The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- STEWART, SANDY (continued)
- STEWART, (Michael) SEAN (1965- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- STEWART, W. GREGORY (books) (chron.)
- * Across the Far, (pm) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * Alcharinga, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #12/13 1987
- * Alive So Far, (pm) Figment #11 1992
- * Alone, Aloft, (pm) Antepenult, Concord, CA: Dark Regions Press 1993
- * Amber Moments, (pm) Pandora #23 1989
- * angel fishing, (pm) Asimovs May 1997
- * Antepenult, (pm) Dark Starr Jun 1988
- * Argyle, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * assemblage/Alcharinga, (pm)
- * At Half Past, and Fed, (pm) Malevolence #3 1996
- * autumn elsewhere, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- * Balance, (vi) Crossroads Feb 1997
- * bartalk/49, (pm) Not One of Us Mar 1996
- * Basement Flats (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Air Fish, ed. Joy Oestreicher & Richard Singer, Catseye Books 1993
- * Basic Criteria, (pm) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1996
- * written down/in History..., (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1988
- * Beast, (pm) Star*Line Jan/Feb 1988
- * because i love you, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #27 1989
- * The Belt, (pm) SPWAO Newsletter Sep/Oct 1989
- * Between Test Patterns, (pm) Poetry/LA Jan 1990
- * Black Hole, Black Hole, (pm) Asimovs Aug 1998
- * blunder, (pm)
- * Bones, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1986
- * Boons, (ss) Air Fish, ed. Joy Oestreicher & Richard Singer, Catseye Books 1993
- * But I had that for lunch..., (pm) Star*Line v21 #5 1998
- * the button, and what you know, (ss) Amazing Jun 1991
- * By Your Hand or Otherwise, (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1992
- * Caliban: On the creation of certain life, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #48 1997
- * The Cellar, Outside and In, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * cemetery crows, (pm)
- * A Certain Ape, (pm) Figment #5 1990
- * Cherubim: An Oil Plaint, (pm) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1987
- * A Chicago Dinner Party, Sometime After, (ss) Science Fiction Age Nov 1996
- * The Children of the Valley, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #1 1998
- * chronicide, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * cleaning out the attic, (pm) Asimovs Aug 1995
- * coalescent, (pm)
- * coco macque, (pm)
- * Cocooning, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #33 1991
- * coming out into the sun, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #48 1997
- * copping an attitude, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #4 1991
- * crowley/ace of swords, (pm)
- * cryopyre 3, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- * curator of Cthulhu, (pm) Star*Line v19 #4 1996
- * Daedalus, (pm) Star*Line Nov 1986
- * Day Omega, (pm) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1996
- * Denise Dumars: Dancing on the Dark Side, (in)
- * diane/untwilit, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * dinner flambeau, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #45 1995
- * dog, (pm)
- * dog weed, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #46 1996
- * Dollar Sign, (pm) Asimovs Apr 1998
- * Dont Think About It, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * dot, for Wendy Rathbones mini-vac, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #45 1995
- * Dragon Skin, (pm) Asimovs Jul 1996
- * The Edge of It, (pm) Thin Ice #4 1989
- * The Edge of the Pond, (pm) Malevolence #3 1996
- * The Elements, (pm) Orphic Lute Win 1988/89
- * elements of lonely, (pm)
- * esomaniac, (pm)
- * excuses, excuses, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #43 1994
- * extinction haiku, (pm) White Knuckles Spr/Sum 1996
- * Eyas, (pm) The Tome #3 1990
- * first night, having said it, (pm)
- * The First Suicide, (pm) The Tome #3 1990
- * Fishing for Lizards, (pm) Asimovs Feb 1998
- * the foreigner, (pm) Beyond #19 1991
- * forever night, (pm)
- * From Bastille to Bedlam, (pm) Mythic Delirium #1 1998
- * From the Rhysling Chair, (in)
- * Fusion, (pm) Beyond #18 1990
- * The Garden After Armageddon, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * gen, (pm) Pandora #20 1988
- * Genesis/elemental, (pm)
- * the ghost of Andy Warhol, (pm) Amazing Jan 1990
- * The Globe, (ss) Fantastic Worlds v1 #1 1996
- * Goldilocks and the Virtual Bears, (pm) Amazing Jan 1993
- * gowntown geneville, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #50 1998
- * Greenbuddy, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- * here she comes now I & II, (pm)
- * here, now, (pm) Not One of Us Aug 1994
- * hormone cruising, (pm) Once Upon a World #3 1990
- * humanity, coming of age:, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * I Am Dead, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #5 1996
- * i will no, (pm)
- * The Ice Blue Heart, (pm) Asimovs Aug 1996
- * An Ice Cube for the Coffee (with Denise D. Dumars & Todd Mecklem), (pm) Not One of Us Nov 1993
- * if in those flames, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #25 1988
- * immigrant, (pm) Xizquil #15 1996
- * In My Green House, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * in re: digital, (pm) Amazing Nov 1989
- * in reds & black, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #26 1989
- * In the Stars Mouth, (pm) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1997
- * infrared and residue, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #27 1989
- * Inner City Episode, (pm) Star*Line v17 #6 1994
- * inside the bone, (pm) SPWAO Newsletter Jul/Aug 1987
- * Insomnia, (pm) Malevolence #3 1996
- * The interface..., (pm) White Knuckles Spr/Sum 1996
- * An Introduction to Xenosociology, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #27 1989
- * Just Hypothetical, (pm) Star*Line v16 #5 1993
- * The Last Longtooth Is Gone, (pm) Xenophilia Jul 1991
- * the last man on earth..., (pm) White Knuckles Spr/Sum 1996
- * A Laureate Recalls, (pm) Amazing Win 1994
- * La Lethe League, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * A Life, Considered in Thirds, Set Against a Galactic Collapse, (pm) Star*Line v17 #1 1994
- * lose forever, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- * Lyric, (pm)
- * the medicine cabinet, (pm) Midnight Zoo v4 #1 1994
- * Messages Out, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * Metamorphoses/At the Waters Cove, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * millennium debs, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #49 1997
- * The Möbius Poem, (pm) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1988
- * The Monitors, (ss) Terra Incognita Win 1996
- * my DNA and the apes..., (pm) White Knuckles Spr/Sum 1996
- * Ne, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #16 1996
- * neon splits, (pm)
- * The New Mass, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #1 1998
- * Night Roses, (ss) Stygian Articles #11 1997
- * nocturne for the urban werewolf, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #49 1997
- * North Valley Industry, a Freeway Scene, (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * Ode to the Custodian, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #48 1997
- * oh, yes - that one, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #43 1994
- * Olduvai, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #28 1989
- * on huge, (pm) Midnight Zoo v4 #1 1994
- * on our farm, where rocks dont grow, (pm) Not One of Us Jun 1992
- * Opening Number from Night of the Mighty Chondria (or, The Least, Within), (pm) Star*Line v21 #4 1998
- * out by the airport, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #47 1996
- * Personal (with Denise D. Dumars & Todd Mecklem), (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * Phoenix, (pm) Thin Ice #6 1990
- * phone memo, (pm) Amazing May 1990
- * Potato Babies, (ss) Age of Wonder #1 1998
- * Primary Spectre, (ss) Stygian Articles #11 1997
- * Prodigal Physics, (pm) Star*Line v21 #3 1998
- * protective coloration, (pm) Thin Ice #12 1992
- * quick kiss, (pm)
- * The Quietest Music, (pm) Amazing Mar 1989
- * rat, (pm)
- * rat dancing, (pm)
- * Rats with Wings/Angels with Dirty Feet, (pm) Amazing May 1989
- * ravens 3, (pm)
- * Reception for the Artist, (pm) Antepenult, Concord, CA: Dark Regions Press 1993
- * Recipe for a Planck Sandwich, (pm) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1998
- * the red of it, and black, (pm)
- * Review Board, (ss) Keen Science Fiction! Mar 1997
- * ribbons for Millenium, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- * Riddle, (pm) White Knuckles Spr/Sum 1996
- * roaches, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #19/20 1987
- * Robo Ben, (pm) Pandora #26 1990
- * rodan, (pm) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1988
- * Room Service, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * Sabine, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #29 1989
- * She Wears Ivory, (pm) The Plowman Nov 1990
- * simony, (pm)
- * Simultaneity, (pm) Star*Line v18 #3 1995
- * Skybleed, (pm) Thin Ice #7 1990
- * the slow beast, (pm) Midnight Zoo v4 #1 1994
- * the slow thought..., (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- * Small Talk, (pm) Malevolence #3 1996
- * The Snow Queen, (pm) Pandora #29 1993
- * soup: variations on a theme, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #45 1995
- * Star Whales, (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * Stopping by My Fathers Roid, I Cannot Say Goodbye, (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1992
- * A Study in Two Parts:, (pm) Malevolence #3 1996
- * The Swordsman in Hell, (pm) Star*Line v17 #2 1994
- * tell no lies beneath the moon, (pm)
- * these shadow, (pm)
- * They Let Me Live, (pm) Stygian Articles #11 1997
- * The Thing That Happened to Uncle Ed, (pm) Star*Line v21 #2 1998
- * things he does and doesnt understand, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #38 1992
- * Thoughts of a Porpoise at the Three OClock Show, (pm) Pandora #27 1992
- * to seek the void, (pm)
- * Transylvanian Exchange Student, (pm) Star*Line v16 #5 1993
- * Trial Basis, (pm) Beyond #19 1991
- * The Trick, (pm) Poets. Painters. Composers Jul 1991
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