The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- ASHTON, JAY (continued)
- * _Looking for Ilyriand (Puffin 0-14-034829-8, Sep 92, £3.50, 227pp, pb, cover by Stephen Player) Reprint (Oxford University Press 1990) young-adult fantasy novel.
- ASHWELL, PAULINE; pseudonym of Pauline Whitby, (1928?- ) (stories)
- * *Project FarCry (Tor 0-312-85861-2, Nov 95 [Oct 95], $23.95, 384pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) SF quasi-novel from five stories. A telepath hides his talents until a fateful first encounter with aliens.
- * _Project FarCry (Tor 0-812-55167-2, Jun 97 [May 97], $10.99, 435pp, tp, cover by Gary Ruddell) Reprint (Tor 1995) SF quasi-novel from five stories. A telepath meets aliens.
- * *Unwillingly to Earth (Tor 0-812-51929-9, Aug 92 [Jul 92], $3.99, 280pp, pb, cover by Boris Vallejo) [Lizzie Lee] Sf fix-up novel/collection of connected stories of a trouble-prone young woman from a miners planet who gets a scholarship to study on Earth. The original story was a Hugo nominee. Recommended (CNB). (Contents)
- ASIMOV, ISAAC; [anglicized from Isaak Iudich Azimov] (1920-1992) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Alternate Asimovs (Doubleday 0-385-19784-5, Jan 86 [Dec 85], $16.95, 272pp, hc) Collection of three early unpublished drafts for Pebble in the Sky, The End of Eternity, and Belief, plus historical comment by Asimov. (Contents)
- * _Alternate Asimovs (Grafton 0-586-07162-8, Jun 87, £3.50, 349pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection of previously unpublished drafts of three of Asimovs stories. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Alternate Asimovs (NAL Signet 0-451-15370-7, Apr 88 [Mar 88], $3.95, 316pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection of the original versions of Pebble in the Sky, The End of Eternity, and Belief.
- * _The Alternate Asimovs (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45067-1, Mar 91, $3.99, 316pp, pb) Reissue (Doubleday 1986) collection of early unpublished drafts of Pebble in the Sky, The End of Eternity, and Belief; third printing.
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Five (Ace 0-441-03111-0, Apr 91 [Mar 91], $3.95, 183pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of ten stories, the fifth of six reprinted from the giant one-volume book of 50 items. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Four (Ace 0-441-03109-9, Feb 91 [Jan 91], $3.95, 182pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of ten stories, the fourth book of six reprinted from the giant one-volume book of 50 items. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One (Ace 0-441-00011-8, Aug 90 [Jul 90], $3.95, 182pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of seven stories, the first book of four reprinted from the original giant one-volume book of 50 items. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One (Legend 0-7126-4770-8, Oct 91, £8.99, 485pp, tp, cover by Tony Roberts) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as part of The Asimov Chronicles) collection of twenty-five of Asimovs short stories and non-fiction one from each year from 1939 to 1963. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Six (Ace 0-441-03112-9, Jun 91 [May 91], $3.95, 182pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of 11 stories, the final book of six reprinted from the giant one-volume collection of 50 items. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Three (Ace 0-441-03108-0, Dec 90 [Nov 90], $3.95, 182pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of six stories, the third book of four reprinted from the giant one-volume book of fifty items. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (Ace 0-441-00012-6, Oct 90 [Sep 90], $3.95, 198pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as The Asimov Chronicles: 50 Years of Isaac Asimov) collection of six stories, the second book of four reprinted from the giant one-volume book of fifty items. (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (Legend 0-7126-4970-0, Oct 91, £8.99, 351pp, tp, cover by Tony Roberts) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989 as part of The Asimov Chronicles) collection of twenty-five of Asimovs short stories and non-fiction one from each year from 1964 to 1988. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. (Contents)
- * *The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov (Dark Harvest 0-913165-44-1, May 89 [Apr 89], $21.95, 678pp, hc) Oversize (18x26cm) collection of Asimovs short stories and non-fiction (one from each year) published to commemorate his golden anniversary as a professional writer. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg and illustrated by Ron Lindahn and Val Lakey Lindahn. Also available in a boxed limited edition of 500 copies signed by author and artists (-43-3, $49.00). (Contents)
- * _The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov (Legend 0-7126-4690-6, Apr 91, £14.99, 836pp, hc, cover by Tony Roberts) Reprint (Dark Harvest 1989) collection of fifty of Asimovs short stories and non-fiction one from each year from 1939 to 1988. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Asimovs Chronology of Science and Discovery (Grafton 0-246-13669-3, Mar 90, £18.95, 707pp, hc, cover by One Plus One Studio) Reprint (USA 1989) fascinating chronological guide to scientific discoveries from 4,000,000 B.C. to the current day. Recommended. (PSP)
- * *Asimovs Galaxy: Reflections on Science Fiction (Doubleday 0-385-24120-8, Jan 89, $17.95, 318pp, hc) Non-fiction. Essays on sf and on Asimovs life of writing. These are reprints of editorials in IASFM.
- * _Asimovs Mysteries (Fawcett Crest 0-449-21075-8, Jun 86, $2.95, 255pp, pb) Reissue (Doubleday 1977) collection of 13 stories. Mostly sf, in spite of the title.
- * *Azazel (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-24410-X, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $16.95, 221pp, hc) [Azazel] Fantasy collection of 18 stories featuring a pocket demon. One of them is an original. (Contents)
- * _Azazel (SFBC #14492, Feb 89 [Jun 89], $4.98, hc) [Azazel] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1988) collection of fantasy stories featuring a pocket demon.
- * _Azazel (Doubleday UK 0-385-26917-X, Nov 89, £10.95, 221pp, hc, cover by Robert Goldstrom) [Azazel] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1988) collection of 18 fantasy stories (one original) about a pocket demon. This is actually a U.S. third printing with a jacket bearing the U.K. price. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Azazel (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28339-1, Feb 90 [Jan 90], $3.95, 221pp, pb, cover by Robert Goldstrom) [Azazel] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1988) collection of 18 stories featuring a pocket demon.
- * _Azazel (Bantam UK 0-553-40068-1, Oct 90 [Sep 90], £3.50, 221pp, pb, cover by Robert Goldstrom) [Azazel] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1988) collection of fantasy stories about a demon who is two centimetres tall.
- * *Banquets of the Black Widowers (Doubleday 0-385-19541-9, Sep 84 [Aug 84], $13.95, 212pp, hc) [Black Widowers] Non-sf/fantasy, of associational interest for Asimov fans. A collection of mysteries involving the Black Widowers." (Contents)
- * _Banquets of the Black Widowers (Grafton 0-586-06588-1, Aug 86, £2.50, 250pp, pb) [Black Widowers] Reprint (Doubleday 1984) detective collection.
- * *The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (Doubleday 0-385-19783-7, Aug 86 [Jul 86], $17.95, 345pp, hc) Mostly non-sf/fantasy, associational. Collection of 31 stories including some sf mysteries. 7 of the stories have not been collected before. (Contents)
- * _The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (Grafton 0-246-13186-1, Aug 87, £10.95, 345pp, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) mostly non-sf/fantasy, associational. Collection of 31 stories including some sf mysteries. 7 of the stories have not been collected before. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (Ballantine Fawcett 0-449-13287-0, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $4.50, 400pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection, associational with some sf elements.
- * _The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (Grafton 0-586-07499-6, Oct 88, £3.99, 477pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection of mystery stories, several with an sf setting.
- * *The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (Doubleday 0-385-19782-9, Aug 86 [Jul 86], $17.95, 320pp, hc) Collection of 28 stories recycled from earlier collections. There is a new introduction. (Contents)
- * _The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (Grafton 0-246-13180-2, Feb 87, £10.95, 320pp, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection of Asimovs selection of his best sf stories and poems (excluding any Robot stories). [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (NAL Signet 0-451-15196-8, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $3.95, 379pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) collection of 28 sf stories.
- * _The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (Grafton 0-586-07498-8, May 88, £3.50, 320pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1986) sf collection.
- * _The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45069-8, Mar 91, $3.99, 379pp, pb) Reissue (Doubleday 1986) collection of 28 stories; third printing.
- * _The Bicentennial Man (Gollancz 0-575-04712-7, May 90, £3.50, 211pp, pb, cover by Stanislaw Fernandes) Reprint (Doubleday 1976) sf collection. Volume 43 in the VGSF Classics series.
- * _The Bicentennial Man...and Other Stories (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32071-9, Feb 85 [Jan 85], $2.95, 222pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1976) collection of 12 stories.
- * _The Big Sun of Mercury (Lightning 0-340-48497-7, Oct 88, £1.99, 143pp, pb) [*David Lucky Starr] Reprint (Doubleday 1956, as Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury by Paul French) young-adult sf novel. Volume 4 in the David Starr series.
- * _Buy Jupiter (Gollancz 0-575-04199-4, Feb 88, £2.95, 206pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1975) sf collection.
- * *Cal (Doubleday no ISBN, 1990 [Aug 91], no price, 30pp, ph) Original Asimov short story free to members of the Isaac Asimov Collection, a subscription book club. The words Not for sale in bookstores seem to almost be part of the title. Its copyright 1990 but not seen until now.
- * _The Caves of Steel (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31389-5, Jan 84 [Dec 83], $2.95, 209pp, pb) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reprint (Doubleday 1954) sf novel, possibly Asimovs best. (CNB)
- * _The Caves of Steel (Grafton 0-586-00835-7, Oct 86, £2.50, 206pp, pb) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reissue (Doubleday 1954) sf novel.
- * _The Caves of Steel (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33820-0, Nov 86 [Oct 86], $3.95, 268pp, pb) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reissue (Doubleday 1954) sf novel; 7th Del Rey printing. Arguably Asimovs best book, and the best fusion between sf and the detective story. Highly recommended. (CNB)
- * _The Caves of Steel (Doubleday 0-385-41952-X, Oct 91, $12.95, 202pp, hc) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reprint (Doubleday 1954) sf novel. This special imitation leatherbound edition is part of the Isaac Asimov Collection, and is available from Doubleday by subscription only. There is no dustjacket, but the artwork from the forthcoming Bantam Spectra edition is pasted on the front cover.
- * _The Caves of Steel (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29340-0, Dec 91 [Nov 91], $4.99, 270pp, pb, cover by Steve Youll) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reprint (Doubleday 1954) classic sf/mystery novel, the first featuring detective Elijah Baley.
- * _The Caves of Steel (HarperCollins UK 0-586-00835-7, Oct 93, £4.99, 206pp, pb) [Elijah (Lije) Baley; Robot Series] Reprint (Doubleday 1954) sf novel. 23rd printing.
- * *Child of Time (with Robert Silverberg) (Gollancz 0-575-04699-6, Aug 91 [Jul 91], £14.99, 302pp, hc, cover by David Farren) Sf novel about a Neanderthal child transported to the present, based in part on Asimovs The Ugly Little Boy.
- * _Child of Time (with Robert Silverberg) (Pan 0-330-32270-2, Nov 92 [Oct 92], £8.99, 342pp, tp, cover by David Farren) Reprint (Gollancz 1991) sf novel about a Neanderthal child transported to the present. Based on Asimovs The Ugly Little Boy.
- * _Child of Time (with Robert Silverberg) (Pan 0-330-32579-5, Jun 93, £4.99, 342pp, pb, cover by David Farren) Reprint (Gollancz 1991) sf novel about a Neanderthal child transported to the present, expanded from Asimovs The Ugly Little Boy.
- * _The Complete Robot (Grafton 0-586-05724-2, Apr 88, £3.95, 688pp, pb) Reissue (Doubleday 1982) sf collection.
- * _The Complete Robot (HarperCollins UK 0-586-05724-2, 1994 [Dec 94], £5.99, 688pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1982) SF collection.
- * *The Complete Stories, Volume 2 (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-42078-1, Apr 92 [Mar 92], $14.00, 550pp, tp, cover by Barclay Shaw) Collection of 40 stories with an introduction by the author. A hardcover edition (-42079-X) was originally announced but was not published. The copyright page reverses the ISBN numbers for the hardcover and trade paperback editions. (Contents)
- * _The Complete Stories, Volume 2 (SFBC #17907, May 92, $7.98, 635pp, hc, cover by Barclay Shaw) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1992) collection of 40 stories with an introduction by the author. Similar to the Doubleday trade paperback edition except it lacks an ISBN and price. The SFBC number is on the back jacket. This is the first hardcover edition.
- * *The Complete Stories, Volume One (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-41606-7, Nov 90 [Oct 90], $22.95, 614pp, hc, cover by Barclay Shaw) Omnibus collection of 46 stories, comprising the complete contents of Earth Is Room Enough (Doubleday 1957), Nine Tomorrows (Doubleday 1957), and Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday 1959). Also available in trade paperback (-41627-X). (Contents)
- * _The Complete Stories, Volume One (SFBC #17907, Mar 91, $10.98, 614pp, hc, cover by Barclay Shaw) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1990) omnibus collection of 46 stories, comprising the complete contents of Earth Is Room Enough (Doubleday 1957), Nine Tomorrows (Doubleday 1957), and Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday 1959).
- * _The Complete Stories, Volume Two (HarperCollins UK 0-00-224150-1, Jan 94, £16.99, 550pp, hc, cover by Chris Brown) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1992) collection of 40 sf stories. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Complete Stories: Volume I (HarperCollins UK 0-00-224139-0, Mar 93, £15.99, 614pp, hc, cover by Christopher Brown) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1990) omnibus collection of 46 stories, comprising the complete contents of Earth Is Room Enough (Doubleday 1957), Nine Tomorrows (Doubleday 1957), and Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday 1959). (Contents) [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Complete Stories: Volume One (HarperCollins UK 0-00-647647-3, Jul 94, £5.99, 430pp, pb, cover by Christopher Brown) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1990 as Complete Stories: Volume I) SF/fantasy collection. A selection of 25 pieces from the original omnibus of 46. This version includes the complete contents of Earth is Room Enough (Doubleday 1957) and all-but-one of the stories in Nine Tomorrows (Doubleday 1957). (Contents)
- * _The Complete Stories: Volume Two (HarperCollins UK 0-00-648016-0, Jan 95 [Dec 94], £5.99, 464pp, pb, cover by Christopher Brown) Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1990 as part of Complete Stories: Volume I) SF/fantasy collection. With its companion volume, Complete Stories: Volume One (HarperCollins UK, 1994) the pair make up all of the original omnibus. This collection contains Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday 1959), plus one more story, The Ugly Little Boy. (Contents)
- * _The Currents of Space (Grafton 0-246-12918-2, Aug 86, £9.95, 240pp, hc) [Trantorian Empire] Reprint (Doubleday 1952) sf novel.
- * _The Currents of Space (Bantam Spectra 0-553-29341-9, Jan 92 [Dec 91], $4.99, 293pp, pb, cover by Steve Youll) [Trantorian Empire] Reprint (Doubleday 1952) sf novel, third book of the Empire series, prequel to the Foundation series.
- * _The Currents of Space (SFBC #00097, Feb 93, $5.98, 197pp, hc, cover by Ed Valigursky) [Trantorian Empire] Reissue (Doubleday 1952) sf novel. This edition has no price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _David Starr - Space Ranger (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31541-3, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $2.25, 174pp, pb) [*David Lucky Starr] Reprint (Doubleday 1952, as by Paul French) juvenile sf adventure, part of a series. This edition also has the 1978 preface.
- * *The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries (Walker and Company 0-8027-6602-1, 1985, $9.85, 50pp, hc, cover by Yoshi Miyake) Young-adult crime collection. (Contents)
- * _The Early Asimov: Book One (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32590-7, Feb 86 [Jan 86], $3.95, 300pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1972 as The Early Asimov) collection plus commentary. This volume is the first half of the Doubleday edition.
- * _The Early Asimov: Book Two (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32589-3, Feb 86 [Jan 86], $3.95, 301pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1972 as The Early Asimov) collection. This edition is the second half of the earlier edition.
- * *The Edge of Tomorrow (Tor 0-312-93200-6, Jun 85 [May 85], $15.95, 462pp, hc) Collection, a combination of sf and non-fiction, dealing with scientists past and future. Most of the stories have appeared in other collections. The non-fiction is all from Asimovs F&SF columns. (Contents)
- * _The Edge of Tomorrow (Harrap 0-245-54391-0, Mar 86, £9.95, 462pp, hc) Reprint (Tor 1985) collection of sf stories and non-fiction essays.
- * _The Edge of Tomorrow (Tor 0-812-53122-1, Jul 86 [Jun 86], $3.50, 462pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1985) collection of fiction and non-fiction.
- * _The End of Eternity (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31832-3, Nov 84 [Oct 84], $2.95, 192pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday 1955) sf time travel novel. There are 450,000 copies in print (17 printings from Fawcett).
- * _The End of Eternity (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28809-1, Oct 90 [Sep 90], $4.95, 194pp, pb, cover by Don Dixon) Reprint (Doubleday 1955) time-travel sf novel.
- * *Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Doubleday 0-385-23926-2, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $18.95, 332pp, hc) Sf novel, not a sequel to Fantastic Voyage but another book using the same basic idea, in a more plausible manner.
- * *Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Doubleday 0-385-24392-8, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $125.00, 332pp, hc) This is the signed limited edition.
- * _Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Grafton 0-246-13210-8, Oct 87, £10.95, 392pp, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1987). Amazingly enough, this reprise of (rather than sequel to) Fantastic Voyage makes the original version look scientifically realistic and plausible by comparison. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Grafton 0-586-20025-8, 1988 [Sep 88], £2.95, 480pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday/Grafton 1987) sf novel. This is a special Open Market edition and is not generally available in the UK.
- * _Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Bantam Spectra 0-553-27340-X, Aug 88 [Jul 88], $4.95, 385pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday/Grafton 1987) sf novel. Not a sequel to Fantastic Voyage, but another novel based on the same concept.
- * _Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (Grafton 0-586-20025-8, Nov 88, £3.99, 480pp, pb) Reprint (Doubleday/Grafton 1987) sf novel.
- * *Forward the Foundation (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-24793-1, Apr 93 [Mar 93], $23.50, 415pp, hc, cover by Bob Larkin) [Foundation] Collection of four novellas plus an epilogue, part of the Foundation series focusing on the later life of psychohistorian Hari Seldon. (Contents)
- * *Forward the Foundation (Doubleday UK 0-385-26942-0, Apr 93 [Jan 93], £14.99, 417pp, hc, cover by Tony Roberts) [Foundation] Collection of four original novellas about the life of Hari Seldon. Simultaneous with US (Doubleday Foundation) edition.
- * _Forward the Foundation (SFBC #05813, Jul 93 [Jun 93], $11.98, 415pp, hc, cover by Bob Larkin) [Foundation] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1993) collection of four novellas plus an epilogue, part of the Foundation series focusing on the later life of psychohistorian Hari Seldon. Similar to the Doubleday Foundation edition except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
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