Table of Contents, February 1991

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1991-02

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Marianne S. Jablon
Leslie A. Miller
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
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Table of Contents
Ace ………………………………… 16,30,59
Avon ………………………………………… 18
Baen …………………………………2,32,80
Bantam ……………………………… 78,79
Charnel House ……………………….. 24
Book Montage……………….. (SRC) 1
Alis Rasmussen………………(CNB) 4
Poul Anderson, Fritz Leiber,
Robert Silverberg……….. (SRC) 4
Faren Miller, Charles N. Brown,
Tom Whitmore, Fritz Leiber,
Carolyn Cushman, Karen Haber,
Lisa Mason, Tom Robinson, Janet
Gluckman, Kevin J. Anderson,
Lisa Goldstein …………… (SRC) 4
Marion Zimmer Bradley,
Del R e y ……………………………… 10,44
Dell A b y s s …………………………………22
Fritz Leiber…………………. (SRC) 4
Leslie Miller, Marianne Jablon,
Faren Miller, Fritz Leiber,
Charles N. Brown……….. (SRC) 4
Kristine Kathryn Rusch …. (CNB) 5
Samuel R. Delany………….(CNB) 5
A.E. van Vogt ………………..(CNB) 8
J.G. Ballard…………………….(CNB) 8
Dan Simmons…………………. (BG) 8
Freelander Pu b lish in g …………….. 12
Robert G avora …………………………. 57
Putnam …………………………………….58
T o r……………………………………… 14,20
Warner Q ues tar………………………..26
Kristine Kathryn Rusch …. (NKH) 8
Mark & Julia Smith ………..(CNB) 8
Sharon Green ………………..(CNB) 9
Gary L Bennett…………………. (F) 9
Michael Swanwick…………….. (F) 9
Charles de Lint …………………. (F) 9
Fritz Leiber…………………………. (F) 13
Wim Gijson ……………………….. (F) 71
Don C. Thompson…………….. (F) 71
Wilmar H. Shiras…………….. (PN) 71
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (SRC) Shelly Rae Clift, (F) furnished, (BG) Beth Gwinn, (NKH) Nina
Kiriki Hoffman; (PN) Paul Nelson.
ISSUE #361, VOL 26 NO. 2, February 1991, Mailing Date: February 6,1991
LOCUS February 1991/3
Kristine Kathryn Rusch New F&SF E d ito r…………5
N ew Amazing Imminent………………………………………6
A Change of Hobbit Closes……………………………….. 6
World Fantasy Awards Judges: 1991 ………………….6
St. Martin’s/Tor to Skip ABA ……………………………. 7
Book War in B rita in ……………………………………………7
Censorship in Canada………………………………………….7
Publishing N ews………………………………………………….. 7
Bookstore N ews………………………………………………….. 7
Announcements………………………………………………… 73
Awards ………………………………………………………………73
Market News ……………………………………………………. 73
Publications R eceived………………………………………..73
Catalogs R eceived……………………………………………..73
Alis A Rasmussen:
To Middle E arth and the S ta rs ………………………. 4
Samuel R. Delany: Teaching to L e a rn ………………..5
Recommended Reading
by Charles N. Brown………………………………………34
by Faren M ille r…………………………………………….. 34
by Dan Chow………………………………………………… 35
by Russell Letson ………………………………………….35
by Edward B ry an t………………………………………….37
by Carolyn Cushman …………………………………… 38
by Tom Whitmore…………………………………………. 39
by Scott W in n e tt……………………………………………39
by Mark R. Kelly (Short F ic tio n )………………….43
by Michael Swanwick (Short Fiction) ………….. 75
by Paul S. Clift (A rt)………………………………………76
Recommended Reading List 1990 …………………… 40
Book Summary 1990 …………………………………………. 45
Magazine Summary 1990 …………………………………. 48
Cinema Summary 1990 by Frank M. Robinson .. 52
Fritz L eiber at 8 0 ………………………………………………… 4
Around the Bookstores ………………………………………9
People & Publishing……………………………………………8
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis ………………………. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber ……………….. 13
Locus L e tte rs ……………………………………………………. 72
Editorial M a tte rs……………………………………………….72
Reviews by Faren M ille r …………………………………..15
Carve the Sky, Alexander Jablokov; Night of the
Cooters, Howard Waldrop; Nightlife, Brian
Hodge; The Flies of Memory, Ian Watson;
Dracula Unbound, Brian W. Aldiss; Down the
Bright Way, Robert Reed. SHORT TAKES:
Faerie Lands Forlorn, Dave Duncan; R eturn of
the Breakneck Boys, Geary Gravel; The
Paratwa, Christopher Hinz.
Reviews by Russell Letson: ……………………………… 17
Stations of the Tide, Michael Swanwick; Pacific
Edge, Kim Stanley Robinson; Days of Atonement,
Walter Jon Williams; The Singers of Time,
Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson.
Reviews by Dan Chow:……………………………………..21
The Singers of Time, Frederik Pohl & Jack
Williamson; The Longest Voyage/Slow Lightning,
Poul Anderson/Steve Popkes; The Ragged
World, Judith Moffett; The Silicon Man,
Charles Platt.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………… 23
The Hereafter Gang, Neal Barrett, Jr.; Mongster,
Randall Boyll; Where the Chill Waits, T.
Chris Martindale; Hotter Blood, Jeff Gelb &
Michael Garrett, eds.; Demonic Color, Pauline
Dunn; Summer of Night, Dan Simmons.
SHORT TAKES: Banished Dreams, Dan
Simmons; The Man of the Future, Edward
Bryant; Fairytales, Steve Rasnic Tem; Tapping
the Vein: Book Four, Fred Burke; Pelts, F. Paul
Wilson; Justify My Love, Madonna.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ………………………… 27
Horses of Heaven, Gillian Bradshaw; Deryni
Magic: A Grimoire, Katherine Kurtz; Most
Ancient Song, Casey Flynn; Hidden Fires,
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel; Redwork, Michael
Bedard; Out of the Ordinary, Annie Dalton;
The Scathach and Maeve’s Daughters, Mary
Alexander Walker, The Dragon’s Boy, Jane
Yolen; Heart of Valor, L.J. Smith; Sing for a
Gentle Rain, J. Alison James.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore: ……………………………. 29
The Adventures of Doctor Eszterhazy, Avram
Davidson; Transition, Vonda N. McIntyre; The
Deceiver, Louise Cooper; Achilles’ Choice,
Larry Niven & Steven Barnes; The Infinite
Kingdoms, Michael Rutherford. SHORT
TAKES: Dealing With Dragons, Patricia C.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: …………………….. 31
The Shadow Gate, Margaret Ball; Mojo and the
Pickle Jar, Douglas Bell; Mongster, Randall
Boyll; The Dream Compass, Jeff Bredenberg;
Gnome Man’s Land, Esther M. Friesner; The
Palm Dome, Liz Fulton; The Mutant Prime,
Karen Haber, Vampires Anonymous, Jeffrey
N. McMahan; Wild Cards VIII: One-Eyed
Jacks, George R. R. Martin, ed.; Live from
Earth, Lance Olsen; The Sword of Samurai
Cat, Mark E. Rogers; Weird Tales, Spring 1991.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly: …………………………………………. 33
Omni 2/91; F&SF 2/91; Amazing 3/91; Eidolon
Spring 90; More Tales from the Forbidden
Planet, Roz Kaveney, ed.
Magazines Received—December……………………..54
Books Received—December……………………………. 55
British Books—November……………………………….. 64
Bestsellers ……………………………………………………….. 70
Wim Gijsen ……………………………………………………… 71
Don C. Thompson…………………………………………….. 71
An Appreciation by Edward Bryant……………… 71
Wilmar H. Shiras………………………………………………. 71