The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- NEWTON, KURT (chron.)
- * The Abduction of Kenny G., (ss) Not One of Us Mar 1998
- * Bad Religion, (pm) Stygian Articles Spr 1995
- * Beyond, (ss) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * The Birthday Ritual, (ss) Not One of Us Feb 1995
- * Blood Autumn, (ss) Crossroads Nov 1995
- * Blood Meal, (pm) Crossroads Feb 1998
- * The Blue Heron, (vi) Crossroads Feb 1996
- * Bottom Feeder, (pm) TransVersions #2 1995
- * Bound, (ss) Not One of Us Sep 1997
- * The Burning Man, (ss) Not One of Us Sep 1995
- * C-Section, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #3 1998
- * Candle in the Dark, (ss) Crossroads Oct 1996
- * The Care and Feeding of Robots, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #4 1996
- * Chasing the White Limousine, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #3 1996
- * Chop Shop, (pm) Mindmares Spr 1998
- * Clown, (pm) Gaslight Sum 1995
- * Containment, (pm) TransVersions #2 1995
- * Crop Circles, (pm) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * The Crow, (ss) Crossroads Jun 1994
- * curiously silent, (pm) Mindmares Win 1998
- * Defining Love, (ar) Dead Lines Jan 1995
- * The Dismantling, (ss) Night Terrors #2 1996
- * Envirous, (ss) Stygian Articles Sum 1995
- * Evil Revisited, (ss) Crossroads Feb 1994
- * Featured Poet, (gp) Freezer Burn Magazine #2 1995
- * Fishing, (ss) Pirate Writings Win 1993
- * His Fathers Eyes, (ss) Dead Lines Jan 1995
- * The Hornet Priest, (ss) Random Realities Fll 1993
- * Horny, (vi) Mindmares Spr 1998
- * The House Spider, (vi) Pirate Writings Spr 1995
- * Insect Dreams, (pm) TransVersions #3 1995
- * Into Our Bed at Night, (pm) Dead Lines Jan 1995
- * Jack-O-Lantern, (ss) Terminal Fright Nov/Dec 1993
- * The Keeper, (pm) Crossroads Feb 1998
- * Kiss Me, (pm) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * Leap Year, (pp) TransVersions #3 1995
- * Letters to the Editor, (ss) Into the Darkness #3 1995
- * Mind Fill, (pm) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * Mowing the Lawn #2, (pm) Mindmares Win 1998
- * Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, (ss) White Knuckles Fll 1995
- * The Pain of It All, (ar) Dead Lines May 1995
- * The Rectification of Walter Piggot, (ss) Mindmares Win 1998
- * Red Frames, (pm) Mindmares Win 1998
- * Riding on Mansons Bus, (ar) Dead Lines Nov 1995
- * The Scarecrow, (ss) Terminal Fright Sum 1995
- * Scenes from the Interstate, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #6 1996
- * Skins, (ss) Crossroads Jun 1995
- * Sweetheart Doll, (pm) Stygian Articles Sum 1997
- * Thing for You, (pm) Stygian Articles Spr 1995
- * to the dogs, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #50 1998
- * The Treadwheel, (ss) Outer Darkness #13 1997
- * Trick or Treat or..., (ss) Into the Darkness #5 1996
- * Tripping, (pm) TransVersions #7 1997
- * Triptych of Terror, (pm) Frisson #7 1997
- * Triptych: The Watchmans Tower, (pm) Cenotaph #1 1997
- * The Whittling, (ss) Vicious Circle Fll 1993
- * Work of Art, (ss) Night Terrors #1 1996
- _____, reviews:
- NEWTON, MICHAEL (1951- )
- * Airhead, (ss) Seeds of Fear, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1995
- * Bedroom Eyes, (ss) Hotter Blood, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1991
- * Five Card Stud, (ss) Stranger by Night, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1995
- * Pretty Is..., (ss) Hot Blood, ed. Jeff Gelb & Lonn Friend, Pocket 1989
- * Reunion, (ss) Shock Rock, ed. Jeff Gelb, Pocket 1992
- NIALL, DAVID (1959- ); also as David Niall Wilson
- NICHOLAS, ANNA (books)
- * An Occult Experience, (ss) The Idyll of the Wabash 1898
- * Out of the Past, (ss) The Making of Thomas Barton 1915
- * Was it all a Dream?, (ss) The Making of Thomas Barton 1915
- * Andromeda, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- * Ballad of the Sad Astronaut, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- * Earthset Earthrise, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- * Moonscape, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- * Space-Shuttle, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- * Watch this space!, (pm) Spaceways, ed. John Foster, Oxford Univ. Press 1986
- NICHOLLS, MARK (chron.)
- NICHOLLS, PETER (Douglas) (1939- ) (books)
- NICHOLLS, STAN (books) (chron.)
- * Adding the Flesh and Blood, (iv) Interzone Aug 1993; also as Proves Two into One Will Go.
- * Aldiss Unbound, (iv) Fear! Jan 1991; also as Buries His Heart on Far Andromeda; Brian W. Aldiss interview.
- * The Axe-Man Cometh to Novacon, (ar) Novacon 26 Programme Book, Birmingham Science Fiction Group 1996
- * The Big Sellers:
___ 6: David Gemmell, (ar) Interzone #36 1990
- * A Blip on the Way to the Big Crunch, (iv) Interzone Dec 1993
- * Brings Back Plenty [Plenty of Space], (iv) Interzone Sep 1992
- * Buries His Heart on Far Andromeda [Aldiss Unbound], (iv) Fear! Jan 1991
- * C.J. Cherryh Interview, (iv) Interzone #31 1989
- * Catches the Rapture, (iv)
- * Celebrates the Eye, (iv) Interzone Jan 1991
- * Chewing the Raccoon, (iv) Interzone May 1992; also as Chews on the Raccoon.
- * Chews on the Raccoon [Chewing the Raccoon], (iv) Interzone May 1992
- * Clears Out the Dead Wood, (iv) Interzone #31 1989
- * Cottons On, (iv)
- * Could Dignify It All [Fantastic Anarchy], (iv) Fear! Nov 1990
- * Crisis, (ar) Skeleton Crew Oct 1990
- * Cultural Differences, (iv) Interzone Aug 1994; Iain Banks interview.
- * The Dark Council, (iv) Fear! Mar 1991; Andrew Collins interview.
- * David Brin Interview, (iv) Interzone #41 1990
- * David Wingrove, (iv) Interzone Jun 1991
- * Deals with the Incongruity, (iv)
- * Doesnt Give a Toss, (iv)
- * The Donaldson Chronicles, (iv) Interzone Jun 1992; also as Writes for Love, Sells for Money; Stephen Donaldson interview.
- * Dreaming Boy, (iv) Interzone Sep 1992; also as Is a Dreaming Boy; Robert Sheckley interview.
- * Druids and Starships, (iv) Million #14 1993; also as Likes to Say Shes Just the Typist.
- * An Element of Corruption: John Bolton, (iv) Skeleton Crew Feb 1991
- * Exposes the Dark Underside, (iv)
- * Faith Under Fire: Mary Doria Russell Interviewed (with Anne Gay), (iv) Interzone Aug 1998
- * Fantastic Anarchy, (iv) Fear! Nov 1990; also as Could Dignify It All; Michael Moorcock interview.
- * Finds Dreaming on the Page Bloody Hard Work, (iv)
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Frees Something Up, (iv) Interzone Feb 1991
- * Geoff Ryman, (iv) Interzone #33 1990
- * Green Light for Red Planet Blues, (iv) Interzone Apr 1993; also as Says Mars Is Making Eyes at Him.
- * Has an Art Deco Radio Box in Her Head [Letting Go of the Here and Now], (iv) Fear! Oct 1989
- * Has an Outrageous Idea, (iv) Interzone Jun 1991
- * Has Something Nasty in the Closet [The Same Place You Get Your Dreams], (iv) Interzone May 1993
- * Has Strange Notions [Strange Notions], (iv) Interzone Aug 1992
- * Hitting the Punchline, (iv) Interzone Jun 1992; also as Waits Two Beats then Hits the Punchline.
- * I Dont Breathe Anything I Cant See, (iv) Fear! Sep/Oct 1988; also as Wont Breathe Anything He Cant See; Christopher Fowler interview.
- * I Keep Coming Back, (iv) Interzone Oct 1991; also as Keeps Coming Back.
- * I Keep Coming Back!: Robert Silverberg, (iv) Interzone Oct 1991
- * Invents Her Own Religion [Writing and Ritual], (iv) Interzone Oct 1993
- * Is a Dreaming Boy [Dreaming Boy], (iv) Interzone Sep 1992
- * Is a Velcro Man, (iv)
- * Is on the Greatest High in the World, (iv)
- * Is Still Waiting for the Earth to Move [Ripping Yarns], (iv) Interzone Apr 1992
- * James Morrow, (iv) Interzone Apr 1991
- * Joe Haldeman, (iv) Interzone Feb 1991
- * Just Wants Everyone to Play Nicely Together [Playing Nicely Together], (iv) Interzone Feb 1993
- * Kathy Acker, (iv) Interzone #27 1989
- * Keeps Coming Back [I Keep Coming Back], (iv) Interzone Oct 1991
- * Larry Niven & Steven Barnes, (iv) Interzone #39 1990
- * Lay out a Mental Playground, (iv) Interzone #39 1990
- * The Leading American SF Editor, (iv) Interzone Nov 1991; also as Turns off the TV.
- * The Leading American SF Editor: Gardner Dozois, (iv) Interzone Nov 1991
- * Leaves the Furniture Alone, (iv)
- * Letting Go of the Here and Now, (iv) Fear! Oct 1989; also as Has an Art Deco Radio Box in Her Head; Tanith Lee interview.
- * Life on Another Planet, (ar) Fear! Sep 1989
- * Likes to Say Shes Just the Typist [Druids and Starships], (iv) Million #14 1993
- * Lisa Tuttle, (iv) Interzone #29 1989
- * Majors in Myth [The Nature of the Beast], (iv) Interzone Jun 1992
- * Makes a Pact with the Popcorn Eaters, (iv)
- * Makes up Good Tunes [Making Up Good Tunes: Iain Banks], (iv) Skeleton Crew Nov 1990
- * Making Up Good Tunes: Iain Banks, (iv) Skeleton Crew Nov 1990; also as Makes up Good Tunes.
- * The Man, The Myths and The Models, (iv) Fear! Feb 1990; Ray Harryhausen interview.
- * The Nature of the Beast, (iv) Interzone Jun 1992; also as Majors in Myth; Terry Brooks interview.
- * Neil Jordan in High Spirits, (bg) Fear! Jul/Aug 1988; profile of Neil Jordan.
- * Nobody Gets Out of This Life Alive, (iv) Fear! Nov/Dec 1988; also as Wont Get Out of This Life Alive; David Gemmell interview.
- * The Only Thing it Doesnt Do is Move, (iv) Fear! Sep 1989; John Bolton interview.
- * Opening Pandoras Box, (iv) Interzone May 1993; also as Opens Pandoras Box.
- * Opens Pandoras Box [Opening Pandoras Box], (iv) Interzone May 1993
- * Peeps into the Abyss, (iv)
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