The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- WATSON, IAN (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Milk of Knowledge, (nv) Sunstroke and Other Stories, Gollancz 1982
- * Mistress of Cold, (ss) Ambit #96 1984
- * The Mole Field, (ss) F&SF Dec 1988
- * The Moon and Michelangelo, (nv) IASFM Oct 1987
- * My Vampire Cake, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Win 1996
- * The Mystic Marriage of Salome, (ss) Pictures At an Exhibition, ed. Ian Watson, Greystoke Mobray 1981
- * Nanoware Time, (na) IASFM Jun 1989
- * Nanoware Time, (na) New York: Tor 1991; appeared as half of Tor Double No. 29. A shorter version appeared in IASFM Jun 89.
- * Nanunculus, (ss) Interzone Jan 1997
- * Negentropy Rules OK: The Refloating of New Worlds, (ar) Amazing Apr 1993
- * New Years Eve at Tambimatu [Yaleen], (na) F&SF Dec 1983
- * The Odor of Cocktail Cigarettes, (ss) IASFM Apr 1991
- * On the Dream Channel Panel, (ss) Amazing Mar 1985
- * Otherwhys, (pm) Weird Tales Sum 1998
- * The People on the Precipice, (ss) Interzone #13 1985
- * The Pharaoh and the Mademoiselle, (na) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * The Presidents Not for Turning, (ss) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * Queenmagic, Pawnmagic, (nv) F&SF Sep 1986
- * The Real Winston, (ss) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * The Resurrection Man, (ss) Other Edens II, ed. Christopher Evans & Robert Holdstock, London: Unwin 1988
- * Returning Home, (ss) Sunstroke and Other Stories, Gollancz 1982
- * Roof Garden Under Saturn, (ss) New Worlds Nov 1969
- * The Rooms of Paradise, (ss) Rooms of Paradise, ed. Lee Harding, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia: Quartet Books 1978
- * Roots of a Writer, (ar) Dark Horizons #33 1992
- * The Sadim Touch, (vi) Drabble II: Double Century, ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon Publications 1990
- * Salvage Rites, (ss) F&SF Jan 1987
- * Samathiels Summons, (ss) Fantasy Book Dec 1984
- * Secrets, (nv) Interzone Oct 1997
- * The Shape of Murder, (ss) Odyssey #4 1998
- * The Shortest Night [Kaleva], (nv) Asimovs May 1998
- * Showdown on Showdown, (nv) IASFM Sep 1983
- * Shrines and Ratholes (Part I), (ar) Vector #117 1983
- * Shrines and Ratholes (Part II), (ar) Vector #117 1983
- * Skin Day, and After, (ss) F&SF Jul 1985
- * Slow Birds, (nv) F&SF Jun 1983
- The Years Best Science Fiction, First Annual Collection, ed. Gardner R. Dozois, Bluejay 1984
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year #13, ed. Terry Carr, Baen 1984
- The Nebula Awards #19, ed. Marta Randall, Arbor House 1984
- Slow Birds and Other Stories, Gollancz 1985
- The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 40th Anniversary Anthology, ed. Edward L. Ferman, St. Martins 1989
- * Some Cultural Notes and Pest Control, (ar) Vector #111 1982
- * Some Sufist Insights into the Nature of Inexplicable Events, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America Sum 1979
- * Stalins Teardrops, (ss) Weird Tales Win 1990
- * Starry Night, (ss) Altair #1 1998
- * State of the Art: The Author as Torturer [complete version], (ar) Synergy v3, ed. George Zebrowski, HBJ Harvest 1989
- * Such Dedication, (ss) Interzone Jan 1996
- * Supernova, (ss) Sfinx #9 1974; later revised as The Roentgen Refugees (New Writings in SF #30, ed. Ken Bulmer, 1977).
- * Surgeon General, (vi) Works #7 1990
- * Swimming with the Salmon, (ss) Interzone Sep 1992
- * The Tale of Peg and the Brain [Weston Willow], (ss) Narrow Houses, ed. Peter Crowther, Little Brown UK 1992
- * Tales from Weston Willow, (ss) Dark Fantasies, ed. Chris Morgan, Legend 1989
- * The Talk of the Town, (ss) Fires of the Past, ed. Anne Devereaux Jordan, St. Martins 1991
- * Themes and Variations: A View on the SF and Fantasy of 1988, (ar) Nebula Awards 24, ed. Michael Bishop, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1990
- * The Thousand Cuts, (ss) The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 3, ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni 1982
- * Towards an Alien Linguistics, (ar) Vector Dec 1975
- * The Tragedy of Solveig [Kaleva], (nv) Asimovs Dec 1996
- * Tulips from Amsterdam, (ss) Interzone Aug 1996
- * UFOs, Science, and the Inexplicable, (ar) The Arena #11 1981
- * The Ultimate One-Word First-Contact Story, (vi) Alien Encounters, ed. Jan Howard Finder, Taplinger 1982
- * Universe on the Turn, (ss) Last Wave #4 1984
- * Up the Pole, (ar) The Arena #13 1982
- * The Very Slow Time Machine, (nv) Anticipations, ed. Christopher Priest, Scribners 1978
- * Vile Dry Claws of the Toucan, (ss) Semiotext(e) #14 1989
- * Virtually Lucid Lucy, (ss) New Worlds 2, ed. David S. Garnett, London: Gollancz 1992
- * A Walk to Manhome, and Away [Yaleen], (na) F&SF Jan 1984
- * Warped Stars [Warhammer 40,000: Inquisition War], (na) Warhammer: Deathwing, ed. Neil Jones & David Pringle, GW Books 1990
- * We Remember Babylon, (nv) Habitats, ed. Susan Shwartz, DAW 1984
- * What Actually Happened in Docklands, (ss) Interzone Jun 1998
- * When Idaho Dived, (ss) Afterwar, ed. Janet Morris, Baen 1985
- * When Jesus Comes Down the Chimney, (ss) Interzone #18 1986
- * When the Timegate Failed, (nv) Interzone #14 1985
- * White Socks, (nv) F&SF Feb 1985
- * Who Can Believe in the Hero(ine)?, (ar) SFWA Bulletin Mar 1982
- * The Width of the World, (ss) Universe 13, ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday 1983
- * The Wild Hunt, (ss) Darlite Sep 1966; gp.
- * Windows, (nv) IASFM Dec 1986
- * The Wire Around the War, (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1985
- * The World Renews Itself: A View on the SF and Fantasy of 1987, (ar) Nebula Awards 23, ed. Michael Bishop, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1989
- * The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080, (ss) F&SF Oct 1980
- * The Worms Head [Yaleen], (na) F&SF Feb 1984
- * The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (with Paul Di Filippo, Judith Moffett, Michaella Rossener, Robert Silverberg & Nancy Springer), (ar) Nebula Awards 31, ed. Pamela Sargent, Harcourt Brace 1997
- * The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (with Terry Dowling, Keith Ferrell, Robert Frazier, Elizabeth Hand, Sean McMullen, Lucius Shepard & Norman Spinrad), (ar) Nebula Awards 32, ed. Jack Dann, Harvest 1998
- WATSON, JOHN H., M.D.; pseudonym of Michael Moorcock, (1939- )
- * A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dorset Street Lodger [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) 1995; also as The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I: The Adventure of the Texans Honour.
- * The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I: The Adventure of the Texans Honour [A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dorset Street Lodger; Sherlock Holmes], (nv) 1995
- * A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dorset Street Lodger [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) 1995; also as The Adventure of the Dorset Street Lodger, by Michael Moorcock.
- * The Fork in the Graveyard [as by Traditional], (ss) Ghost Stories and Legends of Prince Edward Island, Hounslow Press 1988
- WATSON, MARRIOTT; see under Watson, H. B. Marriott
- * All Souls Day, (pm) Tares: A Book of Verse, Kegan, Paul, Trench 1884
- WATT-EVANS, LAWRENCE (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Dragon Is Dead, (vi) MZBFM Sum 1990
- * The Art of Dying, (ss) The Beast Within, ed. Stewart Wieck, Stone Mtn., GA: White Wolf 1994
- * Back to the Land, (ss) Deathrealm Sum 1995
- * Beneath the Tarmac, (ss) Deathport, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pocket 1993
- * Beths Unicorn, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Jun 1996
- * Blood Feud, (ss) Cemetery Dance Spr 1993
- * The Bloodstone [Ethshar], (ss) The Shimmering Door, ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1996
- * The Bogle in the Basement, (ss) Orphans of the Night, ed. Josepha Sherman, Walker 1995
- * The Bride of Bigfoot, (ss) Alien Pregnant by Elvis, ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * The Cat Came Back, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Nightmares, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1995
- * Celestial Debris, (ss) A Starfarers Dozen, ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace 1995
- * Choice, (ss) How to Save the World, ed. Charles Sheffield, Tor 1995
- * Cool, (ss) The Ultimate Spider-Man, ed. Stan Lee, Berkley 1994
- * Dead Babies, (ss) South From Midnight, ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Thomas R. Hanlon, Southern Fried Press 1994
- * Dead Things Dont Move, (ss) Late Knocking v4 #1 1988
- * Dread Vengeance, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1995
- * The Drifter, (ss) Amazing Oct 1991
- * Efficiency, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #2 1992
- * Essay, (ar) Science Fiction Age Mar 1995
- * Eye of the Beholder, (ss) City of Darkness: Unseen, ed. Erin Kelly & Stewart Wieck, White Wolf 1995
- * The Final Challenge, (ss) The Book of Kings, ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc 1995
- * The Final Folly of Captain Dancy, (na) The Rebirth of Wonder, Tor 1992
- * A Flying Saucer with Minnesota Plates, (ss) IASFM Aug 1991
- * For Value Received, (ss) Deals with the Devil, ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren Estelman, DAW 1994
- * Fragments, (ss) Interzone Jul 1992
- * The Frog Wizard, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1993
- * Frontiers, (ss) Open Space #1 1989
- * The Garrison, (nv) Castle Fantastic, ed. John DeChancie & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1996
- * George Pinkerton and the Bedtime Ghost (with Julie Evans), (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Ghosts II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * George Pinkerton and the Bloodsucking Fiend of Brokentree Swamp, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Monsters II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * George Pinkerton and the Space Waffles, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Aliens II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Ghost Stories, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Ghosts, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * The Ghost Taker, (ss) Amazing May 1991
- * Grandpas Head, (ss) Psychos, ed. Robert Bloch, CD Publications 1997
- * The Great Ritual, (ss) After Hours Win 1995
- * The Guardswoman [Ethshar], (ss) Chicks in Chainmail, ed. Esther Friesner, Baen 1995
- * Hearts and Flowers, (ss) Full Spectrum 5, ed. Jennifer Hersh, Tom Dupree & Janna Silverstein, Bantam Spectra 1995
- * Horsing Around, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Magic, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * How I Maybe Saved the World Last Tuesday Before Breakfast, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Aliens, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * Impostor Syndrome, (ss) More Phobias, ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket Books 1995
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