The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- YEOVIL, JACK (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Dark Future: Comeback Tour (The Sky Belongs to the Stars) (Boxtree 1-85283-565-6, Oct 93, £3.99, 236pp, pb, cover by Gary Walton) [Dark Future: Demon Download] Reprint (GW Books 1991) sf novelization. This edition adds a new note by the author. Book Three in the Demon Download cycle.
- * *Dark Future: Demon Download (GW Books 1-872372-06-6, Aug 90, $8.99, 253pp, tp, cover by John Blanche) [Dark Future: Demon Download] Near-future sf novelization based on the Dark Future game, first book of the Demon Download Cycle. Yeovil is a pen-name for Kim Newman. This is a worldwide edition with both US and UK prices, UK price is £4.99. Recommended (PSP)
- * _Dark Future: Demon Download (Boxtree 1-85283-555-9, Oct 93, £3.99, 241pp, pb, cover by John Blanche) [Dark Future: Demon Download] Reprint (GW Books 1990) sf novelization. Book One in the Demon Download cycle.
- * *Dark Future: Krokodil Tears (GW Books 1-872372-18-X, Feb 91, £4.99/$8.99, 259pp, tp, cover by John Blanche) [Dark Future: Demon Download] Fantasy novelization based on the Dark Future game, second book of the Demon Download cycle. This is a worldwide edition with both U.S. and U.K. prices. This is a pseudonym for Kim Newman.
- * _Dark Future: Krokodil Tears (Boxtree 1-85283-560-5, Oct 93, £3.99, 259pp, pb, cover by John Blanche) [Dark Future: Demon Download] Reprint (GW Books 1991) sf novelization. Book Two in the Demon Download cycle.
- * *Dark Future: Route 666 (Boxtree 1-85283-368-8, Feb 94, £3.99, 245pp, pb, cover by Oliver Frey) [Dark Future] Novelization set in the Dark Future universe, expanded from the novella of the same title. In the Dark Future series.
- * *Orgy of the Blood Parasites (Pocket UK 0-671-85109-8, Oct 94, £4.99, 224pp, pb, cover by John Holmes) An escaped virus causes bodily mutations and bloody violence.
- * *Warhammer: Beasts in Velvet (GW Books 1-872372-38-4, May 91, £4.99, 269pp, tp, cover by Fangorn) [Warhammer] Fantasy novelization. A semi-sequel to Drachenfels. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the U.S. for $8.99. This is a pseudonym for Kim Newman.
- * _Warhammer: Beasts in Velvet (Boxtree 0-7522-0969-8, Oct 94, £4.99, 269pp, pb) [Warhammer] Reprint (GW Books 1991) fantasy novelization. The vampire Genevieve Dieudonne appears in these Warhammer titles and in other Kim Newman books.
- * *Warhammer: Drachenfels (GW Books 1-85515-001-8, Oct 89, £4.99, 247pp, tp, cover by Ian Miller) [Warhammer: Genevieve] Fantasy novelization set in the Warhammer universe. This is a pseudonym for Kim Newman.
- * _Warhammer: Drachenfels (GW Books 1-85515-001-8, May 90, $8.99, 247pp, tp, cover by Ian Miller) [Warhammer; Genevieve Dieudonne] Reissue (GW 1989) fantasy novelization set in the Warhammer universe; second printing. This is a worldwide edition with both US and UK prices listed.
- * _Warhammer: Drachenfels (Boxtree 1-85283-845-0, Feb 93, £3.99, 233pp, pb, cover by Dave Gallagher) [Warhammer; Genevieve Dieudonne] Reprint (GW Books 1989) fantasy novelization.
- * *Warhammer: Genevieve Undead (Boxtree 1-85283-819-1, Jul 93, £3.99, 257pp, pb) [Warhammer; Genevieve Dieudonne] Fantasy novelization. Sequel to Drachenfels. Volume one in a new trilogy.
- YEP, LAURENCE (Michael) (1948- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dragon Cauldron (HarperCollins 0-06-026753-4, Apr 91 [Feb 91], $16.95, 312pp, hc, cover by David Wiesner) [Dragon] Young-adult fantasy novel, third book of the Dragon of the Lost Sea series.
- * _Dragon Cauldron (HarperTrophy 0-06-440398-X, Feb 94 [Jan 94], $4.95, 312pp, tp, cover by Bill Dodge) [Dragon] Reprint (HarperCollins 1991) young-adult fantasy novel, third book of the Dragon of the Lost Sea series.
- * _Dragon of the Lost Sea (Harper Starwanderer 0-06-440227-4, Jun 88 [Jul 88], $3.95, 213pp, pb) [Dragon] Reprint (Harper & Row 1982) young-adult fantasy novel. A dragon princess tries to capture a witch with the help of a boy.
- * _Dragon of the Lost Sea (HarperTrophy 0-06-440227-4, Sep 94 [Aug 94], $4.95, 213pp, tp, cover by Bill Dodge) [Dragon] Reissue (Harper & Row 1982) young-adult fantasy novel, first book of the Dragon series. The copyright page is the same as the 1988 edition, but there is a new cover.
- * *Dragon Steel (Harper & Row 0-06-026748-8, May 85 [Apr 85], $12.50, 278pp, hc) [Dragon] Juvenile fantasy novel, sequel to Dragon of the Lost Sea. Recommended. (DLN)
- * _Dragon Steel (HarperTrophy 0-06-440486-2, Sep 93 [Aug 93], $4.95, 275pp, tp, cover by Bill Dodge) [Dragon] Reprint (Harper & Row 1985) young-adult fantasy novel, second book of the Dragon series.
- * *Dragon War (HarperCollins 0-06-020302-1, May 92 [Jun 92], $15.00, 256pp, hc, cover by David Wiesner) [Dragon] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth book of the Dragon series.
- * _Dragon War (HarperTrophy 0-06-440525-7, Jun 94 [Aug 94], $4.95, 313pp, tp, cover by Bill Dodge) [Dragon] Reprint (HarperCollins 1992) young-adult fantasy novel, fourth, and final, book of the Dragon series.
- * *The Ghost Fox (Scholastic 0-590-47204-6, Jan 94 [Feb 94], $13.95, 70pp, hc, cover by Jean Tseng & Mou-sien Tseng) Childrens story about a little Chinese boy trying to save his mothers soul from an evil fox spirit. Illustrated by Jean and Mou-sien Tseng.
- * _The Lost Garden (Morrow/Beechtree 0-688-13701-6, Sep 96 [Aug 96], $4.95, 116pp, pb, cover by Gregg Thorkelson) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1991) non-fiction, autobiography.
- * *Monster Makers, Inc. (Arbor House 0-87795-831-9, Nov 86 [Oct 86], $15.95, 219pp, hc) Young-adult sf adventure novel of genetic engineers.
- * _Monster Makers, Inc. (NAL/Signet 0-451-15055-4, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $2.95, 235pp, pb) Reprint (Arbor House 1986) young-adult sf novel about a family that genetically engineers monsters for fun and profit.
- * *The Rainbow People (Harper & Row 0-06-026760-7, May 89, $13.95, 194pp, hc) Childrens collection of 20 stories rewritten from Chinese-American folktales collected in Oaklands Chinatown as a WPA project. Illustrated by David Mesner.
- * _The Rainbow People (Harper Trophy 0-06-440441-2, Aug 92 [Jul 92], $3.95, 194pp, tp, cover by Kam Mak) Reprint (Harper & Row 1989) childrens collection of 20 stories rewritten from Chinese-American folktales collected in Oaklands Chinatown as a WPA project.
- * _Shadow Lord (Firecrest 0-85997-927-X, Jul 87, £7.95, 288pp, hc) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1985) sf novel. Volume 37 in the Star Trek Novels series. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
- * _Star Trek: Shadow Lord (Titan 1-85286-287-4, Apr 90, £3.99, 279pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket Books 1985) sf novelization.
- * *Star Trek: The Shadow Lord (Pocket 0-671-47392-1, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $3.50, 280pp, pb) [Star Trek] Star Trek novel, #22 in the series.
- * *Tongues of Jade (HarperCollins 0-06-022470-3, Oct 91, $14.95, 194pp, hc, cover by David Wiesner) Collection of 11 stories based on Chinese folktales, illustrated by David Wiesner. (Contents)
- * *The Fantastic Art of Jacek Yerka (Morpheus International 1-883398-05-3, Nov 94 [Oct 94], $19.95, 48pp, tp, cover by Jacek Yerka) Collection of 22 surreal paintings, with notes on each by the artist, translated by Anna Lukaszuk. Order from Morpheus International, Box 7246, Beverly Hills CA 90212.
- * *Mind Fields: The Art of Jacek Yerka (with Harlan Ellison) (Morpheus International 0-9623447-9-6, Mar 94, $24.95, 71pp, tp, cover by Jacek Yerka) Art book, a collection of 33 full-color paintings, each paired with an accompanying original short-short or prose poem by Harlan Ellison based on the painting. With notes by Ellison. A 1,000-copy hardcover edition (-03-7, $45.00 already sold out) and a signed, slipcased, leatherbound 475-copy limited edition (-00-2, $95.00) were announced but not seen. Available from Morpheus International, 200 North Robertson Blvd., Suite 326, Beverly Hills CA 90211. (Contents)
- YERMAKOV, NICHOLAS (Valentin) (1951- ); later as Simon Hawke; see under Hawke, Simon (stories)
- * *Jehad (NAL/Signet 0-451-12688-2, Jan 84 [Dec 83], $2.75, 224pp, pb) Sf novel.
- YNGVESON, IAN (stories)
- * *Gemtrapp (Dorrance Publishing 0-8059-3308-5, Apr 93, $8.95, 74pp, tp, cover by Troy Smith) Sf novella of clairvoyant star travellers. Order from Dorrance Publishing Co., 643 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh PA 15222.
- * *More Than 100 Women Science Fiction Writers: An Annotated Bibliography (The Crossing Press 0-89594-301-8, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $39.95, 193pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. Contains short biographies as well as bibliography and lists of agents, etc. A very fine bibliography mostly useful, but the radical feminist viewpoint is sometimes intrusive. (CNB)
- YOKE, CARL B(ernard), ed. (1937- ) (stories)
- * *Death and the Serpent: Immortality in Science Fiction (with Donald M. Hassler) (Greenwood 0-313-23289-2, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $35.00, viii + 235pp, hc) Non-fiction, a group of 18 scholarly essays on immortality in sf and fantasy from Tolkien to Heinlein.
- * *Phoenix from the Ashes: The Literature of the Remade World (Greenwood 0-24328-X, Dec 87 [Feb 88], $39.95, 247pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical studies of post-holocaust sf books and films.
- YOLEN, JANE; [i.e., Jane Hyatt Yolen Stemple] (1939- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Among Angels (with Nancy Willard) See entry under Nancy Willard.
- * *Armageddon Summer (with Bruce Coville) (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201767-4, Sep 98, $17.00, 266pp, hc, cover by Kamil Vojnar) Young-adult millennial novel, borderline SF. Two teens meet when a minister has his followers join to prepare for the end of the world on July 27, 2000.
- * *The Books of Great Alta (SFBC #15748, Feb 90 [Jan 90], $9.98, 426pp, hc, cover by Dean Morrissey) [Great Alta] Fantasy omnibus of Sister Light, Sister Dark (Tor 1988) and White Jenna (Tor 1989). (Contents)
- * _The Books of Great Alta (Tor/Orb 0-312-86258-X, Apr 97 [Mar 97], $16.95, 438pp, tp, cover by Dennis Nolan) [Great Alta] Reprint (SFBC 1990) fantasy omnibus of Sister Light, Sister Dark (Tor 1988) and White Jenna (Tor 1989). (Contents)
- * *Briar Rose (Tor 0-312-85135-9, Sep 92 [Aug 92], $17.95, 190pp, hc, cover by Thomas Canty) Fairy tale fantasy novel, a retelling of Sleeping Beauty set in German forests during World War II. Highly recommended (SW).
- * _Briar Rose (Tor 0-812-55862-6, Nov 93 [Oct 93], $4.99, 200pp, pb, cover by Thomas Canty) Reprint (Tor 1992) novel about fantay, utilizing the story of Sleeping Beauty and set in German forests during World War II. A World Fantasy Award nominee.
- * _Briar Rose (Pan 0-330-33447-6, Jan 94, £3.99, 202pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1992) associational novel about fantasy. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Cards of Grief (Ace 0-441-09166-0, Dec 84 [Nov 84], $2.75, 193pp, pb) Fantasy novel based on two earlier stories, In the Hall of Grief and Cards of Grief, completely rewritten.
- * _Cards of Grief (SFBC #5987, Jun 85 [May 85], $4.98, 143pp, hc) Reprint (Ace 1984) sf novel, first hardcover edition.
- * _Cards of Grief (Orbit 0-7088-8206-4, Nov 86, £2.50, 195pp, pb) Reprint (Ace 1984) sf novel.
- * *The Devils Arithmetic (Viking Kestrel 0-670-81027-4, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $11.95, 170pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel. A young Jewish girl who lacks compassion for what her grandfather endured in the Holocaust is transported back in time to a concentration camp.
- * _The Devils Arithmetic (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-034535-3, Oct 90 [Sep 90], $3.95, 170pp, tp, cover by Lonnie Knabel) Reprint (Viking 1988) young-adult time-travel fantasy of a young Jewish girl mysteriously transported to Nazi-occupied Poland. A Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominee in the novella category.
- * *Dove Isabeau (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 0-15-224131-0, Oct 89 [Aug 89], $13.95, 28pp, hc) Childrens fairy tale with over 20 watercolors by Dennis Nolan. This is an oversize hardcover, 28½ x 22 cm.
- * _Dove Isabeau (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201505-1, Mar 97, $6.00, 32pp, tp, cover by Dennis Nolan) Reprint (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1989) childrens fairy story illustrated by Dennis Nolan.
- * *Dragonfield and Other Stories (Ace 0-441-16622-9, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $2.95, 241pp, pb) Collection of stories and poems. (Contents)
- * _Dragonfield and Other Stories (Orbit 0-7088-8252-8, Jan 88, £2.95, 241pp, pb) Reprint (Ace 1985) fantasy collection. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Dragons Blood (Laurel Leaf 0-440-91802-2, Mar 84 [Feb 84], $2.75, 243pp, pb) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1982) young-adult fantasy novel. McCaffrey-like dragons and many coincidences make this a disappointment. (EAL)
- * _Dragons Blood (Orbit/Futura 0-7088-8176-9, Feb 86 [Jan 86], £2.50, 243pp, pb) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1982) fantasy novel. Volume 1 in the Dragon trilogy.
- * _Dragons Blood (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-200866-7, Apr 96 [Mar 96], $6.00, 292pp, pb, cover by Dennis Nolan) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1982) young-adult fantasy novel, first volume in the Pit Dragon trilogy.
- * *The Dragons Boy (Harper & Row 0-06-026789-5, Sep 90, $13.95, 120pp, hc, cover by Ed Acuna) Young-adult Arthurian fantasy novel.
- * _Dream Weaver (Putnam/Philomel 0-399-22152-2, Sep 89, $15.95, 80pp, hc) Reprint (Collins 1979) collection of seven childrens fantasy stories with a framing device, watercolor illustrations by Michael Hague. (Contents)
- * *The Faery Flag: Stories and Poems of Fantasy and the Supernatural (Franklin Watts/Orchard 0-531-05838-7, Sep 89 [Jul 89], $15.95, 119pp, hc) Childrens collection of nine stories and six poems (Contents)
- * *Hearts Blood (Delacorte 0-385-29316-X, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $14.95, hc) [Pit Dragon] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to Dragons Blood.
- * _Hearts Blood (Futura/Orbit 0-7088-8177-7, Jun 86 [May 86], £2.50, 238pp, pb) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1984) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the Dragon trilogy.
- * _Hearts Blood (Dell 0-440-93385-4, Oct 86, $2.95, 238pp, pb) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1984) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to Dragons Blood.
- * _Hearts Blood (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-200865-9, Oct 96 [Sep 96], $6.00, 338pp, pb, cover by Dennis Nolan) [Pit Dragon] Reprint (Delacorte 1984) young-adult fantasy novel, second volume in the Pit Dragon trilogy.
- * *Here There Be Angels (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200938-8, Oct 96 [Sep 96], $18.00, 93pp, hc, cover by David Wilgus) Young-adult original collection of 11 stories, four previously published, and nine poems about angels, with introductions to each by Yolen. Illustrations by David Wilgus. (Contents)
- * *Here There Be Dragons (Harcourt Brace 0-15-209888-7, Nov 93 [Oct 93], $16.95, 149pp, hc, cover by David Wilgus) Young-adult collection of five stories (one apparently original) plus poems and vignettes, with illustrations by David Wilgus. (Contents)
- * _Here There Be Dragons (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201705-4, Apr 98, $10.00, 149pp, tp, cover by David Wilgus) Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1993) young-adult collection of ten stories and seven poems about dragons.
- * *Here There Be Ghosts (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201566-3, Aug 98 [Sep 98], $19.00, 122pp, hc, cover by David Wilgus) Young-adult original collection of 11 stories (five reprint) and seven poems (one reprint) about ghosts, with introductions to each by Yolen. Illustrated by David Wilgus. (Contents)
- * *Here There Be Unicorns (Harcourt Brace 0-15-209902-6, Oct 94, $16.95, 115pp, hc, cover by David Wilgus) Young-adult collection of 10 stories and eight poems about unicorns. Illustrated by David Wilgus. (Contents)
- * *Here There Be Witches (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200311-8, Sep 95, $17.00, 117pp, hc, cover by David Wilgus) Young-adult collection of ten stories and seven poems about witches, with introductions to each by Yolen. Illustrations by David Wilgus. (Contents)
- * _Here There Be Witches (Harcourt Brace 0-15-201657-0, Aug 97, $10.00, 117pp, tp, cover by David Wilgus) Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1995) young-adult collection of ten stories and seven poems about witches.
- * *Hobby (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200815-2, Sep 96, $15.00, 90pp, hc, cover by Bryan Leister) [Young Merlin] Childrens Arthurian novella, second volume in The Young Merlin trilogy for younger (ages 7-10) readers. Young Merlin joins travelling performers.
- * _Hobby (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-37118-5, Sep 98 [Aug 98], $3.50, 90pp, tp) [Young Merlin] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1996) childrens Arthurian novella, second volume in The Young Merlin trilogy.
- * _The Magic Three of Solatia (Tempo 0-441-51562-2, Jul 84 [Jun 84], $2.25, 198pp, pb) Reprint (Crowell 1974) juvenile fantasy novel, illustrated by Julia Noonan.
- * *Merlin (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200814-4, Mar 97, $15.00, 91pp, hc, cover by Bryan Leister) [Young Merlin] Childrens Arthurian novella, third volume in The Young Merlin trilogy for younger (ages 7-10) readers. Young Merlin joins the wild folk of the woods, and finds his survival depends on a child king-to-be.
- * _Merlin (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-37119-3, Sep 98 [Aug 98], $3.50, 91pp, tp) [Young Merlin] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1997) childrens Arthurian novella, third volume in The Young Merlin trilogy.
- * *Merlin and the Dragons (Penguin/Dutton/Cobblehill 0-525-65214-0, Sep 95 [Aug 95], $16.99, unpaginated, hc, cover by Li Ming) Young-adult Arthurian short story about Merlins childhood. Illustrated by Li Ming.
- * _Merlin and the Dragons (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-055891-8, Oct 98 [Sep 98], $5.99, unpaginated, tp, cover by Li Ming) Reprint (Cobblehill 1995) childrens Arthurian short story about Merlins childhood, illustrated by Li Ming.
- * *Merlins Booke (Ace 0-441-52552-0, May 86 [Apr 86], $2.95, 177pp, pb) Collection of interconnected stories about Merlin. Several are first published here. (Contents)
- * _Merlins Booke (SteelDragon 0-916595-03-X, Oct 86, $17.00, 178pp, hc) Reprint (Ace 1986) collection of fantasy stories about Merlin, several of them original to the book; illustrations by Thomas Canty.
- * _Merlins Booke (SteelDragon 0-916595-04-8, Oct 86, $30.00, 178pp, hc) Limited edition of 200 signed and numbered copies of the above.
- * *The One-Armed Queen (Tor 0-312-85243-6, Nov 98 [Oct 98], $23.95, 351pp, hc, cover by Dennis Nolan) [Great Alta] Fantasy novel, sequel to Yolens Chronicles of Great Alta. White Jennas adopted, one-armed heir Scillia faces foreign schemes to make her brother king.
- * *Passager (Harcourt Brace 0-15-200391-6, Mar 96, $15.00, 76pp, hc, cover by Bryan Leister) [Young Merlin] Childrens Arthurian novella, first volume in The Young Merlin trilogy for younger (ages 7-10) readers. A falconer tames a wild boy and names him Merlin.
- * _Passager (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-37073-1, Sep 98 [Aug 98], $3.50, 76pp, tp) [Young Merlin] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1996) childrens Arthurian novella, first volume in The Young Merlin trilogy.
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