Site Update Checklist Locus banner
The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field

This is another the secret page maintained by the webmaster.


  1. Scan the cover
    1. Scan the front cover of the issue. Set the image size to 8 1/2 by 11, then adjust with the mouse as necessary. Set the image type to Sharp millions of colors, and set the scale to 85%; the resultant file will be just over a megabyte. Save as tif format, e.g. cov9708.tif.
    2. Retouch the scan as necessary, to remove spots, wrinkles, etc. Try colorfilling the entire outside border to a sample of the sharp red. Also crop edges if the scan went over the edge of the page. Save the result either as the principle file or a new file (e.g. cov9708rt.tif).
    3. From the retouched scan, resample down to a 200-pixel width. Note the pixel height. Save this file as a gif, e.g. cov9708.gif, in the covers subdirectory.
    4. From the retouched scan, resample down to a 100-pixel width. Again note the pixel height; save this as a thumbnail gif, e.g. th9708.gif, in the covers subdirectory.
  2. Edit the cover page (index.htm) to show the new thumbnail cover image--include sizing and alt tags.
  3. Edit the Current Issue page (current.htm)...
  4. Copy the new current Issue page as the page for that issue profile, e.g. 'loc9708.htm', and modify the page title accordingly and remove the 'coming next issue' info.
  5. Prepare the interview-excerpt pages.
  6. Update the Interviews page to add links to the new issue and new interview pages.
  7. Update the Interview Index page with the new interview subjects.
  8. Update the Back Issues page with the previous month's issue.
  9. Update the About this Site page site history item.
  10. Update the cover page last update date.
  11. Modify Breaking News as appropriate for material to be removed or re-referenced.
  12. Modify Site index page for issue profile, interview links.

(These are: ship1..ship2..ship3..ship4..ship5..ship6..ship7..ship8)