Locus Online






This page covers selected updates to electronic SFFH publications, including regularly-updated websites and e-mail newsletters. Send suggestions for this page to

Recent Updates Seen: 14 January - 20 February

AntipodeanSF -- A fiction webzine from Australia specializing in short-short SF stories, edited by Ion Newcombe. The special second anniversary issue features work by Brendan Carson, Shane Griffin, Corie Ralston, and G.W. Thomas.

at The World's End is a new ''magazine of science fiction, fantasy, and horror'' edited by Mark Chadbourn (who published a novel called World's End). Planned to be updated weekly, on Fridays. (Unfortunately when we checked on it Sunday evening 20 Feb we got an 'error occurred while processing request' page instead of the website.)

GalaxyOnline keeps playing with its homepage, which consists now entirely of graphics. Recent content includes an interview with Donato Giancola by Karen Haber, a new editorial by Ben Bova, and columns by Gregory Benford, David Gerrold, John Varley, D.C. Fontana, etc.

Science Fiction Weekly -- Notable new content includes (Issue 145) an Excessive Candour column by John Clute about Frank M. Robinson's Science Fiction of the 20th Century; (Issue 146) an interview with William Gibson; and (Issue 147) a Wil McCarthy Lab Notes column about ''The faces (and brains) of knowledge''.

Non-English sites: This German-language news webzine covers books, TV, and cinema, and is updated continuously from day to day. Many news items are familiar if you already browse Locus Online and Sci-Fi Wire, but news from the continent is featured prominently, and you can always view the site through Babelfish for amusing and mostly understandable results, e.g.

" Scream 3 ": 35. Million dollar in 3 days!
As expected fantastically cut off on weekend in the USA Wes Cravens Grusler " Scream 3 " at the kinokassen. Altogether the film brought quasi at one blow million US Dollar for 35.2 in.

BEM. And here's Spain's version; run through Babelfish:

Welcome to the Seat of BEM, the magazine of science fiction and more popular fantasy of Spain. BEM is published without spirit of profit and like means of cultural diffusion.

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