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January - June 1998 January 1998 ANACONISM THE 3RD (Jan 16-18 '98) Sheraton Denver West Hotel & Conv. Ctr., Lakewood CO. GoHs: Joe & Gay Haldeman, L. Neil Smith, more. Guests: S.P. Somtow, Ed Bryant, and others. Memb: $35 at door. Info: IBECC, Box 21766, Denver CO 80221; (303) 426-1847; e-mail: anaconism@ibecc.org; web site: www.abwam.com/ibecc/anaconARISIA 1998 (Jan 16-18 '98) The Westin Hotel, Waltham MA. GoH: James P. Hogan. AGoH: Cortney Skinner. FGoH: Marty Gear. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Arisia '98, Suite 322, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge MA 02139; e-mail: info@arisia.orgCHATTACON XXIII (Jan 16-18 '98) Clarion Hotel, River Plaza, Chattanooga TN; rms $67. GoHs: Howard Waldrop, Nancy Kress. AGoH: Bruce Jensen. Special Guest: Terry Bisson. Local AGoH: Julie Morgan-Scott. TM: Charles L. Grant. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Chattacon 23, Box 23908, Chattanooga TN 37422; (770) 578-8461 (Mike Dillson or Zanny Leach); e-mail: chattacon.info@mindspring.com ; web site: www.chattanooga.net/chattaconCONCAVE 19/UPPERSOUTHCLAVE XXVII (Jan 16-18 '98) Park Mammoth Resort, Ark City KY. Relaxacon. Memb: $15 to 2/3/98, $20 at door. Info: Concave, c/o Gary Robe, Box 3221, Kingport TN 37664; (423) 239-3106; e-mail: grobe@preferred.comPOTLATCH 7 (Jan 16-18 '98) Jack London Inn, Oakland CA 94015; Memb: $35 at door. Checks payable to Potlatch. Info: Potlatch 7, 6405 Regent St., Oakland CA 94618-1313; (415) 997-0599; e-mail: goodston@well.comRUSTYCON 15 (Jan 16-18 '98) Sheraton Tacoma, Tacoma WA. GoH: TBA. AGoH: Craig Figley. FGoH: Keith Johnson. Memb: $55 at door. Info: Rustycon, P.O. Box 84291, Seattle WA 98124-5591. Website: www.rustycon.orgCONFUSION 18 (Jan 23-25 '98) Van Dyke Park Suite, Warren MI. GoH: Connie Willis. Sci. GoH: Dr. Marvin Minsky. AGoH: Jane Irwin. FGoH: Mary Ellen Wessels. TM: Larry Tucker. Memb: TBA. Dealer info: Tom Barber, 3111 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor MI 48104. Info: ConFusion, Box 8284, Ann Arbor MI 48107; (313) 487-8743; e-mail: confusion@stilyagi.orgFebruary 1998 BOSKONE XXXV (Feb 13-15 '98) Sheraton Tara, Framingham MA. GoH: Walter Jon Williams. AGoH: Omar Rayyan. Memb: $34 to 1/19/98, then more. Info: Boskone 35, Box 809, Framingham MA 01701; (617) 625-2311; e-mail: boskone@nesfa.org ; web site: www.nesfa.org/boskone/flyer.htmlRADCON 2B (Feb 13-15 '98) Tri-Cities WA. GoH: Jerry Oltion. AGoH: Russ Campbell. Sci. GoH: Dean Ing. FGoH: Betty Bigelow. Guest: Greg Abraham. Info: RadCon, 2527 W. Kennewick Ave. #162, Kennewick WA 99336; (509) 967-3248; e-mail: radcon@oneworld.owt.com ; web site: www.owt.com/radcon/radcon/htmCONCAVE 19/UPPERSOUTHCLAVE XXVIII (Feb 27-Mar 1 '98) Park Mammoth Resort, Park City KY. Relaxacon. Memb: $15 to 2/3/98, $20 at door. Info: Concave, c/o Gary Robe, Box 3221, Kingport TN 37664; (423) 239-3106; e-mail: grobe@preferred.comCON-DOR 1998 (Feb 27-Mar 1 '98) Town & Country Hotel, San Diego CA; rms $83 sngl/dbl. GoH: Harry Turtledove. Guests: David Brin, William F. Wu, more. Memb: $30 to 2/10/98, $35 at door. Dealer table: $45 (incl 1 memb). Art show: 4'x4' flat $10, half-table $8; info: c/o Edward Tolley. Info: Con-Dor, Box 15771, San Diego CA 92175. SHEVACON VI (Feb 27-Mar 1 '98) Ingleside Red Carpet Inn, Stauton VA. GoH: C.S. Friedman. AGoH: Larry Elmore. FGoH: Fred Ekelman. Memb: $20. Info: SheVaCon, Box 2672, Staunton VA 24402; (540) 885-5530; e-mail: drgnshrd@rica.netPICOCON 15 (Feb 28 '98) Imperial College Union, London, UK. Fantasy con. Guests: TBA. Info: Picocon c/o Imperial College Union, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB, UK; e-mail: icsf@ic.ac.ukMarch 1998 SWILCON '98 (Mar 6-8 '98) Swarthmore College, Swarthmore PA. Philadelphia Airport Courtyard. Rms $69. GoHs: James Patrick Kelly, James P. Hogan. AGoHs: Jeff Menges, Jeff Grosky. Memb: $20. Info: SwilCon '98, 801 Yale Ave., Apt. 1216, Swarthmore PA 19081; (610) 543-3691; e-mail: will@sccs.swarthmore.edu; website: www.swil.org/swilcon LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, & EVERYTHING 16 (Mar 12-14 '98) Wilkinson Student Center, Brigham Young Univ., Provo UT. SF/F symposium. GoHs: Elizabeth Moon, Sherwood Smith, Dave Wolverton. Memb: free. Info: Life, the Universe, & Everything, 3163 JKHB, Provo UT 84602; 801-378-2456; website: www.itsnet.com/~nts/symposium CORFLU UK (Mar 13-16 '98) The Griffin Leeds Hotel, Leeds UK. Memb: £25/$40; £5/$10 supp. Info: c/o Karen Babich, 5224 Glenwood Ave. #3, Chicago IL 60640; or Ian Sorensen, 7 Woodside Walk, Hamilton, ML3 7HY, UK; e-mail: corflu@soren.demon.co.uk SCI-FI COMEDY CON '98 – CANCELLED. INT'L CONFERENCE ON THE FANTASTIC 1998 (Mar 18-21 '98) Airport Hilton, Ft. Lauderdale FL. GoH: Peter Straub. Special Guest: Lois McMaster Bujold. Perennial Special Guest: Brian Aldiss. Info: IAFA, College of the Humanities, 500 NW 20th HU-50 B-9, Florida Atlantic U., Boca Raton FL 33431; (954) 475-6747. LUNACON '98 (Mar 20-22 '98) Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook NY. GoH: Octavia E. Butler. AGoH: Donato Giancola. FGoHs: John & Perdita Boardman. Memb: $45 at door. Info: Lunacon '98, Box 3566, New York NY 10008; e-mail: lunacon@lunacon.org; website: www.lunacon.org/lunacon/lunacon.html MIDSOUTHCON 17 (Mar 20-22 '98) Tunica, MS. The Grand Veranda Hotel, Robinsonville MS; rms $59. GoH: James P. Hogan. AGoH: Joy Marie Ledet. FGoH: Cullen Johnson. Memb: $30 at door. Dealer table: $40 (+ memb). Info: MidSouthCon Science and Fiction Conventions, PO Box 11446, Memphis TN 38111; (901) 358-9325 or 274-7355; e-mail: mlandis1@watervalley.net; website: www.watervalley.net/midsouthcon MILLENNICON-3 (Mar 20-22 '98) Blue Ash Hotel & Conf. Ctr., Cincinnati OH; rms $66 sngl-quad. GoH: Mike Resnick. AGoH: Cline Siegenthaler. Sci. GoH: Dr. Bill Breuer. Memb: $30 at door. Info: Millennicon, 143 Schloss Lane, Dayton OH 45418; (513) 933-0452; e-mail: mvfl@homeworld.com TECHNICON 15 (Mar 20-22 '98) Best Western Red Lion, Blacksburg VA. Guests: C.S. Friedman, S. John Ross, Don Sakers, Colleen Doran, more. FGoHs: Lloyd Eldred & Dwight Gibbs. Memb: $29 at door. Info: Technicon 15, Box 256, Blacksburg VA 24063-0256; e-mail: technicon@vtccl.cc.vt.edu SCIENCE FICTION TAGE X (Mar 21-22 '98) Harenberg City Center, Dortmund, Germany. GoHs: Alan Dean Foster, Mark Brandis, Brian Stableford, more. Themes: Social Fiction & Interstellar Sex. Memb: IEP 20.00/DM 55 to 3/15/98; DM60 at door. Info: Science Fiction Tage c/o Torsten Frantz, Ruthstrasse 8/28, D-44149, Dortmund, Germany; UK/Ire. agent: Mike Cheater, 42 Elm Grove, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hants., UK; e-mail: sftagenrw@aol.com or Beluga@cbg.de; website: www.cbg.de/sf-tage-nrw AGGIECON XXIX (Mar 26-29 '98) Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M, College Station TX. Holiday Inn of College Station. Rms $51. Guests: Robert Asprin, Joe R. Lansdale, Tad Williams, Phil & Kaja Foglio, more. Memb: $20 to 3/10/98, $22 at door. Info: MSC Cepheid Variable-Aggiecon, Texas A&M Univ., Student Programs, Box J-1, College Stn. TX 77840; e-mail: cv@tamu.edu; website: http://charlotte.tamu.edu/MSC/cepheid/variable/aggiecon COASTCON XXI (Mar 27-29 '98) Broadwater Beach Resort East, Biloxi MS; rms $75. GoHs: Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman. AGoH: David Cherry. Sci. GoH: Giselle Sleiman. FGoH: Ann Cavitt. Memb: $30 at door. Info: CoastCon XXI, Box 1423, Biloxi MS 39533; (228) 435-5217; e-mail: registration@coastcon.org; website: www.coastcon.org I-CON 17 (Mar 27-29 '98) SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY. Guests: Norman Spinrad, Frederik Pohl, James Morrow, more. Memb: $24 to 3/15/98, then $30. Info: I-CON, Box 550, Stony Brook NY 11790; (516) 632-6045; e-mail: info@iconsf.org; website: www.iconsf.org April 1998 MADICON 7 (Apr 3-5 '98) Taylor Hall, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Guests: TBA. Memb: TBA. Info: JMU Box 8202, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. 5 CON (Apr 3-5 '98) Smith College, Northampton MA. Memb.: $5.00. GoHs: Esther Friesner, Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald. Info: 98 Green St. Box 7950, Northampton MA 01063. Website: www.smith.edu/ssffs/5con, E-mail: jvoter@mail.smith.edu NORWESCON 21 (Apr 9-12 '98) Doubletree Hotel, SeaTac WA.; $90 sngl-quad, + $10 ea addl. GoH: Neil Gaiman. AGoH: Brian Froud. Sci. GoH: Pat MacEwan. FGoHs: Ruth Sachter & John Lorentz. Memb: $55. Info: Norwescon 21, Box 68547, Seattle WA 98168; e-mail: nwc@eskimo.com; website: www.webwitch.com/norwescon.html BALTICON 32 (Apr 10-12 '98) Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore MD; rms $104 + tax. GoH: Harry Turtledove. AGoH: Jody A. Lee. Sci. GoH: Yoji Kondo. Memb: $40 to 3/14/98, $45 at door. Info: Balticon 32, Box 686, Baltimore MD 21203; (410) 563-2737; e-mail: bsfs@access.digex.net; website: www.balticon.org MINICON 33 (Apr 10-12 '98) Radisson South (and other hotels), Minneapolis MN. FGoH: Dave Langford. Pub. GoH: Gardner Dozois. TM: John M. Ford. Memb: probably $70.20. Info: Minicon 33, P.O. Box 8297, Lake Street Station, Minneapolis MN 55408; (612) 333-7533; e-mail: info@minicon33.mnstf.org; website: www.mnstf.org/minicon/minicon33 INTUITION/EASTERCON '98 (Apr 10-13 '98) The Jarvis Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester UK. GoHs: Connie Willis, Ian McDonald. FGoH: Martin Tudor. Memb: £35; £15 supp. US agent: Sharon Sbarsky, Box 453, Needham MA 02194; e-mail: sbarsky@world.std.com Info: Intuition, 1 Waverly Way, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, SM5 3LQ, UK; e-mail: intuition@smof.demon.co.uk; website: www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~acb/intuition GALAXIALES '98 (Apr 16-19 '98) Nancy, France. Combined w/ 26th French Nat'l Con. GoHs: Poppy Z. Brite, Mike Resnick, Brian Stableford, Jean-Pierre Andrevon, Philippe Curval, Serge Lehman. Memb: 250FF. Info.: Galaxiales '98, c/o Stéphane Nicot, BP 3687, 54097 Nancy. Cedex, France; fax: +33-03-83406440. CONTRAPTION ... AFTER DARK (Apr 17-19 '98) Troy MI. GoHs: Nancy Baker, Christopher Stasheff. AGoH: Ray Van Tilberg. FGoHs: Bill & Phyllis Brener. Info: Contraption, Box 214055, Auburn Hills MI 48321; (810) 853-0736; e-mail: contraption@hamjudo.com EARTHSTATION EDMONTON '98 (Apr 17-19 '98) Regency Hotel, Edmonton AB, Canada. Guests: Richard Hatch, Dave Duncan. Memb: Day passes $15. Info: Earthstation Edmonton, Box 771 - Main Post Office, Edmonton AB Canada T5J 2L4; (403) 455-9315; e-mail: sfcon@oanet.com; website: www.tgx.com/sfcon NAME THAT CON 11 (Apr 17-19 '98) Holiday Inn Westport, nr. St. Louis MO. GoH: Nancy Springer. AGoH: J.R. Daniels. FGoH: William ''Bear'' Reed. TM: Mickey Zucker Reichert. Special Guest: Wilson ''Bob'' Tucker. Memb: $20 to 3/17/98, then $25. Info: Name That Con, c/o St. Charles SF/F Soc., Box 575, St. Charles MO 63302. SWANCON 23 (Apr 24-27 '98) Hotel Grand Chancellor, Perth, Australia; rms A$105 dbl/twin, A$125 triple. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. FGoH: Gina Goddard. Guests: Tess Williams, Jack Dann, Janeen Webb, Stephen Dedman, more. Memb: A$65 to 12/31/97, then more; A$20 supp; checks to WASFF - 1998 Swancon. Info: Swancon 23, GPO Box G429, Perth WA 6841, Australia; e-mail: swancon23@ucc.gu.uwe.edu.au; website: www.gu.uwa.edu.au/swancon PARTHECON XXVI [formerly Kubla Khan] (Apr 24-26 '98) Nashville TN. Guests: Joe Haldeman, Andrew J. Offut. Memb: $25 to 3/15/98, then $30. Info: Parthecon XXVI, c/o Patricia Clements, 710 Emily Drive, Goodlettsville TN 37072; (615) 850-2059; e-mail patsijean@msn.com; website: http://posiedon.tnstate.edu/parthecon TO BE CONTINUED... 1988 (Apr 24-26 '98) Ramada Inn, South Bend IN; rms $58. GoH: Geoffrey A. Landis. AGoH: Robin Wood. Filk GoH: Michael Longcor. FGoH: Diana Harlan Stein. Memb: $20 to 3/15/98, $25 at door. Info: MSFFA, Box 11231, South Bend IN 46634; (219) 272-7499; e-mail: msffa.1@nd.edu; website www.nd.edu/~msffa May 1998 DEMICON 9 (May 1-3 '98) Sheraton 4 Points Hotel, Des Moines IA; rms $69. GoH: George Alec Effinger. AGoH: W.J. Hodgson. FGoHs: Marshall & Dee Willis. TM: Rusty Hevelin. Memb: $35. Info: DemiCon 9, Box 7572, Des Moines IA 50322; e-mail: roth@netins.net; website: www.netins.net/showcase/dmsfs/demicon9 DISCLAVE 1998 (May 1-3 '98) College Park MD--CANCELLED MARCON 33 (May 1-3 '98) Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH; rms $99. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. AGoH: Robin Wood. Comics GoH: Julius Schwartz. Fantasy GoH: Joel Rosenberg. Sci. GoH: Dr. Tom Burns. Memb: $38 at door. Info: Marcon 32, Box 141414, Columbus OH 43214; (614) 475-8181; e-mail: info@marcon.org; website: www.marcon.org 1998 NEBULA AWARDS WEEKEND (May 1-3 '98) Hotel Santa Fe, Santa Fe NM. TM: Michael Cassutt. Author Emeritus: Nelson S. Bond. Keynote Speaker: Chris Crawford. Grand Master: Poul Anderson. Full package (incl. Banquet): $60; Meetings/parties only: $25. Info: SFWA Nebulas, Box 155, 11200 Montgomery NE #8, Albuquerque NM 87111; e-mail: 98nebulas@berserker.com; website: www.sfwa.org/awards/nebs1998.htm ROC*KON 22 (May 1-3 '98) Little Rock Hilton, Little Rock AR; rms $68/78/88. GoH: P.N. Elrod. AGoH: Jamie (''Myhr'') Murray. TM: Libby Singleton. Memb: $28 at door. Info: Roc*Kon 22, Box 24285, Little Rock AR 72221; fax: (501) 224-0204; e-mail: roc_kon@hotmail.co ; website: http://members.aol.com/MSMinLR/rockon.html INTERPRESSCON 1998 (May 4-8 '98) Razliv (nr. St. Petersburg), Russia. Foreign GoH: Harry Harrison. Russian national convention. Bronze Snail Awards. Memb: $150 (incl room & board). Info: Interpresscon, Box 358, 196158 St. Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: kir@pleshkov.spb.su 1998 WORLD HORROR CONVENTION (May 7-10 '98) Embassy Suites North, Phoenix AZ; rms $105 sngl/dbl, $115 tpl, $125 quad. GoH: Brian Lumley. AGoH: Bernie Wrightson. Pub. GoH: Tom Doherty. TM: John Steakley. Memb:$100 to 5/10/98. Info: 1998 World Horror Con, Box 61565, Phoenix AZ 85082; (602) 941-3438 (voice mail) or 945-6890; e-mail: whc98@otsp.com or mwillmoth@compuserve.com; website: www.otsp.com/otsp/whc98 CONDUIT 8: PIRATES OF CONDUIT (May 15-17 '98) Airport Hilton, Salt Lake City UT; $69 dbl, tub ste. $160. GoH: David Brin. AGoH: Arthur Roberg. Guests: D.C. Fontana, Steve Jackson, more. Memb: $32. Info: Conduit 8, Box 11745, Salt Lake City UT 84147; (801) 273-0443; e-mail: 74014.2540@compuserve.com; website: www.business.utah.edu/~dofjhw/conduit KEYCON 15 (May 15-17 '98) Ramada Marlborough, Winnipeg MB, Canada; rms C$70 sngl/dbl, C$80 tpl, C$90 quad. GoHs: Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith. AGoHs: Frank Kelly Freas, Laura Brodian Freas. FGoH: Connie Lyon. Memb: C$50 at door. Info: Keycon 15, Box 3178, Winnipeg MB R3C 4E6, Canada; e-mail: cdant@awnet.com; website: www.icenter.net/~stornel/keycon/Keycon.htm LEPRECON 24 (May 15-17 '98) Francisco Grande Resort, Casa Grande AZ. GoH: Tim Powers. AGoH: Janny Wurts. Media GoH: David Gerrold. Special Guest: Don Maitz. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Leprecon 24, Box 26665, Tempe AZ 85285; (602) 945-6890 (Mike Willmoth); e-mail: lep24@casfs.org; website: www.casfs.org/LepreCon OASIS 11 (May 15-17 '98) Radisson Plaza Orlando, Orlando FL; rms $75. GoH: Larry Niven. AGoH: Mary Hanson-Roberts. Filk GoH: Tom Smith. Guests: Ben Bova, Richard Lee Byers, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Jack C. Haldeman II, Mike Resnick, more. Memb: $25 at door. Info: Oasis 11, Box 940992, Maitland FL 32794-0992; (407) 263-5822; website: www.gate.net/~popovich/oasis.html VCON 23 (May 15-17 '98) The Surrey Inn, Surrey BC, Canada. GoH: David Gerrold. AGoH: Mike Jackson. Memb: US$30/C$40. Info: VCON 23 c/o Les Shewchuk, #316 - 4683 Arbutus St., Vancouver BC, V6J 4A3, Canada; (604) 261-4895; e-mail: les@portal.ca; website: http://spellbinder.bc.ca/bcsfa/cons.htm BAYCON 1998 (May 22-25 '98) Doubletree Hotel, San Jose CA; rms $81/83/91. GoH: S.M. Stirling. AGoH: Alicia Austin. Memb: $50 to 5/15/98, then $60. Info: Baycon 1998, PO Box 610427, San Jose, CA 95161-0427; (408) 450-1788; e-mail: info@baycon.org; website: www.baycon.org CONQUEST 29 (May 22-24 '98) Park Place Hotel, Kansas City MO; rms $53, $65 ste. GoH: K.W. Jeter. AGoH: Keith Berdak. FGoH: Gerald Burton. TM: Darrell K. Sweet. Memb: $25. Info: ConQuesT 29, Box 36212, Kansas City MO 64171; (913) 768-0779; e-mail: sfreader@unicom.net; website: http://home.unicom.net/~sfreader/ConQuesT.htm LIBERTYCON 12 (May 22-24 '98) Ramada Inn South [new site], Chattanooga TN; rms $52. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. AGoH: Lubov. Sci. GoH: Wendy Webb. TM: Wilson ''Bob'' Tucker. Memb: $35 (limit 450). Info: LibertyCon 12, Box 695, Hixson TN 37343-0695; e-mail: libcon@cdc.net; website: www.cdc.net/~libcon SFRA CONFERENCE 1998 (May 22-25 '98) Holiday Inn Sunspree, Scottsdale AZ; rms $62, $92 ste. GoH: Hal Clement. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. Memb:$95 to 5/15/98, $105 at door. Banquet only: $25. Info: Phoenix 1998 SFRA Conference, c/o B. Diane Miller, 4304 N. Marmora Ave., Chicago IL 60634-1739; (773) 202-8081; e-mail: d.miller14@genie.com WISCON 22 (May 22-25 '98) Concourse Hotel, Madison WI; rms $83 sngl-quad. GoH: Sheri S. Tepper. Guests: Delia Sherman, Ellen Kushner. Dealer table: $25 1st, $30 2nd, $35 3rd (+ memb); info: Hank Luttrell, (608) 251-6226. Memb: $50 at door; 1-day $15 Fri., $25 Sat. or Sun. Info: WisCon 22, c/o SF3, Box 1624, Madison WI 53701-1624; (608) 233-8850; e-mail: wiscon.concom@lists.best.com; website: www.sf3.org/wiscon CONSTRUCTION (May 30-Jun 1 '98) West Plaza Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand. GoH: Neil Gaiman. New Zealand National Con. Info: Construction, Box 11-559, Manners St., Wellington, New Zealand; 0-4-477-3300; e-mail: templer@ihug.co.nz; website: http://whau.its.vuw.ac.nz:8080/con MAGIC CARPET CON VI, Chattanooga TN – POSTPONED TO April 9-11,1999. Info: (website) www.xenite.org/boards/mcc/mccboard.htm June 1998 HWA ANNUAL MEETING/STOKER AWARDS DINNER (Jun 4-7 '98) Marriott East Side, New York NY; rms $199 sngl/dbl, (800) 228-9290 mention HWA for special rate. Awards ceremony Sat. night. Memb: $65 program and banquet, $40 program only. Info: Horror Writers Association, P.O. Box 50577, Palo Alto CA 94303; e-mail: hwa@horror.org; website: http://www.horror.org AD ASTRA 18 (Jun 5-7 '98) The Radisson Hotel, Toronto ON Canada; rms C$85. GoH: Robert J. Sawyer, Glen Cook. Ed. GoH: Josepha Sherman. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. Memb: C$35 to 5/15/98, C$40 at door. Info: Ad Astra 18, Box 7276 - Stn. ''A'', Toronto ON, M5W 1X9, Canada; e-mail: ia@yorku.ca; website: http://terra.phys.yorku.ca/~white/adastra.html TACHY9CON (Jun 5-7 '98) Adam's Mark Hotel, Orlando FL. Guests: Rowena Morrill and media guests. Memb: $25. Info: Tachy9con, PO Box 3382, Winter Park FL 32790-3382. E-mail tachycon@ao.net. Website: www.ao.net/~tachycon THYLACON II (Jun 5-8 '98) Hadley's Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; rms A$95/110. Australian Nat'l SF Con. GoHs: Leanne Frahm, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Sara Douglas. Memb: A$75; A$20 supp. Info: Thylacon II, Box 55, Battery Point, TAS 7004, Australia; e-mail: robinjohnson@southcom.au; website: www.trump.net.au/~s_newman/thylacon2 PICNICON (Jun 7, '98) Schiller Woods Shelter 11, Schiller Park IL. website: http://www.xnet.com/~ramchip/isfic/pcon.htm; email shsilver@ameritech.net. DEEPSOUTHCON 36 (Jun 12-14 '98) Ramada Inn, Birmingham AL; rms $74 dbl, $84 king; $100 ste. GoH: Michael Bishop. AGoHs: David & Lori Deitrick. FGoHs: Buck & Juanita Coulson. TM: Wilson Tucker. Memb: $25 to 5/15/98, then $35; payable to Deborah Rowan. Info: DeepSouthCon 36, Box 94151, Birmingham AL 35220; e-mail: jlwall@usit.net; website: www.bham.net/bisfic/dsc/index.html DUCKON VII (Jun 12-14 '98) Ramada Inn O'Hare, Rosemont IL. GoH: Glen Cook. AGoH: David Lee Anderson. Memb: $40 at door. Info: DucKon VII, Box 4843, Wheaton IL 60189; e-mail: duckon@wwa.com; website: http://shoga.wwa.com/~duckon ELSTERCON 4/FREUNDESKRIES SCIENCE FICTION (June 12-14 '98) Leipzig, Germany. GoHs: Thomas M. Disch, Nancy Kress, Charles Sheffield, Jesco v. Puttkamer, Daniel Walther. Memb: TBA. E-mail info: DirBerger@aol.com; website: www.uni-leipzig.de/~braatz/FKSFL/ELSTERCO/Elstercon98.htm MIDWESTCON 49 (Jun 25-28 '98) Blue Ash Hotel & Conf. Ctr., Cincinnati OH. Relaxacon. Info (web site) www.cfg.org/midwestcon CONESTOGA '98 (Jun 26-28 '98) Sheraton Tulsa, Tulsa OK. GoH: Connie Willis. AGoH: David Cherry. Special Guest: Carole Nelson Douglas. TM: Wm. Mark Simmons. FGoHs: Susan & Jim Satterfield. Memb: $25. Info: Conestoga '98, Box 54037, Tulsa OK 74155; (918) 836-5463; e-mail: K.Wentworth@genie.com; website: www.ionet.net/~rlmorgan/kon/conestoga.html CONFUSE 98: THE 1998 SWECON (Jun 26-28 '98) Ryds Herrgård, Linköping, Sweden. GoHs: Paul J. McAuley, Jane Routley, Niklas Krog. Memb: 200 SEK ($25), 50 SEK ($7) supp. Info: Hans Persson, Domaregaten 8, SE-586 63 Linköping, Sweden; e-mail: confuse@lysator.liu.se; website: www.lysator.liu.se/confuse PARACON 20 (Jun 26-28 '98) Days Inn Penn State, State College PA. GoH: James Morrow. Special Guest: Kate Elliott. AGoH: Wayne Hansen. Memb: $25 to 5/31/98, then $35. Info: Paracon 20, c/o Mountain Books, 109-111 S. Pugh St., State College PA 16801; (814) 234-9712; e-mail: usedbook@vicon.net SHORE LEAVE 20 (Jun 26-28 '98) Hunt Valley Marriott, Hunt Valley MD. Memb: $45 to 5/30/98, $50 at door.Info: Shore Leave 20, Box 6809, Towson MD 21285; (410) 821-5563; e-mail: ShoreLeave@aol.com or heyer@stsci.edu; website: http://members.aol.com/ShoreLeave |
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