Gary K. Wolfe, Philip José Farmer, Harlan Ellison, in front of Ellison's house

Farmer and Ellison again, regarding the Ellison Codex

Harlan making a point to Phil

Philip José Farmer, Gary K. Wolfe at dinner

Ellen Datlow, Gardner Dozois

Ellen Klages, Beth Meacham

Gardner Dozois, Richard Wadholm, Sheila Williams

Philip José Farmer

Kelly Freas

Scott Edelman

Scott Edelman, Andy Duncan, Ellen Datlow

Gregory Benford

Keith Stokes, SFWA News webmaster and photographer

David Gerrold, David G. Hartwell, Beth Meacham

Kim Stanley Robinson, Tim Powers, Gordon Van Gelder

Walter Jon Williams, Gardner Dozois

Joe Haldeman, Laurel Winter

Charles N. Brown (in a tux!), Jennifer Brehl, Tim Powers

Susan Ellison (foreground); Connie Willis, Harlan Ellison; waiting-to-be-presented Nebula Awards on table at right

Neil Gaiman, looking straight into the camera

Harlan Ellison... Ray Bradbury in wheelchair

Ray Bradbury

Walter Jon Williams, and his Nebula

Ellen Datlow, holding Linda Nagata's Nebula

Walter Jon Williams, Terry Bisson, with their Nebulas

Robert Sheckley

Walter Jon Williams and his Nebula

Linda Nagata's Nebula

Walter Jon Williams's Nebula