June 23-25, 2017 in Seattle, Washington
M.C. Connie Willis
Attending memberships are $60 and include all Locus events except the Writers Workshop – including readings, a kickoff party hosted by Clarion West for instructor Daryl Gregory (the first of their six summer parties honoring 2017 instructors), panels with leading authors, an autograph session, the lunch banquet, and a Hawaiian shirt plus trivia contest judged by the fabulous Connie Willis, who will MC the ceremony and present the Locus Awards, with news about more associated events to follow!
Locus Awards attending and supporting memberships also include a set six-month digital subscription to Locus magazine, from our February 2017 issue (our Year-in-Review issue with Recommended Reading List and Poll & Survey) to August 2017 (with the Locus Awards photo coverage and writeup) and everything in between. (Member subscription is non-transferable and does not affect or extend existing subscriptions.)
Nancy Kress & Jack Skillingstead
Supporting memberships are $27 and include the six-month set subscription. Supporting memberships purchased before the price change on May 1 can upgrade at any time (until the event is sold out) to full membership for $23; purchased after May 1, upgrade price is $33.
Neil Gaiman, Maria Dahvana Headley, Tim Minchin
Locus Awards events will be held at the Best Western Executive Inn at 200 Taylor Avenue North, Seattle WA 98109, with excellent access to the light rail and trolley systems and directly across the street from the Seattle Center, home to the Museum of Pop Culture, which houses the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame. Special room rates for the Locus Awards are $169 per night for one or two people, with $15.00 charged per additional adult. These rates will be applicable from Thursday, June 22 through Sunday, June 25. Please make hotel reservations by May 23, 2017 in order to secure the special room rate. For hotel reservations, call the direct number at 1 (206) 448-9444 and mention the "Science Fiction Awards 2017". If you need to book additional days, please e-mail Locus or call us at (510) 339-9196 and we will try to arrange it for you.
Thinking of attending? Please do. We support diversity! We encourage people of color, women, people with disabilities, older people, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to attend. We welcome people of any gender identity or expression, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, size, nationality, religion, culture, education level, and self-identification.
Locus Writers Workshop
The Locus Writers Workshop will be taking place the same weekend, taught by Connie Willis and Carrie Vaughn. Click here to sign up for the workshop. Additional fees apply and workshop registration is limited.
 Connie Willis and Stephen Graham Jones teach 2016's workshop class
Locus Awards Schedule
Friday, June 23
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Readings with Connie Willis and Carrie Vaughn.
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.: Party hosted by Clarion West for Awards Weekend tickets holders as well as supporters, alumni, and friends of Clarion West, in honor of first week instructor Daryl Gregory.
Saturday, June 24
10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.: "Polishing the Potato: The Best Story from the Worst Idea" panel with Annie Bellet, Robert Jackson Bennett, Curtis Chen, Carrie Vaughn, and Connie Willis.
11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: "How Much Is That Trope in the Window? Repurposing Genre Elements to Tell New Stories" panel with Daryl Gregory (m), Seanan McGuire, Matt Ruff, and Nisi Shawl. (There will be donuts here, too!)
11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: "Donut Salon: Meet and Chat with Short Fiction Authors and Editors" roundtable talk about the world of short fiction with Eileen Gunn, Jack Skillingstead, Michael Damian Thomas, and Caroline M. Yoachim, over donuts.
12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Autographing session with books available for purchase thanks to University Book Store. Signers include Liz Argall, Greg Bear, Annie Bellet, Robert Jackson Bennett, Curtis Chen, Daryl Gregory, Eileen Gunn, Randy Henderson, Scott James Magner, Julie McGalliard, Seanan McGuire, Raven Oak, Adam Rakunas, Cat Rambo, Matt Ruff, Nisi Shawl, Jack Skillingstead, Patrick Swenson, Bruce Taylor, Michael Damian Thomas, Carrie Vaughn, Connie Willis, Caroline M. Yoachim, and others TBA.
12:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Locus Awards Lunch Banquet and Ceremony at the Best Western Executive Inn with M.C. Connie Willis, who will present the awards and judge a Hawaiian shirt plus trivia contest.
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.: Locus Party, with a toast to Charles N. Brown on what would have been his 80th birthday!
Schedule is subject to change without notice. Don't forget to wear your most outlandish Hawaiian or SFnal shirt to the Locus Awards!
 Shirt contest    Panel with Nancy Kress, Ursula K. Le Guin, Gary K. Wolfe, Walter Jon Williams, and Connie Willis    Christopher Barzak, Terry Bisson, Karen Joy Fowler Photo by Leslie Howle
CONFIRMED GUEST LIST as of June 19, 2017
Beverly Aarons
Kevin Adams
Betsy Aoki
Liz Argall
Elizabeth Bartmess
Kenn Bates
Astrid Anderson Bear
Greg Bear
Jack William Bell
Annie Bellet
Ashlee Bennett
Robert Jackson Bennett
John Berry
Folly Blaine
Bob Blough
Kathy Bond
Doug Booze
Pat Booze
Jennifer Bradbury
Gene Breshears
David Bruns
Elinor Busby
Suzanne Cantrell
Paul M Carpentier
Erik Carson
Andrea Chapela
Curtis Chen
Marnee Chua
Gary Clark
Neil Clarke
Julie E. Coryell
Linda Deneroff
Lauren Dixon
Michelle "Vixy" Dockrey
Tracy Erickson
Russell Ervin
M. "Huw" Evans
Alexander Filipowicz
Matthew Fyffe
Kathy Gill
Tara Gillet-Liloia
Don Glover
Vicki Glover
Lisa Gold
David M Gordon
Susan Gossman
Neile Graham
Lora Gray
Aliza Greenblatt
Daryl Gregory
Roberta Gregory
Eileen Gunn
Stacey Hankins
David Haugen
Terri Haugen
Randy Henderson
Kathryn Hoppe
Leslie Howle
Greg Hullender
Dana Jacobsen
Lucas Johnson
Lindsey S. Johnson
Gayathri Kamath
Jerry Kaufman
Brent Kellmer
Keffy R.M. Kehrli
D. Kittrell
Iori Kusano
Jon Lasser
Laura Lasser
Joanne Lim-Pousard
Heather Lindsley
Patrick Lofgren
Adrienne Loska
S. Qiouyi Lu
Scott James Magner
Marci Malinowycz
Alex Manglis
Seelye Martin
Tod McCoy
Julie McGalliard
Micki McGuire
Seanan McGuire
Mary Mellott
Gerald Minor
Robert Minto
Coral Moore
Francesca Myman
Gunnar Norskog
Raven Oak
David Olsen
Emma Osborne
Andrea Pawley
Marco Palmieri
Brooks Peck
Vina Jie Min Prasad
Adam Rakunas
Cat Rambo
Andrew Penn Romine
Matt Ruff
Clarissa C.S. Ryan
Clint Ryan
Greg Sardo
Vicki Saunders
Jill Seidenstein
Mitch Shanklin
Adam Shannon
Nisi Shawl
Jess Silbaugh-Cowdin
Jeremy Sim
Lin Simpson
Jack Skillingstead
Rashida J. Smith
Arley Sorg
Diane Spahr
Ian Stockdale
Misha Stone
Shweta Sundararajan
Amy Sundberg
Patrick Swenson
Bruce Taylor
Michael Damian Thomas
Suzanne Tompkins
Emma Torzs
Dan Trefethen
Liza Groen Trombi
Carrie Vaughn
Izzy Wasserstein
Marlow Weaver
Kirtana Whistler
Rex Whistler
Gordon White
Tom Whitmore
Duane Wilkins
Connie Willis
Mark Wood
Caroline M. Yoachim
Michael Yust
Julie Zetterberg
Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest's Premier Fantasy and Science Fiction Convention and one of the largest regional Science Fiction and Fantasy conventions in the United States, next held March 29-April 1, 2018 at SeaTac WA. More details about Norwescon can be found at
Arisia is New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention, next held January 12-15, 2018 in Boston, MA. More details about Arisia can be found at
Thanks to Leslie Howle for her additional assistance and sponsorship of the Locus Awards events.