T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s |
August 2003 Issue 511 Vol. 51 No. 2
36th Year of Publication 24-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Interviews Design by Arnie Fenner
Alastair Reynolds: Possibility Space / 6
Charles Stross: Exploring Distortions / 84
P E O P L E & P U B L I S H I N G / 8
Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Ursula K. Le Guin, Sheri S. Tepper, Kim Stanley Robinson, Kage Baker, Tim Pratt, and many others.
M A I N S T O R I E S / 11
2003 Locus Awards Winners Locus Awards Banquet 2003 Kress Wins Campbell, Shepard Wins Sturgeon Award Summer Workshops Analog, Asimov’s Change Publishing Schedule Earthlight to End
T H E D A T A F I L E / 13
Clarion Loses Funding Argosy Relaunched Mars Day Gemstar Ends E-Book Operations Baker & Taylor Sold Bertelsmann Divests NY Real Estate Worldcons Updates WizKids Novels VAT Takes Effect July 1 Orwell’s ‘‘Crypto-Communist List’’ Discworld Disallowed Oz in Kansas Potter’s Peak Clancy Sued by Ex Announcements Call for Papers Awards News Publishing News Online News Legal News Financial News Publications Received
T H E N E W S P A C E O P E R A / 40
Duet, With No Fat Lady by Russell Letson & Gary K. Wolfe Singularity Skies by Ken MacLeod Junk Yard Universes by Paul McAuley Mean Streets and Big Ideas by Gwyneth Jones Why I Write Space Opera by M. John Harrison Where is Everybody?: Review by Stephen Baxter
L O C U S P O L L / 46
The complete record of this year’s voting!
Magazines Received: June / 50
Books Received: June / 51
British Books Received: May / 64
Bestsellers / 66
L O C U S L E T T E R S / 72
Letters from Robert R. Barrett and Gary Couzens
I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E P O R T S / 74
Mexico Bulgaria Israel Brazil Romania
O B I T U A R I E S / 80
Zheng Wenguang Anna M. Louw Joan Lowery Nixon Asa Baber Paul Harland Hume Cronyn Leon Uris Winston Graham Tim Maroney
E D I T O R I A L M A T T E R S / 81
Sleepless From Seattle Westercon Alabama-Cuba Week
Short Fiction Reviews by Nick Gevers / 14
F&SF 8/03; Sci Fiction 7/2/03; Asimov’s 8/03; Realms of Fantasy 6/03; Say...what time is it 2003; A Better World’s in Birth!, Howard Waldrop; The Third Alternative, Spring ’03.
Short Fiction Reviews by Richard Horton / 15
Trampoline, Kelly Link, ed.; Say...what time is it? 2003; Rabid Transit: A Mischief of Rats, Barth Anderson, Christopher Barzak, Alan DeNiro, Kristin Livdahl, eds.; The Third Alternative Spring ’03; Sci Fiction 7/2/03; Strange Horizons 6/2/03; F&SF 8/03; Realms of Fantasy 8/03; Asimov’s 8/03.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 17
Natural History, Justina Robson; The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds.; Year’s Best Fantasy 3, David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, eds.; Fantasy: The Best of 2002, Robert Silverberg & Karen Haber, eds.
Reviews by Faren Miller / 21
Mortal Suns, Tanith Lee; Paladin of Souls, Lois McMaster Bujold; The Druid King, Norman Spinrad; Trampoline, Kelly Link, ed; SHORT TAKE: A Stir of Bones, Nina Kiriki Hoffman.
Reviews by Russell Letson / 25
Singularity Sky, Charles Stross; Gridlinked, Neal Asher; Memory, Linda Nagata.
Reviews by Nick Gevers / 29
Singularity Sky, Charles Stross; Martian Quest, Leigh Brackett; Changing Planes, Ursula K. Le Guin; Live Without a Net, Lou Anders, ed.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 33
Midwinter Nightingale, Joan Aiken; The Darkness that Comes Before, R. Scott Bakker; In the Hall of the Martian King, John Barnes; The Goblin Wood, Hilari Bell; Devlin’s Honor, Patricia Bray; Warriors of Camlann, N.M. Browne; Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code, Eoin Colfer; The City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau; Cold Tom, Sally Prue; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling; Blade Dancer, S.L. Viehl.
Divers Hands: Reviews by Rich Horton, Alyx Dellamonica and Tim Pratt / 35
Tales from the Crypto-System, Geoffrey Maloney; Messiah Node, Lyda Morehouse; American Empire: The Victorious Opposition, Harry Turtledove; Shadows Over Baker Street, Michael Reaves & John Pelan, eds.; Uncanny Tales, Robert Sheckley.