June 28-30, 2013 in Seattle, Washington

Connie Willis and Neil Gaiman
[photo by Leslie Howle]
Memberships are SOLD OUT. Tickets include all Locus events -- including readings, a kickoff party hosted by Clarion West (the first of their six summer parties honoring 2013 instructors), panels with leading authors, an autograph session, the lunch banquet, and the annual Hawai'ian shirt contest judged by the fabulous Connie Willis, who will MC the ceremony and present the Locus Awards, with possibly more events to come!
Locus Award attending and supporting memberships also include a set six-month digital subscription to Locus magazine, from our February 2013 issue (our Year-in-Review issue with Recommended Reading List and Poll & Survey) to August 2013 (with the Locus Awards photo coverage and writeup) and everything in between. (Member subscription is non-transferable and does not affect or extend existing subscriptions.)

Gardner Dozois and Nancy Kress
[photo by Leslie Howle] Supporting memberships are $27 and include the six-month set subscription. Supporting memberships purchased before the price change on May 1 can upgrade at any time (until the event is sold out) to full membership for $13; purchased after May 1, the upgrade will be $23.
Locus Awards events will be held at the Best Western Executive Inn at 200 Taylor Avenue North, Seattle WA 98109, directly across the street from the Seattle Center, home to the SF Museum and the Experience Music Project, with excellent access to the light rail and trolley systems. The hotel's general number is 1(800) 351-9444.
In addition, the Locus Weekend Writers Workshops will be taking place Friday, June 28th and Sunday, June 30th with instructors Connie Willis and Paul Park. Additional fees apply and workshop registration is limited. The theme of the workshop is "The Plot Thickens, Twists, Twines, and Interlaces: Lessons in Advanced Plotting". More details and ticketing are available at
Locus Awards Schedule

Hawai'ian shirt contest

Panel with Nancy Kress, Ursula K. Le Guin, Gary K. Wolfe, Walter Jon Williams, and Connie Willis

Nicola Griffith, Kelley Eskridge, Gary K. Wolfe, Neal Stephenson
Friday, June 28
6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.: Readings by Connie Willis, Paul Park, and Kim Stanley Robinson.
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.: Party hosted by Clarion West, for Clarion supporters, Awards Weekend tickets holders, past CW instructors, alumni, volunteers, and students, in honor of first-week instructor Elizabeth Hand.
Saturday, June 29
10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.: "Science Fiction and the SF Tradition" panel with Connie Willis, Greg Bear, Nancy Kress, and Daniel Abraham.
11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: "Fantastika and the Literary Tradition" panel with John Clute, Gary K. Wolfe, Elizabeth Hand, and Kim Stanley Robinson.
12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Autographing session with books available for purchase thanks to University Book Store.
12:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Locus Awards Lunch Banquet and Ceremony at the Best Western Executive Inn with M.C. Connie Willis, who will present the awards and judge the annual Hawai'ian Shirt Contest.
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.: Locus Party, including a celebration of the 2013 Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductees and the book launch of Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology, edited by Ellen Datlow (Hydra House).
Schedule is subject to change without notice. Don't forget to wear your most outlandish Hawai'ian shirt to the Locus Awards!
CONFIRMED GUEST LIST as of June 26, 2013
Steven Abernathy
Daniel Abraham
Aubry Andersen
K Anderson
Karen G. Anderson
Allison Badertscher
David Badertscher
Astrid Bear
Greg Bear
Elizabeth Beechwood
Helena Bell
John Berry
Doug Booze
Pat Booze
Art Boulton
Maureen Cavanagh
Shelly Rae Clift
John Clute
Carolyn Cooper
John Costello
Lisa Costello
Nathan Crowder
Linda Deneroff
Geetanjali Dighe
Claire Eddy
David Edison
Elizabeth Edwards
Elton Elliott
Micaiah Evans
Fabio Fernandes
Deborah Fisher
Olivia Flint
Jayne Franck
Ty Franck
Janet Freeman-Daily
Jennifer Geisbrecht
Don Glover
Vicki Glover
Maura Glynn-Thami
David M Gordon
Susan Gossman
Neile Graham
Eileen Gunn
Caren Gussoff
Vincent Haig
Lee Hallison
Elizabeth Hand
Stacie Hanes
David Haugen
Terri Haugen
Randy Henderson
Mark Hennon
Julia Hetherington
Sara Hiatt
Sarah Hirsch
Kathryn Hoppe
Leslie Howle
Nicole Idar
Christy Johnson
Kimberly Jollow
Alex Kane
Mary Kay Kare
Jerry Kaufman
Keffy Kehrli
David Kittrell
Christine Kosmatka
Ted Kosmatka
Nancy Kress
Donald Lacky
Jay Lake
Jonathan Lasser
Corry L. Lee
Audra Linsenmayer
Todd Lockwood
Usman Malik
Marci Malinowycz
Nick Mamatas
Seelye Martin
Angela McCoy
Tod McCoy
Liam Meilleur
Mary Mellott
Linda Munson
Francesca Myman
Tricia Narwani
Bridget Norquist
Mark Nyberg
Doug Odell
Douglas Odell
Sandra Odell
Erik Owomoyela
Paul Park
Shannon Peavey
Dominica Phetteplace
Victoria Podmajersky
Eric Raab
Cat Rambo
Steven Rickards
Sarah Robb
Fleetwood Robbins
Kim Stanley Robinson
Sharon Roest
Nicholas Salestrom
Kelly Sandoval
Vicki Saunders
Kristine Scalzi
Eileen Schwerin
Lucius Shepard
Julia Sidorova
Andrew Siguenza
Catherine Siguenza
Janna Silverstein
Jason Sinclair
Jack Skillingstead
Guy Smith
Rashida "Eddie" Smith
Allison Solano
Deborah StLaurent
Misha Stone
Jeanine Swanson
Patrick Swenson
Bruce Taylor
Suzanne Tompkins
Dan Trefethen
Liza Groen Trombi
Todd Vandemark
Linn Prentis
Yang-Yang Wang
Masumi Washington
Marlow Weaver
Eric Weber
Tom Whitmore
Duane Wilkins
Connie Willis
G. Willow Wilson
Laura Wilson
Evan Witt
Gary K. Wolfe
Mark Wood
Hugo Xiong
JY Yang
E. Lily Yu
The Locus Awards events are sponsored by Norwescon, the Pacific Northwest's Premiere Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention and one of the largest regional Science Fiction and Fantasy conventions in the United States, held March 28-31, 2013 at SeaTac WA. More details about Norwescon can be found at
Thanks to Leslie Howle for her additional assistance and sponsorship of the Locus Awards events.