The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- HENDEE, J. C., JR. (chron.) (continued)
- _____, reviews:
- HENDERSON, C(hristopher-John) J(ames) (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Admission of Weakness, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #99 1998
- * All That Glitters, (ss) Elf Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1997
- * Dawson Did It, (ss) Questar Mar 1979
- * A Forty Share in Innsmouth, (ss) Singers of Strange Songs, ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Chaosium 1997
- * Free the Old Ones [Severn Valley], (nv) Made In Goatswood, ed. Scott David Anioloswski, Chaosium 1995
- * The Horror at Columbia Terrace, (ss) Return to Lovecraft Country, ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Triad Entertainments 1997
- * Idiot Savant [Azathoth], (nv) The Azathoth Cycle, ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium 1995
- * It’s a Living, (ss) Startling Science Stories #10 1998
- * Mirrors of the Soul, (ss) Fantasy Gamer Jan 1984
- * Patiently Waiting [Inspector Legrasse], (nv) The Cthulhu Cycle, ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium 1996
- * The Slaying of Beauty, (ss) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #8 1998
- * The Soul’s Right Hand, (ss) Cemetery Dance Fll 1996
- * “That’s the One!”, (vi) Questar Jun 1980
- * Time to Smell the Flowers, Time to Talk to the Stones, (vi) Other Worlds #4 1991
- * Whose Turn Is It?, (ss) Obsessions, ed. Gary Raisor, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1991
- * You Can’t Take It with You, (ss) Eldritch Tales #14 1987
- _____, reviews:
- * The Emigrant Banshee, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1901
- * The Day at the Zoo, (ss) Overspace #13 1991
- * Klingon Without Tears, aka It’s Welsh Jim, But Not as We Know It, (pm) Sierra Heaven #2 1996
- * Love at First Sight, (vi) Sweet Dreams Baby! May 1990
- * A Room with a Fire, (pl) Overspace #5 1990
- * Slops, (ss) Threads #13 1997
- * Strange Encounters on Glasgow Green, (vi) Utter Entropy, ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy 1997
- HENDERSON, ZENNA (née Chlarson) (1917-1983) (books) (chron.)
- * Angels Unawares [People], (nv) F&SF Mar 1966
- * Anything Box, (ss) F&SF Oct 1956
- * Ararat [People], (nv) F&SF Oct 1952
- * As Simple as That, (ss) Holding Wonder, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * Captivity [People], (na) F&SF Jun 1958
- * Come On, Wagon!, (ss) F&SF Dec 1951
- * The Dark Came Out to Play, (ss) Imagination May 1952; also as “Stevie and the Dark”.
- * Deluge [People], (nv) F&SF Oct 1963
- * Gilead [People], (nv) F&SF Aug 1954
- * Hush!, (ss) Beyond Fantasy Fiction Nov 1953
- * Incident After [People], (ss) Holding Wonder, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * The Indelible Kind [People], (nv) F&SF Dec 1968
- * Jordan [People], (nv) F&SF Mar 1959
- * Katie-Mary’s Trip [People], (ss) F&SF Jan 1975
- * Lea 1 [People], (lk)
- * Lea 2 [People], (lk)
- * Lea 3 [People], (lk)
- * Lea 4 [People], (lk)
- * Lea 5 [People], (lk)
- * Lea 6 [People], (lk)
- * Mark & Meris 1 [People], (lk)
- * Mark & Meris 2 [People], (lk)
- * Mark & Meris 3 [People], (lk)
- * Mark & Meris 4 [People], (lk)
- * Mark & Meris 5 [People], (lk)
- * Michael Without [People], (nv) Ingathering, NESFA Press 1995
- * No Different Flesh [People], (nv) F&SF May 1965
- * The People: No Different Flesh [People], (co) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1967
- * Pilgrimage [People], (co) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1967
- * Pottage [People], (nv) F&SF Sep 1955
- * Return [People], (nv) F&SF Mar 1961
- * Shadow on the Moon [People], (nv) F&SF Mar 1962
- * Stevie and the Dark [“The Dark Came Out to Play”], (ss) Imagination May 1952
- * Subcommittee, (nv) F&SF Jul 1962
- * Tell Us a Story [People], (nv) F&SF Oct 1980
- * That Boy [People], (nv) F&SF Nov 1971
- * Things, (ss) F&SF Jul 1960
- * Through a Glass—Darkly, (nv) F&SF Oct 1970
- * Troubling of the Water [People], (nv) F&SF Sep 1966
- * Turn the Page, (ss) F&SF May 1957
- * Walking Aunt Daid, (ss) F&SF Jul 1955
- * The Walls [People], (ss) Holding Wonder, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * Wilderness [People], (nv) F&SF Jan 1957
- HENDRICKSON, WALTER B(rookfield), Jr. (1936- )
- HENDRIX, HOWARD V(incent) [Ph.D.] (1959- ) (books)
- * Ah! Bright Wings, (nv) Full Spectrum 4, ed. Lou Aronica, Amy Stout & Betsy Mitchell, Bantam Spectra 1993
- * Almost Like Air, (ss) Amazing Sep 1991
- * The Art of Memory, (ss) EOTU Jun 1989
- * At the Shadow of a Dream, (ss) Aboriginal SF Spr 1993
- * Beholding Aphrodite, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #10 1992
- * Chameleon on a Mirror, (ss) EOTU Feb 1988
- * Doctor Doom Conducting, (ss) Aboriginal SF Sep/Oct 1987
- * The Farm System, (ss) Full Spectrum, ed. Lou Aronica & Shawna McCarthy, Bantam 1988
- * Gingko, (pm) Asimov’s Nov 1994
- * If These Walls Could Talk, (na) Outer Limits, Volume 1, ed. Debbie Notkin & Roger Stewart, Proteus 1996; from the screenplay by Manny Coto.
- * In the Smoke, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v2, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1986
- * In-Flight Entertainment, (ss) EOTU Aug 1988
- * The Last Impression of Linda Vista, (ss) Aboriginal SF May/Jun 1988
- * The Music of What Happens, (nv) Full Spectrum 5, ed. Jennifer Hersh, Tom Dupree & Janna Silverstein, Bantam Spectra 1995
- * The Notorious Sitting Judge of Bullfrog County, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #4 1988
- * Peripheral Visions:
___ Mystic Science, (ar) Starshore Fll 1990
___ The Persistence of Apocalypse, (ar) Starshore Win 1990
- * Singing the Mountain to the Stars, (ss) Aboriginal SF Jan/Feb 1991
- * Tombé, (ss) Expanse #2 1994
- * The Unfinished Sky, (ss) Starshore Spr 1991
- * The Vertical Fruit of the Horizontal Tree, (na) Beech Grove, IN: Talisman 1994
- * The Voice of the Dolphin in Air, (ss) Starshore Fll 1990
- _____, reviews:
- HENEIN, GEORGES (1914-1973)
- HENIGHAN, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Joseph Henighan] (1934- ) (books)
- * Bonsai Man, (pm) Tesseracts 2, ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Victoria: Press Porcepic 1987
- * The Book of Tobit, (na) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * Boxcar, (ss) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * Clark Kent in Old Age, (pm) Tesseracts 4, ed. Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet, Victoria: Beach Holme Books 1992
- * Dark Christmas, (ss) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * The Gentle Tasaday, (ss) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * The Great Comedians, (pm) Tesseracts 4, ed. Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet, Victoria: Beach Holme Books 1992
- * Paolo to Francesca, (pm) Star*Line Jul/Aug 1988
- * The Peaceable Kingdom, (vi) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * Perfect Place, (nv) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * Pointing North, (pm) Tesseracts 4, ed. Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet, Victoria: Beach Holme Books 1992
- * She Announces..., (pm) Tesseracts 3, ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Gerry Truscott, Victoria: Press Porcepic 1990
- * A Short Biography, (bg) NorthWords Win 1994
- * Speculative Poetry: A New Anthology and Some Reflections on the Genre, (ar) Arc Spr 1985
- * Tourists from Algol, (ss) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * The Trophy, (nv) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- * Visitation, (pm) Tesseracts 2, ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Victoria: Press Porcepic 1987
- * Visiting Mother, (ss) Strange Attractors, Tesseract 1991
- _____, adapt.
- HENLEY, W(illiam) E(rnest) (1849-1903)
- * The Ways of Death, (pm)
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