The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- MORRIS, DAVE (stories) (continued)
- * *Heroquest: The Tyrants Tomb (Corgi 0-552-52777-7, May 93, £2.99, 188pp, pb) [Heroquest] Original novella based on the Heroquest game, together with a game adventure.
- MORRIS, GERALD (chron.)
- * *The Squires Tale (Houghton Mifflin 0-395-86959-5, Apr 98 [Jun 98], $15.00, 212pp, hc, cover by Lou Beach) [*Squires Tale] Young-adult Arthurian novel. An orphan becomes squire to Sir Gawain at Camelot.
- MORRIS, JAN (1926- )
- * *Last Letters from Hav (Random House 0-394-53262-7, 1985 [Jun 86], $14.95, 203pp, hc) Collection of letters from the imaginary city of Hav, originally printed in New Gotham magazine. This appeared in 1985, but we did not see it until 1986.
- * _Last Letters from Hav (Viking 0-670-80177-1, Sep 85, £11.95, 192pp, hc) Reprint (Random 1985) literary fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
- * _Last Letters from Hav (Penguin 0-14-006729-9, Oct 86, £2.95, 176pp, tp) Reprint (Random House 1985) collection of travel tales about an imaginary Mediterranean town.
- * _Last Letters from Hav (Random House Vintage 0-394-75564-2, Feb 89, $6.95, 203pp, tp) Reprint (Random House 1985) collection of letters from an imaginary city.
- MORRIS, JANET E(llen) (1946- ) (stories)
- * *The 40-Minute War (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-55910-9, Sep 84 [Aug 84], $13.95, 281pp, hc) Near-future sf thriller.
- * _The 40-Minute War (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-55986-9, Oct 85 [Sep 85], $3.50, 281pp, pb) Reprint (Baen 1984) near-future sf novel. Washington is destroyed by a nuclear terrorist attack.
- * *Active Measures (with David A. Drake) (Baen 0-671-55945-1, Apr 85 [Mar 85], $3.95, 365pp, pb) Near-future spy adventure novel. Theres a $10,000 prize offered for the best answer to 7 questions. Unfortunately, you have to pay 50 cents to enter and have to use the official form only, which is part of the book....
- * _ARC Riders (with David A. Drake) See entry under David A. Drake
- * _ARC Riders: The Fourth Rome (with David A. Drake) See entry under David A. Drake
- * *Beyond Sanctuary (Baen 0-671-55957-5, Jun 85 [May 85], $15.95, 312pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Fantasy novel set in the Thieves World universe.
- * _Beyond Sanctuary (SFBC #03843, Dec 85, $5.50, 247pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1985) fantasy novel set in the Thieves World universe.
- * _Beyond Sanctuary (Ace 0-441-05635-0, Apr 86 [Mar 86], $2.95, 262pp, pb) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1985) fantasy novel set in the Thieves World anthology series, and starring Tempus, the Morris character from the series.
- * *Beyond the Veil (Baen 0-671-55984-2, Jan 86 [Dec 85], $15.95, 314pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Fantasy novel, second in the trilogy featuring Tempus, Morris character from Thieves World.
- * _Beyond the Veil (SFBC #05774, May 86, $4.98, 215pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1985) fantasy novel, #2 in the Tempus series, part of the Thieves World books.
- * _Beyond the Veil (Ace 0-441-05512-5, Feb 87 [Jan 87], $2.95, 245pp, pb) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1985) Thieves World fantasy novel, sequel to Beyond Sanctuary.
- * *Beyond Wizardwall (Baen 0-671-65544-2, Jun 86 [May 86], $15.95, 278pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Fantasy novel set in Thieves World, conclusion of the Tempus trilogy.
- * _Beyond Wizardwall (SFBC #10136, Sep 86, $4.98, 220pp, hc) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1986) fantasy novel, conclusion of a trilogy set in Thieves World.
- * _Beyond Wizardwall (Ace 0-441-05722-5, May 87 [Apr 87], $2.95, 250pp, pb) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Reprint (Baen 1986) Thieves World novel, conclusion of the Tempus trilogy.
- * _The Carnelian Throne (Baen 0-671-55936-2, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $2.95, 310pp, pb) [Silistra] Reprint (Bantam 1979) sf novel. Silistra #4.
- * *City at the Edge of Time (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-69787-0, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $3.95, 312pp, pb) [*Thieves World] Fantasy novel featuring characters from the Thieves World universe.
- * *Explorers in Hell (with David A. Drake) (Baen 0-671-69813-3, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 312pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Shared-world fantasy novel in the Heroes in Hell series.
- * _The Gates of Hell (with C. J. Cherryh) See entry under C. J. Cherryh
- * _The Golden Sword (Baen 0-671-55919-2, Dec 84 [Nov 84], $2.95, 387pp, pb) [Silistra] Reprint (Bantam 1977) sf novel, Book Two in the High Couch of Silistra sf series.
- * _Kill Ratio (with David A. Drake) See entry under David A. Drake
- * _Kings in Hell (with C. J. Cherryh) See entry under C. J. Cherryh
- * _The Little Helliad (with Chris Morris) See entry under Chris Morris.
- * *M*E*D*U*S*A* (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-65573-6, Jun 86 [May 86], $3.50, 343pp, pb) Near-future sf thriller of Star Wars"/SDI defense systems.
- * *Outpassage (with Chris Morris) (Pageant 0-517-00832-7, Oct 88 [Sep 88], $3.50, 368pp, pb) Science fiction novel rebellion spreads throughout the Earth-Space mining colonies.
- * _Outpassage (with Chris Morris) (NEL 0-450-51614-8, Mar 90, £3.99, 368pp, pb) Reprint (Pageant 1988) sf novel.
- * *Returning Creation (Baen 0-671-55915-X, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $2.95, 317pp, pb) [Silistra] Revised and expanded version of High Couch of Silistra (Bantam 1977), first in an sf series.
- * *The Stalk (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45307-7, Jan 94 [Dec 93], $4.99, 268pp, pb) [Threshold] Sf novel, third book of the Threshold series.
- * *Storm Seed (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-72023-6, Nov 90 [Oct 90], $4.50, 311pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Tempus] Fantasy novel, conclusion of the Tempus series.
- * *Target (with David A. Drake) (Ace 0-441-79955-8, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 312pp, pb) Sf novel set in a lunar colony that has given political asylum to an alien fleeing vicious alien hunters.
- * *Tempus (Baen 0-671-65631-7, Apr 87 [Mar 87], $3.50, 277pp, pb) [*Thieves World; Tempus] Episodic fantasy novel set in Thieves World. Some sections have appeared before in Thieves World anthologies, but about half the book is original.
- * *Tempus Unbound (with Chris Morris) (Baen 0-671-69852-4, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $3.50, 277pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [*Thieves World] Novelization based on the Thieves World series, third book in the Tempus series.
- * *Threshold (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45022-1, Aug 90 [Jul 90], $16.95, 250pp, hc, cover by Edward Gazsi) [Threshold] Time-travel military sf novel of a test pilot shot forward in time to the 25th century.
- * _Threshold (with Chris Morris) (SFBC #17563, Oct 90, $7.98, hc, cover by Edward Gazsi) [Threshold] Reprint (Roc 1990) time-travel military sf novel.
- * _Threshold (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45084-1, Jun 91 [May 91], $4.50, 250pp, pb) [Threshold] Reprint (Penguin/Roc 1990) military time-travel sf novel.
- * _Threshold (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45084-1, Jan 94 [Dec 93], $5.50, 250pp, pb) [Threshold] Reissue (Roc 1990) sf novel, first book of the Threshold series; third printing.
- * *Trust Territory (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45126-0, Mar 92 [Feb 92], $20.00, 261pp, hc, cover by Edward Gazsi) [Threshold] Military sf novel, sequel to Threshold.
- * _Trust Territory (with Chris Morris) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45236-4, Apr 93 [Mar 93], $4.99, 261pp, pb, cover by Edward Gazsi) [Threshold] Reprint (Roc 1992) military sf novel, sequel to Threshold.
- * *Warlord! (Pocket 0-671-61923-3, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $3.95, 376pp, pb) Near-future thriller taking place on the moon and Earth.
- * _Wind from the Abyss (Baen 0-671-55932-X, Jan 85 [Dec 84], $2.95, 369pp, pb) [Silistra] Reprint (Bantam 1978) sf novel, Book 3 of the Silistra series.
- _____, ed.
- * *Afterwar (Baen 0-671-55967-2, Jun 85, $2.95, 284pp, pb) Original anthology of 12 stories set after a nuclear holocaust. (Contents)
- * *Angels in Hell (Baen 0-671-65360-1, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $3.50, 307pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Shared-world fantasy original anthology, in the Heroes in Hell series. 8 stories. (Contents)
- * *Crusaders in Hell (Baen 0-671-65639-2, May 87 [Apr 87], $3.50, 278pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Original shared-world fantasy anthology of 9 stories, including works by Benford and Cherryh. (Contents)
- * *Heroes in Hell (Baen 0-671-65555-8, Mar 86 [Feb 86], $3.50, 274pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Original anthology of 7 fantasy stories set in Hell, the greatest shared universe of all time." (Contents)
- * *Masters in Hell (Baen 0-671-65379-2, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.50, 280pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Original anthology in the Heroes in Hell shared world fantasy series, with 9 stories. (Contents)
- * *Prophets in Hell (Baen 0-671-69822-2, Apr 89 [Mar 89], $3.50, 278pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Original shared-world anthology of 10 stories in the Hell saga. (Contents)
- * *Rebels in Hell (Baen 0-671-65577-9, Jul 86 [Jun 86], $3.50, 308pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Original anthology of 9 fantasy stories set in Hell, second in a series. (Contents)
- * *War in Hell (Baen 0-671-69792-7, Dec 88 [Nov 88], $3.50, 277pp, pb) [Heroes in Hell] Fantasy shared world original anthology. Contains nine stories set in Hell. (Contents)
- MORRIS, (Margaret) JEAN (1924-1996)
- * *A New Calling (The Bodley Head 0-370-31525-1, Dec 92, £8.99, 150pp, hc, cover by Peter Melnyczuk) [New Magic] Young-adult fantasy novel about magic. Sequel to A New Magic.
- * *A New Magic (The Bodley Head 0-370-31488-3, Oct 90, £7.99, 172pp, hc, cover by Peter Melnyczuk) [New Magic] Young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _The Troy Game (The Bodley Head 0-370-30759-3, Feb 87 [May 87], £6.95, 112pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel involving the Wild Hunt.
- * _The Troy Game (Beaver 0-09-962080-4, Dec 89 [Nov 89], £2.50, 144pp, pb) Reprint (Bodley Head 1987) young-adult fantasy novel.
- MORRIS, JIM (1937- )
- * *Spurlock: Sheriff of Purgatory (Tor 0-812-50683-9, Apr 87 [Mar 87], $3.95, 320pp, pb) Near-future adventure novel of Russian-occupied America. This is a revised edition of The Shefiff of Purgatory (Doubleday 1979). The earlier version is not listed on the copyright page.
- MORRIS, KENNETH (Vennor) (1879-1937) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Chalchiuhite Dragon (Tor 0-312-85264-9, Mar 92 [Feb 92], $19.95, 291pp, hc, cover by Richard Powers) Fantasy novel about the Aztecs before the Spanish conquest. This was completed in 1935 but not previously published. With an afterword and glossary by Douglas A. Anderson.
- * _The Chalchiuhite Dragon (Tor/Orb 0-312-89001-X, Dec 93 [Nov 93], $12.95, 291pp, tp, cover by Richard Powers) Reprint (Tor 1992) fantasy novel about the Aztecs before the Spanish conquest.
- * *The Dragon Path: The Collected Tales of Kenneth Morris (Tor 0-312-85309-2, Mar 95, $23.95, 382pp, hc, cover by Deirdre E. Snowdon) Collection of 40 fantasy tales with elements from the mythology of many cultures, edited and with an introduction by Douglas A. Anderson. Includes the earlier collection The Secret Mountain and Other Tales (Faber & Gwyer 1926). (Contents)
- MORRIS, M(arion) E. (1926-2005)
- * *Alpha Bug (Presidio 0-89141-270-0, Oct 86 [Dec 86], $14.95, hc) Near-future sf novel of Star Wars technology, bionics, and derring-do.
- * _Alpha Bug (Grafton 0-586-07329-9, Jun 88, £2.95, 315pp, pb) Reprint (Presidio 1985) near-future thriller. [First U.K. edition]
- MORRIS, MARK (1963- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Birthday (The British Fantasy Society, 1992, £1.50, 15pp, octavo, cover by Jim Pitts) British Fantasy Society Booklet #18, published for Fantasycon XVII. Edited by Peter Coleborn.
- * *Close to the Bone (Piatkus 0-7499-0277-9, Feb 95, £15.99, 255pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Collection of 11 horror stories with a foreword by Ramsey Campbell. (Contents)
- * *Doctor Who: The Bodysnatchers (BBC Books 0-563-40568-6, Aug 97, £4.99, 280pp, pb) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 3 of the BBC New Adventures series starring the 8th Doctor.
- * +The Horror Club (Bantam 0-553-28933-0, Mar 91 [Feb 91], $4.95, 519pp, pb, cover by Gary Smith) Horror novel about a group of children who make contact with an evil force. First American edition (Piatkus 1989 as Toady).
- * *The Immaculate (Piatkus 0-7499-0124-1, Jun 92 [May 92], £14.95, 244pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Ghost story about a young horror writer exorcising his childhood past.
- * _The Immaculate (Corgi 0-552-13971-8, Jun 93 [May 93], £3.99, 320pp, pb, cover by John Avon) Reprint (Piatkus 1992) horror novel.
- * +The Immaculate (White Wolf 1-56504-948-9, May 96 [Apr 96], $5.99, 393pp, pb) Horror novel. A death in the family forces a horror writer home to face old ghosts. First US edition (Piatkus 1992).
- * *Longbarrow (Piatkus 0-7499-0385-6, Jun 97 [May 97], £16.99, 442pp, hc, cover by Sam Hadley) Dark fantasy novel.
- * _Mr. Bad Face (Piatkus 0-7499-3022-5, Jun 97 [May 97], £5.99, 432pp, pb, cover by Sam Hadley) Reprint (Piatkus 1996) non-supernatural horror novel.
- * *The Secret of Anatomy (Piatkus 0-7499-0202-7, Jun 94, £15.99, 450pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Horror novel.
- * _The Secret of Anatomy (HarperCollins UK 0-00-649043-3, Jan 96, £5.99, 610pp, pb, cover by Bob Warner) Reprint (Piatkus 1994) horror novel.
- * *Stitch (Piatkus 0-7499-0045-8, Mar 91, £13.95, 423pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Horror novel.
- * _Stitch (Corgi 0-552-13813-4, Mar 92, £4.99, 526pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Piatkus 1991) horror novel.
- * +Stitch (Dell Abyss 0-440-21259-6, Aug 92 [Jul 92], $4.99, 518pp, pb, cover by Harry O. Morris) Horror novel of a college student given mysterious powers by a strange and dangerous man who compels him to lead his fellow students into darkness. First American edition (Piatkus 1991).
- * *Toady (Piatkus 0-86188-855-3, Oct 89 [Dec 89], £12.95, 522pp, hc, cover by Ken Leeder) Horror novel. A first novel.
- * _Toady (Corgi 0-552-13632-8, Oct 90 [Sep 90], £4.99, 702pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Piatkus 1989) horror novel.
- * *Green Moon and Wolfsbane (The Book Guild 1-85776-321-1, Nov 98, £14.95, 184pp, hc) Humorous dark fantasy novel set in 1899. A book of spells teaches Cecil Proot that becoming a wolf can be a social disadvantage.
- MORRIS, WILLIAM (1834-1896) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Dream of John Ball (Journeyman Press 0-904526-08-9, Jun 87 [1987], £0.75, 76pp, pb) Reprint (Reeves & Turner 1888) fantasy novella. This is the US (Oriole Chapbooks) edition with a UK price sticker. [Not seen]
- * _The Well at the Worlds End (Alan Sutton 0-7509-1207-3, Aug 96 [Jul 96], £7.99, x+657pp, tp, cover by Sir Edward Burne-Jones) Reprint (Kelmscott Press 1896) classic fantasy novel. There is an introduction by Nicholas Salmon.
- MORRIS, WINIFRED; [i.e., Winifred Morris Schecter]
- * *With Magical Horses to Ride (Atheneum 0-689-31108-7, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $11.95, 152pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel.
- MORRISH, ROBERT, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Quick Chills II (with Peter Enfantino) (Deadline Press 0-9631367-3-9, Apr 92 [May 92], $45.00, 334pp, hc) Anthology of 25 horror stories that originally appeared in small press magazines from 1989-1991. This is a 575-copy leatherbound limited edition signed by the contributors. Order from Deadline Press, 4884 Pepperwood Way, San Jose CA 95124, (408) 267-1159. (Contents)
- * *Vanishing Act (Macmillan Atheneum 0-689-31513-9, Sep 89 [Nov 89], $13.95, 202pp, hc, cover by Toby Gowing) Young-adult fantasy novel. A girl studying to be a magician comes upon an invisibility device, but she cant figure out how to turn it off.
- MORRISON, MICHAEL A., ed. (stories)
- * _A Dark Nights Dreaming: Contemporary American Horror Fiction (with Anthony S. Magistrale) See entry under Anthony S. Magistrale
- * *Trajectories of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Greenwood Press 0-313-29646-4, Oct 97 [Nov 97], $59.95, 220pp, hc) Collection of 19 essays, including a speech from Ursula K. Le Guin. Other authors include Brian Attebery, Michael A. Morrison, and Michael J. Collins. Order from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport CT 06881; credit card orders: 800-225-5800.
- MORRISON, ROBERT, ed. (stories)
- * *Tales of Terror from Blackwoods Magazine (with Chris Baldick) (Oxford University Press 0-19-282366-3, Nov 95 [Feb 96], £5.99, 298pp, pb, cover by Antoine Wiertz) Anthology of 17 gothic horror tales from Blackwells Edinburgh Magazine. (Contents)
- * *The Vampyre and Other Tales of the Macabre (with Chris Baldick) (Oxford 0-19-283291-3, 1997 [Dec 97], $9.95, 278pp, tp, cover by G. Baldry) Anthology of 14 stories originally published from 1819-1838. Authors include John Polidori, James Hogg, and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. This is part of the Oxford Worlds Classics series, and includes explanatory and biographical notes, a select bibliography, and a lengthy introduction by the editors discussing the title story and the development of horror literature during the period. (Contents)
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