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2 May 2002
Ansible (http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/Ansible/) British sf/fan newsletter, published by Dave Langford. Updated monthly. Issue 178, May 2002 Among numerous obits and awards results, Langford summarizes Harlan Ellison's reactions to earlier reports on the status of his lawsuit against AOL, an odd rash of customer reviews on Amazon that recommend one Robert Stanek, and Michael Moorcock's health. Christopher Priest remembers Richard Cowper.
DarkEcho Horror (http://www.darkecho.com/darkecho/index.html) News, reviews, interviews, and features of the horror field, edited by Paula Guran. Updated regularly. This site, just relaunched after a period of dormancy, includes graphics by Rick Berry, and complete horror content from previous HorrorOnline, DarkEcho, and Omni Online websites. New features include a personal weblog, a message board, lots of links, and an obligatory photo page, but the site is just getting started again, so there may be a few bugs.
Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/) Publisher of new and reprint e-books Lucius Shepard reviews The Panic Room -- or, as he says, "less a movie review than a review of an attitude toward filmmaking espoused by the American motion picture industry..."
Emerald City (http://www.emcit.com/) Personal ezine of reviews and commentary, published by Cheryl Morgan. Updated monthly. Issue 80, April 2002 Cheryl Morgan list the Hugo nominations and analyzes the novel category; she also hopes the website category is continued after this year. There's also a report on this year's British SF con, or Eastercon, and a panel discussing this year's Clarke Award finalists, and reviews of books by Brian Stableford, Liz Williams, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Paul McAuley, and others.
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/) SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly. A new story by Rachel Pollack, Pandora's Bust, was posted April 29.
Quantum Muse (http://www.quantummuse.com/) SF, fantasy, and alternative fiction and art, edited by Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe, and Jason Scherer. Updated monthly. May 2002 This issue has SF by Holmer Walker and Francisco Silva, fantasy by Tom Doyle and Mary Jane Beaufrand, alternative fiction by Jeremiah Chiappelli and Colin Guy, artwork by Ursula Vernon, a comic by William Morton, and an editorial, We Didn't Kill Them, that begins "The old S/F magazines are dying. There is no nice way to say it. Analog, Azimov's, Fantasy & Science Fiction, and Locus are just shadows of what they once were. . . . Come on you guys; read your Darwin. Evolve or die."
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). This week's original fiction is Jemima by A.R. Morlan. The classic reprint, fittingly of the late R.A. Lafferty, is Last of the Great Horses. Coming in June: a four-part novella by Dale Bailey.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). Issue 262, April 29, 2002 Scott Edelman editorializes about last week's Nebula Awards banquet, and how many people there were touched by the life of Damon Knight. Reviews cover books by Sharon Shinn and Lyda Morehouse.
scifidimensions (http://www.scifidimensions.com/) Fiction, commentary, media, science and the paranormal; edited by John C. Snider. Updated monthly. May 2002 Features include an interview with Mark W. Tiedemann, an article by Byron Merritt -- Frank Herbert's grandson -- comparing the 1984 and 2000 dramatic versions of Dune, movie reviews, commentaries about cloning and intelligent design, reviews of George Zebrowski, Mark Tiedemann, and Robert Metzger, and results of scifidimensions Original Fiction Contest 2002--the winner is Test Market by Warren Brown.
SF Crowsnest.com (http://www.computercrowsnest.com/) News, interviews, fiction, and features--"Europe's most visited SF/F web site"--edited by Geoff Willmetts. Updated monthly. May 2002 This usually media-oriented website, given to snide comments on just about everything and anything, posts a response by John Jarrold to such a comment last month concerning the non-genre cover of Jon Courtenay Grimwood's Pashazade. Also this month, interviews with Stephen Goldin and Jack Chalker, a review of the latest Enterprise episode, a posting of the Hugo nominees with annotations emphasizing the US-centric nominees (with no acknowledgement of the resolution easing the way onto the ballot for 3 UK books), and a posting (without annotation or comment) of Harlan Ellison's widely circulated missive concerning Janet Jeppson and Locus.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. Issue 127, May 2002 The lead review is by Gabe Chouinard, as if to continue the theme of his recent Locus Online commentary, considering Lord Dunsany's The King of Elfland's Daughter as an alternative to Tolkien. Other new reviews cover books by George Zebrowski, Douglas Adams, Robert J. Sawyer, Lisa Tuttle, and others. Nick Gevers interviews John C. Wright, whose novel The Golden Age Gevers reviews in the May Locus.
Strange Horizons (http://www.strangehorizons.com/) Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays). A special Author Focus week examines John M. Ford, with an interview of Ford, reprints of story As Above, So Below and poem Troy: The Movie, and a review of several Ford works by Christopher Cobb.
23 April 2002
Ansible (http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/Ansible/) British sf/fan newsletter, published by Dave Langford. Updated monthly. Issue 177, April 2002 Dave Langford's collection of current events includes an update on Michael Moorcock's health, John Clute's report from the March ICFA, death notices, awards news, Thog's Masterclass, Outraged Letters, Harlan Ellison's relationship to Scientologists, and correspondence on how to hiss without S sounds.
Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/) Publisher of new and reprint e-books Lucius Shepard channels H.G. Wells for his April 2 review of The Time Machine.
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/) SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly. This site has been relatively inactive in recent weeks; the latest posts are two reviews, Jeff VanderMeer's Books to Seek Out (16 Apr) and Claude Lalumière's alternate history review (12 Apr) that triggered his departure from January magazine. Latest fiction is a story by Paul Di Filippo on 27 March. Earlier in March were stories by João Barreiros and Jeffrey Thomas.
Fantastica Daily (http://www.mervius.com/) SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily. Recent daily updates by Mervius and Eva include reviews of Jonathan Carroll, Mikhail Bulgakov, and the movie The Scorpion King; comments on weekly bestsellers and box office; and a prediction of who will win this year's Best Website Hugo.
Future Orbits (http://www.futureorbits.com/) Bimonthly fiction magazine available in various e-book formats, edited/published by Tom Vander Neut Issue #4, April/May 2002 This issue has fiction by Linda J. Dunn, Gene Stewart, Brian Plante, Timons Esaias, James Van Pelt, and Michael J. Jasper. Departments include an editorial by Tom Vander Neut, notes on contributors, and a Commentary by Greg Beatty about the different kinds of future explored in science fiction.
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/) Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily. While Terry Bisson has retired his daily "This Week in History" features (as of April 5), ongoing features include David Langford's weekly news column, The Runcible Ansible, and Bruce Sterling's daily weblog Schism Matrix. Michael Swanwick has begun a new series of vignettes, based on etchings by Goya, called The Sleep of Reason. Last week editor Eileen Gunn penned a brief obituary of Damon Knight.
Made In Canada (http://www.geocities.com/canadian_sf/Newsletters/) Newsletter of Canadian SF, published by Don Bassie. Updated monthly. Issue #24, Apr 6, 2002 The guest editorial is by Karin Lowachee, winner of the latest Warner Aspect First Novel contest for Warchild, and an interview of Lowachee by website editor Don Bassie.
RevolutionSF (http://www.revolutionsf.com/) Fiction, articles, and reviews of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily. Recent features include an interview with Charles Stross, movie reviews, humor about Canada's apology for Lexx, and advance items about the forthcoming Star Wars movie. Coming up in the next month are reprint stories by Don Webb, Bruce Sterling, Barrington J. Bayley, and Karel Capek.
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). Original stories posted recently are by Dave Hutchinson, Alex Irvine, Adam Roberts, Lucius Shepard, Mark W. Tiedemann, Leslie What, Gregory Benford, A.M. Dellamonica, James P. Blaylock, Christopher Priest, and Carol Emshwiller--that's going back to early February. See the archive page (which has been flipped, so latest posts are at the top) for links to each story. Classic reprints during the same period are by Fredric Brown, Norman Spinrad, Kate Wilhelm, Robert Silverberg, William F. Nolan, and Brian W. Aldiss. In its own little corner is Michael Swanwick's Periodic Table of Science Fiction, posting weekly vignettes; the latest is Technetium.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). Issue #261, April 22, 2002 The current issue has reviews by Cynthia Ward and Paul Di Filippo (of books by George Zebrowski and Karl Schroeder) and John Clute (of the latest Nebula Showcase). Letter-writers remember Lafferty and Knight, and debate the quality of movie and TV sf.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. mid-April 2002 Jon Courtenay Grimwood is featured, with an interview by Rodger Turner, reviews of his latest two novels (Effendi and Pashazade) by Turner and Victoria Strauss, and excerpts from both books. Other reviews, by Rich Horton, David Soyka, Lisa DuMond, Martin Lewis and others, cover Redsine Seven, Adam Roberts's Science Fiction, and fiction by Greg Bear, Richard Lupoff, Charles de Lint, Greg Bear, and others.
The Spook (http://www.thespook.com/) Montly PDF horror magazine Issue #9, April/May 2002 An elaborate April Fool's issue begins with Anthony Sapienza's editorial about the difficult of assembling hoax articles and stories, while Paula Guran's Net Bitch column provides an overview of some of the foolishness that may be found elsewhere on the Web. Features include an interview with Stephen King, questions answered by Poppy Z. Brite, book reviews, spring fashions, and much more. The complete issue includes part 1 of a Robert McCammon novel, but only if you download it by August.
Strange Horizons (http://www.strangehorizons.com/) Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays). April 15th posts include Part 1 of an article by Greg Beatty explaining the background and significance of major SF awards; fiction by Alan DeNiro and Benjamin Rosenbaum, poetry by Tim Pratt, and a review of Daniel Pearlman by Brian Peters. Earlier posts include fiction by Alexander Irvine and Ruth Nestvold, and an editorial by Mary Anne Mohanraj summarizing results of a reader survey.
Tangent Online (http://www.tangentonline.com/) Short fiction reviews, edited by Dave Truesdale. Updated regularly. Recent reviews, by Christopher East, Tom Gerencer, Deborah Layne, Nancy Jane Moore, Jay Lake, and others of stories from Strange Horizons, Sci Fiction, F&SF, Asimov's, Analog, and chapbooks by James K. Burk and P.K. Graves. An "SF by Starlight" feature by East is on Gregory Frost's "Madonna of the Maquiladora" in the May Asimov's.
10 April 2002
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