jerry Pournelle & John F. Carr, Ace 1991
- * When the Wordmonger Screams, (vi)
- * When Your Uncle Knifes Your Father on a Sunday of the Saints, (pm) Cold Tomorrows, Gothic Press 1998
- * Why We Are So Happy at Fusion Park, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #4 1988
- * The Widow Renounced, (pm) Night Cry Spr 1987; gp; Night Rides, gp.
- * Widows, (pm) Grimoire #3 1983
- * The Wishful Husband, (pm)
- * With Vorpal Sword in Hand, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 1996
- * A Woman Cast in Stone, (pm) Mythic Delirium #2 1998
- * Woman on the Station Platform, (pm)
- * A Word Before the Ice Wars, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #4 1984
- * Worlds Shortest Time-Travel Story, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #42 1994
- * A Wreckers Tale, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Sum 1985
- * You Came Back, (pm)
- * You Have Never Seen an Alien, (pm) Cold Tomorrows, Gothic Press 1998
- _____, reviews:
- BOSTON, LUCY M(aria) (1892-1990) (books) (chron.)
- BOSWELL, HAZEL (1882-1979)
- * The White Owl, (ss) Legends of Quebec: From the Land of the Golden Dog, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart 1966
- _____, trans.
- * Candles, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Demons Breath, (ss) Crossroads Dec 1992
- * A Graveside Chat with Jessica Amanda Salmonson, (iv) Deathrealm Spr 1995
- * The Kitaro Root, (ss) Rare Constellations #2 1993
- * Sand Castles, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #2 1995
- * Solstice, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * The Swan, (ss) The Magic Within, ed. Emily Alward, Diane Holmes & Alicia Rasley, WorldEdge Press 1994
- * Terantella Americana, (ss) Crossroads Oct 1993
- * Theres a New God in Town, (ss) The Urbanite #8 1997
- BOTTOME, PHYLLIS; pseudonym of Phyllis Forbes-Dennis, (1884-1963)
- * The Waiting-Room, (ss) The Virginia Quarterly Review Jul 1926
- BOUCHER, ALAN (1918- )
- _____, trans.
- BOUCHER, ANTHONY; pseudonym of William A. P. White, (1911-1968) (books)
- * The Anomaly of the Empty Man, (ss) F&SF Apr 1952
- * Balaam, (ss) 9 Tales of Space and Time, ed. Raymond J. Healey, Holt 1954
- * The Barrier, (na) Astounding Sep 1942
- * The Chronokinesis of Jonathan Hull [*Fergus OBreen], (ss) Astounding Jun 1946
- * The Compleat Werewolf [*Fergus OBreen], (na) Unknown Apr 1942
- * The Ghost of Me, (ss) Unknown Jun 1942
- * A Kind of Madness, (ss) EQMM Aug 1972
- * Mr. Lupescu, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1945
- * Nellthu, (vi) F&SF Aug 1955
- * Q.U.R. [as by H. H. Holmes], (ss) Astounding Mar 1943
- * The Quest for Saint Aquin, (ss) New Tales of Space and Time, ed. Raymond J. Healy, Holt 1951
- * The Scrawny One, (vi) Weird Tales May 1949
- * A Shape in Time, (ss) The Future Is Now, ed. William F. Nolan 1970
- * Snulbug, (ss) Unknown Dec 1941
- * Star Bride, (vi) Thrilling Wonder Stories Dec 1951
- * The Star Dummy, (ss) Fantastic Fll 1952
- * They Bite, (ss) Unknown Aug 1943
- Realms of Darkness, ed. Mary Danby, Octopus 1985
- Hunger for Horror, ed. Robert Adams, Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1988
- The Monster Book of Monsters, ed. Michael OShaughnessy, Xanadu 1988
- Haunted America, ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC 1991
- Masters of Fantasy, ed. Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad 1992
- Horrorscape, ed. Gary Goshgarian, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. 1993
- * Back in (Bug) Business, (ss) Gaslight Dec 1993
- * Blood in the Weave, (ss) The End #3 1995
- * Cold Touch, (ss) Reapers Harvest #3 1991
- * Coldest Touch (with Richard L. Levesque), (ss) Palace Corbie v2 #1 1993
- * Curnows Crossing, (ss) Deathrealm Spr 1991
- * Dark Adaptation, (ss) The Haunted Sun Spr 1991
- * Forbidden Seas, (ss) Forbidden Lines Sum 1991
- * In Longing for Rebecca..., (ss) The Haunted Sun Oct 1990
- * The Into, (ss) The Argonaut #15 1991
- * The Limits of Flesh, (ss) Phantasm #3 1996
- * Matriarch, (ss) Figment #12 1992
- * Nasty, (ss) Aberations #4 1992
- * Natures Way, (ss) Xizquil Sep 1991
- * Obvious, (ss) The End #1 1993
- * Tapestry of Souls, (ss) Aberations #2 1992
- * When Darkness Falls, (ss) 1989
- BOUCHER, CHRIS (books) (chron.)
- BOULGER, MRS. DORA HENRIETTA (née Havers) (1847-1923); see pseudonym Theo Gift
- BOUNDS, SYDNEY J(ames) (1920-2006); see pseudonym David Somers
- * The Circus, (ss) The 13th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories, ed. Mary Danby, Fontana 1980
- * A Complete Collection, (ss) Frighteners 2, ed. Mary Danby, London: Fontana Books 1976
- * Drink to the Good Old Days, (vi) Drabble II: Double Century, ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon Publications 1990
- * Find the Mage, (ss) Auguries #12 1990
- * Footprints, (ss) The 1st UK Paperback and Pulp Bookfair Official Souvenir Booklet, ed. Steve Holland, Zeon Publications 1991
- * Ghost Hunter, (ss) The Thirteenth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1981
- * The Ghost Train, (ss) The Fourth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1972
- * The Haunted Circus, (ss) The Ninth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1977
- * House of Horror, (ss) Nightmares 3, ed. Mary Danby, London: Armada 1985
- * Hunters Hill, (ss) The Tenth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1978
- * In His Image, (ss) Fantasy Booklet #1 1991
- * The Lonely Alien, (ss) Space Stories, ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson Childrens Books 1996
- * The Long Journey, (ss) Fantasy Annual #1 1997
- * Mage for Hire, (ss) Auguries #16 1992
- * Mage of the Monkeys, (ss) Mystery for Christmas, ed. Richard Dalby, OMara 1990
- * Murder by Magic, (ss) Dream #23 1990
- * The News at One, (ss) Fantasy Booklet #2 1991
- * No Way Back, (ss) Fantasy Annual #2 1998
- * The Organ Bank Caper, (vi) Mystique #1 1988
- * Private Mage, (ss) Gryphon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader #1, ed. Philip Harbottle, Gryphon Books 1999
- * Room at the Inn, (ss) The Sixth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1974
- * The Silver Disc (with John Russell Fearn), (ss) Fantasy Annual #2 1998
- * Spirit of the Trail, (ss) The Fifteenth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1983
- * Successor, (ss) Fantasy Booklet #1 1991
- * Throwback, (ss) New Writings in SF. 16, ed. John Carnell, London: Dobson 1969
- * The Train Watchers, (ss) The Fourteenth Armada Ghost Book, ed. Mary Danby, Armada 1982
- * A Dram of Spiders, (pm) The Silver Web Spr/Sum 1992; given as by Eric Bourland.
- * Evolution by Night, (pm) Grue #11 1990
- * Feeding the Golem, (pm) Twisted #6 1991
- * The Horny Dead, (pm) The Sterling Web Win 1991; given as by Eric Bourland in toc.
- * Lonely Sun, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #13 1992
- * manitou, (pm) Deathrealm Spr 1992
- * Necropolis, (pm) Deathrealm Fll/Win 1992
- * October Pipes, (pm) The Blood Review Oct 1990
- * Pariah Offering, (pm) Not One of Us Oct 1991
- * Season of the Pocket Mirror, (pm) Twisted #6 1991
- BOURNE, (Anne) CAROLINE (Gonin)
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